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(Message started by: Kirk on Dec 10th, 2003, 4:51am)

Title: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Kirk on Dec 10th, 2003, 4:51am
The announcement is out. It is official.
A moment of silence please.
Microsoft has announced that as of Dec. 15, 2003 Win98, SQL7 and some other products will no longer be available.

I know this saddens all of you as much as it does me. [smiley=smartass2.gif]

TTFN [smiley=wave.gif]

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by pubgirl on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:38am
Good job really, my Win98 is imploding anyway!
Has developed a mind of its own and does things without being instructed to.

Getting worried it might turn into Hal and try and kill me one day (or am I getting mixed up with that other film with Hughie and Dewie) [smiley=huh.gif]


Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by don on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:40pm
I hope they intend to go around and pick up their trash.

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Kirk on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:19pm
I am shure that they will continue with thier Excellent level of product support. So that none of thier users will be inconvenienced. After all they hold themselves to a high level of customer satisfaction.
Not like those long haired, communist, cancer upon society and killers of innovation. With thier over hyped hacker science project.
Besides Mr Alchin VP of MS Windows division said MS can build an operating as good as Linux.
In public.
In public in New York City.

TTFN [smiley=cool2.gif]

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Opus on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:32pm
I wonder if Bill is going to try recall the license?, He didn't with Win95. Now that there is no support I wonder if more programers will finally get it to work right, of course without the source code it will be tough, and of course no more drivers.


Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Kirk on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:47pm

Bill probably would'nt. Atleast I don't think he would.
The decision isn't his though, its up to Steve and he is a pretty damned driven fellow.
I think everybody having a laugh at his failed impromtu audition for the Planet of the Apes movie, has made him bitter and vindictive also.
So keep your eyes  peeled for what Steve says.

TTFN [smiley=smokin.gif]

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by don on Dec 10th, 2003, 10:15pm
Does that mean no more upgrades and patches that fuck my computer up every time?

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Kirk on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:13am
Well since you asked and I bet they didn't tell you.
M$ announced that it will not issue any updates, patches or security fixs atleast through the end of December.

Please enjoy your respite from the Redmond Campus. It really is for your own good you know. They said so.

TTFN [smiley=thumb.gif]

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Mac on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:40am [smiley=damncomputer.gif] [smiley=bow.gif]Mac [smiley=smug.gif]

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by fubar on Dec 11th, 2003, 3:00am
Microsoft is doing this only because they must do it as part of a settlement a few years ago.  Per their agreement with IBM, they had to do this within two years, and they waited every day they could.  There are still *huge* installed bases of Win98 machines, and big SQL applications that depend on these core products, believe it or not.

Now, as a result of the settlement, those folks will have to migrate to *something*.  Let's all imagine a world where people made rational decisions... ahh... that was a nice break... OK, reality is most of them will 'upgrade' to new Microsoft products because Microsoft has made it fairly easy to do so.  In the end, Microsoft wins again.  How nice for Bill.

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Kirk on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:43am
Actually it was a signed settlement agreement in January 2001 betwee MS and Sun over Java licensing. The court also ordered MS to have Java support in all it's products. Don't remember the deadline on that one.
The reason in my opinion that MS put it off as long as possible was to get as much devolopment time and maturity for it's C# language. Which is a Java like language developed in conjunction with the MS .net initiative.
While there will be some migrations to Linux, like Charles Swabb, The National Weather Service and others. It will not be a large increase in Linux desktops. Servers on the other hand is another story.
Since MS changed from a license to a subscription for  all of their Desktop and Server offerings. Their revenue stream is assured for some time. After all look at all those Win XP systems that have been sold. Every one of those people have to pay MS every year for the right to turn on their computers. Sweet the way they slipped that to the users. The most resource hungry, unstable and insecure system on the market today and they not only get the Ducats at the point of sale, but you get the privilige of forking over more dough every year for the stress and agravation of running it. I really do admire Steve Ballmer for pulling it off.
Oh did I mention I don't remember IBM having anything to do with the suit or the settlement. Sun and MS have been having this cat fight for years. IBM might have, but it is something I would normally remember.

