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(Message started by: athos12 on Dec 16th, 2003, 8:51pm)

Title: One liners for CH
Post by athos12 on Dec 16th, 2003, 8:51pm
How have we been treated?  

What are the most common one liners that people claim about our CH?

  • Come on It is just a headache.
  • It is all in your head, you are making it up. You just want attention. Faker.
  • You are a low life drug seeker.
  • Nothing could be that bad.
  • Just go lie down and sleep it off

I have an idea for the PSA..  I need 6 or 7 REALLY good one liners... and then a compassionate statement about CH...  I am working on it, but I need your input..


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Charlie on Dec 16th, 2003, 9:22pm
Why are you coming at me with the cleaver?

Let me out of the cellar.

What's with the shotgun?

That's the third TV you've put your foot through this month.

Getting low on drywall again.


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by kim on Dec 16th, 2003, 9:26pm
A rather odd gaze, followed by a somewhat stammered "Oh, my friend gets bad Migraines", followed by summmore odd-alienating type stares...............

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by jonny on Dec 16th, 2003, 9:28pm

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Little Deb on Dec 16th, 2003, 9:40pm
It's just your hormones.
It is part of menstration.
Women don't get cluster headaches.
You just want to get out of work.
You just don't want to cook dinner.
You have a sinus headache. Take some Claritan.
I realize your head hurts, but what do you want me to do for you?

You're having a what??  A headache?? Have a

You have a headache?  Where does it hurt?

If you have never experienced the pain of a cluster headache, you are not qualified to judge, imagine or assume what it must feel like.  

Just babblin'......little deb

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 16th, 2003, 10:02pm
If you just don't think about it, i'm sure it will go away.

If I drink a bunch of beers, I usually get a headache too.

Yeah, I know. Migraines are pretty bad.

You probably just didn't eat enough. Go get some food.

Nobody gets 3-5 headaches a day.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Paigelle on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:48am
I better put in my  [smiley=twocents.gif]

"Take an aspirin"
"It's just allergies"
"Have you tried Vitamin C, it cures everything"
"Take a Valium and relax"
"Percocet has to help, it is a pain killer"
"Drink some herbal tea"
"What have you eaten to cause this"
"Are you sure it is not a hangover"

Oh and my favorite is "The CT scan didn't show anything, so you can't have that much pain"

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:21am
"You look healthy"
"No one could be in THAT MUCH PAIN."


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by hdbngr on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:29am
My all time favorite:

"Cluster Headaches? I had one of those once. It was terrible, I had to go lie down..."

Second runner up:

"Have you tried that new Excedrin Migraine?"

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by 5-string on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:38am
To date, the best one that I heard someone say to me was:

 " wife used to get those,what a bitch she'd turn turned out she's allergic to tomatoes. You should try not eating tomatoes..."


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by ckelly181 on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:56am
"It must be because you've put on weight. You don't get those when you're not so heavy."


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by hdbngr on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:09am
Ouch! Similar but unrelated to CH comment:

My mother asked her mom (my grandmother) how she looked in a new dress she had just bought for my wedding. My grandmother's reply was: "You look like 8 pounds of flour in a 5 pound sack.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by ave on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:10am
No wonder - you keep smoking so much!

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by ckelly181 on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:34am

on 12/17/03 at 10:09:28, hdbngr wrote:
My grandmother's reply was: "You look like 8 pounds of flour in a 5 pound sack.

Geez. It always makes me wonder why people feel they have the liberty to say such hurtful things. Because "I love you..."

Yea, love this....Bleah.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by JDH on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:37am
"Oh you're just stressed out"........ya think?
"You should try eating right" huh?
"Be sure and use your LEFT hand to punch the walls with"...actually that's good advice.
and of course the all time classic, "yeah I get those too."
ummm, no you don't.


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Boots on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:40am
My favorite was "Damm, another headache?Just how much beer did you drink last night?" and then the next day..Jesus again? You keep drinking all that beer it's going to kill you.That was from my boss at work.I go for up to 5 months without even so much as washing my mouth out with Listerene because of the alcohol. and the 1 from the nurse at old nero's office...yea I know,I had a cluster once...told her she don't know shit about clusters in the told to a new nero after that 1.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by thomas on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:50am
I can't take another hit, I swear this has to stop or I'm going to make everything stop. :(

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by athos12 on Dec 17th, 2003, 11:14am
great, keep them coming

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by thomas on Dec 17th, 2003, 11:15am
Hey can I come over for dinner tonight? I spent all of my money on meds and I don't have any food in the house.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 17th, 2003, 12:05pm

“I’m sure, you are depressed or stressed.”

