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(Message started by: Carl_D on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:41pm)

Title: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by Carl_D on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:41pm
Well, I survived the first OUCHFest, though my nerves didn't. Luckily I didn't get hit with an attack onstage, but did get hit while Bob Griffin was playing, so I raced to the stage, grabbed my jacket with my 'Trex and headed out to the truck - which is why I didn't make any announcements in between his sets. The highlight of the whole event was that I got to meet DJ, but the rest of the event, I am ashamed to say, was a failure. I could spend all day explaining all the things that went wrong, but what's the point? The few things I left in other peoples hands didn't get done, and some things were crucial like, keeping in touch with the club and getting the event on the outside marquee. If I didn't do it, and left it up to someone else, it didn't get done.
All of my friends knew this gig was important, but only a couple showed. At worst, i was afraid we would only draw in about 50 people, and in my eyes that would've been bad. We didn't even draw that many people in, unless you count everyone who was there with the bands. Hell, I had a hard time finding someone to work the door, to take peoples money and x thier hand. My bass player told me to do it - yeah, I'll watch the door all night while emceeing the event and performing twice. No sweat. To sum up the complacency of the other musicians, this was just another gig to them. That's all. For me, it was the most important gig I have ever done, and the fact that it failed, lets just say I feel embarrased. DJ encouraged me that, we did take in a little money, so it wasn't a wasted night. I guess I just anticipated more.
I do know that this year was a valuable learning experience. Anybody else might be discouraged by this event and never do it again. There will be an OUCHFest '04 and more than likely, I will not be performing that night. It will be in September, so as to not be so close to holidays, and I am already trying to line up bands for the event. I am gonna get bigger names, find a better venue to host the event that won't 'forget' they booked it, and just try to avoid the mistakes that were made this year. It was pretty disheartening though I must admit when I consider how much work I poured into this event to try and make it successful and yet it wasn't. I was also bummed at the lack of support from the CH community and with the exception of a couple of people, no one wanted to get involved.
I didn't do this event for me. I did it for us. No one knows how hard I worked on this. Had it been a bit more successful, I would be happier. Again, i could go on and on about why it didn't come to fruition, but I won't. Instead, I am taking a break from the band for awhile, and learning from this year. Next year, instead of just taking money at the door, I will be selling tickets! I am already scoping for a good venue where we can host it, and it HAS TO BE on a Saturday next year so people can travel on friday, do the event on saturday, and travel home sunday. I probably won't perform, as it is too hard to try and do everything AND perform on top of it. I am trying to get 'The Well Hungarians' on the bill, as they are very big in the midwest and everywhere they go they pack the house. Going to do everything I can to make OUCHFest '04 a success in such a way that nobody will even think about OUCHFest '03 being such a sinker. I'll shut up now. Gonna go lick my wounds.

Carl D

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by don on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:45pm

There will be an OUCHFest '04  

Stated with true ClusterHead spirit!

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by vig on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:45pm
Don't be bummed.   It was a fantastic thing you've started.  Keep it going.

Big trees start small, grasshopper......

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by thomas on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:45pm
You worked hard man.  Take a well deserved break.  I'll see you at OUCHfest II.  I couldn't make this one because we're still unpacking. :(

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by BobG on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:48pm
Hey Carl,
You did your best. No one could expect you to do any more than that. We're all greatfull that you tried. Thanks.

Good luck with OUCHfest '04.

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:13pm


   This is part of the learning curve.

The first OUCH meeting took place in a garage.

The first OUCH convention didn't have many people.

Look where we all are now.  People who attended the one in NY are STILL talking about it.

We are growing Carl.   And so are you.  Ya did good man.  Ya did good.  AND you met DJ as well.  (did he want to go golfing?    He got a Birdie in Vancouver,  you know.

Please don't beat yourself up over this.   Now go lay down and take a well deserved rest....Wait!   maybe you shouldn't lay down.  Slep in an upright reliner or something.     LindaH

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by jonny on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:18pm
Yo Carl,

Knock the shit off!! were just getting your feet wet testing out the waters bro, year it is going to fucking ROCK!!!!

Wanna know why?

Cause my BD is in september and its going to be OUCHFEST/JONNY BD PARTY 2004  ;;D

The slogan is going to be "Be there or jonny will come to your house and jump ugly on your ass"

Cool slogan huh?.....LMAO

You did good Carl, every year will be better and better because you had the balls to take such a large task on by yourself.

jonny gives you four horns up   [smiley=headbanger.gif]


Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by Elaine on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:35pm
Don't be so hard on yourself. There will be another one and each one will get better. Don't be so hard on your band members either remember unless you are a clusterhead or a supporter they just don't know or understand.
We are all very proud of you!
I know DJ had a great time.
PS I am sorry I wasn't there.

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by Ree on Dec 10th, 2003, 9:13pm
Next time advertise by saying "Party"... let them find out when they get their what they are partying for... keep up the good work Carl........ you got to jam and make the best of it.......... thanks for all of the good work  love ree

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 10th, 2003, 9:19pm
You're the nuts Carl.

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.  The second best time is now.

Steve G

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by JDH on Dec 10th, 2003, 10:56pm
Hey Carl quit your trippin' man, you guys rocked!
Like Linda said, you gotta start somewhere and that was a damn good steps man, baby steps. Someday you're gonna turn this thing into a monster and I can say "I remember the show back in '03 when..."
And even if it wasn't a big turnout the people who were there know a little more about ch's than they did before they got there...and isn't that what it was all about?
Now you go chill for awhile  8)


Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by fubar on Dec 10th, 2003, 11:09pm
This is typical the self-flogging that every band/event organizer I've ever met does after a gig.  Carl, you know you done good.

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by don on Dec 10th, 2003, 11:14pm

This is typical the self-flogging that every band/event organizer I've ever met does after a gig

Considering that Fub has only met the Donny Osmond Trio and the Wayne Newton Sound Sensation.

The self flogging was well deserved.

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 11th, 2003, 12:58am
Hey Carl, Ya did great bro. I know how hard a job that is.
I have what I think might be a great idea for you, for next year.
Have ya thought about finding a club in Nashville during our convention that might be willing to let your band perform for the door receipts? Dont ya think ya would pack the joint then and also it would be a great way for OUCH to raise money? Just an idea for ya!

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by cootie on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:12am
Geeze Carl the only one that has mention'd OUCHFEST was a failure has been you STOP THAT !!! We go to alot of annual big events and have been with alot of them from the start.......most of them started out with a bad turnout, no help, frustrated people and they learned from it what worked and what didn't and GREW from it !!!! Yer growin...that's all and word needs to git out and people have time to plan. We'd of been there if we could of......we just couldn't take off.......there was no way even tho we really wanted to. Bad time of year like ya said for alot of people ta plan a trip. It's about 8 1/2 hours for us....Brad couldn't leave work and was jus gettin over a bad case of the flu. So it's not that you've jus begun to succeed Pam

PS: good grief.....thank GAWD for modify...I spelled annual wrong and ain't gonna say 'how' I had it........OMG......glad I caught that one !!!! I crack myself up sumtimes.blahhhhh-ha-ha-ha. (left a few letters out shall I say ?) It's late...I'm tired...........

Title: Re: OUCHFest '03 aftermath
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:24am
I think you did great.  You took the first step ..........

         ............. so keep stepping !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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