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(Message started by: thomas on Dec 10th, 2003, 10:30am)

Title: I need puter help
Post by thomas on Dec 10th, 2003, 10:30am
Why does my pc keep killing my cd rom/dvd drives?

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by KenB on Dec 10th, 2003, 10:45am
Can you expand on "killing"?

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by thomas on Dec 10th, 2003, 10:49am
This summer one of the kids was on the computer - then it crashed.  I replaced the cd drive with one out of another computer.  Same kid - same problem.  I put the drive back in another computer to try to check it out and it's unavailable - or not ready.  I can not access programs or the internet.  The kid can't/wont tell me what he did to "kill" it and I don't feel like spending another 80.00 on a new drive untill I can figure out what in the hell he did.  Due to our criminal justice system I'm unable to extract this information from him in an effective

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by TomM on Dec 10th, 2003, 11:16am
Sounds like a software issue to me.
1) Find the manufacturer of the CD-ROM then download the drivers from their web site. Obviously you have I-Net access somewhere.
2) Run anti-virus and spy ware programs on that PC.
3) Are you using dial-up for I-net connection?  If so, try trouble shooting with Dialer to make your modem is responding. If it is not, go into the Hardware utilities and reload it or change Comm Port or update driver.
4) If you have DSL/Cable: can you see it listed under your System/Hardware settings?

Lots of questions and few answers....sorry.

If you need another CD-ROM e-mail me. I'll mail you one of my extras that are just collecting dust.


Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by Svenn on Dec 10th, 2003, 11:49am
Dont forget the firmware when downloading new drivers


Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by mikeyd on Dec 10th, 2003, 11:50am
Hi Thomas,
I have seen that before, sometimes it is not actually the ROM, it is the cable it is plugged into. If you can, put the CD ROM on a cable by itself and put it on the secondary IDE cable. I have also seen a few motherboards that are wonky and will burn out whatever you put on the IDE so don't put the HD on that IDE(usually HD is on Primary and selected as the Master drive).
I recommend you try changing the IDE ribbon cable first.
If that doesn't work then I would say change the motherboard if it is eating drives.
If you can't afford a new board let me know what the specs of your machine are and I will do my best to find something that will make the process closer to a RE&RE rather than a reload of the operating system. I have a shitload of used motherboards here....I'd be glad to help you out bud!
Let me  know man.

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by Opus on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:50pm
It sounds like the drive is dead, especially if it effects other systems, just ask Cootie. One way to distroy the drive is to update the firmware and dump the computer power while it is updateing. CD-roms do go bad I have had three so far this year in three diffrent computers.


Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by fubar on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:59pm
I have inadvertently destroyed at least 2 of these by putting in a horribly dirty CD.  It seems like you should be able to clean them after an incident, but it's never worked for me.  Call it 'designed obsolesence'.

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by jonny on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:01pm

Try plugging the fucking thing for me ;;D


Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by Kirk on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:18pm
Just on the off chance that clever little fingers were busy. I would check the cabling and jumper settings. Long shot, but you never know.

Although it is not as important with IDE as SCSI try to terminate the master on the last cable connection. If you must go with a single cable because of a bad IDE port.

TTFN [smiley=damncomputer.gif]

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by Prense on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:29pm
Maybe the same kid part was coincidental...could be a controller.  If the controller is defective it can "kill" your drives...  So now, you could be facing a dead controller and dead drives.

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:35pm

on 12/10/03 at 18:50:52, Opus wrote:
CD-roms do go bad I have had three so far this year in three diffrent computers.

You typing and playing CDs with one hand, again?  :)

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by thomas on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:46pm

on 12/10/03 at 19:01:12, jonny wrote:

Try plugging the fucking thing for me ;;D


Beautiful idea.  Thanks everyone, for all of the ideas and help - when I get some time this weekend, I'm gonna rip the guts out of that little rectangular bastard and see wtf is going on in there.

Title: Re: I need puter help
Post by Opus on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:50pm

on 12/11/03 at 13:35:49, TomM wrote:
You typing and playing CDs with one hand, again?  :)

Yes one for each of us, the one with M$ for my wife, the one with Linux Mandrake for my daughter, and the third with a yet undecided OS which isn't working due to a bad CD-Rom, plus I could use a 4th to use as a Bit Torrent downloader, and I would like a laptop to use as a wifi terminal for the none M$ machines. Keep in mind that the fastest computer I have is a PIII 450, which is the only one I actually paid for.

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