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(Message started by: Roxy on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:08pm)

Title: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Roxy on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:08pm
Well, we had our little get together, and if you can believe it......we had our ass's parked in that bar for 12 hours.  We met Edna's husband (and, I'm sure....shocked the hell out of, Jean, Barb and Steve were there too.  I can't tell ya'll how much I enjoyed everyone.....these are some fine people.  Jean brought everyone Christmas presents (Steve brought a little gift too... :-*)...thank you both... :).  We went from tears...back to laughing (with a tiny bit of drinking thrown in for good measure).  We sure missed Doug and David, but maybe they can make it next time.

Danny, Edna, Barb, Jean, Steve
Danny and Edna
Steve, Jean, Tracey, Edna, Danny, Barb

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Roxy on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:11pm
More pics to come....left them on Greg's laptop which is now in Virginia (and he's stuck somewhere in an airport in Baltimore...LOL).


It is just a totally amazing thing.


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Ree on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:15pm
ok whose who??????????? haaaaaaaaaaalp... those pics are so Naaaaaaaaaaaaaas (nice) Roxy... very Naaaaaaaaaaaas pictures... ree

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by fubar on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:28pm
Yes... names please   ;;D

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Roxy on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:11pm
Me and Jean (TxBassLady)

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by catlind on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:36pm
Roxy, in the above photo, why are you wearing the sofa??

..................... ;)


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Roxy on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:47pm
Bite me, Cat........ ;;D

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:49pm
lmao....I was gonna say something too, but Cat, as always has more nerve than I.

12 hours in the Bar, huh?   Is that the same as 36 hours on a porch?


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by cootie on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:58pm
Cool pics....I could see doin 12 hours in a bar then doin 36 on a porch with all of you guys !!!! Party clusterbuddy girl Pam

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Roxy on Dec 15th, 2003, 12:05am
....sigh....I might as well admit it.....I was dancing on the bar, and Jean very kindly suggested that I use the couch for appropriate covering.   :P    She is very much a sweetheart, and has wonderful ideas.  I thought it worked terribly well...... ;;D

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Charlie on Dec 15th, 2003, 12:11am
These are great pics. Thanks for the looksee. Everyone at least looks sober. What's deal with that?  ::)

Keep 'em coming.


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Mikey on Dec 15th, 2003, 12:27am
Love those pics guys!!!!!

Even if you were wearing the couch cushion Tracey...LOL.. I don't think you needed it!!

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Renee on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:44am
Yes,  thanks for the pics.  Now I can put a face with the i.m.'s and posts.

glad y'all had fun.  

anyone make it by haydel's bakery? is bill?


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:23am
It was just such a shame that we had NOTHING in common and NOTHING to talk about..... We just sat and stared at each other for 15 hours.... And for the record - Tracey after you LEFT, Jean and I stuck it out till about 2 am. I think they were relieved when we LEFT the bar. We really wanted to take the couch home for a souvineer. We'd gotten so attached to it. Hope you found your jacket... We left it at the desk.

And no Renee, we didn't get off the couch long enough to get anything. They brought us Sandwiches to keep up our strength sometime during the 15 hours, but other than that we DIDN'T MOVE!!!

it was a great day, but it was a LONG drive home with no sleeep.

I agree with Tracey -- if you EVER have a chance to meet with other Cheads - don't miss the chance. It's a total experience. And just for the record - if you weren't there - WE TALKED ABOUT YOU!!!

Renee is trying to find us a place around the Dallas area to meet next time. All you people in the DFW area - NO EXCUSES. Get ready for it....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:38am
Sounds like you all had a great time. Nice pics. Glad to see a face with a name. I can only imagine what July is gonna be like.

Lookout Nashville !!

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by don on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:20am

DFW area

Dovorced White Females?

Get ready for it....

I'll start now!

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:24am
Don's on the prowl again !  LOL

Thanks for the pics Tracey.  It's nice to put a face with a name.  Glad you guys had so much fun !!!

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:38am
First off, thank you all for making the trip down.  Barb, I can't believe you drove all the way back!

Secondly, if you get the chance to visit with another Clusterhead, do it.  I will never forget it.  You'll know what I, and others are talking about.  It's an instant friendship.

And last, and this may sound strange, thank you Tracey for getting hit.  I've never seen someone else get hit. The hands to the head, the rocking, the feeling of not being able to help.   What our supporters must endure.  Supporters, you are the best.

Steve G

P.S. Thanks Jean for the gift.

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Roxy on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:49am

on 12/15/03 at 10:38:38, stevegeebe wrote:
And last, and this may sound strange, thank you Tracey for getting hit.

...ummmm.....your welcome, Steve....I think....LMAO!  


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Mr.Happy on Dec 15th, 2003, 1:22pm

on 12/14/03 at 23:36:08, catlind wrote:
Roxy, in the above photo, why are you wearing the sofa??

Quite probably a "coverage" issue.
If history is any indicator, that was a pre-headache Rox pix. Once hit, she generally strips down to her boxer shorts and takes off running thru the fields. That there were no fields (only hotel lobbies and college kids) would be of little import to the Iowa Park Princess........

