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(Message started by: Patrick_A on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:27pm)

Title: If you don't like political discussions, Dont read
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:27pm
2 weeks ago i was notified by my employer that i would be laid off after 12 years on the job. Seems my company has decided to keep a skeleton crew and has also built another plant in Hungary. Blah blah blah, Same old crap!

Yesterday we were informed that we might possibly be awarded one of the contracts in the rebuilding of Iraq. If that is true, then my company says they will recall all workers.

Now for the political part of this......

How in the hell do countries like France, Germany and Russia get the nerve to say they also should have a chance at being awarded these contracts? I mean, This is american money they are whining about. How much money have they contributed to the cause, I know they haven't sent troops!
From what i understand, They havent sent a dime for the cause, yet they are bitching because they cant bid on the contracts!
If you didnt put anything in, How can you expect to get anything out! Oh man, I am pissed. I am holding back what i really want to say!

Patrick  >:(

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:31pm
I say this with the most respect to whoever may get offended as I can muster..

... fuck the fucking fuckers.

-Big Dan

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Ree on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:33pm
I'd rather see you jobless than to think of you working in Iraq... thats not a political statement just a family love one.............
I hear you though.  They should not be involved in the rebuilding........and take away jobs for American companies... I'd like to see them use some of their(other countries) cash though.  just my opinion... be safe Patrick......... no Iraq for you!!!  ree

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:36pm
Sorry, I should have elaborated more. I build Power turbines. They would be used to generate electricity. We build them here and ship them there.

Patrick, who wont be going to Iraq anytime this century!

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by don on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:00pm
The only contract that should be awarded to the French is the one to re build the sewer system.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Charlie on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:05pm
Don't lose too much sleep over the Germans and the French. They'll be there through subsidiaries and the like. They're going to be "nice" for awhile.  They have it figured out that being at odds with England and the US is a really dumb idea.

I hope James Baker can talk the rest of NATO into some military action as well as getting them to forgive Iraqi debt which is his basic mission. We just don't have enough men there. Let NATO take over security of something like the Kurdish areas and others so we can free up enough troops to insure some real security. They can at least work with us this way. The French are doing some of this with us in Afghanistan, by the way. They’ve been there a long time.  

I can understand your feelings. This is true for everything. Companies don't think twice of laying off Americans and encouraging workers to take early "retirement" so they can move operations to some place where wages are about enough to keep the workers basically alive so they can assemble flashlights and remote controls.  


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Mikey on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:16pm
I agree one hundred percent with you Patrick!!

Fuck anybody that don't like it!!!!!!!!

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 13th, 2003, 7:35pm
On Fox news this morning some ex-diplomat muc said only 2 of the 17 bln would be excluded, acted like he knew what he was talking about and was pissed at the Pentagon for screwing up the chance that France, Germany and Russia would forgive or restructure Iraq's debt. If he is right this was just a feel good speech for G.W.B., he is on the campaign trail.  :o


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 13th, 2003, 8:40pm
i'm a little unclear on the connection...

because the US went in and leveled Iraq, they should profit by the rebuilding process?

*** don't get me wrong - I'm 100% behind getting rid of Saddam ***

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 13th, 2003, 9:03pm
Grant, it's my toy and you can't play with it. OK..........


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 13th, 2003, 9:06pm

if that's the case, why are most of the peace-keeping troops and  "rebuilders"  in Afghanistan non-American?

grant        [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 13th, 2003, 9:34pm

on 12/13/03 at 21:06:32, brain_cramps wrote:

if that's the case, why are most of the peace-keeping troops and  "rebuilders"  in Afghanistan non-American?

grant        [smiley=huh.gif]

Because they don't have any oil? ;;D


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 13th, 2003, 9:35pm

on 12/13/03 at 21:34:28, forgetfulnot wrote:
Because they don't have any oil? ;;D

You said it, not me.     ;)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 13th, 2003, 9:58pm

on 12/13/03 at 21:35:33, brain_cramps wrote:
You said it, not me.     ;)

For the record, I was posing a question, not making a statement. As I recall the Afgan....... effort was backed by the U.N., Iraq was only backed by the U.S., England and a handfull of insignifigant others. The U.N. backing is most likely the reason, however there is talk they will pull out  of Afgan...... just as they have pulled out of Iraq. Who knows! Got to wonder about the oil factor


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 13th, 2003, 10:30pm
Yes - I realize that it was a question, not a statement.

