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(Message started by: taraann on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:18am)

Title: The Doctors up here SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by taraann on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:18am
As some of you might remember I have been impatiently awaiting my appt with the HA specialist on January fifth.....

Well in the mean time my gp set me up with Pain managent and I thought, what the Hay I'll try anything at this point ESP to help me through the holidays.  Well I finally get in to see the pain doc (after them rescuduling it a couple times for good measure) and he was the biggest IDIOT I've ever met!  He says yeah it does sound like you have CH, ok sure buddy I just TOLD you I was diagnosed almost 2yrs ago!  Then proceeds to tell me there is NOTHING he can do to help me and to keep my appt with the HA specialist, WELL DUH I PLANNED TO(i wanted to scream that)!  Then Sam (my hubby) says what about O2?  And he says thats an option but to discuss that with the HA guy, why the hell did I waste almost 2 hrs of my day to see this idiot?  Then he sends me back to my GP (appt with him on Monday now) who has been equally         UN-helpful (is that a word?)  

Then to top things off I get home and check my mail and I have a card in there with my appt RESCHEDULED  for the HA specialiest to the 15th of Jan!  I have been waiting for this appt FOR MONTHS!

Ok I was overdue for a vent, thanks for your time ;)

Title: Re: The Doctors up here SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Karla on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:37am
So sorry the pain management dr was a bust.  Not all PM docs are like that.  I love mine.  I was on methadone for a year and pain free.  I have been on the duragesic patch for a few months now and pain free on that.  This chronic clusterhead is greatful to her pm doc.  Nothing else works for me this was all I had.

Title: Re: The Doctors up here SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by ozzman on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:35am
At least the pain mgmt guy didn't say it is *all* in your head, or that you didn't have CH. Yeah it is a wasted copayment, but it could have been worse. Besides if at some point for any reason there is Doc/Insurance/Idiot offering advice you didn't ask, etc that says " You need to go to a Pain Mgmt. Clinic, you can say, - Been there done that, they were smart enough to realize they couldn't help with CH.

Now as far as your Neuro app. Tell them that due to the nature of CH it is imperative that the treatment starts soon, and that you would like to be in a waiting list. With my Doc, I had the same problem, the scheduler told me to call every afternoon to see if there were any cancellations for the next day. It's worth a try.


Title: Re: The Doctors up here SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:40am
Yea, They suck down here too!

Patrick  ;;D

Title: Re: The Doctors up here SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by taraann on Dec 19th, 2003, 3:24pm
Very glad to hear the PM is working for you Karla, that's semi why I was looking forward to my appt, cause I've heard you and someone else say what a godsend it was for them.  Oh Well.

Yeah I am on a cancellation list for the HA specialist, But they are an hour and a half away so I need a little time to get there.  But thanks for the suggestion of calling each evening I'm going to start doing that tonight!

Title: Re: The Doctors up here SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Carl_D on Dec 19th, 2003, 3:38pm
I tried pain management. The guy was a total jerk. I think there is a buddy system with Doctors that enable them to see you, do absofuckinlutely nothing, and yet - make thier money; so why should they give a shit?
Almost feel like I would be in better hands if I were seeing the Barber of Yorik.

"What you need is a nice long bleeding."

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