“I don't think you have CH because you are a woman.”

“Don’t worry, it probably isn't CH, it's so rare.”

“You must not take drugs, they can provoke headache.”

“Take an aspirin and it will pass.”

"Where does it hurt?"

“Oooooh Zaira, sometimes seasonal allergies can cause occasional headaches.”

“Tell me Zaira: are you taking cocaine?”

“What kind of drugs are you using?”

“Are you having the pain now? You look very nice today.”

“Zaira, it is just a headache!”

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR…….  [smiley=furious.gif]

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by don on Dec 17th, 2003, 12:11pm
From a therapist;

"Pain is just a concept. You should embrace the pain as being part of you, use the pain to grow" (or something like that)

Respose: "Embrace this corkscrew in your eyeball ya freakin whack job".

I knew I was screwed the minute I entered the office. 300lb therapist wearing some kinda Shamu smock and a flower in her long braided hair. If that didn't give me a clue the framed photo of Yoko Ono was a cinch.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by River_Rat on Dec 17th, 2003, 2:31pm
Just a couple:

"Drink some beer man, that'll kill it"

Then I say no it wont.

"How about some whiskey then."


"Awwww you should go see a specialest, my friend used to have those and they went to a specialest in Iowa City"


What? you can't come down and drink a few because you have a headache, I get headaches to but that doesn't stop me.

WOW! just typing this kinda pisses me off a little, People haven't a fucking clue


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by floridian on Dec 17th, 2003, 3:02pm
"Is there something else that's bothering you?"

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Paigelle on Dec 17th, 2003, 3:07pm
Use the pain to grow?

Does that therapist understand that with this pain, that I will grow into being a spawn of Satan?  Use the pain to grow, my ass.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Tiannia on Dec 17th, 2003, 4:01pm
I think a lot of the women have the same idea.

"Cluster Headaches are extremely rare and you are a woman, there is no way in the world that you could possibly have them."

"Well we have some Aleve in the Kitchen, maybe you should take that. It took  care of my headaches in a jiff." That was at work.  Right be fore I got the "Well WHEN you are here and WHEN you are focused , you do a great job." speech.  I wanted to smack her in the head.

"Well maybe if you got more sleep?" Between the headaches and my 1 year old just not quite sure how to do that?  

"I've had those a couple of times.... You know maybe you should watch what you eat?"


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Carl_D on Dec 17th, 2003, 4:59pm
"How am I supposed to know that these headaches are that bad?" - Actual quote from a former Neurologist.

"Dude, there's nothing wrong with you. It's all in your head. You feel pain because you expect to. Your brain is trained into thinking this way and that is what causes them. Oh, MRI's and CT Scans don't show anything wrong? Well there you go." - Sadly, my drummer

"Oh your getting one of your headaches. Would you like to lie down?" - Numerous ignorant people.

"Oh, so you mean you were just in agonizing pain a few minutes ago, and now you're all fine? I don't see how that is possible." - A clueless idiot

Ah, it never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of mankind.


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by gmlevenhagen on Dec 17th, 2003, 5:15pm
My favorit [smiley=huh.gif]

If it hurts that bad, then there has to be something wrong with you.

no duh, ya think!

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Charlie on Dec 17th, 2003, 5:23pm
My neurologist, when I asked him if he had cluster patients: Yes. They can be very painful."


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Edna on Dec 17th, 2003, 6:03pm
"Oh it's a migraine, if you threw up it would feel better"

DUH........if that worked I'd be fucking PUKING each time....AND SKINNY

"Oh I had that one time"......well dummy IF you did, you wouldn't be saying such a STUPID thing.

