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(Message started by: Thefumegator on Dec 11th, 2003, 3:56pm)

Title: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by Thefumegator on Dec 11th, 2003, 3:56pm
Hi there, folks. I'm Wes.

I'm not a clusterhead, but I am a severe migraine sufferer. I was pointed to this website by a friend on a firearms entusiast page who is a clusterhead, and it has been very informative.

About me: I have history on both sides of my family of serious migraines, and I seem to get the worst of them so far. I have had a general, low-level headache for about 2 years straight now, and I have from 2 to 5 migraines a week. They can be tension, sinus, throbbing, etc., or all at once. :o Imitrex rarely works (pill form), Lortab is like a sugar pill, and Percocet works sometimes. I usually have to go to the doctor to get a shot for them.

Now, the reason for me posting here: I really don't have anyone that can relate to what I go through. My friends think that I use my headaches as an excuse to get out of doing things with them ::) , one of them thinks that it's a psychological problem >:( .

When I arrived at this very informative page and learned what cluster headaches were all about, I decided that maybe I don't have the worst headache problem. It sounds like you guys have it even worse, as sad as it is, and as hard as it is to believe.

I just want to say that I feel for you. I know vaguely what you guys have to go through, and I know it ain't no picnic. Heck, at least I know what my head is going to do (i.e.: It's going to hurt all the time, rain or shine).

Your partner in pain,


Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:00pm
We are a suffering bunch here!  But we do understand when people think you are making an excuse or they tell you it's all in your head.  Of course it is all in our heads, that is what hurts!  The ER staff tends to think we are junkies.  You will find very few here who ever use a narc to treat the pain.  They usually don't work well with clusterheads.  

Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by Thefumegator on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:02pm
That's another thing that I can relate to -- I hate being treated like a junkie. I HATE having to take drugs, and will only do it as a last resort to a last resort.


Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:05pm
Thanks, Wes.

That is very kind of you.  Wishing you PF days and nights...


Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:05pm
I understand.  I keep a rx around for just in case.  But we know that narcs aren't the answer.  It is ridiculous that doctors view us that way.  You can read through the threads and see everything people have been through in the ER.  Good luck!

Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by Little Deb on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:08pm
Welcome to our home.  We welcome all supporters to Clusterville as well.  Sorry you have such a headache!  I hope you find some info that proves useful to you and maybe ends your headache for life.
Let us know when you need a hear to yell in!

Little Deb
CH'er for 25 years
Raleigh, NC

Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by cathy on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:08pm
Hi's always difficult to welcome anyone with any pain, but hi, welcome and thanks for the post, as a supporter I say, if I had friends who were as unsympathetic as yours they wouldn't be friends...hope you find something to help with your migraines and you have some PF times soon...


Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by jonny on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:10pm
Maybe this will help, Wes


Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by Little Deb on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:13pm
has anyone suggested maybe your headache is from the "fumes"...what are you a bugman???

Title: Re: Hello there, clusterheads!
Post by Thefumegator on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:22pm

on 12/11/03 at 16:13:19, Little Deb wrote:
has anyone suggested maybe your headache is from the "fumes"...what are you a bugman???

Ha! No, no... It's a nickname from waaaaay back when the internet was new and Al Gore was patting himself on the head for it. I was in 6th grade, I believe, and... well... the young boy's sense of humor made itself evident in the name. I don't particularly like it, but it's just a habitual thing, you know?

Since I know the question's coming, I'm 19. I'll be 20 in 12 days!

Thanks for the link, jonny.

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