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(Message started by: BstnEagles on Dec 13th, 2003, 8:54pm)

Title: Alcohol
Post by BstnEagles on Dec 13th, 2003, 8:54pm
Just wondering if anyone knows why drinking alcohol caused headaches.  I find it quite annoying.  Anways, I was wondering what those of you who do drink do for abortives since Triptans dont seem to work with alcohol.


Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Prense on Dec 13th, 2003, 8:57pm

on 12/13/03 at 20:54:56, BstnEagles wrote:
Triptans dont seem to work with alcohol.

They don't??

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Ree on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:56am
Ed youre right about that they lessen the effects of the triptans... You are so smart!!!  You can give it up for the duration of your cycle... I know it isn't easy for you... peer pressure and stuff... but think about it.  You can drive all the gorgeous girls home from the clubs if your not drunk.................. hehe   love to you (I feel like your second mom) ree

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by jonny on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:59am

on 12/14/03 at 01:56:43, Ree wrote:
  (I feel like your second mom) ree


Consider yourself lucky.......shes a MILF ;;D


Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Jayne on Dec 14th, 2003, 2:51am
MILF???? Help me Jonny?

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 14th, 2003, 3:12am
*M*om *I*'d *L*ike to *F*uck..... sorry ree.. had to bring it out...

Triptans don't work on whiskey to my knowledge... I've tired it... like shooting pool with a rope....

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Orneryolefart on Dec 14th, 2003, 6:47am
I generally have a couple of Scotch's every night, but since I have been under siege I leave alcohol alone.  A drink will bring the S.O.B. (not Sweet Ole Beast) almost immediately. Haven't had a drink in six weeks.  Scared to.

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by BstnEagles on Dec 14th, 2003, 7:01pm
Thanks Ree and everyone,

The problem is that since I have the chronics cutting alcohol doesnt seem feasale, especially at my age.  I was just wondering why they tripped the headaches.  For me, the triptans have no effect on a headache if I get one when Im drunnk.  The weird thing is though, that if I had a headache before I started drinking, the alchol will not cause another one.  Likewise, if im not drinking and its just an average day, i may feel like im having a headache and then it will be gone in 10 min.  Mine last an hour so of course the headache will come back until I have had my full one hour of pain. The beast is very set in its ways

Ed [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 14th, 2003, 7:40pm
Hi Ed, this alcohol deal is fairly simple. Alcohol is a blood vessel dilator and a well known trigger of cluster headache, all the triptan drugs are blood vessel constrictors.

If you are drunk the triptans are unable sometimes to counter the effect of the alcohol already in your system, this has happened to me a few times. If ya drink, keep it moderate and you should be OK most the time. Some folks can’t drink anything when in cycle, other than that I don’t know anything about cycles.


Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Unsolved on Dec 14th, 2003, 8:40pm
I can't drink at all. Haven't been able to in over 3 years. It brings a massive headache, quickly.... but, the Imitrex injections still always worked.


Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Ree on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:34pm
OMG!!! That's the second time you said that jonny...  YOU couldnt handle me!!!......................  ree

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by fubar on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:41pm
oh no... kids, look away

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Ree on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:28pm
LOL Shawn...........

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by KenB on Dec 15th, 2003, 8:52am
I'm not in cycle at the moment but when I am I find that even a few mouthfuls of wine will bring on a CH within 30 minutes.  Imagine how hard it is to explain that here in Ireland!  :o

Me: I'll just have a Coke please
Them: What?!?!
Me: Just a Coke, Thanks
Them: Are you joking?  Why aren't you having a drink?
Well, I get these headaches......
Them:  You mean a hangover?
Me: Not quite.....etc., etc.

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by thomas on Dec 15th, 2003, 9:11am
The best solution is not to drink while in cycle. :)

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by TomM on Dec 15th, 2003, 9:12am

on 12/15/03 at 08:52:16, KenB wrote:
I'm not in cycle at the moment but when I am I find that even a few mouthfuls of wine will bring on a CH within 30 minutes.  Imagine how hard it is to explain that here in Ireland!  :o

Me: I'll just have a Coke please
Them: What?!?!
Me: Just a Coke, Thanks
Them: Are you joking?  Why aren't you having a drink?
Well, I get these headaches......
Them:  You mean a hangover?
Me: Not quite.....etc., etc.

