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(Message started by: fubar on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:44am)

Title: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by fubar on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:44am
I'm just curious.  I ask only because someone mentioned doing their imitrex shot in the arm, and I've only ever used my legs.  I think I did that mostly because the number of shots would sometimes leave big ugly bruises, especially if the crack smoking manufacturers don't get that damn needle straight.

So, Where do you give yourself an Imitrex injection?

And, while we're at it, do you use the Imitrex saving tip described on this site?  I don't, because I'm deathly afraid of needles anyway and just using that bang stick is hard enough for me.


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:49am
.2cc with Insulin syringe in FAT thigh.  Haven't done my arm yet, maybe I should try it.  I recently discovered that it hurts a LOT less if I inject in the TOP of my thigh, then on the side of my thigh.
Fubar, the needle hurts a HELL of a lot less then the SHOT 1/3rd dose has a LOT less sides...and saves a LOT of money.  :)

How do diabetics get over thier needle phobia's?  I've always wondered.

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by fubar on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:20am

I'm sure it hurts less using the syringe, but it's not the pain that's the issue.  You'd have to understand the whole injection phobia... it's not about the pain.  Hell, I passed out once from a tetnous shot and that didn't hurt at all.  It was the whole idea of something in a vial being injected into my body.  It just makes me all jiggly inside.

That bang stick makes it happen fast enough, at least after you actually press that button, and that can take me a long time even at Kip8.  Kip10.. I'm all about the shot.  No waiting.  I'm also smart enough to know I'd be a wreck trying to manually inject myself while in the throws of a Kip10, whicj is the only time I'd use it if I had no bang stick.


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:34am
When I was on the trex, I used to hit it in my arm and then raise my arm up the air and shake it to get the stuff to my head quicker. Don't know if it helped get it there faster, but gave me something to do while I waited.

if you're afraid of the needle - get someone else to inject you if it's possible. That diabetic needle really doesn't hurt - it's just the thought of it.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Mark C on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:37am
Good question Shawn,
I usually hit my upper arm below the shoulder and most of the time it is almost painless. My biggest problem is I have a small amount of body fat which makes a subcutaneous injection more difficult. I tend to hit muscle in my arm or thigh, my second choice which hurts and takes longer for the drug to have an effect. I have vials now but due to my alternative therapy I have not needed anything for almost 6 weeks now.
I have no aversion to syringes so I am not worried about that...however using a syringe instead of the "bang stick" during an attack has yet to be tackled. I hear of folks preparing syringes ahead of time but I know how to inject myself and a fair amount of motor control is necessary for the correct manipulation of the syringe. Motor control is one of the first things I lose during an attack along with my eyesight etc etc....

Hey Shawn...I found a media player you might like... (   [smiley=jammin.gif]


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:39am
Hey Fubar,
when i used to do imitrex, i always did the top of my leg.  and pushing the button was hard for me too!  i'd be hugging a teddy bear and have a friend on the phone telling me, "ok we're gonna count to 3 and then you're gonna push that button or i'm driving over!" lol  it never mattered how much pain i was in...the bang scared me to death.

then once i started using actual syringes with DHE, i got a LOT better with it.  i have experimented with lots of sites, and mast is right...if you're gonna do it in your thigh, the top is best.  i had a nurse prove this to me when i was inpatient, and after that i've always done it there and never gone back.  needle goes in easier there too because the skin isn't as tough.

recently i had a nurse tech from upstairs start doing the injections in the back of my arm.  over in a flash, and i don't have to worry about how long it takes me to get the needle in because of stopping myself from causing self-inflicted pain!  don't know how people in the old days actually stabbed themselves with stakes, when i can't even shove in a baby needle!  LOL  But it's getting better. :)

Good luck!
~Lizzie :)

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:48am
I suspect the the exact amount of Imitrex to inject may be different for each person and each attack.

For me, 1/2 shot works just as well as a full shot.
(Of course sometimes nothing works regardless)

I grab as much meat on the thigh as i can. Holding it with one hand and pushing the needle in with the other. You can't even feel it if you do it right.

