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(Message started by: forgetfulnot on Dec 16th, 2003, 7:31pm)

Title: Sports NFL not CH
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 16th, 2003, 7:31pm
Anyone else out there wonder what our good buddy Rush would have to say about  Donovan McNabb now?
Or is his big fat foot stuck in his mouth. :D


Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by 9erfan on Dec 16th, 2003, 9:41pm
I thought it was funny last night during MNF when they showed the draft and the reaction from the Philly fans when the Eagles picked Donovan!  They were pissed!  I'm sure they think he's the greatest now!

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by thomas on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:55am
Donovan is no Mike Vick or Brett Favre or Steve McNair for that matter.

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:12am

on 12/16/03 at 21:41:07, 9erfan wrote:
I thought it was funny last night during MNF when they showed the draft and the reaction from the Philly fans when the Eagles picked Donovan!  They were pissed!  I'm sure they think he's the greatest now!

I am a die-hard Eagles Fan & let me re-iterate that scene was a group of idiots...(Bussed down by the idiot with the shoulder pads), who wanted us to draft Ricky Williams, first. Most of the fans wanted Donovan...but of course the media had to cover the loud-mouthed idiots.

See you next week 9erFan. Good Luck.


Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:15am

on 12/17/03 at 08:55:11, thomas wrote:
Donovan is no Mike Vick or Brett Favre or Steve McNair for that matter.

I agree with Brett & Steve but c'mon Mike Vick [smiley=huh.gif]...the guy has not proved himself. Let's not forget that Donovan is also just 25 y/o & has many years to develop into a Juggernaut.

Don't start this as a bash Eagles or Donovan thread...cause I know where you guys live & I have the arsenal to bring down a small third world Country & I'm not afraid to use it. ::)  ;;D



Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by thomas on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:37am
I'm not bashing Donovan I think he's in the top 7 quarterbacks in the league.

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by JDH on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:39am
Go on and talk all you want about the best QB's but I kind of like our situation in St Louis with a starting QB who's 17-2 as a starter AND a 2 time MVP on the bench...not too shabby, eh?

Jim...Go Rams!

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by 5-string on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:54am
"..Theisman-to-Riggins...WOW! He's unstoppable...He just can't be pulled down, He's plowin'threw that line like they're a high school team.....TOUCHDOWN!!!.....You know, I gotta hand it to Joe Gibbs..
I think he's put himself together one of the best football teams in the history of the N.F.L....".......John Madden..1985--
  Sorry folks- I'm a diehard Redskins fan...gotta hang-on to somethin' to sulk..

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by jminmilwaukee on Dec 17th, 2003, 1:35pm
I still remember when I first moved to Wisconsin and we brought Brett Favre onboard. 80% of the packer fans I knew at the time all said "We should have brought Warren Moon onboard!"

Of course, no one will admit it now. :)


Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by Paigelle on Dec 17th, 2003, 1:54pm

on 12/17/03 at 09:54:15, 5-string wrote:
"..Theisman-to-Riggins...WOW! He's unstoppable...He just can't be pulled down, He's plowin'threw that line like they're a high school team.....TOUCHDOWN!!!.....You know, I gotta hand it to Joe Gibbs..
I think he's put himself together one of the best football teams in the history of the N.F.L....".......John Madden..1985--
  Sorry folks- I'm a diehard Redskins fan...gotta hang-on to somethin' to sulk..

I am sorry 5-string, but I lived in Maryland for awhile and still can't bring myself to be a Redskins fan.  But, I do understand your sulking.  I am a Steelers fan, so I hang on to Terry Bradshaw and Mean Joe Greene.  I am off to sulk also.

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by River_Rat on Dec 17th, 2003, 1:55pm
I always said Favre was going to be the man once he settled down.

Even in his first couple of starts he could throw that ball like 80 yards, of course a lot of them were picks 33 his first year (I think) But I alway said if he could just get a little control this guy would be un-stopable

Packer fan since 1964


Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by 9erfan on Dec 17th, 2003, 2:17pm

on 12/17/03 at 09:12:08, Jimmy_B wrote:
See you next week 9erFan. Good Luck.


We're going to need A LOT more than LUCK, that's for sure!  ;)

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by JDH on Dec 17th, 2003, 4:22pm

on 12/17/03 at 14:17:19, 9erfan wrote:
We're going to need A LOT more than LUCK, that's for sure!  ;)

ah yes, nothing better for a Ram's fan to see than a humbled 49er fan...better luck next year.


Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by 9erfan on Dec 17th, 2003, 4:37pm

on 12/17/03 at 16:22:42, JDH wrote:
ah yes, nothing better for a Ram's fan to see than a humbled 49er fan...better luck next year.


Jim, I'm a realist...things aren't going to get better until Dr. John York (who knows NOTHING about football) sells the team back to his brother-in-law Eddie DeBartolo (which will never happen) and then they proceed to GET RID of Dennis Erickson!!!

No...I"m not bitter....

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 17th, 2003, 4:38pm
Said it in another post & saying it again.

Indianapolis Colts

Peyton Manning might not be the best QB, but watch out folks. Upset baby !!!

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 17th, 2003, 7:46pm
This sums it up.................


Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by 9erfan on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:13pm
IMHO, they've got Dallas ranked too high (sorry Rox)  ;).

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by Paigelle on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:14pm
Dallas  [smiley=hurl.gif]

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by thomas on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:20pm
God's Country

John Madden was in Chicago to announce a footfall game one weekend when he
noticed a special telephone near the Bears' bench. He asked a nearby player
what it was used for and was told it was a hotline to God. John asked if he
could use it. The player told him, "Sure, but it will cost you $100.00."
John scratched his head, then thought, what the heck. I could use some help
picking games. He pulled out his wallet and paid the $100.00. John's picks
were perfect that week.
The next week, John was in Texas when he noticed that same kind of phone on
the Cowboys' bench. He asked what the telephone was for and was told "It's
a hotline to God, if you want to use it, it will cost you $500.00."
Recalling last weekend, John pulled out his wallet and made the call.
John's picks were perfect again that week!
The next weekend John was in Green Bay at Lambeau Field when he noticed the
same kind of phone by the Packers' bench. He asked Brett Favre, "Is that
the hotline to God?" Brett said, "yes but it will cost you 35 cents".
John looked incredulously at Brett and said, '"wait a second, I just paid
$100.00 in Chicago and $500.00 in Texas to use the same phone to God!"
"Why does Green Bay only charge 35 cents"? Brett looked at John and
replied, "In Green Bay, it's a local call.

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:24pm
You're just tooooo funny Thomas.

Title: Re: Sports NFL not CH
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:25pm

... but seriously... the funniest part was the first mention of John Madden...


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