Its not often that I get into these "political" discussions.  Now that this discussion has gone beyond the scope of the original question, I don't have much more to say on the topic.  This is not to say that I completely agree or disagree with your point, only that it is not part of the original discussion.


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by totka on Dec 13th, 2003, 11:24pm
What's the name  your former company? Look at my flag I'm Hungarian.
At present one Hungarian company working in Iraq. Its name is ToyFor Inc. and "operated" mobile toilets.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Prense on Dec 13th, 2003, 11:53pm

on 12/13/03 at 21:58:26, forgetfulnot wrote:
Iraq was only backed by the U.S., England and a handfull of insignifigant others.

I know you probably meant no harm with this statement, but any country that backed the fall of Sadam is definately not insignificant.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 14th, 2003, 12:41am

on 12/13/03 at 23:53:57, Prense wrote:
I know you probably meant no harm with this statement, but any country that backed the fall of Sadam is definately not insignificant.

I guess that all depends on what your definition of "backed" is.

All I remember is the only front line troops in the "beginning" were U.S.A. and the Brits, I could be wrong, but any other support we got really had no bearing other than moral support. Maybe irrelevant would be a better word.


PS: I got my five stars so I will STFU now

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 14th, 2003, 12:49am
Brain_cramped "we leveled the country".  What???? read a paper Saddam and his sons sucked the country dry.  he lived great while the country suffered saddam leveled the country( and dont say we did it with santions either, if that was going to be your next argument heard already).  we DID NOT level the country.  we bombed bagdad and left the lights on for god sake.  you are trying to reinvent history or you are unaware of it.  selective bombing is what occured we did not carpet bomb cities.  and the $87 billion is our money so we should spend it the way we see fit.  Give the poles and the brits contracts along with US companies and F the french F the germans and F the russians unless they decide to help us now.  they knew and were told that this is the way it was going to be.  they are no used to someone like GWB who says what he means and means what he says.  our $ and our decision.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 12:54am

on 12/13/03 at 23:24:31, totka wrote:
What's the name  your former company? Look at my flag I'm Hungarian.
At present one Hungarian company working in Iraq. Its name is ToyFor Inc. and "operated" mobile toilets.

Sorry Totka, The fact that i lost my job to Hungarians didnt have anything to do with my statement on the Iraq deal. I cant blame your country, I can only blame my company.

And for the record....WTF does everyone want to mix the Iraq and Afghanistan thing. It aint the same war, it has different reasons!
Iraq was strictly funded by America, England, Australia, Poland, Italy and a few others i cant remember. The money that Bush got for reconstruction is what i am talking about. Why should France or Germany be allowed to grab even 1% of that money? They don't deserve a dime!

Patrick  ;;D

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 12:55am

on 12/14/03 at 00:41:36, forgetfulnot wrote:
I guess that all depends on what your definition of "backed" is.

All I remember is the only front line troops in the "beginning" were U.S.A. and the Brits, I could be wrong, but any other support we got really had no bearing other than moral support. Maybe irrelevant would be a better word.


There have been 529 confirmed coalition deaths, 455 Americans, 53 Britons, one Dane, 17 Italians, one Pole, one Spaniard and one Ukrainian, in the war as of December 11, 2003.

IMHO, casualties of any nationality, would definitely constitute more than moral or irrelevant support, regardless of the numbers.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:01am

on 12/14/03 at 00:49:10, 12gagueblast wrote:
Brain_cramped "we leveled the country".  What???? ...

OK --- I admit "leveled" was a bad choice of a word.  But that is irrelevant to the topic.

I could have used a number of other words in its place, but it still would not have changed the point that I MADE.

on 12/14/03 at 00:49:10, 12gagueblast wrote:
and dont say we did it with santions either, if that was going to be your next argument heard already

Don't bother trying to put words in my mouth.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:10am

on 12/13/03 at 20:40:10, brain_cramps wrote:
i'm a little unclear on the connection...

because the US went in and leveled Iraq, they should profit by the rebuilding process?

*** don't get me wrong - I'm 100% behind getting rid of Saddam ***

Grant, You said Profit? Where is there a profit being made? My hard earned Tax dollars went into this money being used to fight this war and also for the reconstruction of Iraq, Did France put any money? No! Did Germany put in any money? No! Etc....... Why should they profit should be the question?

