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(Message started by: Ree on Dec 17th, 2003, 7:50pm)

Title: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Ree on Dec 17th, 2003, 7:50pm
There is a guy posting in the Childrens section of this forum... His name is Relivforlife.  He is selling a product of almost the same name.  I cant believe the lengths people will go to when they know how desperate these moms with kids that suffer this horror are.  

Just venting and telling you to be on the lookout for this dope... thanks ree

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 17th, 2003, 7:57pm
Sent an email to DJ, maybe he will get rid of it.

Lee ;)

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by pubgirl on Dec 17th, 2003, 7:58pm
That post is nearly as low as you can get. Looks like he searched the most desperate person and went for them


Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by jonny on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:01pm
I invited him up here......probably knows I wont go off in the kids section


Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Opus on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:01pm
Can't find it,
What am I blind?

Bind ole Opus

Never mind, I guess I am blind, read right over it, I guess I automaticly skim past the trash.

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Paigelle on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:10pm
I sent Thomas after snake oil salesman in Childrens spot earlier this afternoon.  

Can you believe how low people are?

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Relivforlife on Dec 17th, 2003, 11:12pm
My God! I was just trying to share what relief I have received.  I didn't think this would offend you guys!  But, you know, I apologize to all of you that are offended.  That was definately not my intention and sorry if it sounded like a commercial.  Can't help but share this stuff.  and...I just want to say, that this "snake oil" saved my life!...and if you don't give a crap about that...that's your problem...AND....I love children, have 3 of my own....would like to help as many of them as I can get out of pain!  Children are God's gifts!
Have a wonderful holiday season.

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 17th, 2003, 11:19pm
Your snake oil may have saved your life & that's great.

We have a condition with no cure. You have no idea what a clusterhead is forced to live with day in & day out for the rest of our lives.

If your product has cured "NO CURE ILLNESSES" why is it not on the front page of every newspaper in the world.

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Relivforlife on Dec 17th, 2003, 11:39pm
You're absolutely correct in saying I don't know what you're going through, because I don't.  But I do know that I've met thousands of people with "no cure" diseases getting helped (including me).  If you don't believe me, then this is not for you.  That's ok.  
My hope is not wrapped up in Reliv, but it is wrapped up in God.  Who, by the way, put this in my path.  Thank God!

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by t_h_b on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:51am
"Reliv" is a network marketing business with a line of powdered vitamin shake mix products.  

No doubt good nutrition has helped many people with many medical problems.  A well-balanced diet would achieve the same results.  A glass of skim milk with a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk stirred in, taken with a vitamin pill, would make a good substitute for this product at a lower cost and would not cause gas from the raw soy protein.

This "Relivforlife" person is shameless, self-deluded, quasi-religious, hypocritical vitamin salesman.  The neurotic and irrational behavior that she exhibits no doubt interferes with her interpersonal relationships and has enormous effects on the emotional health of her children.  No doubt she farts a lot  from consuming these products she is pushing.

She deserves our pity, not our scorn.

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Charlie on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:22am
"Relivforlife." You gotta be kidding.

We're not likely to fall for stuff scraped off Okinawa beaches, unexamined herbal concoctions or someone explaining that they can cure everything by scraping your feet.

You have to do better than that. Miracle drugs with stupid names abound on the net but here, they run into a board full of people who know that a good strong dose of skepticism and common sense works better than crap that is often called "overlooked" or "not recognized" by science or medicine. This thing sets off every alarm here.

Pretty sleazy promoting stuff like this to people who may be vulnerable.


Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by pubgirl on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:56am
I don't effing believe it, just found this below
on the guest book.

Only claiming it helps cancer victims as well now!

Came across this website by accident today...although I don't believe in accidents. I wanted to share something with you'all. The company is called Reliv and the products have changed my life! I am now a distributor for these amazing products because of the life changing results I have had...and have been able to share with others. I suffered with Fibroid Tumors, Chronic Fatigue, blood sugar issues, very very low blood pressure (all of my life), heel spurs, digestion issues, acid reflux, just to name a few. (phew) Within 6 months on these products I had my life back and now 3 years laters I feel awesome. Better than when I was younger. I know many, many people who have been helped with headache issues. Migraines, cluster headaches, menopause issues as well as major disease such as Scleroderma (runs in my family), cancer, lupus, MS, Parkinson's etc. I have met them and spoken with them at conferences, phone calls, and a few I have helped personally with Reliv. It has been amazing! A simple miracle!! These products are in powder form that you put in liquid and drink 2x per day. It works because of the absorption rate (98.9%). Vitamin/mineral pills are 15%, if you're lucky. If you want to know more about it...I would love to share them with you. This is now my life's mission, besides family and my faith. Everyone have a blessed holiday.
Toni <>
Doylestown, PA USA
Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 13:47:20 (EST)

