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(Message started by: kim on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:31pm)

Title: Scrooged?
Post by kim on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:31pm
The older I get the more I appreciate the story of "Scrooge"

When I was small, I remember Christmas by the butterflies in my stomach knowing Santa would visit during the night and deliver everything i could ever dream of -if i was good-; Finally the dim light of morning and we raced for the tree, my mom and dad joined us with tired but happy smiles; I remember Christmas by the way my mom would shop for, pick out and then come at me with my dress, shoes, tights.........and then with dreaded brush and comb  put my hair in order for CHURCH....I remember Christmas by the sounds and SMELLS my parents disbursed from the kitchen, warm and intoxicating and delicious.

When i was bigger, Christmas was a blur of social parties with folks my own age all stretching towards was a reason to go out and sing carols and drink a lot and if you  were lucky, ya had someone to drink and cuddle with.......and ya felt like the world was in your pocket.

When I was older and BIGGER still, I married and bore children; and together with my husband, began to learn in earnest what Christmas really means... Not what we can put under a tree for one day, but what we bring to that tree each day all year round, with gratitude and appreciation from where it all came to us from.

I'm 42 now.  I know Santa will not deliver everything my heart desires, and I've learned that we all earn what we reap; I know that dressing up for Church does not make God love me more; .......I've learned that ("I think") )God wants for us all to love eachOTHER.

So, my Christmas wish for all here is Peace - inside and out - i send a smile to each heart and soul here - and hope all are safe from pain be it physical or spiritual***  That's my Ghost of Christmas Present - Present-Wish.

Peace :)

Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:15pm
For someone who talks funny most of the time, you're sure making sense  here Kim.


Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Charlie on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:22pm
Zounds.  :o

Pretty neat Kim. I was waiting for another shoe to drop but you gave me a break.   :)

Very nice sentiments.

Charlie  8)

Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:37pm

O.K. Lets take this a step further.

How about "it's a wonderful life" ?

Where would any of us be right this second if DJ had never been born?

I shudder to think where I would be.  6 Feet under would be my guess.


Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Ree on Dec 13th, 2003, 7:09pm
AWWWWWWWWWWWW Kimmie that was beautiful...

ok who are ya and what did you do with Kim???

just kidding~~~ I always appreciate everything you've got to say even when you are wacking me upside the head like a big sister...
( now I find out your my little sister by 3 years)love ree

Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Woobie on Dec 13th, 2003, 7:31pm
Hey Kim.........
awwwwwwwwwwww............that was good!
thank you!


Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Peppermint on Dec 13th, 2003, 10:34pm

you know what? you're just aglow...this makes as much sense to me as your kimspeak -  THANKS.  i love ya smartie.


Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 13th, 2003, 11:57pm
Awwww Kim,
That was so sweet.
Bless you to this Christmas.

Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by CathiP on Dec 14th, 2003, 12:28am
Kimmibabe......YOU"VE got IT! You've got LOTS of it! The Christmas spirit is upon you.....and it looks good on ya, girlf!!
I love the feeling I get at Christmas.....
Round here, it used to be a free-for-all on Christmas morning.....every year, trying to make things better than last year.....the decorations, the gifts, the egg nog, always had to be BETTER than the previous year......
there's a great freedom that comes with letting go of what we perceived as "the necessities", and simply enjoying each other. This year, we will sit and enjoy a crackling fire into the wee smalls, and wish each other a Merry Christmas....and in the morning, when everyone arrives, we will take time to enjoy the gift that is the most important.....the gift of love. Oh, sure, there will be pretty packages under the tree.....but the gift will be us.....
Kimm.....thank you for the reminder....
Peace and Love and JOY to you ALL, this Christmas, and all through the New Year.

Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Kirk on Dec 14th, 2003, 8:10am
Thank you kimster.
Have wonderful pain free Christmass please.
Nice to see back on the heavy medication.



Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by Paigelle on Dec 14th, 2003, 9:23am
Kim you are so right.  I told my husband all I wanted for Christmas this year was to be with my family and friends.  I don't need the materialistic junk, just the love and comfort you get from people you care about.  I do love all of you guys!

Title: Re: Scrooged?
Post by jadedgazer on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:06am
Oh Kim. Thank you! I have not had much Christmas spirit this year for some reason, which is so unlike me. I am sitting here trying not to cry. You helped me put it all back in perspective. THANK YOU! I am going to go decorate my tree later this morning, for my kids and my hubby. This house needs some holiday cheer!

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