Free Form Fun,

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by echo on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:21pm
Mr Happy has now made the sofa look lumpy.  Nice lumps however.

I'll just STFU now.

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:35pm
Sorry Tracey...poor way to frame the experience.  

Steve G

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:33pm

I’ve never been envious... but this time, yes, I’m envious of you all ;;D! Joke apart... Thanks for sharing... I have seen you have enjoyed yourself... GOOD!!

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Doug_L on Dec 15th, 2003, 6:12pm
It looks like all of you had a wonderful time.
Sorry I did not make it.
We did not get out of court until late Friday and my brother also got out on bond. So you know big pizza party etc for him.
Then when my sister and I got back into New Orleans from Florida on Saturday morning we decided to hit the casino until it was time for her flight back to Houston. Needless to say once I got back home it was a well-deserved time to crash!


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Roxy on Dec 15th, 2003, 6:17pm
We missed you, Doug....maybe next time.

Jean and Barb, thank you for leaving my jacket.  I ran out of there so fast I forgot it.  I had planned to come back down, but my husband's little flu bug got me between hits.  Nothing like ch's, flu and alcohol all going around in your body at the same time.....LOL. need to learn how to crop a picture...... [smiley=bigtiny.gif]

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:06pm
This meeting was one of the greatest experiences in my life.  If convention is this good, I may not be able to stand it.  I am still amazed at how you can feel so damn close to people you don't know.  But ......then you get the chance to meet them.....and there is where you get the answer.  It was totally awesome!!
Thanks Steve, Tracey, Edna (and Danny) and Barbara for giving me this opportunity.  It was great to meet all of you!

Cat..........that sofa cushion came in handy when Tracey got hit.  She bout tore the upholstery off it!  We did kinda have to laugh about that.  Tracey got hit again around 10, and had to make a fast exit to her room.  Damn, that girl moves fast.  She took her shoes off (so she could run fast), jumped up, did a quick hug and kiss and absolutely mowed over about 3 or 4 people in the bar trying to get to the elevator.  I am not making light of her ha, so please......noone send me nasty emails.  It was just her exit........and I know that Tracey will laugh about that if she doesn't remember it.  It damn sure takes alot of humor to get thru the CH.  We'd be in a real mess if we couldn't share a bit of humor.

Steve, tell Dianne that I really appreciate her giving up time with you on the weekend, so you could be with us.  No doubt she is a very precious, giving lady.

Edna, tell Danny it was great having him there.  He is a real sweetie for spending the time with us.  

Hope you guys know how much I love you.  Thanks again, for Saturday.


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by jonny on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:22pm

on 12/15/03 at 19:06:08, TxBasslady wrote:
This meeting was one of the greatest experiences in my life.  

Wait till you meet the King......LOL ;;D


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:27pm
We've already warned her about you kid.... NO BEER RUNS!!!!  (You'll NEVER live that one down.)

But we all Still love you.... Hugs BD

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by jonny on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:31pm
Literally ROTFFLMMFAO....Barb ;;D ;;D ;;D


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Elaine on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:34pm
I have enjoyed the pictures ! Its sounds like you all had a blast. Oh Roxy I hate you getting hit. I heard some wonderful things about you all today.

There is nothing like meeting clusterheads and supporters. You never get tired of meeting them and they always bring a smile.

I hate it cause I could not be there, but5 I am so happy ya'll had a wonderful time.

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Edna on Dec 15th, 2003, 9:06pm
Oh my...... :'( :'( :'(......I'm SOOOOOooooo lonesome already.

This shit sucks.....yeah, it's great to meet fellow chers.....but DAMN, you sure get lonesome REAL fast and want more time!!   lol

I met with Steve and Tracey on Thursday. We were supposed to have lunch. Well, who the hell could think of food. We just sat and talked and weren't really hungry. And don't THINK we were moving from our spots.

I really still don't have the words to describe the feeling I have inside. Tears flood my eyes as I think of it. Tracey, Steve, Barb and Jean.........Thank you......and as much as we constantly hear on here, I'll repeat it again.


Tracey is just a wonderful person. You felt as though you've known her your entire life the minute you meet her.  She's so down to earth, so friendly, and she sure can make herself look good fast with no sleep!!  lol Thank you Tracey, for being you.

Steve was just a sweety. He was genuinely thankful for this board and let us know that "WE" helped him tremendously through his cycle. He also has a HUGE porch around his  Your pictures of your home were really beautiful Steve. And your wife Diane, is truly a great supporter to have let you spend your time with us. And above all, Steve is quite the sneak, I mean really.....he could dash out to grab a beer the fastest I've seen...... ;) ;)  Thank you too Steve for helping make Danny feel a little less on edge. Having a guy there helped and I appreciate that.

Barb, well she is just the type of friend that can make you feel totally at ease. She's funny, bright, and on top of things. I really enjoyed our conversation together. She's a "touchy" woman....she likes to hand shakes for And that's ok with me. Thank you Barb, I loved being around you!!!!

