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(Message started by: don on Dec 16th, 2003, 8:32am)

Title: Physical exertion
Post by don on Dec 16th, 2003, 8:32am
Sunday I shovelled out the very large driveway at my house.

Tuesday I was dancing with shadows all day long.

I guess I have to just resign myself to the fact that I have to live a life of liesure. Bummer.

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by TomM on Dec 16th, 2003, 9:00am

on 12/16/03 at 08:32:21, don wrote:
Tuesday I was dancing with shadows all day long.

Dancing like Elaine from Seinfeld or Pee Wee?  ;;D

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by Kirk on Dec 16th, 2003, 11:03am
I take Mark Twains attitude towards exercise and physical exertion. I lay down until it passes. Works for me.


Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 11:47am
I could let you guys in on a certain physical exertion that REALLY DOES help headaches but I don't know, I might get kicked off the board  :o so maybe I better just keep it to myself  ;;D  It does involve laying down though.  hhhmmmmmmmm

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 11:49am
I'm listening - anything that can help.

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 11:57am
Well, I don't know - I'm kinda shy ::)

Some people know better than that!!!  I might need a little more convincing before I can spill the beans on my little secret! ;)

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:11pm
If you know a method to help with ch, it's your responsibility to share it with the group. :)

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:23pm
Well, thomas, you're trying pretty hard to convince me aren't you  ;;D maybe I should give you another little hint....... it also involves a partner, but I guess it doesn't really have to........... hhhhhmmmmmmm.........what could it be.............  8)

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by cathy on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:26pm

Don....put your feet up, found you someone to do the snow shovelling....


Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by aprilbee on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:39pm
That pic is great!!  cracked me up!!  

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:49pm

on 12/16/03 at 12:23:32, CHmess wrote:
Well, thomas, you're trying pretty hard to convince me aren't you  ;;D maybe I should give you another little hint....... it also involves a partner, but I guess it doesn't really have to........... hhhhhmmmmmmm.........what could it be.............  8)
Sit-ups with someone holding your feet down?

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:51pm

on 12/16/03 at 12:49:27, thomas wrote:
Sit-ups with someone holding your feet down?

I think it's more like push-ups while holding her feet down.....

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:52pm
LMAO  - My gosh thomas - you figured it out...... NOT.... keep trying...

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by cathy on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:52pm
Thomas I think it's you know wink wink nudge nudge... ;)

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:55pm

on 12/16/03 at 12:52:45, cathy wrote:
wink wink nudge nudge... ;)
What in the hell does Eric Idle have to do with this?  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:56pm
oooooooo Jimmy B - that sounds like fun...... have to try that one!!!!!!!!!   ;;D

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:58pm
It's gotta be something else besides sex doesn't it?

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by cathy on Dec 16th, 2003, 12:59pm
who's Eric Idle  [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:02pm
Did I mis-spell his name?  He was in Monty Python.  One of my favorite Brits.  He had a skit where he kept saying nudge, nudge, wink ,wink.

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:03pm
Does it HAVE to be something else besides sex??? cuz if it does then I guess I can't help you out.......  :(

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:04pm
No I just thought you would have some other answer and accuse me of having my mind in the gutter (where it usually is anyway) [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:09pm
Join the crowd --- the gutter is a very happy place to be - keeps the beast away for me!!!   :P

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:12pm
IS THERE A THREAD FOR PERVERTS ON HERE ANYWHERE??????????   [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]  

Poor guy that made this thread about shoveling did it turn into this???  

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by bedhead on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:18pm
Jimmy B is right.  It works for me too.  I have theory about it.  I could be way off, but here it goes.

Everyone knows that when you have sex blood rushes away from your head, and into the genital area.  If CH are caused by dilated blood vessels pinching nerves, then maybe the blood that is being diverted releases pressure from those nerves.

By the way, here is my formal introduction.  My name is Michael Mueller.  I am 24 years old.  I have been having CH for about seven years now.  Each year up till last I told myself it was temporary, and not something that I should seriously worry about.  Last year I went to a few doctors, and they treated me like a lab rat.  I have never been into drugs, I mean I haven't taken a tylenol since I was 10!  But I finally caved in and got a prescription for Nuerontin.  It took about two weeks, but the headaches did go away.  I still hate drugs, though.  Now half a year later I'm suffering another cluster, so I started looking on the internet for information on lifestyle triggers and natural cures.  Well, I wasn't pleased.  Not much.  I'm sure, like a lot of you, I've thought of just about anything to stop the headaches.  I tried meditation, stretching, massage, and saying things like, "Just let me borrow that gun.  I'll give it right back, after I blow my f%*#n brains out".  So now I'm at the stage where I just want to know as much as I can about this thing, cause I have finally admitted that I have CH.

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:20pm
Trust me, he doesn't mind.  I can see where that could help in divirting blood flow.  Oh and welcome aboard.

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:27pm
Well hang in there bedhead - don't borrow any guns from anyone. Sex is a much funner way to deal with the pain. Since this is a new-comer, I'll spill the beans and let you know what works for me - I have found that if I feel the "beast" on its way (which is almost always in the middle of the night) well then I just roll over onto my husband and ride the night away, he can even stay sleeping if he wants (but he never does). I don't know if its the blood rushing to other body parts but it almost always helps the headaches!  Or at least shortens them.  And if you don't have a partner to roll over on then I'm sure you can use your imagination - doesn't matter how you get there - the ending is always the same and that's the part that does the job  ;;D Best of luck to you all............... PFDAN's ahead to all of you!!!