Patrick :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:13am
Grant the key word is "beginning"


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:14am

on 12/14/03 at 01:10:29, Patrick_A wrote:
Grant, You said Profit? Where is there a profit being made?

Am I to assume that the company you are working for is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts?

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:16am

Why should France or Germany be allowed to grab even 1% of that money? They don't deserve a dime!


Zip nada 0.0000000


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:17am
No, But my company is an American based company! And i am an American employed by this company! Shouldnt that give me and my company preference over the others i mentioned?

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:20am

on 12/14/03 at 01:17:30, Patrick_A wrote:
No, But my company is an American based company! And i am an American employed by this company! Shouldnt that give me and my company preference over the others i mentioned?


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:25am
Ok Grant, But basically you give no definitive answer as to why, so i assume ur just being hard headed for the sake of being that!

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:28am
The last time I checked, capitalism is based on the lowest bidder gets the job, not "preference".

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:31am
Who said anything about Capitalism?
I guess next you'll be telling me i should be able to go to Canada and draw an unemployment check?

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:32am
Brain the leveled thing i thought you were being sarcastic.  we leveled their country now we will profit by rebuilding it, i thought this was your argument.  substitute any word you want for leveled and you are wrong.  my point is your line or reasoning or lack there of is wrong.  if you were not saying "we blew em up now we will charge em to fix em up" please explain.  because this is what i read and that is why you are wrong. :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:34am

on 12/14/03 at 01:17:30, Patrick_A wrote:
No, But my company is an American based company! And i am an American employed by this company!

on 12/14/03 at 01:31:51, Patrick_A wrote:
Who said anything about Capitalism?

Hmmmmmm...   I thought you did!

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:36am

on 12/14/03 at 01:32:22, 12gagueblast wrote: point is your line or reasoning or lack there of is wrong...

Shit dude...   Do you even know what reasoning is?  You can't even spell "gauge"!

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:37am

on 12/14/03 at 01:34:41, brain_cramps wrote:
Hmmmmmm...   I thought you did!

Damn Grant, i thought you could read bro! I dont see the word capitalism or even a word that implies it in any of my words! Do you?

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by jonny on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:38am
WTF......Millions of American jobs are going to the lowest bidder...China has alot of our jobs....anyone want to deny that?


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:39am
"Capitalism" and "American" are not at all related?

If you can't even admit that, I give up!

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by jonny on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:45am
Grant....pass the doobie im getting a HA.....LMMFAO

.................................jonny ;;D

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:45am
Thats lame Grant! The arguement that maybe i should try to draw unemployment from Canada is a pretty good analogy. What right would i have to do that? I havent put any money into the Canadian Gov't!

Yea Jonny, I dont disagree with that, but thats not the arguement. The arguement is.....Why should France, Germany, Russia and all those other whining bastards have any right to American money for the rebuilding of Iraq?

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:48am

on 12/14/03 at 01:45:52, Patrick_A wrote:
Thats lame Grant! The arguement that maybe i should try to draw unemployment from Canada is a pretty good analogy. What right would i have to do that? I havent put any money into the Canadian Gov't!

Geeze --- now you're grasping at straws!

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by jonny on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:51am
Oh ok, thats different.

These pricks were against us all through the war and now they want in? that the question?

FUCK YOU!!!!!....You are with us or against us, they showed their true colors early on.



Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:54am

on 12/14/03 at 01:51:44, jonny wrote:
Oh ok, thats different.

LMAO jonny --- seems that you got yer own doobie!

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:54am
No bro, Ur grasping for straws. You dont even present an arguement. You just make blanket statements that have nothing whatsoever to do with the subject.
I am going to leave it alone for now though. I can hear my bed calling me.
Go smoke another doobie, Maybe it will be clearer in your mind afterwards!  ;;D

Patrick   :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:56am
LMAO, Thank ya Jonny. I knew i could count on ya!
Hey Grant....Go to France! Oh yea, ya are in France, aint ya? bwahahaha!

Patrick  ;;D ;;D

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by jonny on Dec 14th, 2003, 2:03am
I aint takin anyones side but my country's ;;D


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 2:11am
Now that you brought Canada into it, let me put it this way...

Lets put the shoe on the other foot for a minute...

