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(Message started by: Elaine on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:11pm)

Title: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Elaine on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:11pm
I been sick with a really bad cold the last few days. JD is sick also. Well today Deveny came home from work to help look after the baby. I had one last thing to get for Christmas so I headed to Wal Mart alone.

I am walking around looking for this one last thing for Buddy. I got a cramp in between my chest and stomach. I ok maybe I need to use the ladys room, so I leave my cart and head to the ladies room. Just before I get there I get this hell of a pain in my hip. I mean I thought I was going to fall. I walbbled to the restroom, get in a stall, and oh my God I got diarrea, and my leg and hip is killing me. I grab my cell phone and think Oh God please don't let me die in the wal mart tolit! I don't know why I grabed my cell phone who was I going to call ? I was already talking to God, didn't need anyone else. After about 45 minutes I hobbled out and stright to my truck. The only thing I can think of is God was watching out for everyone at wal mart I did not have a cluter durning it all! OH THANK YOU GOD!
I did call Buddy and told him I was having a hard time. He just happen to be close by and followed me home. I hobbled to my chair and have been afraid to get up! OK I am board just sitting here I guess you can tell, I just thought I would share this wonderful Wa Mart story!
Hope it brightens someone day !

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by BobG on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:16pm
Lady sure lead an interesting life  [smiley=laugh.gif]

That may have been a little more than we needed to know but hope you're feeling better now.

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Little Deb on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:34pm
stay AWAY from Buddy's cooking Elaine!!! [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Charlie on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:38pm

I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!

Give them time. Soon we'll be born, weaned, eddicakted and have little kids named Sam. Wed, fed and ded at Walmart. Probably buried at a Walmart very near you too.

Glad you made it E  :o


Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by don on Dec 18th, 2003, 10:40pm
If you were gonna die at WalMart at least you weren't in the cashier line.

Nobody would have noticed for days.

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:17pm
OMG Elaine.  Even before I opened this I was laughing my ass off and thinking.......Yet another story to add to that book you're gonna someday write.

oh Hon..I'm so sorry.  Glad you had a cell phone handy.


Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by 5-string on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:19pm
It's just God telling you not to shop at Wal Mart. That's all.
Wall Mart is evil.
 I heard my father say once "If the owner does'nt work there,don't shop there." I try to stick to that.except when I need gas,and/or cigarettes I generally don't give a damn. 8)

But seriously, I'm sorry you're not felling well Elaine.

Did the owner work at the place you had lunch at? huh?

 I'm feeling kinda goofy tonight. Just slap me, I'm sorry :-X

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:28pm
For what seems to be the first time ever...

... I have no idea how to be a complete a.sshole in answering this post....

Contrats, Elaine... you've befuddled this bastard...

-Big Speachless

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by don on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:31pm

"If the owner does'nt work there,don't shop there." I try to stick to that.except when I need gas,and/or cigarettes

Yup that could get expensive. You would have to dive to Saudi Arabia for gas and then swing by the 7/11 over in India for Butts.

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Callico_Kid on Dec 19th, 2003, 1:43am

When are you going to start a newspaper column?  YOu beat the heck out of Erma Bombeck, and now that she is gone there is nothing good to read in the papers anyway!

You are always good to keep the spirits up by the way you find so much humor in life.  BTW, you had God on the line already, and MY cellphone doesn't reach Him!  Glad He's always close enough to hear us w/o it. :D


Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by don on Dec 19th, 2003, 9:43am

When are you going to start a newspaper column?

Dont get her started. There will be another OUCH Committee I have to keep track of.

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 19th, 2003, 10:18am
Oh!  Good thing you made it out...  To die in a WalMart toilet...  I'm afraid Saint Peter would have turned you away at the gates!  It is one of those mortal offenses...

Glad you are OK.


Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:38am
Oh Elaine!  I'm glad you're ok and made it out of Walmart!

I boycott Walmart! LOL  It scares me to walk in that place.  I don't know if y'all have those super-walmart things where you have the grocery store half and the regular walmart half?  Well first of all, I can't even FIND anything in that place without taking an hour and a half!  I go in looking for an envelope, and it takes me one hour just to find the "office" section...and even the Walmart workers don't know!  They're like..."Hey girl, that section is out of my territory.  Walk east about 5 miles, and you might find someone over there who can help you!"  REALLY the place scares me!  Haha

But Elaine...glad you made it out!  That would be my worst nightmare to die in Walmart!