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by bedhead on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:33pm
I didn't know how to bring it up, so I'm glad someone else said it before I did.  It is the only thing that I have found so far to relieve the headaches.  I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:40pm
NNNAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH you're not alone...... I didn't want anyone to think I was a pervert either but, what the hay, right. Besides, what kind of person doesn't like sex??????

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:42pm

on 12/16/03 at 13:27:05, CHmess wrote:
Well hang in there bedhead - don't borrow any guns from anyone. Sex is a much funner way to deal with the pain. Since this is a new-comer, I'll spill the beans and let you know what works for me - I have found that if I feel the "beast" on its way (which is almost always in the middle of the night) well then I just roll over onto my husband and ride the night away, he can even stay sleeping if he wants (but he never does). I don't know if its the blood rushing to other body parts but it almost always helps the headaches!  Or at least shortens them.  And if you don't have a partner to roll over on then I'm sure you can use your imagination - doesn't matter how you get there - the ending is always the same and that's the part that does the job  ;;D Best of luck to you all............... PFDAN's ahead to all of you!!!

I've got to go take a cold shower now. ;)

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:44pm
Mee tooooooooooo thomas  8)

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by wip5150 on Dec 16th, 2003, 2:34pm
I've actually thought about posting something similar to this many times but never got up the nerve to bring it up.  When I get my CH's - usually about an hour after I go to sleep - I will "handle up on my business" as it were.  It almost always helps subdue the pain and, in some instances, chases the headache away completely.  

I will say that about 1/2 through my episodic cycle (where I am right about now) I get real tired of it, though.  Maybe this will help others, maybe not.  But there is something to the endorphin rush that does help battle CH's.

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 2:45pm
GET TIRED OF IT?????????????  WHAT'S A MATTA WITH YOU???????????  

Must be you need some help "handling up on your business"  :o

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by thomas on Dec 16th, 2003, 2:53pm
I've held my own and taken matters in my own hands while dealing with the beast.  It does seem to help.  oops there goes another skeleton. :-[

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 2:59pm
It's ok thomas, don't worry about your skeleton's ---
There are 2 kinds of people in this world:

Those that do it and admit it and
Those that do it and deny it.....

Either way - Everybody does it. ;;D

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by wip5150 on Dec 16th, 2003, 3:01pm

on 12/16/03 at 14:45:23, CHmess wrote:
GET TIRED OF IT?????????????  WHAT'S A MATTA WITH YOU???????????  

Must be you need some help "handling up on your business"  :o

There's nothing like having a dental pick scracthing on my brain to get me in the mood.  Seriously, I just don't like feeling that I'm "forced" to do it.  It's part of my headache routine, same as taking a blistering hot shower or coming close to hyperventilating cold air outside.  Basically, I don't really enjoy anything that represents what I have to do to deal with this MF'ing thing.

Don't get me wrong, I loves me some sex but I'd gladly be celibate for life if I could just have my brain back.

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CJohnson on Dec 16th, 2003, 3:10pm
 During a bout of sustained vigorous, or even somewhat vigorous exercise, cortisol levels increase immediately and produce an elevated cortisol to DHEA ratio. Around 3 hours after the activity has ceased, cortisol levels decrease to a level equal to or lower than the levels prior to exercise. Perhaps these cortisol levels, or some aspect of the process of dramatic increases and decreases in cortisol or cortisol to DHEA ratios play a role in aborting or triggering an attack.

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a natural, intermediate steroid hormone produced in our body by the adrenal glands. DHEA is called "mother of hormones", or prohormone because DHEA is further converted to generate 50 other essential hormones. For example, DHEA is converted to androgens (male hormones) or estrogens (female hormones) in the cells. DHEA is the most abundant hormone in our blood, and adequate blood DHEA level is critical for many vital hormonal and metabolic functions of our body.


Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by jonny on Dec 16th, 2003, 3:31pm
I have a question.

Does this sex thing work if you wake with a full blown CH?


Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by CHmess on Dec 16th, 2003, 3:34pm
NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :'(

Nothing works for that!!
At least not for me!

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by wip5150 on Dec 16th, 2003, 4:05pm

on 12/16/03 at 15:31:01, jonny wrote:
I have a question.

Does this sex thing work if you wake with a full blown CH?


It really only helps during the onset of mine.  Perhaps others have differing experiences.

Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by don on Dec 16th, 2003, 10:22pm



Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by Charlie on Dec 16th, 2003, 11:26pm
Ah. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.

Sex involves exertion then?  I'll get back to you.


Title: Re: Physical exertion
Post by Mr.Happy on Dec 16th, 2003, 11:32pm

on 12/16/03 at 13:18:51, bedhead wrote:
So now I'm at the stage where I just want to know as much as I can about this thing, cause I have finally admitted that I have CH.

Good step. Most of these folks have been at this FAR too long to remember the _initial_ shock of realizing they had CH for life.
Not me.

OK....back to the alternative therapy session.

Mash that Mango,
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