Saves lots of $ and prescription refill hassles with the doc.

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by jmorgan52 on Dec 15th, 2003, 8:30am
Right leg, on the outside of the upper thigh every time.  I always sit on the crapper with ny pants down and the spot I use on the leg feels just right with the "bang stick" (I like that name for it!) in my right hand. Don't feel a thing - honest   :P

I have never been able to bring myself to use the imtrex tip as the thought of pushing the tiny needle and vial in is too much to bear with a kip 10.

As for the diabetic needle - we don't get the ampule form of imigran over here so can't fill a syringe from what I can see?

I haven't had to use the inj since May 2002 and hope I never do again but it is probably wishful thinking. I may give the Blue Meanie technique for a 1/2 shot a try next time.

I tried using a 2nd cut-down injector pen to give 1/2 a dose at the end of my last cycle.  I kept a full length injector pen to give the 2nd 1/2 dose but did not need to use it as my cycle ended just as I discovered the method. It seemed to work ok, but others reckon it might not. Might be worth a try?



Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by thomas on Dec 15th, 2003, 8:36am
I used to inject in the back of my left shoulder.  Thank God I didn't need trex for this last cycle.

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Ree on Dec 15th, 2003, 8:58am
Dave says leg every time.............. ree

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by maggie_may on Dec 15th, 2003, 9:16am
I tend to inject into my left side - there's enough to grab onto without sticking any vessels or vital organs   ;;D

The imitrex tip has saved me so many times, and I was really scared of sticking myself too, and it does feel a lil strange for me because I can feel the imitrex going in - but I figure, what's worse?


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:11am
I used the full dose and shot in the thigh every time.  Call me a wienee but I was afraid to use a regular needle.  

My husband uses the insulin needles and actually the stomach is the easiest place to inject (keep away from the belly button area though).  Never hurts and it is painless.  

If I ever go in to cycle again I may try the vials of Imitrex, pre-load the needle before I go to bed, and try giving it to myself in the stomach or thigh.  

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by CHmess on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:36am
My husband injects in his left arm ALWAYS (for migraines).
He uses those things so much the spot is pretty much numb now and he can't even feel it anymore.  

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by don on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:50am
Biceps, always

Trick, yes

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by totka on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:03am
As my Chinese acupuncture-doc asked "Why are big white man afraid of a little yellow man's little needle?"

You can give 1/2 shot without any pain. Pinch the skin on your thigh and touch the needle to your skin. If you feel nothing, there aren't pain-perceiving nerves - give the injection.

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by fubar on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:29am
I think it's funny how a lot of you think a needle phobia has anything to do with pain.

I can't use a syringe, end of story.  I'd probably throw up or pass out trying.  It just isn't going to happen.  I am lucky there is the auto-injector.

If I could find a way to auto-inject 1/3 of a dose, then we'd be talking, but this nonsense about using an insulin syringe is pure fantasy.

Just like I don't understand people who are deathly afraid of clowns, I don't expect you to understand a true fear of injections.

So, the poll question was more about where do you give yourself the shot, regardless of your method, and secondly, do you use the Imitrex tip...

I'm also curious how long people wait before taking the shot?  At the first sign of an attack?  After the pain is set in?  Only when absolutely necessary?  I usually wait until absolutely necessary because I hate to waste it and it's expensive.  I used to suffer a lot just because I didn't want to waste my stash.  Stupid.


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:36am

on 12/15/03 at 11:29:39, fubar wrote:
I usually wait until absolutely necessary because I hate to waste it and it's expensive.  I used to suffer a lot just because I didn't want to waste my stash.  Stupid.-Shwan


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Mikey on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:44am
Shoulder and stomach.....

and i use the Imitrex tip too with the Imitrex Stat dose pins.

I also use syringes and vials.

I sure wish that there was a way that you could take the meds from the nasal spray, and some how figure out how much to put in the syringe, so that you could inject it as well!