OK, I know stop rambling already.
Hang in there we're pulling for you. With any luck if nothing else we can get MS users covered by the ADA somehow.

I hope you're PF and stay that way


Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by fubar on Dec 11th, 2003, 12:00pm

You're absolutely right... I don't know why I was thinking IBM.  Microsoft really did pull off an amazing 'loss' in that case.


Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Opus on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:42pm
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, world out there.

Don't worry about Win 98 not being supported, If you use proper precautions, a firewall, anti virus and anti-spy/adware it will be safe. The only problems I see are the drivers for new hardware. Hey I saw a an upgrade to win me in wally world, and for only $80, like anyone is going to pay for it.

Sun has released their Linux, it even comes with star office. Early reviews says it works well, and it supports java.

I am stick stuck with M$ until I can get Linux online. I can't wait.


Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:26pm

on 12/11/03 at 03:00:44, fubar wrote:
...There are still *huge* installed bases of Win98 machines, and big SQL applications that depend on these core products, believe it or not...


That's the point that I wanted to make, but instead was trying to stay away from this discussion.

Its easy for people that don't actually work in the industry to sit back and laugh at this, but in all actuality... IT SUCKS!!!

For a moment, lets look at the consumer.  There are millions of users out there running 98 that :
a) don't use their system enough to justify upgrading
b) don't have the ability to upgrade on their own without risking loss of existing data and applications
c) don't have the money to go out and buy XP (or the associated new hardware)

Now lets look at a lot of the business out there.  Does anyone here know the cost of upgrading, for example,  large SQL database clusters from one version to the next, even if it is only an incremental upgrade?

I didn’t think so!  Instead, it’s easier to just sit back and laugh about it.  (Do you also laugh at car accidents?)

Yes, there are fundamental problems with a lot of Microsoft’s products.  The majority of these wouldn’t even be considered a problem is it wasn’t for hackers, etc. trying to exploit them.   Why do they do this?  Because they hate that Bill has such a big marketshare.  Why do they hate that?  Simple.  Because they are jealous!

Wake up and grow up!!!!!

This isn’t just some fucking joke.  Many companies and individuals rely on these older core products.

Additionally, the average user doesn’t have the knowledge to install, configure and maintain Linux systems.  Shit!  I can just imagine my mother trying to get Linux up and running.  It would NEVER happen.  

Also, The applications available for them ARE NOT compatible with those used by the MAJORITY of users.  Does that mean that 90% (or so) of the market should change what they are doing to accomodate the other 10% just because SOME of the other 10% runs some "odd-ball" application that can't do a simple Word-translation without fucking things up?

I personally don’t have anything against Linux.  I plan to get a Linux box to play around with --- note that is “play”…   Its actual usefulness in the workplace is only in a few areas, not in all areas.  However, I’ve worked on Unix-based systems a lot in the past (and played around with Linux), and realize that it is not for the average user.    

on 12/11/03 at 03:00:44, fubar wrote:
...OK, reality is most of them will 'upgrade' to new Microsoft products because Microsoft has made it fairly easy to do so.  In the end, Microsoft wins again.  How nice for Bill.

While some people will switch to Linux because of this, that will be a very miniscule number in the big picture.  Absolutely, Bill wins again.  (In fact, he’s probably known this for a long time and would like to have a 1-year market life on products instead of the 5-year lifetime he agreed to.)

who has to work with Microsoft products because they have the VAST MAJORITY of the marketshare --- something Linux companies can only dream about!

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Kirk on Dec 11th, 2003, 3:30pm
Ya gotta lighten up on them gurella biscuts in the morning Grant. Or did someone bring you a couple of bottles of Blue Bawls.

Have you had a chance to check out the new Star and Open Office suites.

