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(Message started by: don on Dec 12th, 2003, 7:36pm)

Title: So what are you doing?
Post by don on Dec 12th, 2003, 7:36pm
On a personal level this Christmas is going to suck large...........BUT...........

Tommorow I will be coordinating a Christmas Party for 87 disadvantaged children. Grabbed up almost $2500.00 in commercial donations. Picking up 100 pizzas in the morning. Bought gifts for all of them. Hey Santa....BITE ME!

Sunday I get to be Santa at Petco. Last weekend we raised $6000.00 for a local animal shelter. A chihuha pissed on me. Little rodent.

Tonight I dropped a fiver in Sally's red pot outside the local market.

So what are you doing this year?

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 12th, 2003, 7:44pm
Good For You Don.

How can I compete with something that thoughtful ?

I'm just gonna go to Indiana and have a couple of nice days & eves with the family.

Merry Christmas to you.

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Woobie on Dec 12th, 2003, 7:45pm
Gee, Don
Thanks for making me feel like shit! :-[

;;D tina

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Kirk on Dec 12th, 2003, 7:46pm
Watching the storms offshore that I don't  have to be in. Stoking the fire once in awhile. Eating to much and generally be all round lazy.


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Woobie on Dec 12th, 2003, 7:46pm
oh yeah............ and

Merry Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!   [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by jonny on Dec 12th, 2003, 7:53pm
Have you seen the movie "Bad Santa?"

Thats our Don......LOL ;;D


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by don on Dec 12th, 2003, 8:09pm
I dont care what they say I still think blow up dolls were appropriate for the older kids. Had to bring them all back.  

(Xcept one)

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 12th, 2003, 8:11pm
I got a 12-pack of hotdogs just waiting for the 25th.    :P

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by don on Dec 12th, 2003, 8:16pm

I got a 12-pack of hotdogs just waiting for the 25th.

LMMFAO !       Ball Park?

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Cerberus on Dec 12th, 2003, 9:05pm
Hey Don..............the blow-up dolls are SUPPOSED to have holes ;;D

give the one without any holes to a gay man for! Unless ,of course, you WANT be seen returning it. ::)


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Charlie on Dec 12th, 2003, 11:11pm
I love the season:

When my neighbor goes, like every year, I’ll be cutting down one of his back yard trees and setting it in the window with ornaments made from wind chimes I steal from my other neighbors. My friend who isn’t too fussy about his take from the Salvation Army pot is invited as he always brings such good stuff.

My dinner plans are open but I can usually find a restaurant that will spring for drinks and a meal to keep me from making a reservation in the front. Every year I bring a newly released guest who later helps me quietly collect money from the diners to pay for my Camels and Thunderbird gifts at the orphanage.

It’s truly wonderful this time of year.


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 12th, 2003, 11:19pm

Every year I bring a newly released guest who later helps me quietly collect money from the diners to pay for my Camels and Thunderbird gifts at the orphanage.  

HAAAAAAAA, good one Charlie, I will be bailing one of my offspring out of jail, one to many..........


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 12th, 2003, 11:26pm
Don, you are such a sweetheart !  

LOL at some of the responses !!!  

This year I will be spending lots of time with my family just taking in all the nice things that people on this board have done for my family; saying prayers for all my family (including clusterbuds); and relishing in what life does have to offer.  

Next year ........ I'll be on the giving side again ...... I feel it coming !  

Everyone enjoy the holiday season !!!!!  From my house to yours ... Merry Christmas and a happy & blessed New Year !

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by catlind on Dec 13th, 2003, 1:41am
I'll be going home to my Mom's house to spend xmas with my family, and my grandmother, who just had a heart attack on Monday.

I'll spend every minute treasuring all the time I am fortunate enough to have with friends and family that I love, including all the ones here.

On xmas eve, we'll light all the candles, turn on the xmas lights, turn off all the other lights, and 8 pm we'll sit down to read twas the night before xmas, the 35th time in as many years.

I'll put change in the red pots, I'll be a santa for someone who needs that little bit of magic in their life, and I'll drink a toast to a friend no longer with us.  I'll remember my dad and the wonderful memories he left me with of xmas's past.

Then I'll sleep for a week from the exhaustion of all the shopping, bustling, wrapping, baking and cooking.

And get ready to do it all again next year.


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Mikey on Dec 13th, 2003, 2:55am
My Christmas kinda runs like this.....

My Mom and Dad are divorced now so it has changed a little over the years.

1rst.  Moms at 3:00 till around 4:30 on Christmas eve.

2nd. Dads at around 5:00 till 6:30 on Christmas eve.

3rd. My wifes (Kim) Grandparents ( I don't have anymore of those) at about 7:00 till 8:00 on Christmas eve.

4th. My wifes Dads (Her mother has past away now) at about 8:15 till when ever........