Exactly! Last Thursday was my birthday and I invited about 20 friends/co-workers out to our local hangout for Happy Hour not telling them it was my b-day. The bartender knows me and says "Tanqueray and cranberry right?" To which I reply "No thanks, just ice water." "You’re kidding, right?" "No, water will be fine." "Why?" he asks. "I'm taking medication and it just does not mix well. Plus I promised Renee I'd be the designated driver."  I also had a Shirley Temple and a coke later on. I do miss the alcohol but not as much as I miss the beast.
I've had one drink since Thanksgiving and my attacks have lessened. I used the DD (designated driver) excuse at dinner Friday night. Ordered a really nice bottle of Merlot from Sterling Vineyards and did not have a drop! My sis, her hubby, and my spousal unit enjoyed it in my honor. Me--sparkling water all the way, baby!
Ree is a MILF? I'm shocked jonny, shocked I tell you! ;)

Title: Alcohol
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 15th, 2003, 5:03pm

Absolutely  ;;D... I must stay away from the alcohol... :-/

Be well, Zaira

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by jep22 on Dec 17th, 2003, 9:30pm
I figured out the alcohol/trigger even before I knew that I was a CH sufferer.
Jim P.

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:05pm

on 12/14/03 at 19:01:12, BstnEagles wrote:
The problem is that since I have the chronics cutting alcohol doesnt seem feasale, especially at my age.

I am sorry, maybe it is my advanced age, and I will probably be flamed for this, but this is one of the dumbest statements that I have ever seen on this board!

You are looking for relief from this bastard, but you willingly take a known trigger?  With a bad heart, I have to take nitro tabs (probably the biggest trigger known) every now and then.  I either take the nitro or I die.  So, nitro makes sense to take, but ONLY when I have no other choice.

You have another BIG problem if alcohol means that much to you!  Seek help!

Makes me wonder, do you like pain that much?  Or do you really have CH?


Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 17th, 2003, 10:29pm

on 12/17/03 at 22:05:21, ClusterChuck wrote:
Makes me wonder, do you like pain that much?Unbelievable!

You said that right !!!!

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by don on Dec 17th, 2003, 11:12pm

The problem is that since I have the chronics

Just curious. Do you know the clinical criteria for being chronic?

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by don on Dec 17th, 2003, 11:16pm

Just tell them you are allergic to alcohol. Makes you fart continually for hours.

You'll get your coke without further debate.

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by BstnEagles on Dec 18th, 2003, 12:03am
Yes Don,

I knwo what the clinical criteria for chronics is.  I have not had a period of more than 14 days of remission since I have had these headaches (5 years). My all time longest remission is 10 days.


Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by don on Dec 18th, 2003, 9:57pm
Yup, you be havin the chronics.

Wasn't tryin to ridicule you. A lot of people declare themselves chronic because they "get them a lot".

It is important to know if you are truely chronic in order to get the correct treatment.

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Ree on Dec 19th, 2003, 8:43am
Again I say and I WILL PROBABLY GET FLAMED FOR THIS... I find it strange and quite silly that most of our chronics refuse to quit alcohol... knowing its a trigger for most............... quit drinking for just a month and see and if it doesnt relieve your CH... I WILL BUY YOU A DRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL REE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by gmlevenhagen on Dec 19th, 2003, 8:49am

on 12/17/03 at 21:30:34, jep22 wrote:
I figured out the alcohol/trigger even before I knew that I was a CH sufferer.
Jim P.


Gena [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 19th, 2003, 8:51am
I am, as I stated yesterday, deep into a cycle right now.

And I will not and cannot drink.  This saddens me.

Booze to the Yorks is like our old black lab, Rak.  You reach out your hand and he is there, loving you unconditonally.

I love Labs.

And booze.


And it's the drinkin' season too....

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by thomas on Dec 19th, 2003, 9:01am

on 12/19/03 at 08:51:43, Brian_Y wrote:
And I will not and cannot drink.  This saddens me.

I hear ya bro.  When in cycle - I must refrain from imbibing, I love to have a coctail every now and again.  Mickey Rourke style in Barfly acutually.

Title: Re: Alcohol
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 19th, 2003, 3:04pm

on 12/19/03 at 09:01:16, thomas wrote:
I hear ya bro.  When in cycle - I must refrain from imbibing, I love to have a coctail every now and again.  Mickey Rourke style in Barfly acutually.

My sadness is too deep for tears.

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