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(Message started by: bean on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:25pm)

Title: 2 questions
Post by bean on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:25pm
1. do migranes give you shadows? Like if you only had migranes, no clusters? is there still a shadow?

2. on one post, I thought i read something about CH only being on the left side/left eye. correct? incorrect?


Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:30pm
Can't answer your first question, as I don't have migraines.

To answer your second question, however.  No.  Sides can switch.  Usually not very often but they do switch.  I have had them change sides in mid-H.A.


Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by Little Deb on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:33pm
I have had CH 25 years, always only on the left.

Don't know about migraines.

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by jonny on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:35pm

.............................jonny ;;D

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by jadedgazer on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:39pm

I have migraines and CH. I am not quite sure if what I am going to say will answer your question, but here goes.

My migraines tend to linger, I don't really call it shadows. It is totally different to me than a CH shadow. But that may be me. When I say it lingers, this is what I mean... The pounding, light sensitivity, auras all linger for a couple of days after the intensity of the migraine is over and those same symptoms show and build lightly as the migraine builds to its peak. My particular migraines happen to be on the right side of my head and stay there.

My CH are on the left side of my head and stay there.

However, this is not the case for everyone. Some people have CH on the right and there are some who have it on both. Some people's migraines are across their foreheads or other areas. It is different for everyone.

If you haven't taken the Cluster Quiz, I strongly suggest you do so. I also suggest you visit the OUCH site as there is more information there about various types of headaches.

Hope this answers some questions and I am sure others, who are wiser than I, will pop in and give their two cents also.

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by Kirk on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:40pm
Can't say about migraines.
Had CH since 69 always on the right. Ofcourse I'm left handed. YMMV


Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:40pm


        You're so bad!!!!!!!!!!!  :o

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by Bob P on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:42pm
Never had a meegrain.

33 years clusterhead, always on the left, which of course is the hand I use to wipe my ass so it makes sense.

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by jonny on Dec 12th, 2003, 4:42pm

on 12/12/03 at 16:40:22, Linda_Howell wrote:
You're so bad!!!!!!!!!!!  :o


Thats in everyone of my the top link at the bottom of anyone of my posts.....LOL ;;D


Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by pubgirl on Dec 12th, 2003, 5:14pm

I'm now confused.
You are obviously desperately seeking an accurate diagnosis and looking for signs that indicate migraine or cluster

BUT you say you only have a couple of headaches a year. I get migraines and clusters and I can't even begin to equate a couple of headaches a year with clusters (the name kind of gives the game away on that one ::)) and most migraine sufferers get them much more frequently than that.

Have you looked at the links suggested to you on other posts about other possible headache types that might fit better?


Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by Miklos on Dec 12th, 2003, 5:22pm
Always on the right side. Any further right, and I would be a presidential candidate.

So there, you lefty liberals.

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by Mac on Dec 12th, 2003, 6:17pm
Bean there done that.

I'll trade your couple a times a year bad headache for my everyday chronic cluster. Deal?

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by bean on Dec 12th, 2003, 6:21pm

on 12/12/03 at 17:14:41, pubgirl wrote:

I'm now confused.
You are obviously desperately seeking an accurate diagnosis and looking for signs that indicate migraine or cluster

BUT you say you only have a couple of headaches a year. I get migraines and clusters and I can't even begin to equate a couple of headaches a year with clusters (the name kind of gives the game away on that one ::)) and most migraine sufferers get them much more frequently than that.

Have you looked at the links suggested to you on other posts about other possible headache types that might fit better?


for me, it all fits if you accept the possibility of one massive cluster HA per cycle, eg cycles(headaches) per
year.  all my symptoms fit except that. i was about to admit defeat and look at the migrane club, but jadeds post about throbbing pain kind of left me back where i was. my pain is steady....steady now...WHOA now! theres a fucking ship coming out of your eyeball!  [smiley=nopity.gif] ;;D

i really dont give much of a care since i havent had a HA in so long, and kind of feel i have them under control with diet, its more the trigger/promoter CAUSE of the HA im more interested in.

i did look at a link, but they all seemed cluster variations.

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by pubgirl on Dec 12th, 2003, 6:32pm

if you tab right down to the bottom of the Headache links there is a section on other types of headaches (non CH)


Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by cathy on Dec 12th, 2003, 6:53pm
Like I said Mr's your hypothalamusthingameyjiggy  ;;D

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by pubgirl on Dec 12th, 2003, 6:56pm
and Bean

I know you are interested in triggers but my logic says
find out what type of headache you have THEN work out the triggers for that type of headache, not the other way round.


Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by cathy on Dec 12th, 2003, 7:03pm
The worst possible trigger I know for a bad head is [smiley=bigguns.gif]...

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 13th, 2003, 12:04pm
Bean,  dont know your situation but: when i was younger mid to late teens (i am almost 35 now) i would get one or so CHs a year mabey.  they didnt take a cluster pattern untill my early 20's.  i know know that the headachs i had when i was yonger were CHs they were exactly the same but not grouped up, and not quite as intense k6 or so.  dont know if that helps you and hope you dont get any more but thats my story and i'm stickin to it :).

Title: Re: 2 questions
Post by Karla on Dec 13th, 2003, 12:31pm
I always get my cluster headaches on the right side.  Dont know where you saw or heard that they only occur on the left side.  Lots of people get them on the right side as well as the left side and some get them on both sides.  I get migraines and would have to say that yes there is some shadows with migraines.  All a shadow is if I understand correctly is a low level of pain KIp 1 through kip 4 that hangs around before you start rockin with the higher pain levels.  With my migraines I have a lower level pain that sets in first before it builds up to a peak.  So I would say yes that I have shadows for migraines. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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