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(Message started by: don on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:15pm)

Title: Puter/internet question
Post by don on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:15pm
When I am online my computer is running a 110 MPH even when I am not clicking or typing. When I do click it sometimes takes forever to make the connection.

Anybody tell me whats going on in that stupid gray box?

Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by fubar on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:23pm

There are many ways to figure this out if you haave the time.

Most often, what you are probably seeing is a background process that fires up when it detects an idle CPU.  These can be virus-checking, file indexing (windows 'feature'), updates being downloaded and stuff like that.

One thing that can give you a clue is the task manager.  Hit alt-ctrl-del like you want to reboot the system, and you will probably see 'task manager' as a choice there.  If you select the 'processes' tab, it will show you which process is eating CPU.  To sort the list by CPU usage, click on the CPU column.

There are other programs to use as well that will tell you EXACTLY what starts up when you boot your system.  I like one called Hijack This.  Look it up in Google.  It is a master at finding weird stuff that has installed without your knowledge.


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by jonny on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:26pm
Man O man could I pick that post gonna crash

Nite Honey ;;D


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by Kirk on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:26pm
Have you run any anti malware programs like Spybot Search and destroy to see if you have any programs running on your system you don't knowabout?


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by Opus on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:07pm
Ya, what fu and Kirk said, and,

Do you mean when you click on a link or book mark in your web browser that sometimes it takes for ever for the page to load? If so then you are just waiting for a slow server to respond and send you the data and waiting for the data to get through the various places to get to your computer. They don't call it the world wide wait for nothing.

or, it could be that your time to shutdown the hard drives is too short and you have to wait for them to spin up.


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by don on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:55pm
Ok then.

I downloaded and installed "Browser Hijack Blaster".
I hope thats what you meant. Will this contraption prevent the hijack or just let me know what is doing the hijacking?

Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by fubar on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:17pm

This is the one I spoke of:


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by cootie on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:24pm
My pooter does the same thing......sumtimes it is downloading it's little RAM off and I'm not doin nothin...and it'll go on and on and on for a long time doin 'sumthing' and in the meantime I wait a long time for pages and links to come up or load. Downloader Spam'd Pam

I'm gonna check the link out too............

Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by don on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:53pm

The Hijack This gave me a list a mile long!

WTF do I do with it?

Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:04pm

save the log file according to the instructions on the web page and email me  a copy of it


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by fubar on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:12pm

Ditto what Grant said.  Email me the log and I will tell you what's safe to keep.


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by Cerberus on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:13pm

Calm down. lets eliminate all other possibilities before going ape shit.

 I know not what browser you are using, however, MOST have some sort of inner program that checks for software updates and that sort of thing. So...........that been said it is possible that your software is simply searching for updates to older installations.

This hijack blaster thing I know little or nothing about. I have NEVER used or felt the need to use any sort of internet protection other than my routers firewall. reality is, there is little chance of getting a bug surfing and if you do it can be fixed by re-formatting your hard drive/s. I have been online for several years now and only gotten a bug 2 times, and one I'm not sure wasn't some sort of hardware malfunction.

Fubar's advice was one of the best, use the control +alt+del , (only do it once) and in the window that comes up are all the things running in your start menu. You can disable everything you arent using. Its a good idea to not disable your browser and essential items, so you need to know what you have loaded (as far as software goes) and what it looks like in your startup menu. The general rule is the more you have running that you don't need, the more of your systems recouses are being used , possibly causing lag or sluggishness.
 It is aslo a good idea to keep your drives De-Fragmented, every time you  delete something it leaves a hole in your registry and hard-disk and too many holes spills the beans, so, be sure you have defragged your system periodically. (if you have norton system works) its called optimization and Scan-disc is good for fixing errors on your drive/s.

try that and get back to me :D

Good luck,

Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by don on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:23pm
OK. tommorow I will email all of youse guys da file.

Soon as I reread the website and get it right.

The cntl-alt-del deal shows me the list but some of the listings are cryptic. The only options I have are to "end task" or "shut down"

Thank God for "Go Back" !

Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by Mark C on Dec 9th, 2003, 10:59am
This ( guy has some really good pointers on XP and 2000. Check out the "Services" page.


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by Kirk on Dec 9th, 2003, 2:58pm
Get a copy of FreeBSD 5.0. Put the 1st disc in. Then from the command line type:



  make install

  make clean

All will become clear to you. 8)


Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by athos12 on Dec 9th, 2003, 10:51pm

Get a copy of FreeBSD 5.0. Put the 1st disc in. Then from the command line type:



  make install

  make clean

All will become clear to you.  

Now that was funny

Title: Re: Puter/internet question
Post by Prense on Dec 9th, 2003, 11:14pm

on 12/08/03 at 22:17:08, fubar wrote:

This is the one I spoke of:


Thanks for posting this!  I was able to fix some issues I have been having for quite a while now...   ;;D Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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