"Oh so & so gets those"

BUT....fear not.....word is getting out more....during a Christmas party recently, I was explaining to a friend why I had been basically MIA for the last month. Once I started explaining how it was and how it hurted he said - "OH, that sounds like those headaches a guy at work gets that are so bad, he calls them CLUSTER HEADEACHES"    -     they are learning, slow but sure


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by jonny on Dec 17th, 2003, 6:09pm

on 12/17/03 at 18:03:02, Edna wrote:
"Oh it's a migraine, if you threw up it would feel better"

Thats not a meegraine......its a hangover.....LMMFAO ;;D

...............................jonny  [smiley=guyflash.gif]

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by 9erfan on Dec 17th, 2003, 6:29pm

on 12/17/03 at 09:56:39, ckelly181 wrote:
"It must be because you've put on weight. You don't get those when you're not so heavy."


ckelly, apparently we have the same MOTHER!

faves of mine:

"Was it something you ate?"

"Go lie down"

"Have you tried....(any migraine med)?"

"OH! I just heard about a new migraine medication coming out"

"These can't be clusters, because you're a woman"

"These can't be clusters because you get them everyday"

"Well, you've tried all the medications I know of...what do you want to try next?"

"On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt, what would you rate this pain?".....Hold on while I catch my breath from SOBBING to answer you!!

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Roxy on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:04pm
Most of the dumbass remarks....I can tolerate.  But, the one that really sets me off......

"Oh...I get those too...."

My answer is always the same:

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by jonny on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:07pm
Hey Rox,

Anyone ever tell you that you have the eyes of a Lioness?

Cat eyes big time!!


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Roxy on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:46pm
Is that a good thing....or a bad thing, jonny....... :-*

I kinda thought they looked like 'three days and nights in New Orleans' other words.....seriously drunk and hungover....... ;;D

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by don on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:25pm

My answer is always the same:

Roxy I think I love you.

It's not so much the finger as the look of conviction while giving it.

If you ever have to drive in Boston you'll be a natural!

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Turts on Dec 18th, 2003, 6:45am

"oh, yeah, I now someone who..........."

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by zenerzoo on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:45am
 My favorite has been:.........
  Lack of sex all you need to do is get laid :o :o :o  lol :D :D

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Paigelle on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:11am

on 12/18/03 at 09:45:25, zenerzoo wrote:
 My favorite has been:.........
  Lack of sex all you need to do is get laid :o :o :o  lol :D :D

I wish that was the cure!   ;)

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by JDH on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:25am

on 12/18/03 at 11:11:32, Paigelle wrote:
I wish that was the cure!   ;)

I'm going tell my wife that it is  ;;D
mum's the word guys.


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Paigelle on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:36am

on 12/18/03 at 11:25:51, JDH wrote:
I'm going tell my wife that it is  ;;D
mum's the word guys.


If she questions you, then I will talk to her for ya!  Okay?

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by thomas on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:42am

on 12/18/03 at 09:45:25, zenerzoo wrote:
 My favorite has been:.........
  Lack of sex all you need to do is get laid :o :o :o  lol :D :D

No wonder I get these damn ch, Tom who doesn't get laid nearly enough.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Paigelle on Dec 18th, 2003, 11:50am
Okay Thomas tell your sweetie what the cure is and if she questions you, I will talk to her also.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by OwieMan on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:19pm
"Sounds like a cluster, they're probably sinus headaches" From my doctor

"Now you know how I feel"

"I had those once"

"This pamphlet has some cures for them" (Oh, duh!! Why didnt I think about the pamphlet)

plenty more I'm sure

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by neilr on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:32pm
i swear the next time i hear  " should try staying away from red wine/cheese/(anything these morons care to mention) ....."


"...yes i get bad headaches sometimes, i know how you feel.."       im going to get violent.

Makes me feel alot better to know im not the only one who has to put up with morons!

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 18th, 2003, 2:21pm
"Well CH is very rare and women don't really get it, so you must not have CH."

"There is no point in treating these."~neuro

"She has a headache for attention."~ER doc to entire ER

"O2 does not work for my cluster patients and there is no difference between a tube and a mask."~another ER doc at a different ER

"You have a headache AGAIN?" (said with a look of annoyance) either that or "You ALWAYS have a headache!"  no shit...

"Maybe if you slept more, you wouldn't get such bad headaches..."  Maybe if my headaches let me sleep...