~Lizzie :)

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Tiannia on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:45am

on 12/18/03 at 22:40:50, don wrote:
If you were gonna die at WalMart at least you weren't in the cashier line.

Nobody would have noticed for days.

You are very right Don. Even at 5 in the morning the lines are too friggin long.

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Mikey on Dec 19th, 2003, 12:24pm
Oh Elaine, what a story!!  Myself, i never go to Wal Fart! The very first time i ever went to a Wal fart, my brand new car sustained $600.00 in damage from a shopping cart.  Some redneck had used the buggy somehow to do the damage with, because when i came out of the store and seen what had happen, the buggy was still setting in the huge dent that it had made.  The reason i know someone had to do it, was because the damage was so forceful that the buggy would have bounced off of the car and rolled else where, but it didn't, it was still sitting there like it was placed there.  When i told the store manager about the damage that the cart had made to my car, he said that there was nothing he could do about it.  Well i couldn't even get a number from that redneck so i had to find one myself to call, and when i finally reached the proper person, i was shocked at how fast they responded and actually took care of the entire repair bill, no questions asked.

After a week past, a friend of mine told me that they had signs up saying that they were no longer responsible for buggy damage done to cars in the parking lot.  Well that scared me away forever!!

I swear, you can't have nothing nice now days without some redneck distroying it!!  Wal Fart is redneck heaven!!

Mikey DON'T like Wal Fart... >:(

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Elaine on Dec 19th, 2003, 12:33pm
Mikey they told ya wrong! My brother who keeps a cam in his car had the same thing happen. He took pictures of all the carts all over the paking lot. The manager told him the same thing, but wal mart is responisable if they are not geathering up carts like they should. My brother got his paid for. If the buggy places are full and there is no where to park the cart then they are responisable.
Those signs don't mean a lot if you have the right defence :-)!
Now me I park my truck way up at the top of the parking lot. I need to walk! My truck don't get hit!
How does a peerson NOT shop there? I love it!  One stop and I get everything even gas LOL! :-)

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by ave on Dec 19th, 2003, 2:31pm
Yeah, sure, ou got gas, you got diarrhea, you got a pain in the ass hip, what more can you want, lol!

Glad you mad eit out, sorry you are bored and sorry if you are still in pain, but you did make me laugh.


Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Mikey on Dec 19th, 2003, 3:53pm
Ya know E, you are right about that, and they did fix my car, and i did park it away from all the other cars, (cause it was new) and it happen to me anyway.  The manager said it had to be a runnaway buggy, and i told him, that would even be more his responsibility!! Don't get me wrong, my wife continues to shop there, but not me, because mainly the crowd and hassel.  I get aggravated really easy anyway, and that and me in a crowd of rednecks, don't mix.....even though i've been called one a time or two...hehehe. ;)

See ya in January E!

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Paigelle on Dec 19th, 2003, 3:55pm
See, this is just another good reason to avoid Walmart.  If you go there, you get sick.

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by minnie on Dec 19th, 2003, 5:00pm
Elaine I'm sorry you got so sick hope your feeling better.I shop at wallyworld not only because of prices but because all of our local department stores have closed.we only had K=mart, ames and walmart.Ames went out of business and k-mart closed our and I refuse to go to the over priced over crowded mall(lived there as a teen though).
       Tuesday I spent 45 minutes in line at the service desk of our walmart.the people in line behind me got a managers attention and yelled at her.she shook her head and said there was nothing she could do she didn't have enough hours to staff accurately. >:(
By the time I left there my back hurt soooo bad ,next morning I could still barely move.I don't even want to think of going to wallyworld again :(.
             Oh well tis the season  for both crowded stores  and the flu.
     minnie who parks in the far end of parking lots cause all the good spots are taken  :D   :D    :D

Title: Re: I thought I was going to die in Wal Mart!
Post by Mikey on Dec 19th, 2003, 5:18pm
Oh, wasn't this shitty of me Elaine, i forgot the whole meaning of the post.....sheesh.....your feeling sick, and hurting!  I sure hope that you get to feeling better before Christmas gets here!!  Lord knows you don't need more stuff than you got going on already!

As always E, you're in my prayers!!!!!

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