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(Message started by: aquarius28 on Dec 15th, 2003, 3:10pm)

Title: ?depression and HA?what ya think?
Post by aquarius28 on Dec 15th, 2003, 3:10pm
Hi everyone
Recently I started to wonder if my HA aren't connected with some kind of depression or lack of sunlight.I have to emphasize that I am not a diagnosed CH  sufferer but the only thing I don't have are noctrurnal attacks.I have read many people's posts and thats why I think I am CH.But my neuro doesn't think so.My cycles always start during the end of fall.I have never figured out how long my attacks last because I couldn;t stand it.It was hell and I always take prescribed by my neuro HA pills ,non-steroid ,its main ingredient is diclofenacum sodium.It helps me.What do you think about connections between lack of sunlight and HA?Has anyone heard about something simmilar?
PFDAN 2 all!

Title: Re: ?depression and HA?what ya think?
Post by cathy on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:11pm
Hi aquarius.... Welcome to the board I hope you don't have CH.

As far as im aware CH's are not connected with anything yet that is proven, seasons do seem to play a part in this condition though.

I think before you try to determine what does or doesn't cause CH you ought to get a firm diagnosis for the type of headaches you have... I would say that is far more important.

You say you don't get hit at of the biggest things is that a lot or most people with CH DO get hit at mention meds but you don't say whether or not they worked for you...... have you done the cluster quiz....?

PFDAN's to you whatever your headache.


Title: Re: ?depression and HA?what ya think?
Post by pubgirl on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:15pm
You are being given an unusual non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (similar to Ibuprofen). For most of us here, this would be about as much good as a slap around the face with a wet haddock

Glad it works for you.


As for the light thing. Quite a few people have tried Light boxes at considerable expense, but they seem to have little consistent effect. If lack of light were the issue, we in England would all be chronic with our weather and everyone in Las Vegas would be CH free!

Title: Re: ?depression and HA?what ya think?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:58pm
My Headaches CAUSE depression.

Not the other way around.


Title: Re: ?depression and HA?what ya think?
Post by thomas on Dec 15th, 2003, 5:03pm
I'm with Linda - I'm depressed because I have ch.

Title: Re: ?depression and HA?what ya think?
Post by Prense on Dec 15th, 2003, 6:36pm

on 12/15/03 at 16:11:29, cathy wrote:
You say you don't get hit at of the biggest things is that a lot or most people with CH DO get hit at mention meds but you don't say whether or not they worked for you...... have you done the cluster quiz....?  

Although I get nocturnal attacks, they are not terribly common for me...I am chronic though.  I agree, take the cluster quiz, then get a 2nd diagnosis (opinion) if possible.  If it is CH, you should be experiencing unilateral headpain normally lasting from 30 minutes to 3 hours located in the eye region that is worse than any pain you have ever experienced accompanied with one or more of the following: runney eye, drooping eyelid, runny/conjested nose (same side as the pain)...  I hope it is not CH!



Title: Re: ?depression and HA?what ya think?
Post by Ree on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:23pm
CH definately causes depression... its exhausting and degrading and unpredictable.  It takes your life away and sometimes when you have a couple of days of even weeks pain free it comes back to remind you that it is there... Sometimes you get a long remission and then get wacked so hard... and each time seems worse than the time before, as if this beast is saying, I gave you a break now I want all of you. The medication, the cost, the sleepless nights and days of torture.    That to me my friend, would depress me to no end... Watching my hubby go through this is depressing for me. I can only imagine in my heart of hearts, what is happening to him when he is in cycle. I can only see what he allows me to see.  He is so strong.  God Bless everyone that has CH tonight.   Ree

Title: Re: ?depression and HA?what ya think?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 16th, 2003, 1:16am

Yes he is Ree.  Strong, I mean.  And so are you.

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