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(Message started by: Little Deb on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:18pm)

Title: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by Little Deb on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:18pm
Got this today!  Quick!  Now can someone tell me what it means???   Yes, No or Maybe??? :-/

Dear Debbie:

Thank you for your inquiry requesting writing guidelines.  Original articles are usually assigned to regular contributors to the magazine. We do not accept or return unpublished manuscripts.  
We do, however, accept one-page queries that clearly detail the article idea--with special emphasis on the arc of the story, your interview access to the main characters, your access to special documents, etc.  We look for dramatic narratives, articles about everyday heroes, crime dramas, adventure stories.  Do include a separate page of your writing credits.
We are not interested in poetry, fiction or opinion pieces.  

We appreciate your longtime interest in Reader's Digest.  
Sincerely yours,

The Editors

Date:        12/09/2003 09:48:19 PM

Title: Re: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by Prense on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:27pm
Sounds to me like a "canned" response...

Like they want you to write the article, then they'll decide on whether or not to print it...

Title: Re: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by jonny on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:31pm
Dildo...Ditto ;;D


Title: Re: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by Kirk on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:32pm
It is definite maybe.
They want as detailed an outline as possible on one page.
Cuts down on the interns eye strain.
Lets see. BobP, Don and jonny for men to interview.
Ree and St FUD for supporters.
Nancy, Elaine and Barb for women.
Ducumentation sources are in the usuall places on the left.
On the right is.......hmmmmmm nothing on the right.
They'll reject it we're leftist running dog commies.
Oh well. Good luck anyway.
Charlie would be good for proofing it and it would do him good to stop with the Hello Kitty stuff on Ebay.
All I can think of for the moment.
Oh yeah Mik is good at printing stuff.

Fat lot of good I am.


Title: M64l~as'i4LKc:+x<A Y$g4M-4~J<^;D3(5t e1j(&a>$1^g1g<=Vg'X;/2(ޤ\֊cclc\`r-6WTfmv<>L)sM$0mj*dw1Re: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 10th, 2003, 8:51pm
I still say, write the article, submit it, you have nothing to loose other than some time.  If ya got the time to spend, spend it on something you think is worthwhile.  

Title: Re: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 10th, 2003, 9:02pm

Once I have the newsletter out I will be able to assist you if you find help necessary.  From the response, which is more than likely a "generic" letter, these are simply the guidelines to follow when submitting the story idea.  

Let me know what I can do to help.

Donna D.

Title: Re: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by Kirk on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:46am
OK I haven't written anything for publication in awhile. Ill give you a hand with it.
Send me the ol Email address. The one you actually check to
Oh yea which word processor do you prefer? Kword, Starword, Lotus Word Pro, Abiword, Wordperfect, Tex, LaTex,   Emacs or MS Word. Name yer poisen.

Lets give them hell or not. Do let me know please.

TTFN [smiley=thumb.gif]

Title: Re: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by totka on Dec 11th, 2003, 7:45am

We look for dramatic narratives, ...

narrative about a cluster attack is dramatic enough

... articles about everyday heroes, ...

WE are

... adventure stories

eg. late night headache trip to ER?

PFDANs folks

Title: Re: Response from Reader's Digest.....
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 11th, 2003, 8:35am
Hey Deb, Congratulations. Looks like your well on your way to submitting a story.
My advice would be to include a Child who suffers from the disease. It is more dramatic and tugs on the heartstrings more!

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