An American company comes up here and outbids a Canadian company.  The American company has put nothing into Canada as far as taxes (back to your unemployment arguement  ::) ).  Does the American company get the contract?  Of course they do, since their price is the best, regardless of whether or not they pay Canadian taxes.

But on the other hand if it is an American company that might be losing a contract...

It seems that you want your cake and want to eat it too.

on 12/14/03 at 01:54:35, Patrick_A wrote:
Go smoke another doobie, Maybe it will be clearer in your mind afterwards!

Clean and sober for 126 days pal, but I sure I wish I had some of what you're smoking.    ::)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 2:14am

on 12/14/03 at 01:56:58, Patrick_A wrote:
Hey Grant....Go to France! Oh yea, ya are in France, aint ya?

Just what I thought...   another geography major  ::)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by totka on Dec 14th, 2003, 2:24am
OK Pat, I've just inquired. No name, no problem.

Your former Co. didn't come to Hungary to give a boost to our economy or just for charity. Definitely no. Here is a lot of NoName Co. & Ltd. (from USA, UK, Germany etc.) because the average wage is $ 450 (fourhundred and fifty) before taxation, raw materials & other costs are low too and foreign companies have 5 years of tax allowance. After five years they (usually) slope off. Eg. "we have" brand new Coca Cola Co. every five years but owners are the same. It's the straightforward way to the extra-profit.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by KenB on Dec 14th, 2003, 9:03am

on 12/14/03 at 00:49:10, 12gagueblast wrote:
read a paper Saddam and his sons sucked the country dry.  he lived great while the country suffered saddam leveled the country

I was wondering where this picture should go - I reckon below this little rant is fairly appropriate.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by KenB on Dec 14th, 2003, 9:05am

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by jadedgazer on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:15am

on 12/14/03 at 01:51:44, jonny wrote:
Oh ok, thats different.

These pricks were against us all through the war and now they want in? that the question?

FUCK YOU!!!!!....You are with us or against us, they showed their true colors early on.



Jonny hit the nail on the head.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:57am
"Who will eat this bread?"  says the little red hen.
"I will," says the dog.
"I will," says the cat.
"I will," says the pig.
"I will," says the turkey.

"No I will," says the little red hen.  "Cluck! cluck!
And she ate up the loaf of bread.

Steve G

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 10:58am
I only have one thing to add to this "discussion" before I leave it for good.

The $87 billiion is irrelevant to the discussion since nobody asked the US to go in there.  The US went in  because they thought there were WMDs.

The rest of the UN decided against joining in for one reason.  They were not convinced that there were WMDs.

Why don't you take the $87 billion you mentioned and divide it by the number of WMDs that were found and post that number?          ::)

Its funny how ones memory can get selective so quickly when ones job is at stake.  I don't wish unemployment on anyone.  If the lowest bidder is not the American company, then that company has a problem with their estimating process, overhead, etc.

Patrick:  Note that I didn't stoop to making inane, unrelated insults about your contry.  Maybe someday you will be mature enough to discuss something without resorting to such tactics.

I already mentioned that I was in favor of removing Saddam which apparently has happened this morning (haven't turned on the TV yet).  That does not mean that I am in favor of American countries getting preferential treatment in the distribbution of contracts in the rebuilding process.  They are 2 totally unrelated discussions.

I'm done arguing this with someone that only sees things from his own perspective and is not willing to look at the big picture (ie. an international perspective).

If you are going to conitune to argue, go ahead on your own.


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:05am
Brain I know this is hard to believe but "12gaugeblast" was taken so i am 12 gagueblast.  that is a very good liberal argument tho.  change the subject with a charater attack.  nice try.  that is what i meant by your lack of logic.  i may spell poorly but my points are valid.  nitpicker.  the propper quote by the way all is"you are either with us or you are with the terrorists".  the french, germans, russians were wrong.  time will continue to show that.  the whole premise for your argument is false.  that was my point and you have failed miserable to prove otherwise.  we did not level, destroy, or otherwise flatten Iraq.  the lights stayed on in bagdad durring the bombings.  unless that was some sort of computer generated fraud, i bet thats what you think. Right?

