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(Message started by: 9erfan on Dec 10th, 2003, 12:57pm)

Title: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by 9erfan on Dec 10th, 2003, 12:57pm
I usually try to stay pretty quiet when I'm suffering.  I just know there are a lot of people here who suffer much worse than I do.

I was doing pretty for awhile, just getting by with my daily KIP 5's & 6's.  I thought maybe the verap was taking effect.  But my head always gets worse when it rains!  And it keeps raining here in Northern CA and I started getting hit really hard about a week ago.  I've missed 2 days of work (thank God for an understanding boss) and after getting up every hour with a h/a on Sunday night, Monday I spent 3 hours in urgent care where they gave me an IV of DHE.  Monday night I only got up twice but last night was bad again (it started RAINING again last night).

Any prayers are appreciated.

Thanks for letting me vent guys & gals,

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Paigelle on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:01pm
Rain doesn't seem to bother my CH, but it cause me to have a migraine.  It has something to do the barometric pressure.  

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Donna on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:06pm
The only thing that I can think of is puting your A/C on at it's lowest and let it take the humidity out of your home air.  You might need to get a dehumidifier.

Maybe it's the dust and pollen that the rain kicks up that's causing you to get headaches.  Are you sure you don't have allergy headaches as well as clusters?

Sorry that your having a hard time...prayers on the air.

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:22pm

I'm sorry to hear you are getting hit this badly.  It must really suck that the weather has an effect on your headaches.

Hoping and praying for SUNNY, PF times forever,

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:53pm
Vibes and prayers are on the way, Virginia....

... hope the sun comes out for you, too...


-Big Dan

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by thomas on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:54pm
Here come the prayers and VIBES

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 10th, 2003, 2:19pm
Pain Free Vibes Comming Your Way !!!

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Melissa on Dec 10th, 2003, 2:56pm
mucho vibratos coming your way Virginia, very sorry you're getting slammed so hard :(


Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Little Deb on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:34pm
Prayers and hugs.  Wish there was more I could do.

Have you tried the new Zomig nasal spray????

little deb

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by CathiP on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:35pm
aaaawww, V....You never ask for anything! I am so sorryy you are dancing so much! You have my PF wishes, and industrial-strength juju, darlin.....and I will be checking in on you........
Somebody send the rest of that rain up to OR.....we wouldn't notice a difference anyway!

V- vibes going out to you......

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:47pm
PF vibes to you, my friend!  You need not ever feel guilty for asking for a hand in here!  We are here for each other.

Prayers and good thoughts,


Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:49pm
Reach out your hand and we'll hold ya up with PF vibes.  Sure hoping ya find something that gives ya some relief soon.  Massive PF vibes coming your way.  

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 10th, 2003, 4:22pm
Doing the anti rain-dance for you Virginia, and sending it to Cathi in Oregon where they need more mildew and mold. [smiley=laugh.gif]

Couldn't it be the dark gloomy skies that affects our Seratonin levels more than the rain itself?  Turn on all the lights in the house and paint a sunshine face on your windows.  


Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Jackie on Dec 10th, 2003, 4:36pm
Ahhhh, V.....I hate to hear this.  Bless your heart.  You, Sweetie, reach out ....we're here to send vibes and prayers.  I'm thinking the rain is gonna stop, the sun is gonna shine and you are gonna be all better.

Love ya,
Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Opus on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:39pm
Prayers going out for 9erfan/Virginia!

I always thought they were sinus related becouse the low preasure, damp weather trigger.


Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:07am
Vibes goin up to you Virginia, I hope you are just peaking out and soon you'll be on your downslide.
Take care,

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by pubgirl on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:26am
PF vibes from rainy Britland Virginia [smiley=hug.gif]


Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Kirk on Dec 11th, 2003, 6:20am
Pain free vibes going out to you please be well.
Here on the Oregon Coast we get a bit damp.Used to get an attack atleast twice in the evening. My wife for whatever reason bought a heppa air filter. Turned it on when we left in the morning. Since then I have attacks in the evening rarely.
It is certainly worth a try.

Ask CathiP out here on the coast we don't tan we rust.

I realy hope this works.


Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by jmorgan52 on Dec 11th, 2003, 7:48am
Hi Virginia

Sorry you are still getting no long term relief. It seems you have had this demon constantly attacking you for so long now. Glad your new boss is giving you some slack.

Praying for some relief for you.

John from sunny Cape Town

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 11th, 2003, 8:37am

You must be strong, it is difficult but you can.

We all understand what and how you feel. It is a good relief to know that you don’t suffer done.

You have my vibes…

Hugs, Zaira :-*

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by Miss_Deleny on Dec 11th, 2003, 8:53am
Sending PF vibes your way!


Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by jadedgazer on Dec 11th, 2003, 9:15am

I am so sorry you are getting hit. I understand your battle with the weather, as I too deal with the same thing. It has been raining here (in OK) about every other day it seems. As a result, I too have been battling. Hang in there, the weather has to clear for us soon, the sun will shine on us!

Prayers and PF vibes to ya!

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by cootie on Dec 11th, 2003, 10:28am
Gettin out my PF CH voodoo doll for ALL of you here !! Will be doin the PF sing-a-long-go-away-pain-dance for every one of you !!! I'll try to reach you all Pam

Title: Re: Ok, I'm reaching out....
Post by 9erfan on Dec 11th, 2003, 12:48pm
Thank you all for your love & support.

I remember when I use to be episodic I would always get hit hard in December.  Now that I've been chronic, things haven't changed much.  The last 3 Christmas's have been a struggle for me.

After talking to several people here, my next step is most likely going to be fungus therapy.

I love you guys and would be completely lost without this board!

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