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Paigelle on Dec 18th, 2003, 2:32pm
I was actually told one time that since I only have them once a year or once every other year, that there was nothing the Dr could do and since they only lasted 4-8 weeks that I should bear with it.  You know that Dr had never felt the pain of the beast.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 18th, 2003, 2:38pm
My neuro still hasn't officially diagnosed CH or CPH yet for me because of the whole "no point in treating" comment...and as they got worse and woke me up more and more and I lost more and more sleep and weight, I refused to call their office because of that comment!

However, I will have to have a little chat with him when I go in for admission because he knows a lot about CH and CPH........just that once you are already diagnosed as one headache type, lotsa times they refuse to believe that you can have more than one type or that your symptoms don't fit in a neat-o little box for them. (In my case, I got diagnosed with new daily persistent headache and migraine first.)


Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Dec 18th, 2003, 3:27pm

on 12/17/03 at 10:34:59, ckelly181 wrote:
Geez. It always makes me wonder why people feel they have the liberty to say such hurtful things. Because "I love you..."

Yea, love this....Bleah.

hence my statement at the left: You'll have to love me just as I am or not at all....

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by hdbngr on Dec 18th, 2003, 3:51pm
Oh yeah...

"You don't SMELL like a cluster headache sufferer"

A neurologist's caring comment in 2001, followed by giggles from the accompanying nurse.

(alluding to the well-known myth that we must all be lushes and smokers, and thus, bring the pain on ourselves)

As to the "there's no point in treating these" statement above - I'm seeing red!

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by athos12 on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:35pm

on 12/18/03 at 14:21:44, chronic_chic wrote:
"Well CH is very rare and women don't really get it, so you must not have CH."

"There is no point in treating these."~neuro

"She has a headache for attention."~ER doc to entire ER

"O2 does not work for my cluster patients and there is no difference between a tube and a mask."~another ER doc at a different ER

"You have a headache AGAIN?" (said with a look of annoyance) either that or "You ALWAYS have a headache!"  no shit...

"Maybe if you slept more, you wouldn't get such bad headaches..."  Maybe if my headaches let me sleep...


I hate ER Doc's

My personal experience

ER Doc - Lake Havasu Dr. Ward
Refering to Chronic surreres..
"I don't take pride in treating patients like you".
This was after he gave me toradol which I told him does not work...  O2 which again I told him does not work....  And some other happy sh$% that did nothing but
make me itch.  This was 7 hour ER visit... By the time I left, the CH was over, not because of anything he did.

On another visit.. they gave me 10 of Nubain... about 10 min later they gave me another 10... There was a miscomunnication and they accidentaly gave  me a double dose...  This was Dr. Ward again.

I had another one call me a liar to my face..  My lawyer wrote him a letter the next day..  He was very appologetic.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by echo on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:41pm
"It can't hurt that bad"!  "Now this paper cut is a different story".

"Pain builts character".

"It's not the size of the crap that matters,  it's the smell that makes the differance".

"I get those all the time".  

Remedy:  Stand on your right foot,  place your left heel to the middle of your chest and fart.  All better.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by TomM on Dec 18th, 2003, 5:52pm
"You know, all head aches are the same."

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 18th, 2003, 6:34pm
Oh I forgot this one from my boyfriend:

"Pain allows us to know that we are still alive.  Without pain, we wouldn't know if we were alive or dead."

No, hon...more like, died already and gone straight to hell...  grrr....

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 18th, 2003, 8:08pm
My mother-in-law provided these gems...

"I think it is all in your head...nothing can hurt THAT bad"

"You just need to get over it"

"I think you are just doing this for attention"

"Are you sure you are not crazy or something?"

"Blocking out the windows is NOT going to help you at all"

"Just take some more advil...if that doesn't stop it then just deal with it, no one can help you"

did I mention she is a Registered Nurse...

Daughter in law of Nurse Ratchet

Donna D.

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by athos12 on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:08am
Nurse Ratchet re-incarnated!!!

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by athos12 on Dec 20th, 2003, 3:24pm
Kinda feels that way

Title: Re: One liners for CH
Post by shifteh on Dec 20th, 2003, 4:47pm
"You just want to get out of work. "

Just use that one three or four times.

"Are you feeling depressed? A little down?"


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