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:12am
Brain " the rest of the world wasnt convinced of the WMD".  read a paper dude.  your history is all wrong.  most everyone thought he had WMD they were arguing how to find them. inspectors or militarily.  the french ad rest of them are such girl thingys that they wanted to go inspectors.  this while they had been shooting at US and brittish plains for years, and barring inspectors from sites.  what a fool.  let the inspectos do their job was the cry.   i need to look in that building, no you cant look there. thats why inspectors were pulled out in the first place years ago.  you live in la la land i guess or you memory is completely shot. :)  

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:19am

on 12/14/03 at 11:12:41, 12gagueblast wrote:
Brain " the rest of the world wasnt convinced of the WMD".  read a paper dude.  your history is all wrong.  most everyone thought he had WMD they were arguing how to find them. inspectors or militarily.

No --- The rest of the world was in favor of letting UN inspectors do their job.   If at some later point there was still no co-operation, then the UN would have agreed.

You read a paper --- if you are able.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:32am
No Grant, I see it like this dude!

It doesnt matter whose side i am on. I live in the USA. My president saw fit to invade a country for whatever reason he felt was necessary. I will support him. My money supported his cause ( yours didnt ) My money also is being used for the reconstruction of Iraq (yours isnt) You have no right to any of my money.

I didnt make any remarks about your country, Hell, i didnt even imply it, but could have. Canada didnt support the Iraq invasion. They sent no money for it, and they havent sent any money for the reconstruction of it.
Bro, this was just a discussion. I wanted to hear other opinions on it. You didnt even bother to give me a good opinion with any facts at all. You just made statements that you didnt agree. Why dont you agree? What are your reasons for disagreeing?
And the fact remains the same whether you agree with it or not. President Bush says any country that didnt support us, will not get any contracts! I agree wholeheartedly!

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:36am
the rest of the world was not in favor of letting inspectors do their job.  i will admit that most of the world was in favor of that.  they were worng.  the rest of the world has the luxury of boo hooing and badmouthing us and being girl thingys.  they know that the US will do what is right and save their butts.  then they can say how terrible we are and still get the benefits of our destroying terrorist networks.  most of the world did think he had WMDs and you would have been an idiot to think otherwise.  Saddam violated 1441 and nobody wanted to enforce it.  this is true.  the US enforced it and now the others want $ to help rebuild.  F them F them F them.  let it help our economy and let the socialists rot in their welfare states.  and with that i have spoke to the wall enough.  Adue.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:41am

on 12/14/03 at 11:32:30, Patrick_A wrote:
I didnt make any remarks about your country, Hell, i didnt even imply it, but could have.

on 12/14/03 at 01:56:58, Patrick_A wrote:
Hey Grant....Go to France! Oh yea, ya are in France, aint ya? bwahahaha!

on 12/14/03 at 11:32:30, Patrick_A wrote:
You didnt even bother to give me a good opinion with any facts at all. You just made statements that you didnt agree. Why dont you agree? What are your reasons for disagreeing?

on 12/14/03 at 10:58:13, brain_cramps wrote:
The $87 billiion is irrelevant to the discussion since nobody asked the US to go in there.  The US went in  because they thought there were WMDs.

The rest of the UN decided against joining in for one reason.  They were not convinced that there were WMDs.

and before you start saying that this last point wasn't made until later in the discussion, I suggest you go back and re-read.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Prense on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:53am

on 12/14/03 at 11:19:39, brain_cramps wrote:
No --- The rest of the world was in favor of letting UN inspectors do their job.   If at some later point there was still no co-operation, then the UN would have agreed.

You read a paper --- if you are able.

After 10+ years of the WMD crap, it became quite obvious that the UN was never going to back anything violent in Iraq.  Some countries within the UN were preventing the UN from doing what it had said it would already do.  At the point the US invaded, it wasn't about whether he had weapons or not...would have been gravy to find some though.  It was about not complying with what he said he would comply with...the UN never followed through, and in my opinion probably never would.

The previously mentioned countries have been making money off Iraq for years...which is why they wanted no invasion.  Enough is enough!  Historically speaking, the US has rebuilt, or aided in doing so, many countries that it has bombed.

Hopefully Iraq gets control over their damn oil back.

The UN failed miserably...definately nothing 'united' about that organization.


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 11:56am
I stand by my statements as i am sure you will as well. I agree to disagree!
The statement about France was a lame attempt at a joke, My apologies!

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 12:29pm

on 12/14/03 at 11:56:35, Patrick_A wrote:
I stand by my statements as i am sure you will as well. I agree to disagree!
The statement about France was a lame attempt at a joke, My apologies!