5th. finally home......we listen to Christmas music, tell Christmas stories, and remember our loved ones who has past away all too soon from our lives, and pray and thank God for all he has done for us including giving his son born on that day to die for our sins.  That's what i think Christmas is all about!!

6th. Sugar plums dancing through our heads........

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by pubgirl on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:18am
Have a feeling this won't mean anything 'over there', but we are going to see a special British stage show that only happens at Christmas where men dress as ugly women, the 'lead boy' is always a woman dressed as a man, and the audience joins in a lot, shouts, boos, hisses and generally behaves like a bunch of kids whatever their true age is!

(you knew the Brits were weird, but this is one of our weirder traditions ;;D)

Anyone know what this is? [smiley=huh.gif]


P.S. Don't tell Don I said this but he's a honeybun [smiley=inlove.gif]

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by ave on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:52am
Yeah, I adore panto's.

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by pubgirl on Dec 13th, 2003, 6:56am
hey Ave

do you have them as well then?

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 13th, 2003, 8:01am
Running OUCH, helping unfortunate children...playing Santa...helping find homes for animals...& then donating a five-spot. Now you just gotta do something about St. Fud's Hair Stylist.

You da man...God helps those that help others.



Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by don on Dec 13th, 2003, 8:11am

God helps those that help others.

At what point does this event occur? I wanna make sure I'm wearing my best after shave.

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by jadedgazer on Dec 13th, 2003, 8:21am
We are going to spend Christmas Eve up at my Mom's. First my dad reads the Christmas story from the Bible and we say a prayer and let the kids open gifts. Then the adults all play Dirty Santa (all 20 of us), get rather rowdy, but fun.

This year we are staying overnight at my Mom's, which is different. This is so we can spend Christmas morning with my son, who now lives with her.

We are hoping and praying for a white one here in SE Oklahoma. It doesn't happen often, but it sure is pretty up in the mountains where my mom lives when it does!

Oh! And this year we will have a new addition to the family! My most favorite niece is due anytime now and baby Trevor will spend his first Christmas with us, making it extra special this year. Also, my two nephews will be home on leave from the the whole fam-damily will be together this year. It is going to be wonderful. My grandfather (the last one) is 87 and although he is still active, he will have his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and his great-great-grandchild present this Christmas. What a wonderful gift, don't you think? :)

A Blessed and Merry Christmas to you all!


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by catlind on Dec 13th, 2003, 11:05am
Wendy, you'll appreciate this, we've taken a british classic and turned it into a Canadian tradition, and I'm slowly working on the US now ;)

Every year, and only at xmas cause they are bugger to make, we do about 12 dozen cornish pasties (that's a short a, not a long eh) - we make them finger food size though.  So between my Mom, Sister and Law and myself we usually end up with enough to last from xmas eve until new years ;)


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by pubgirl on Dec 13th, 2003, 11:28am

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Cerberus on Dec 13th, 2003, 1:06pm
Wow what a tradition, setting up a stage and cross-dressing to celebrate in an audience participation play even......Where's the Jesus in that? OH!...wait I see now............"JESUS that ugly ass broad is a MAN! :o

I understand now ;;D


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Callico_Kid on Dec 13th, 2003, 2:38pm
On the Sunday before Christmas my wife and I will be at the Cook Co. Jail in Chicago for a special service for the some of the men.  We go almost every week, but this will be a special service with a lot of music and special events.

On Christmas morning we will probably go to my parent's home with my three brothers and sisters that are in the area.  This year will be the first time my daughter has had a husband at the gathering.  Generally it is rather low key with sharing the Christmas story for the Bible and letting the younger grandkids tell what it means to them.  Since Mom and Dad are in their seventies now and in declining health we will treasure the time we have with them.

BTW, although we are not Jewish we also will somewhat observe Hanukkuh to celebrate the protection  God gave the Jews and the cleansing of the temple.

We wish all of you a happy and blessed Christmas this year.  Please take a little time to acknowledge the one we celebrate.


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by jonny on Dec 13th, 2003, 3:17pm
HEY!!!!....Tough guy Santa wanna be......Just how tough are you?

...............................jonny ;;D

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by River_Rat on Dec 13th, 2003, 3:56pm
I love to drive around and pass out job applications to all the beggers and homeless people on the streets.

Sorry, but that shit makes me sick. I just have three words----GET A JOB.

My wife sponcers a family at her work (not her idea), I guess the guy doesn't work and has a wife and three kids, anyway, she told me that they have already spent $2,000.00 on this family for Christmas presents.

I work two jobs and my wife works one and there is no way we could afford to spend that much on our family.

Here's the kicker this is the second year in a row sponcering the SAME family, What! he couldn't find a job since last Christmas.

