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(Message started by: Stealing on Dec 19th, 2003, 9:59am)

Title: First posting
Post by Stealing on Dec 19th, 2003, 9:59am
This is my first posting as a member, I have been on the site before to research into the headaches I have been having. I have been to see several specialists who have suggested things such as the fact that I am double jointed, and tension as causes for my headaches but yesterday I went to see a neuroligist in Bristol who finaly understood! I am being sent for an MRI scan to rule out other nasty things but he is pretty sure that I suffer from Cluster Headaches. I feel so relieved to at least have someone confirm my suspicions. I know that it is going to be a long battle but I feel much happier knowing that there are other people out there who understand.
This web site has helped me understand a lot about Cluster Headaches and I will be trying to persuade my doctor that I need to try some of the relief methods mentioned on the site.
I have one question that I haven't yet found any suggestions for and that is how to deal with work, I have just started a new job and am pretty sure I will have an attack in the next month or so. I have the Clusters for a roughly a Month solid every three months and ovbiously it is difficult. If anyone has any comments on this at all it would be very helpfull.

Thanks for being here. :D

Title: Re: First posting
Post by don on Dec 19th, 2003, 10:05am
Take a look here

Title: Re: First posting
Post by thomas on Dec 19th, 2003, 10:07am
Tell your boss about it up-front.  That's what I did here 5 years ago.  He's very understanding, it also helps that I don't miss work for anything except my morning battles with the Beast.

Title: Re: First posting
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 19th, 2003, 10:08am
Welcome.  Read, read, and READ! Loads of helpful information and lots of helpful people around here.


Title: Re: First posting
Post by Stealing on Dec 19th, 2003, 10:17am
Thanks for that form, It looks ideal.

I haven't yet mentioned the headaches to my boss but as suggested, maybe it is better to get it out of the way now. I have thought of setting up my own business so that I can work around the Headaches and the affect the medication takes on me so I think I will start putting this into action, enough dilly dalling, time to start making things happen.

thanks :)

Title: Re: First posting
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 19th, 2003, 2:49pm

Just wanted to add my welcome too.
I’m sad because you are a CH sufferer, but pleased to welcome another unlucky to this board.

I wish you all the best, Zaira

Title: Re: First posting
Post by Charlie on Dec 19th, 2003, 3:01pm
Welcome to the fold.  

You have found people who actually know what you mean when you say cluster headache and that it has no relationship to what others think of as "headache."

You'll find some good ideas that will help you deal with this horror. Let us know how you make out.

Don's link is a good one and the following is a letter from the UK site that is worth copying to give to employers and anyone who needs to understand:

This one is a technique that was very helpful to me:

I hope you stick around. We could use some new blood.


Title: Re: First posting
Post by Prense on Dec 19th, 2003, 7:44pm

on 12/19/03 at 09:59:58, Stealing wrote:
I have one question that I haven't yet found any suggestions for and that is how to deal with work, I have just started a new job and am pretty sure I will have an attack in the next month or so. I have the Clusters for a roughly a Month solid every three months and ovbiously it is difficult. If anyone has any comments on this at all it would be very helpfull.

FAST acting abortive...  Since I began using Imitrex injections, I have not missed any work due to CH other than scheduled appointments.  I'm not saying trex will work for you, but find something that works rapidly.

BTW, welcome aboard!

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