Patrick  :)

Agreed, bud!   (to both statements   ;)  LOL)

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by catlind on Dec 14th, 2003, 12:30pm

on 12/14/03 at 11:32:30, Patrick_A wrote:
I didnt make any remarks about your country, Hell, i didnt even imply it, but could have. Canada didnt support the Iraq invasion. They sent no money for it, and they havent sent any money for the reconstruction of it.

Okay I've tried hard to stay out of this.  And I am not trying to incite anyone.

But yes, you did make a remark about Canada when you made the french comment.  To a great deal of Canadians that is an insult.  I know you have no way of knowing that, it's a Canadian thing, but it is generally taken poorly by Canadians.  The french Canadian feud has been one that has been going on for a very long time there.

Secondly, you are wrong about the Canadian participation in the war.  The Canadians had an elite military group in Kuwait ready to go.  Their jobs are to put out oil fires.  They were told to go home.  The country did not publicly support the action, but they DID support it.  Much like other countries couldn't publicly support what happened they privately did in whatever way they could.

Thirdly, after all the wrangling was over, and the war was on, the Canadian troops stood behind their US allies, the only way they could.  The increased their troops in Afghanistan to allow for the US forces to move to Iraq.  The Canadian military is a very very small force, and does not have the financial ability, the technical equipment or the man power to be in any more places than they already are.

Ok, resume the discussion in progress, just wanted to point out some very little known facts about the Canadian contingent.


p.s. I know this info because a) it was published in the news, and b) I've talked to several soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines who have actually worked with the Canadian soldiers....IN iraq.

Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by jonny on Dec 14th, 2003, 12:41pm
Again, I aint takin sides but I could swear that I heard on the radio more than twice that Canada has already kicked in something like 190 million bucks to this shit storm of a war.....I may be wrong on the amount but I aint off by much.


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 14th, 2003, 1:42pm

on 12/14/03 at 12:41:54, jonny wrote:
Again, I aint takin sides but I could swear that I heard on the radio more than twice that Canada has already kicked in something like 190 million bucks to this shit storm of a war.....I may be wrong on the amount but I aint off by much.


I heard that as well jonny, I also heard that GWB gave their new PM a wink and a nod about participating in the rebuilding effort.


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Charlie on Dec 14th, 2003, 3:08pm
Coming out on top in a war of hopeful liberation isn't supposed to be about who gets hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place.

Again, I aint takin sides but I could swear that I heard on the radio more than twice that Canada has already kicked in something like 190 million bucks to this shit storm of a war.....I may be wrong on the amount but I aint off by much

Gotta love ya Jonny. Nobody can improve on this.

How about them 4th Division kids?   [smiley=bow.gif]


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by fubar on Dec 14th, 2003, 5:00pm

I think this is the first time I've been in disagreement with you, but I won't start insulting you (yet   ;;D)

I think it was a difficult decision for our President to announce that the rebuilding contracts would go to those who supported the war.  This is basically a lose-lose kind of situation, because the demnocraps would have hammered him for allowing the foes of the war to reap any reward.  I can already hear the rhetoric... "Look what our President allowed to happen... we spend God-only-knows how much money going to war, and all the contracts went to the countries that opposed the war.  Our tax dollars going to France and Germany, who vehemently opposed the war..."

I believe he chose the right path, but I accept the fact that people will always find a way to criticize America, no matter what, Republican or Democratic.  All things considered, I'm happy as hell that the contracts are going to go (for the most part) to the countries that supported the war.  And I think it's reasonable to assume that a lot of that money will trickle down to subcontractors from the other countries anyway.  In the end, the distribution of jobs and money will be as fair as possible.


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Charlie on Dec 14th, 2003, 6:10pm
I'm sure there's nothing new about the idea of this stuff. Going on TV and acting like a spoiled child and making things worse is new.

Play ball with your buddies if you must but shut up about it. It looks dumb.


Title: Re: If you don't like political discussions, Dont
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 14th, 2003, 7:18pm
Sorry, I stand corrected about Canada's involvement, and of course my statements still stand. If any country didnt support the war or put forth any money for the rebuilding of Iraq. Then they shouldn't be allowed to bid on the contracts!
Catlind, I lived in Canada for 3 years, so of course i knew it was a sore point. The apology was offered and accepted!  :)

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