If anyone knows, please let me know about it!!


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Roxy on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:47am

on 12/15/03 at 11:29:39, fubar wrote:
 I usually wait until absolutely necessary because I hate to waste it and it's expensive.  I used to suffer a lot just because I didn't want to waste my stash.  Stupid.

Same here Shawn, and I usually feel real stupid for waiting.  With me, it's not so much the cost (when I'm hurting, I don't think about that), but it's the amount of trex that I use.  I don't want to use it, so I wait. The only time I don't wait is if I am around other people in a social setting.  Then I inject at the VERY first twinge.

I use the vials and syringes.....three doses out of each vial.  I have injected in the thigh a few times (usually when I'm driving), but the thigh seems to hurt more, most of the time I use the upper shoulder or my ass (the bum is good, because the extra padding down there masks the burn going in.... ;;D).  I've actually gotten pretty slick with the syringe, and can sometimes do it in a crowd and no one notices.  Scared a poor little football player to death this weekend in New Orleans though....only made it to the elevator and dropped my sweater and injected right in front of him.....LOL.  The look on his face was priceless.... :)

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 15th, 2003, 12:00pm
When I used imitrex was always the same ritual.  Crawl into the bathroom, sit down on the throne & jab myself in the right side of my arse or thigh.

Then wait for it to kick in.

P.S. Never used the "tip"...because I found out about it after I couldn't use trex, anymore. But I probably would have tried it.

Title: Indejection
Post by Mr.Happy on Dec 15th, 2003, 12:10pm
Is there any, any, anybody out there that's bothered to try the Injex 30 ( I've never had to inject.....just shoot a nasal spray under my eyelid for extra fun. I ain't huckstering the Injex, but I sure as hell would like to open up a local franchise.......

Shooting up, down, over and out,

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by fubar on Dec 15th, 2003, 12:23pm

on 12/15/03 at 11:47:33, Roxy wrote:
Same here Shawn, and I usually feel real stupid for waiting.  With me, it's not so much the cost (when I'm hurting, I don't think about that), but it's the amount of trex that I use.  

Ya, I didn't mean to imply that the cost was the issue more than the running out of it because I wasted it on a Kip7 instead of a Kip8-10.

on 12/15/03 at 11:47:33, Roxy wrote:
Scared a poor little football player to death this weekend in New Orleans though....only made it to the elevator and dropped my sweater and injected right in front of him.....LOL.  The look on his face was priceless.... :)

Now *that* would be surprising.  Ummm... how *far* did you pull the sweater down?   ;;D

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:09pm
... stick the painfull little bastard right in my shoulder...

Tried the outside of my thigh once... and thought I was injecting muratic acid....

... I count to three, and inject on 'two'... I'm slow.. so I can trick myself...  ;;D

-Big IQ

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by fubar on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:15pm

on 12/15/03 at 13:09:29, Big_Dan wrote:
... I count to three, and inject on 'two'... I'm slow.. so I can trick myself...  ;;D

-Big IQ

LMAO  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by vig on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:24pm
bicep, right under the skin... ~2ml? slowly.

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Leesa on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:33pm
Dave gets his upper arm once in a great while with a full injection. Most of the time he gets the 1/3 in the leg thats if he doesnt wait too long. If he waits then its a full dose.

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Mikey on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:27pm
Yeah Leesa, that's the problem i have a lot of times when i wait to see if i even need an injection, or to see how much of one......I tell ya , it's almost a catch 22 with the timing of the dose......Inject too early, then ya might not have even needed it.....Then inject to late, you end up using a whole one, when you might could have used half of one at onset and got along just fine......It sure is a really hard guess sometimes of what and when to do!

So, if i think i might need atleast a half of one ( cause sometimes it seems to me that i can tell a little) i just go ahead and do it, then if that wasn't enough, and the HA keeps building regardless, i'll take the other half Injection.

