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(Message started by: Cerberus on Dec 12th, 2003, 8:50pm)

Title: REMERON..........
Post by Cerberus on Dec 12th, 2003, 8:50pm
 Ok so I go to a shrink for depression and anxiety. Last year she gave me Paxil CR and it seemed to make the clusters worse (at best it didn't help). This year she put me on Remeron, been taking it for many months now.

 I know it is generally not a good idea to simply quit taking an anti-depressant cold turkey, but, I ran out of remeron a few days ago and missed three days worth of doses. My shrink said that new research has shown indications that remeron MAY have pain killing properties after an undisclosed length of time. must be doing SOMETHING cause I felt like over-ripe ass when I missed those doses. The head felt as if a cluster was there but the O2 did nothing, nor did TREX ....oddly enough. The question I guess is I am SUPPOSED to be real near the END of my cycle, if not done with it completely for the time being. I've been essentially PF for almost a month now, except fer a few quick blasts now and then (still taking the Verap and keeping the O2 and trex very handy.......paranoia)
 But I wonder if the pain in my head was merely a result of a sudden deficiency of the anti-depressant or were there actually Pain killing properties and it really was a cluster that I was having? The pain was exactly the same in location ,but, the difference was it was constant and not as intense as usual. After re-filling my scrip I took a dose immediately and the HA did not go away till the next day. PF more or less since.

Any ideas? I'm stumped.

Title: Re: REMERON..........
Post by Karla on Dec 12th, 2003, 9:30pm
I take effexor.  If I miss a few doses my head starts to hurt real bad. Not cluster bad but bad in a general sense.  It generally takes a day of medicine to get me back on track to feeling good again.  For what it is worth.

Title: Re: REMERON..........
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 12th, 2003, 9:34pm
SSRI,s play around with (increase) serotonin big time, all of them, and I mean all of them caused an immediate increase in CH for me. YMMV


Title: Re: REMERON..........
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 12th, 2003, 10:02pm
I gotta go with forgetfulnot on this one.  I'm still convinced that starting/stopping paxil (made me way to happy ..... couldn't stop smiling at everyone ... big smiles) kicked off my first cluster cycle.  I did not wean off it either.  Mess with the serotonin and play with the beast.  


Title: Re: REMERON..........
Post by Cerberus on Dec 12th, 2003, 10:27pm
Been on alot of different anti's myself, unfortunately, I have no way of assessing the effect on my CH since I really didn't know I had CH until last fall, even though I had suffered it several years prior.
The Remeron is the only one so far to not make me extremely Ill. It also helps me sleep (out of cycle).

I reckon my point is that this year the cycle was more mild than previous years, probably due to proper treatment and meds. I was just curious if this painkilling claim has any merit with CH. I have no real way of telling since this is the first time I have taken this drug, and the only time while in cycle.


Title: Re: REMERON..........
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 12th, 2003, 11:03pm

I was just curious if this painkilling claim has any merit with CH.

Pain killing properties, I sure didn't recieve any.


Title: Re: REMERON..........
Post by BstnEagles on Dec 12th, 2003, 11:29pm
Im on Lexapro and have seen and increase in my headaches. Im a chronic and I had them down to like 1 a week instead of 4 or 5.  Now they are getting more frequent.  I am taking an extra 80 of verap overnite and that seems to be helping.   I dont know... its the wonderful world of medication.................

Title: Re: REMERON..........
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 12th, 2003, 11:48pm

Im on Lexapro and have seen and increase in my headaches.

I have several questions, what makes you depressed?

Doe's CH make you depressed? If you take Lexapro and your headaches increase are you less depressed?

Think about it, what is the right thing to do?


Title: Re: REMERON..........
Post by taraann on Dec 13th, 2003, 3:56pm
A couple years ago I was on ALL of them Remeron Effexor, etc YOU NAME IT!  But I do remember the Remeron (and risperidol) when I weaned myselt off them (my doc wanted to do i tover a YEAR and i didnt want to be on the stuff for anothe ryear) I went through AWFUL withdrawels, my clusters came for an extra cycle it seemed for a few months and I generally felt like crap!  But after a couple months of being off all the medicines I felt myself again and the headaches stopped (ch's and migraines) and went back to my normal scheluded headaches (sorta, my cycles have always been kinda wacky anyways)

BUt kinda to sum up my babble of a reply I do KNOW that those meds will cause withrawal symptoms in alot of ppl. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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