Now Jean, she just likes surprising you when you least expect. Thanks for the gift Jean, it was so very thoughtful of you. But, more than that, thank you for being with us. I could tell that you were overwhelmed some by some of the stories we told, especially learning that some of us have suffered for so long. But, as you's our "craziness" and our unmatched sense of humor that I think gets us through.
   Jean also enjoyed watching a little parade that passed down Canal Street in the middle of the day. Next time Jean, we'll go ahead and join in the

I have to say, my husband was quite taken with the bunch. He's not much of a computer man, he knows I come here. He's a great supporter, he understands totally my need to be here. BUT........SOMETHING has changed. I think those in the group saw it on his face after we had been there a while. He too was AMAZED by all he learned that day. He really is amazed to hear of all that is endured by chronics. He said while we were there..........."You have to keep in touch with these people"   LOL    

So, yeah, I traveled to the crazy city of New Orleans to meet a bunch of people from the internet. Am I crazy????  Yep, I guess so. Crazy enough to understand that though I had never "met" these people before, I was confident with the fact of knowing they were already my friends!!!!!!    :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(   utterly amazing.........and I've finally been able to answer questions I've had for years...........WHY CLUSTERS??......well, it's self evident after meeting a fellow cluster in person......We are special people with something genuine to share with one another, forming bonds that others couldn't begin to imagine.

I now have justification......... :'( :'( :'(......that I have NOT suffered for 26 yrs for no reason. I no longer have to wonder am I only too weak to withstand some pain.....I know I am not alone.........and that no matter where I go.........somebody's got my back if I need!!!

Know this post is long, but I don't care.......those interested enough will enjoy and those that don't.....well, it's their perogative to skip it    :D

with a warm heart,

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:50pm
WOW Edna,
GREAT post.
If you think this hurt and loneliness is bad...just wait till "after Nashville".  It lasts MONTHS!!!!

I'm still not over it...sigh.  MISS the porch, and everytime there is a get together and pictures, I miss it again.

Can't WAIT to meet you Edna!!

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Jayne on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:17pm
I wish I could have been there with you all!!!!!!!!
I am green with envy, but happy for you all that you got to meet because I know there is nothing like it!!!!
SEE YA"LL IN NASHVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:55pm
Now HAVE to admit that it was a strange parade.  About 7 or 8 fat guys in grass skirts         :o
There was no event...............but there was a parade....go figure     LMAO   Only in New Orleans!!!! ;)

..............jonny..........I'm gonna save a hug......just for you!!!           :-* best better have your slimey ass in Nashville!!     NO EXCUSES  

BTW Edna.....very nice post.  You are such a sweetie!!
I miss all of you too.   Just think and Danny live relatively close to Steve and Dianne.  You guys can do lunch sometime!!!          8)

Love ya,           Jean

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 16th, 2003, 6:50am
Great post Edna... it IS an experience. And the look on Danny's face... priceless. I know he went away with a whole different outlook on this disease. WE are educational if nothing else.

Five years ago when Elaine decided she wanted to meet another clusterhead and others of us decided that sounded like a good idea and we all went to Rochester NY to meet in Dave's garage - EVERYONE thought we were all crazy, but I'll never forget what it was like to "finally" meet another clusterhead and the bonds that were formed in that garage. Since then I've met about 200 of you, but the feeling and the bond is always there each time. When you're with another clusterhead you can "laugh" about this. Alone it's hard to do.

I've just never figured out how we can recognize each other across a room. Strange.....but it happens.

I was telling Bill about Danny and he's looking forward to meeting with some of you guys. He says I always come back from these meetings "different".

And Steve's porch is something else. I think we should just all bring sleeping bags and have the convention on his porch. It's big enough to hold all of us and Dianne could cook for us (bet that one went over good).  ::)

The only bad part about these meetings is saying goodbye. Always hate that part.

Oh heck, we're gonna do it again, so there's no need to get like this about it..... right?  We're all going to Nashville, so that's only a few months off.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by jonny on Dec 16th, 2003, 7:18pm

on 12/15/03 at 21:06:24, Edna wrote:
I now have justification......... :'( :'( :'(......that I have NOT suffered for 26 yrs for no reason. I no longer have to wonder am I only too weak to withstand some pain.....I know I am not alone.........and that no matter where I go.........somebody's got my back if I need!!!

EVERYONE should read whats written above....that is what this is all about!!!!.....that is why we are all here, you are not alone damn it.....We do have your back no matter where you go.

Edna, Ive been here over four years and those words rank right up there with the best I have ever read on this board.......Thank you!

Now I'll have to email Jean about calling my ass slimey......LMMFAO ;;D


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Edna on Dec 17th, 2003, 12:55am
Thank you too jonny......for all you do for everyone here.

And rest assured, I'm gonna meet your ass yet!!  LOL


Title: Re: New Orleans Pictures
Post by Roxy on Dec 17th, 2003, 12:47pm

I think I stole your cigarette lighter.......I owe ya!

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