Mandrake Linux is easier to install than MS

KDE 3.x

You still have an internal modem problem. there are only a couple that are compatible. With broadband expanding into markets now that is a lot less of an issue.

MS is taking a bit of a beating in the server Market these days.

Do I think Linux is ready for the home desktop. NO Unless of course we could get rid of the users. Which is unfortunate. Also there are laws against the appropriate user traing tools.

Today I can say Linux is superior on the business desktop. I couldn't say that 6 months ago.

Its all moot though. The only people that are going to listen to our "informed" opinions are you and me. Makes a nice little flame war though [smiley=cool2.gif] Go ahead I've got my glasses on.

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 11th, 2003, 3:59pm

on 12/11/03 at 15:30:02, Kirk wrote:
Makes a nice little flame war though [smiley=cool2.gif] Go ahead I've got my glasses on.

LMAO!   No need!

on 12/11/03 at 15:30:02, Kirk wrote:
Ya gotta lighten up on them gurella biscuts in the morning Grant. Or did someone bring you a couple of bottles of Blue Bawls.

just under a bit of pressure/time-constraint here.   The "server" i borrowed is being taken away tomorrow.  Buddy had some unexpected dental work that he couldn't afford.  (The battle between workboot and teeth is always won by workboot.)

Also, I have a SQL Server 7 upgrade to do before Christmas.  The client didn't believe me when I said this situation was coming up.  Luckily, its a database of only around 50 tables.

on 12/11/03 at 15:30:02, Kirk wrote:
Have you had a chance to check out the new Star and Open Office suites.

I agree but since there are a number of incompatible suites out there and a "splintered" market in Linux suites, in general they have a long way to go.  For now MS-Office will be the "standard" they have to be compatible with just because of the HUGE marketshare.

on 12/11/03 at 15:30:02, Kirk wrote:
Ya gotta lighten up on them gurella biscuts in the morning Mandrake Linux is easier to install than MS

Great...   I'll give that to my mom for Christmas    ;;D

on 12/11/03 at 15:30:02, Kirk wrote:
MS is taking a bit of a beating in the server Market these days.

Webservers or network servers?    ;)

on 12/11/03 at 15:30:02, Kirk wrote:
Do I think Linux is ready for the home desktop. NO Unless of course we could get rid of the users. Which is unfortunate. Also there are laws against the appropriate user traing tools.

I've been trying to institute those same "training tools" in the workplace for 20 yrs now  ;)

on 12/11/03 at 15:30:02, Kirk wrote:
Today I can say Linux is superior on the business desktop. I couldn't say that 6 months ago.

Point well-taken.   Still "debatable tho.

on 12/11/03 at 15:30:02, Kirk wrote:
Its all moot though. The only people that are going to listen to our "informed" opinions are you and me.

That's what makes it fun!   ;;D

Back to learning RRAS and VPNs.  Still have 200 pages to do before tomorrow at 5PM.


Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Miklos on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:36pm
Since I work with a genuinely user-friendly host, I have been watching this thread with some amusement.

Need a new command? Make up a word and take most of the vowels out, and it's probably already in the operating system. Or when threatened, it will work congenially with both Windows and Linux. Except, I must admit that it is not fun linking to a M$ Access database.

There. Was that patronizing enough for both of you? Got my specs on.

Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by BobG on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:41pm
Just logged on and read this thread.

Now I need to log off before I

yawn myself to death.


Title: Re: M$ Win98 Doomed
Post by Opus on Dec 11th, 2003, 4:54pm

on 12/11/03 at 14:26:47, brain_cramps wrote:
 Shit!  I can just imagine my mother trying to get Linux up and running.  It would NEVER happen.  

My mother couldn't get Winxp running by herself, a IT tech friend who uses win2000 primarily couldn't get rid of the error statements and get netscape to dial by itself. I finally figured out it was because the system was messed because IE never had a first run. Ran the stupid program once and all was fixed. Someday I will figure out how to do an automated backup, then I will see if she can install Mandrake 9.2 without help If I partition first.

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