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(Message started by: Ouch on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:33am)

Post by Ouch on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:33am
IM  at wits  end! Ive hurt for  7 years.   Please give some tips and info.

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Kirk on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:38am
OK take a deeeeep breath you're amongst friends. Most of the info you need fast is to the left the quiz is a good start. then come back and lets get to know each other and get helpOK


Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:39am
need more info OUCH  

If you can type you should be able to tell us:

where it hurts
when it hurts
how often it hurts

what you've tried.
have you read the links to the left of here.?
we need to have this info if you want us to help.


Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Ouch on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:48am
I have had them all day!  I guess its the cycle. Am i right?  Im 25  I do drink, and smoke.  But what im asking is what do yall do during an attack to find comfort?  I am on medication, but does not help once an attack begins. How long have you suffered? Im all ears for advice!

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Kirk on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:54am
We need some info here.

Read Linda's post and give us the info please or we can't help


Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Ouch on Dec 18th, 2003, 2:02am
It always hurts on the right side.  My eye swells and it throbs. It hurts several times a day. It wakes me up from sleeping. Imitrex...... does help.  My doctor gave me 5 shots to take home. The first one almost knoked me out..... I wasted the second one because i didnt know how to load the siringe.....the third really helped. But im afraid to take the last two....Because of cost. Like I said my doctor gave me 5 (shots) ..... Is it costly?  What can i do during an attack?    

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 18th, 2003, 2:21am
Did you take the quiz ? Did you read the Imitrex tip ? How long do your CH last ? What do you do during an attack. Lie still, move around ? Does noise bother you ? Darkness ? Eye get running ? Nose ?

You still have not given enough info. What did your doc say ? Have you been to a neuro ? What test have been done on you ?

We cannot help without knowing alot of facts. Plus no-one here is a doc that I know of. Anything suggested is just that. We cannot possibly evaluate your condition and recommend procedure.

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Woobie on Dec 18th, 2003, 3:07am
Do you mean to ABORT an attack??   Have you tried Oxygen?

Have you been DIAGNOSED with clusters?  

Welcome to the'll find what you need here


Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by hootchdom on Dec 18th, 2003, 3:11am

Welcome aboard, you are amongst many who know what kind of hell you are going through right now. We know it hurts.

This is a great support network and you will get a lot of great and varied advice. The more information you can provide the more we can return. Take your time in providing the information because there is always someone around and sooner or latter someone will respond to your post.

Like the previous responses we need some more information. A good place to start would be how long have you been getting the headaches? What other medication are you on other than the Imitrex? How many headaches a day do you get? What KIP scale are your headaches? (See link to left to rate headaches)  Is this the first time you have had headaches likes this? How long do your headaches last? And feel free to add anything else you desire.

I see you are being treated by a doctor for the headaches and that is great. Imitrex is very expensive. If you are going without insurance I’m sure it will be an issue. Hopefully some others may have some advice. The cheapest abortive is probably the oxygen. Once again see the link on the left. You can set yourself up through a welding supply shop pretty inexpensive and oxygen has a great success rate for a lot of people if they hit a headache early enough. Do a search of the archives.

Once again welcome Ouch, remember you’re not alone. Hang in there and battle.


Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 18th, 2003, 3:34am
Read, read, read, read!!!!  Did I mention READ?  There is SO much information here!!!

Oxygen!  It is a God send to most of us, BUT it must be taken properly!  See the oxygen info button on the left.  You need a non-rebreathing mask, and able to administer it at the rate of 8 to 15 lpm (litre per minute).  Machines do not produce that much.  You need a tank.  It is one of the most effective abortive (stops a headache once it starts), is quite cheap, and has almost no side effects.

Another abortive attempt, is hot or cold.  When O2 (oxygen) is not working for me, I have a bag of frozen peas in the freezer that I put on the back of my head.  Some put it on their forehead, eye, neck, or where ever it helps.  Others have successs with hot.  Standing under a scalding (almost) hot shower, on the back of your head or neck, or very hot washcloths in the same places as the cold.  Others have good luck with alternating between hot and cold treatments.  Many turn the air conditioner (in the house or in your car) down VERY low, and let it blow directly on you.

Another that works for many folks is the water treatment.  See the button on the left, water X 3.

You have not mentioned what tests you have had done.  It is VERY important to have a CAT scan and MRI to make sure there is not something else causing this. Tumors or clots can cause similar symptoms, and MUST be taken care of, as they can kill, cluster headaches cannot (without assistance).

I hope some of this helps you deal with this.  you need to get on preventative meds.  Verapamil and Lithium are two that are used a lot.  Unfortunately, you will have to go thru a time of trial and error until you get the medication or combination of meds that work for you.

Good luck, and keep us informed as to how you are doing.


Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Charlie on Dec 18th, 2003, 4:15am
Welcome to the fold and sorry you had reason to find us. It’s clear that you’re suffering and while there are no magic bullets yet, there are some things that may help. Imitrex is certainly one and the others have some real experience with it. I have no drug experience other than Inderal which is Propranolol. While this beta blocker helped me, it hasn’t been effective for many others. One thing I recommend trying is fairly violent exercise. Very fast waking, running, treadmill or what ever you can do that requires some circulation to your muscles. This can sometimes shorten the attacks.  Oxygen is one of the most reliable abortives and I hope you look into it. Another thing to try is taking a long shower, perhaps one that is a bit on the cool side. Water can be effective.

