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(Message started by: thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:27pm)

Title: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:27pm
Howard Dean: "I SUPPOSE capturing Sadaam Hussein is a good thing, I guess, but why wasn't it the Germans who captured him?"

Joe Lieberman: "I supported the Generals and Colonels who ran this operation. And I think Hussein should be brought back to the U.S. and shot, but not on the Sabbath."

John F. Kerry: "F.'in A, That F'er has been yanking our chain, and F'in President Bush should be F'in ashamed of himself for not getting the F'er right away. If it was me there, I would have put two in the F'er's head, like I did in F'in 'Nam."

John Edwards: "I think it's great that we got him, but I'm hearing disturbing reports that the forces did not obtain a search warrant before entering the house, and that Hussein was not read his Miranda rights. If his family wants representation, please call my office at 1-800-AMBULANCE."

Dick Gephardt: "I'm so happy for the working families of Iraq. We should help them organize and strike for a living wage. Just this week working families in Iraq were talking 'strike for living wages' in the streets of Baghdad, and I think it's outrageous that President Bush has been so callous. My father drove a milk truck."

Al Sharpton: "I think it's crazy to treat a brother like that. Since Hussein was obviously a street person due to Republican policies, we need to drag President Bush from the foxhole he's in somewhere down it Texas."

Dennis Kucinich: "This proves Sadaam did not have any WMD's or else he would have used them on the troops who captured him, who shouldn't have been there to begin with."

Wesley Clark: "I want to thank my troops, who used to be under my command, for a successful implimentation of my plan. Now is the time for us to grovel before France and Germany and plead with them for their OK to go into Iraq. Maybe we should just give them the rebuilding contracts now, in an effort for atonement. I'm not sure on that, though. Hillary hasn't told me yet."

Hillary Clinton: "Well, you know, my husband has long been, you know, in favor of getting rid of, you know, the bad guys. We actually had him, you know, several times but, you know, were prevented in arresting him
since Janet Reno didn't get the necessary warrants printed in time. Let me reiterate in no uncertain terms that I am not now a candidate for president, nor is it my intention to become one if offered."

Terry McAuliffe:" It was me who phones it the tip on Hussein. Please send the $25 millon to my attention, at DNC Headquarters, Palo Alto, California. Sooner rather than later would be appreciated."

Al Gore: "Oops! Uh, Howard, ixnay on the eechspay."
This is intended to be funny and is not factual.  

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by jonny on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:34pm

on 12/16/03 at 16:27:54, thomas wrote:
My father drove a milk truck." 



Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by kim on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:38pm
teeheehee ;;D ........good snickers  ;;D

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by Paigelle on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:40pm
That is too funny!  Thanks Thomas!

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:40pm

on 12/16/03 at 16:38:10, kim wrote:
teeheehee ;;D ........good snickers  ;;D

Good to see you again - thought you were MIA.

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:54pm
"duh-huh-huh-hee-huh-weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...I have 10 toes-ies!!!"


Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by kim on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:57pm
Hey Brian, I don't get it :D :PLOL

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 5:00pm
I think he's trying to say, "Let's start another flame-war."

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by Kirk on Dec 16th, 2003, 5:00pm
Thats funny. Whatever it is that brought that up don't stop using it. ;;D


Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 16th, 2003, 7:31pm

on 12/16/03 at 17:00:01, thomas wrote:
I think he's trying to say, "Let's start another flame-war."

No, just good natured liberal ribbing.  Someone here has to do it after all.     :D

Relax, Chief....

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by kim on Dec 16th, 2003, 8:37pm
I just watched Diane Sawyer make a complete ass of herself on network news in an interview with the President.

The facts spoke clearly for themselves.  Matter of fact, they had not trouble at all rolling over the jibberish of one more overpaid and over bleached blonde covering network news.  YICK!

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by Charlie on Dec 16th, 2003, 11:47pm
I thought it was hilarious.

Thanks Thomas.


Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by thomas on Dec 17th, 2003, 8:41am

on 12/16/03 at 19:31:21, Brian_Y wrote:
No, just good natured liberal ribbing.

I got it.   [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by jmorgan52 on Dec 17th, 2003, 1:48pm
Saddam's first words to his captors:

"did I beat David Blaines record?"

Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by Charlie on Dec 17th, 2003, 5:37pm

He may yet find himself hanging over a river. Maybe not the Thames.....Tigris perhaps


Title: Re: Reactions to Saddam's capture
Post by Woobie on Dec 17th, 2003, 7:16pm
they should SLOWLY torture him to death - on PAY PER VIEW ...

the proceeds going to help pay for the billions and billions of dollars we just used to find him.

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