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Relivforlife on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:45am
I can't believe how angry you'all are.  Look, just sharing that this worked for me.  Thought maybe, just maybe, I could give someone some hope that somebody else gave me.
and...this is a very reputable company that helps millions every year.  They're manufacturing plant in like Merck (kept clean and has high standards)(I've been there!) and have US government patents on their products. (it's extremely difficult to get patents on food and they are watched very closely and they meet all standards)  So don't mock something you know nothing about.'s what you're doing now working for you?  are the meds working? is the complaining helping? NO! You know how I know this....'cause I did it!  I've been in pain....and I do know how angry it can make you.  It's tiring to say the least....and I didn't have horrible attacks...I had constant, consistent pain, where I couldn't walk or lift my head off the pillow.  Went through physical therapy, meds, etc...and it didn't help me.
So I'm not trying to SELL something, I'm trying to SHARE something that helped me a great deal...and you don't have to buy it from me....look up a local distributor.  What I gain is helping someone out of pain....and you know what, I'm not guaranteeing that...but I've met so many that's it's helped besides me and my family....I just believe that it would help all.
...and if you think you can get any nutrition from our foods, that would be foolish thinking.  Have you checked our soil lately from the chemicals, pesticides etc.?  There is no nutrition in our foods anymore.  Check out what the FDA has to say about that.
So don't blindly believe, I didn't.....I have myself as proof.
and you've got to ask yourself this...before you so unrighteously judge me...
Who was the last person you helped?

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Prense on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:47am

on 12/18/03 at 11:45:14, Relivforlife wrote:
I've been in pain....and I do know how angry it can make you.

To this group, you probably have no idea what pain is...

on 12/18/03 at 11:45:14, Relivforlife wrote:
Who was the last person you helped?

You definately don't wanna go there...

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by DJ on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:17pm

I'm sorry.  I saw your posts and was going to respond to you in a PM, but you deleted your profile before I could get my message out (within the last hour).

I do give you the "benefit of the doubt" that you were being sincere about wanting to help, but you have to understand...  there have been HUNDREDS here before you that were just trying to "make a buck" off of our pain by trying to push their "miracle cure".

I do thank you, however, by giving new folks to this board the perfect example of what NOT to do when you first find us...

1) Not following the guidelines in the "New Visitor's" page...

2) Stating in your very first post on the Guest Book "I am now a distributor for these amazing products because of the life changing results I have had"

3) Stating in your very first post on the message board "2ndly would like to give you a little information on a product called Reliv...  I did not suffer with CH, but did suffer with Chronic Fatigue issues and fibroid tumors (to name just a couple)... if you would like to know more about this, email me and I would be happy to be in contact with you..."

Normally, one or two of those individually won't cause such a ruckus... but combined, they're DEADLY on!

Sorry to see you take it so personally and not stick around long to defend yourself!


Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by TomM on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:48pm
DJ Rocks! DJ Rocks! DJ Rocks!]

AMF, my not so bright Relivforlife.

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 18th, 2003, 1:53pm
does anyone know if this product is related to a corporation like Amway or American National Can? (I think that is how you spell the last one)

~Lizzie :)

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by KingOfPain on Dec 19th, 2003, 3:08am

on 12/18/03 at 13:17:44, DJ wrote:

I'm sorry.  I saw your posts and was going to respond to you in a PM, but you deleted your profile before I could get my message out (within the last hour).

I do give you the "benefit of the doubt" that you were being sincere about wanting to help, but you have to understand...  there have been HUNDREDS here before you that were just trying to "make a buck" off of our pain by trying to push their "miracle cure".

I do thank you, however, by giving new folks to this board the perfect example of what NOT to do when you first find us...

1) Not following the guidelines in the "New Visitor's" page...

2) Stating in your very first post on the Guest Book "I am now a distributor for these amazing products because of the life changing results I have had"

3) Stating in your very first post on the message board "2ndly would like to give you a little information on a product called Reliv...  I did not suffer with CH, but did suffer with Chronic Fatigue issues and fibroid tumors (to name just a couple)... if you would like to know more about this, email me and I would be happy to be in contact with you..."

Normally, one or two of those individually won't cause such a ruckus... but combined, they're DEADLY on!

Sorry to see you take it so personally and not stick around long to defend yourself!


Thank you DJ.

That was a very good example of how to
respond to certain situations.

Well said. Well put.


Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by don on Dec 19th, 2003, 9:27am
How to cure CH AND win a trip to the Mayan Riviera !

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by DJ on Dec 19th, 2003, 1:39pm
It's kinda like the three strike law for newbies!


Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Mikey on Dec 19th, 2003, 1:47pm
LMAO DJ.....If they could only read!

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: Snake oil alert!!!
Post by Charlie on Dec 19th, 2003, 2:31pm
Some excerpts:

Only $40,000 to set up your franchise.

No matter what health or business situation you run into, the Relėv System allows you to quickly and easily find the stories you need to get your message across.

The Relėv System provides you with regular access to a multitude of personal testimonies, lending strength and credibility to your own story.

Founded in 1988, Relėv International has quickly become one of the most respected major players in the network marketing industry.

You can't buy the stuff from the site, only though a "distributor" who has been hooked by this outfit.  It comes in pretty packages though. You can mix it with anything they say. Could be Kool-Aid or Ovaltine for all the information they offer.

With this goop you'll live to a ripe old age and die frolicking on a beach somewhere chasing others who have found the way to provide the missing nutrients in his diet. "Nutrients." LOL. Every infomercial uses this term from the Juice Man to prostate pills.

Actually, I feel for these people. Getting back on your feet after investing in this racket is probably tough.

Sorry kids but this kind of stuff is a hobby of mine since I have so little else to do.........

Charlie (Who is getting today's "nutrients" from a hot dog and Pepsi) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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