Here is a link to my circulatory technique that can be very effective if you follow the instructions. Dr. Wright pretty much saved my sanity. It’s not as unorthodox as it sounds and others have had good success as well:

Please stick around. You’ll find a lot of very helpful ideas in following posts and hopefully some answers to your questions. This is a very frustrating syndrome but I guarantee you’ll find some ways to help cope with this horror from us.

Let us know how things are going and post again.


Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 18th, 2003, 4:49am
Welcome to the Clusterville family.

When mine first hit, I try black coffee and 3 Excedrin. This sometimes aborts them if I get to it soon enough. But too much Excedrin can cause "rebound" headaches, so you have to watch it.  

O2 helps most of us.

I take cafergot. It's not quite as expensive as Imitrex and works better for me. I usually keep the pills and suppositories handy (don't leave home without them).

Be sure to have the CAT and MRI done. That rules out other things.

Read everything on this site and take the Cluster quiz. Then go armed for bear with info when you visit your doc.

Stay around and we'll help you get thru this.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Ouch on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:09am
I understand what your saying!!!!!! Take this sceniro!  Your directing school traffic (like i do everyday) and all of a sudden we go an attack! What do you do at the first sign of an attack..... Me...... hold the nostril thats not clogged,......... and blowwwwww......   then suck the fresh air>>>>>>   this is kinda like a non doctor help! But i want to know what others do!

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Turts on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:50am
Gday Ouch,
as clusterChuck said read everything that is available. This is not a handball to get yout go somewhere else, but education is the best medicine.
Get to know what causes the pain, what treatments have tried and tested etc etc.

If this is apart of you then settle in and get to know the family


Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Paigelle on Dec 18th, 2003, 7:32am

on 12/18/03 at 01:48:37, Ouch wrote:
I have had them all day!  I guess its the cycle. Am i right?  Im 25  I do drink, and smoke.  But what im asking is what do yall do during an attack to find comfort?  I am on medication, but does not help once an attack begins. How long have you suffered? Im all ears for advice!

First off, don't drink any alcohol!  I repeat don't drink any alcohol!  For alot of us alcohol will set of the headache from hell.

Secondly, read, read, read, and read more. Print information you think is helpful and take it to your doctor.  

Third, be stern with your Dr.  Don't take no for an answer and stand your ground.

Fourth, listen to the family here.  Most of us have been suffering through this for years and years.  We will listen and we do care.  We also understand the pain.

Good luck!

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Elaine on Dec 18th, 2003, 7:55am
Hi and welcome to clusterville. I am not going to ask you a lot of questions or tell you to read a lot right now. I know when I am getting hit back to back several times aday. I don't want to answer questions or read a lot. I remember a time it was even hard for me to make a doctors appointment I was to damn tired from no sleep. It seemed like I spent months hurtting and sleeping. Hurting more than sleeping.
I use ice on my head around the eye. I hold it there till it hurts. I have taken cold showers even jumped in a cool pool. I have held my face up to a air condition vent it helps. I have slept in a car in the freezing cold never felt it. Cold seems to help me when I get hit. I also take imitrex shots you can make six shots out of one kit. The imitrex tip will telll you how easier than I can. The one thing I keep in mind when I get hit is it will end. I also know I will not die from it and I am not alone.
If there is any thing I can help you with please feel free to email me. If you have not tried oxygen try it. When you do feel ok Please read everything on this site !

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by don on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:27am
try these methods:

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:36am
Nobody here gives bad advice. But its all a ritual. I put ice on my head, Why? I dont got a clue. It seems to lessen the pain a bit, but it certainly doesnt abort it. I take scalding hot baths. I snort hot water up the affected side. I do all kinds of things trying to find relief. The truth is, the only thing i have ever found to abort them are some form of Triptan ( Imitrex ) and the only Preventative that has worked for me so far is Prednisone and Verapamil. That combo stopped my CH in its tracks during my last cycle. Hopefully thats my cureall everytime from now on. I've been painfree now since August.
Stick around, ask questions. Someone here will help you. If your insurance wont help you with the Imitrex, I am positive someone here will help you.
Give us as much information as you know!
Can you get Imitrex from your Insurance, How much will they cover?
And also...........
Imitrex causes REBOUNDS

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:55pm
My friend, listen to me.

I do not post that often here about my personal CH episodes, instead lending my assistance as I can in other ways.  I have my ways.  My own methods for working through this with these people.

But I am deep, deep, deep into a painful and riveting episode right now.  I have not slept in over a week.  People at work think I have gone mad for I have the look of someone who is looking out over the edge.  The far side of introspection.  My hands are shaking right now from a lack of sleep, triptans, and a recent 15 or so minute ago blistering CH attack.

I took the time, though, to post a pic of Saddam Hoosane in a New York Yankees babseball hat.

You will survive this and you are not alone.  Finding the niche for the survival is the key.  And you WILL find it....Trust me...

Title: Re: PLEASE  HELP  MEEE!!!!
Post by thomas on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:58pm
Hang tough ouch.  Read all that you can there is a wealth of info here.  You will get through this.  Brian_Y, sorry to hear you are having such a rough time I hope brighter days are coming your way. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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