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by fubar on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:44pm
The only reason we even have to give it a second thought is they only allow us to get the amount of Imitex that would be appropriate for a meeeegraineur.

Until they stop treating us like meeegraineurs and give us access to a true "month's" worth under our plans, we are subjected to this unnecessary psychological battle that's causing us pain.

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:30pm

I do my Imitrex shot in my arms..... because it works immediately... ;;D

PFDAN, Zaira

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Prense on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:01pm
I normally wait to make sure it isn't "just a shadow" (30 minutes max)...If I hit a kip 5 though, I am stabbing.  Currently, I am getting all the trex I can use at no out of pocket expense, so I am not using the tip.  I stab in the thigh (holding the needle in for a count of 8 ) in a rotation schedule (leg1 top, outside; leg 2 top, outside)  Pisses me off to see a dropplet still on the needle even after holding it in that I missed some or something...   ;;D  If I have a couple of PF days, I don't care where my rotation schedule was, I just start over and stab!

I am sure I am hitting muscle in the thigh, but it seems to be doing the trick in about 10 minutes or so, and I can feel the trex ride start up in less than a minute.

trex ride = scalp tingling (always) + minor throat tightness (sometimes)

I have even stabbed right after running induced an attack.  My HR was about 149 and I bled like a stuck pig.


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by jonny on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:19pm
Left shoulder (Avoiding tats) using the Trex tip.


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by jimbo on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:32pm
Trex. Stat dose auto injector. Whatever part of the body that isn't covered with clothing at the time! Arm, leg, belly, it doesn't matter to me. When I'm in cycle I never have shadows, I go from kip 0-10 in about 15 seconds! If I had to inject that shit into my eyeball to make it work, I would do it!

Seeya, PFDAN


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Carl_D on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:34pm
Left upper arm...
I used to be so skittish about using a needle to inject anything. However, I would rather stick a needle in my arm than have a CH. I did the 'Trex tip for awhile, and it worked sometimes, sometimes it didn't.
I started using vials, and the first syringes were diabetes syringes. They were thin and small, and the area I would inject would itch and burn for awhile. When they gave me bigger needles, I was like "WTF? This would scare an elephant!" What is funny though is, it doesn't hurt, itch or burn like the smaller needles did. Only thing I can think of is that with the other small syringes, the dose is closer to the outer layer of skin, so that is prolly why it itches. Hell, I'd inject it straight into the temple if I had to. I just don't deal with pain very well. I would rather use the vials and syringes over the statdose injectors. I think it is faster acting if you inject it into the arm...faster than the leg. Just my opinion.

Carl D

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by Melissa on Dec 15th, 2003, 8:36pm
I do mine in the hip.  I've had to switch hips and sometimes forget where I've stuck the damn needle beforehand, so I end up sticking myself like a centimeter away from the last one I did. ::)  It's a pain, but the relief is worth it!  Also, hubby has injected me on more than a few occasions when the pain is so unbearable, it's hard for me to keep my hand still long enough to do it myself.  Oh, and I use a full dose.


Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by mickey on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:19pm
I always inject in the top of my thigh, tried the arm but always jerked away and lost the shot.
I've also been at a kip 9 or 10 before and forgot to cock the bang stick you twist it on to the shot and pull it out and its already squirting that sucks especilly if its your last shot. But the top of the thigh works great, I've even gotten to where I can do it while Im driving , if I've got shorts on . Also my neuro just perscribed me shots of torodol which dont work, But the needle for them is 1 and a half inchs long. I give myself the shot in the fat of the ass and I dont feel a thing.
By the way how do you get the imitrex in to the diabetic needle? I would like to try that sometime.

Title: Re: Poll:  Where do you inject?
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:29pm

on 12/15/03 at 23:19:19, mickey wrote:
I've also been at a kip 9 or 10 before and forgot to cock the bang stick you twist it on to the shot and pull it out and its already squirting that sucks especilly if its your last shot.

Been there done that. Sure does SUCK. Wasted two shots in a row plus the one I used for the Headache one night.

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