Gotta love the kids tho, we do drop a few bucks every year for TOYS FOR TOTS, But we probably wouldn't have to if there parents would get a job and get off the crack.


Don't beat me up over this, it's just my opinion

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by M.R. on Dec 13th, 2003, 4:23pm
Survive....I hope

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by jimbo on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:06pm
I'll probably spend about 6 hours on Christmas morning trying to undo all those damn twist-ties that the toy manufacturers decided was a good idea to secure all the toys into the boxes with! ;;D WAPITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by don on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:21pm
The kids Christmas Party, ooops "Holiday Party", is over.

I was pleasantly surprised.

The parents were well behaved.

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Charlie on Dec 13th, 2003, 5:34pm
Yeah your right about the twist-ties.

I'll be making sure I have the ER on speed dial for when I lacerate my fingers while prying apart molded plastic sealing thick enough for bullet proof vests, placed by evil Asian manufacturers on everything from patch cords to kitchen shears.


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Dec 14th, 2003, 8:09pm

Didn't we just have Christmas, like, a year ago?? Damn, time flies when you're (not) having fun!

Well... so far I've managed to deforest about 188 acres with all the drafts of my masters paper. Does that count? (it's in, by the way... i WILL graduate... in one week)

Ya know, deforesting is important to the environment... I did a public service. Just think how many forest fires will be alleviated by my kind act! Gosh, I sure hope Santa rewards me for this.....

Lizzie, who's tired but only getting mildly hit once every day

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Charlie on Dec 14th, 2003, 8:23pm
Happy for you cuddlepumpkin.

A clusterhead scholar. Proud of you kid.


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 14th, 2003, 8:28pm

on 12/14/03 at 20:09:40, AlienSpaceBabe wrote:
it's in, by the way... i WILL graduate... in one week


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by cootie on Dec 15th, 2003, 12:18am
Gawd Mikey how do you do all that and 'stay sane'.......I have a mental meltdown every Xmas cuz of havein to be here and there with a deadline for each time wise.....I don't know how you keep that schedule...but....good for you you can ! I'm apparently to used to nice quiet but great Xmas's at home and never made the family hop transition. We had a coats for kids poker run where coats were donated to a chairty to be given out this time of year and also donate toys at our Xmas party each year we give the same charity. Can't match all you have done tho Don........that's purday immpressive !! Pam the mentally challenged holiday humbugger

I do love Xmas but have grown to resent the rat race of it all.................I'll be reminded of that as I am fighting the crowds doin more Xmas shopping tomarrow !

PS: Hey Wendy that sounds like the Rocky Picture Horror Show you go to.......ever heard if that's a stage show deal similar and a movie deal......strange but......well.........strange ! (ha-ha)

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by pubgirl on Dec 15th, 2003, 2:34am

Rocky Horror Picture show is very popular here too, people go and watch it in full drag costume, sing along and do the Timewarp!

Perhaps this is all saying something about British men??


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Karla on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:38am
Have been working with prison inmates and angel tree program to get presents to inmates children from their incarcarated parent.

Going to my sisters for Christmas and visit with my parents.  Then on to my inlaws for day after Christmas for thier annual gift exchange and food party.  

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:36pm

on 12/12/03 at 19:36:45, don wrote:
On a personal level this Christmas is going to suck large...........BUT...........
Tommorow I will be coordinating a Christmas Party for 87 disadvantaged children. Grabbed up almost $2500.00 in commercial donations. Picking up 100 pizzas in the morning. Bought gifts for all of them. Hey Santa....BITE ME!
Sunday I get to be Santa at Petco. Last weekend we raised $6000.00 for a local animal shelter. A chihuha pissed on me. Little rodent.
Tonight I dropped a fiver in Sally's red pot outside the local market.
So what are you doing this year?

I have always thought you were a good guy! ;)

For Christmas I’ll be with my parents.

Merry Christmas, Zaira  :-*

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Charlie on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:48pm
In truth, I'll be with some family where we manage to say sober enough to enjoy the great unraveling. I get to make some Swedish cookies and tell horror stories about Lutefisk and other ghastly Swedish delights.  

Eggnog with Wild Turkey to round out the evening.

I feel guiltier than ever after reading this thread.


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Tiannia on Dec 15th, 2003, 4:49pm

on 12/13/03 at 13:06:20, Cerberus wrote:
JESUS that ugly ass broad is a MAN! :o

I understand now ;;D


Thanks you Ceribus, I needed a reason to Laugh........ [smiley=crackup.gif]

For us, on Yule my kids get to open one gift. As we are Wiccan, this is the true Holiday that we celebrate.  The Gift is usually something that symbolizes what we wish for them in the coming year.  Like my 6 year old is getting a set of book that she wants, her first Chapter books.  

