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(Message started by: Darleen on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:59am)

Title: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Darleen on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:59am
I'm finally an aunt!!! [smiley=biggrin.gif]

My sister-in-law had a baby girl on Monday December 15th. [smiley=baby.gif]

Makayla Marie weighed in at 6 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 inches long. [smiley=heart.gif]

And of course she is the most beautiful in the world.

Auntie D

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by thomas on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:02am
Congratulations!!!!!!! :)

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Ree on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:10am
woooooooooooo hooooooooo auntie darleen she is gonna love you !!!!!  be sure to always have gum......... its a deal maker with kids!!!!  love to you ree ( who loves being an aunt, a Godmom and a Nana now)  

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 17th, 2003, 12:13pm


Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Cluster_head on Dec 17th, 2003, 12:39pm

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Darleen on Dec 17th, 2003, 1:33pm
Thanks everybody!

She's gonna be spoiled rotten since John and I don't have any kids and are not having any.

She's so beautiful.

D [smiley=inlove.gif]

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 17th, 2003, 3:22pm
Congrats !!!!  Enjoy that new baby !

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 17th, 2003, 3:40pm
As expressed above: CONGRATULATIONS!


Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Woobie on Dec 17th, 2003, 3:46pm
WOO HOO Darlene !!


LOL Ree @ the gum!  M & Ms work very well too!  

Babies are cool!

Tina  :-*

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Tiannia on Dec 17th, 2003, 3:47pm
Congrats!!!  You get the easy part of spoiling and then giving them back to thier mom and dad when they get upset or nasty.  ;;D

Of course she probably already has you wrapped around her finger.  [smiley=inlove.gif]

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Charlie on Dec 17th, 2003, 5:28pm
Coolness and congrats.

You and your new niece are very lucky.  8)


Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by jonny on Dec 17th, 2003, 5:32pm
Its a great thing when you can send them home, D.....LOL ;;D

Good for you!!


Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Edna on Dec 17th, 2003, 5:45pm
Congratulations Darlene, sounds to me like you're going to make a wonderful aunt!!!  Remeber though, sometimes it's the aunt's job to change the pooey diaper too!!!!!!

Spoil her to the max dear, she'll love you all the more for it.

Love the name, it's very pretty. Give her another hug from me, and of course a smackeroo of a kiss too.

And, dearie, don't forget, we like to see pictures here......ESPECIALLY of new borns.

Congrats again,

Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Renee on Dec 17th, 2003, 5:55pm
i'm also a VERY proud aunt that has no kids of my own.  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

I hope they live nearby as she will grow up so fast.  My sis had her baby ..uh...seems like about a month ago yet i just got back in town from my lil niece's 3 yr birthday party.  she's not a baby anymore.  :'(

spoil the heck out of her and leave the noise from the self playing piano, drumset, talking vanity and pretend kitchen for your brother and sister-in-law to remember you by.  lol

oh...cotton candy is also a very big hit!

there is nothing better in life to me than a 3 yr old running thru the airport screaming at the top of her lungs "aunt nae nae, aunt nae nae, then jumping in my arms and giving me a huge bear hug and kiss.

you will find a love like you have never experienced with your niece.


Title: Re: I'm an aunt!!!
Post by Darleen on Dec 18th, 2003, 10:53am
Thanks so much everybody.

Mother and child should be home either tomorrow or Saturday at the latest and I should be getting pictures soon but I have no idea how to post them.

But you can take my word for it - she is the most beautiful baby and thankfully we all live in the same city so we will see her often.

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