My mother in law is coming in at some point but we dont know when. I wont get off work until 5pm Christmas eve, then I get the kids and drive home and will get there about 6-6:30pm, then cook dinner and once the kids are asleep we will finish wrapping presents, stuff stocking and get to sleep at some point. Then we get a relaxing day at home. Got a Smoked Turkey :)  Then I get to go back to work Friday. :(  

That about sums it up.


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Opus on Dec 15th, 2003, 5:04pm
Christmas [smiley=huh.gif]

Really, Is that coming soon [smiley=huh.gif]

Oh that's right..... I get the day off without pay >:(

Bah Humbug!

Hoots, are you sure your not going to see a Monty Python Christmas?


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 15th, 2003, 5:16pm
My family will be drinking heavily (as we always do).  But we'll be together in body and spirit.

Drinking as sport at the York household....

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by pubgirl on Dec 15th, 2003, 5:20pm



me and Cathy used to throw spells at bad people on this site, but yours probably would work!

Opus, Monty P were funny, you have to be drunk to find Panto funny!

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by CathiP on Dec 15th, 2003, 5:35pm
damn.....yep, I am surely feelin guilty now......
I fergot to post any of the things I have done to help others less fortunate......take all of my gifts away......I am unworthy... :-/

Next year, I promise to keep a list, and, at the appropriate time, I will roll it out, in all it's glory, for those who give a rip to see.

Meanwhile, I think I'll keep wrapping and baking and mailing and singing, getting ready for Christmas,

Cathi ;)

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by don on Dec 15th, 2003, 6:20pm

I have always thought you were a good guy!


This Christmas morn I'm gonna get up


Then watch the Discovery Channel all day.

Then maybe I'll shave again.

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 15th, 2003, 7:46pm
Christmas eve is my Mom's birthday, so I go to the cemetery and sing "happy birthday" to her (she's been dead for 10 years, but my brother and I started doing this the year she died). Now he's gone, but I still keep it up. It actually brightens up the day and makes it seem like she's still with me.

Then we have a big dinner which I've spent a lot of time cooking and open presents (if I've been a good girl I might even get presents).

Christmas day we spend with Bill's family and it's mass chaos. I can't keep up with all the grandkids and great grandkids anymore. About the time I figure out who they are somone changes clothes and throws me off again.

Then we come home and take a long winter's nap.

Merry Christmas and Happy Haunaka (mispelled as usual) everyone..

Hugs BD

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by don on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:04pm
Cant get a goose for XMass dinner so i"m gonna have me a nice big greasy SPAM SANDMOOOOCH !

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Melissa on Dec 15th, 2003, 10:19pm
Our Christmas starts this Friday evening at hubby's grandparents house because his grandpa will be having hip replacement surgery on Dec. 23rd, and we did not want to bother them during his recovery.  Then on Christmas Eve we go to midnight mass at 8pm, then to hubby's dad's for opening gifts and eats, then home to get some sleep until my stepdad and grandma arrive in the morning for gift opening with us and the kids and some of my cheese strata.  THEN off to hubby's other grandmother's house to kiss grandma on the cheek, eat her food that she always pushes on us, then to be ignored by the other side of the family.  

Ahhhh Christmas....  that's all I gotta say, cause I am tired and still have a shitload more stuff to bake, make, wrap and clean.  BUT, I just thank God for everything I have and keep a cheerful smile on my fat face!  ;;D

Merry Christmas everyone!

P.S. I am so happy that I took the time to send some money this year to the Humane Society and Salvation Army, and give gifts to Toys for Tots.  BTW, this time of year, reminds me of when I lived by myself with my very young daughter, and there was a homeless man down the block holding a sign for a ride and for work.  I took him some pb&j sandwiches, cans of soda, chips, hot coffee and $5, sat and talked with him for a good 30 minutes.  The feeling I got when I went back to my 1 bedroom appt. made me realize just who God is, and why God wants us to love each other.  I will never forget that.

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Jayne on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:07pm
I'm a going to sunny Miami to meet my new nephew, and get away from the ass chapping cold of Tennessee.
So I will be in my bikini on christmas day by my sisters pool reading my book, snapping my fingers at my brother in law to serve me up something luscious ;;D
I CAN"T WAIT!!! Oh yeah, imitrex will be in my beach bag at all times!!!

Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 15th, 2003, 11:16pm

It doesn't surprise me at all what you did for those kids Don.
I think the only time I've cryed while reading a post here was when we were all in NY at the convention and you posted WHY you couldn't be there.

I'm going to be spending Christmas by myself watching, "it's a wonderful Life"   and wondering is it?


Title: Re: So what are you doing?
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 16th, 2003, 8:08am

on 12/15/03 at 18:20:18, don wrote:

This Christmas morn I'm gonna get up


Then watch the Discovery Channel all day.

Then maybe I'll shave again., Don! Miss you  ;;D.... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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