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(Message started by: thomas on Dec 8th, 2003, 5:52pm)

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by thomas on Dec 8th, 2003, 5:52pm
OK. :)

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by CathiP on Dec 8th, 2003, 6:13pm
It's tough when you hold back, man...please, tell us how you feel...let it out, be clear and concise.....

....tell us how you feel! ;)

Cathi who drinks water..... ;)

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by fubar on Dec 8th, 2003, 6:30pm

Are you serious?

With that kind of thinking, it's no wonder corporations are scared to endorse anything, including patriotism.

I think the point was intended to be a statement that we are, as a country, indivisible.  Egads.  Get a rope!

C'mon?  Aren't there better things to get all up in arms about?  It's not like the can says "America, ATHIESTS standing together!".  It's a SODA CAN!

There are plenty of things in this world that are worth getting upset over.  You don't need to create them out of nothing.

Hell... be mad at me for calling you out on this.  That's something that actually happened at least.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Ree on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:19pm
again its a free country... love you both......... ree

God Bless you too KOP!!!LOL  

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Kirk on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:23pm
Hmmmmm well I don't see anything wrong with the can.
Other than that there is Dr. Pepper in it.
Just this former Marines O2 worth YMMV.


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by jonny on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:34pm


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Prense on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:43pm

on 12/08/03 at 17:48:57, KingOfPain wrote:

**Boycott(with extreme prejudice):

Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc.

Products/Brand Names:

Dr Pepper,7 UP, A&W, Canada Dry, Schweppes, Sunkist, Welch's, Hires, Crush, Squirt, Vernors, Sundrop, Hawaiian Punch, Country Time and the RC Cola and Slush Puppie Brands.

I won't buy/use/consume any of these brands/products as long as I live.

One Nation, UNDER GOD, Indivisible......  

So, don't buy the above products cause DP came out with a can that didn't have the word God on it?  Ummm....I agree with Fu on this one.


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by fubar on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:45pm

What kills me is you are boycotting them because they didn't show their patriotism in a manner that suited you, not that they weren't being patriotic!  If you put that can next to every other normal soda can in the store, and asked 100 people to pick out the one that had a patriotic theme, 100 out of 100 would pick that can.  But that's not good enough for you, right?  In fact, it's SO BAD that it's worthy of a boycott?

They took 3 words from an 11 word sentence and used it as a patriotic message.  There are 8 words they omitted, but omitting 'under God' makes them evil.

Don't you see how utterly ridiculous that is?  I mean, I'd TOTALLY agree with you if they chose to print the whole pledge and omit 'under God' but this isn't anything like that.

You are doing this claiming it offends your sense of patriotism when in fact it has nothing to do with patriotism at all.  It just seems like a silly thing to get mad at especially if you're going to claim it's all about patriotism.


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by jonny on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:09pm

Thanks Mel!!!


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:23pm
one more, jonny

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by jonny on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:31pm


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:41pm

KOP's   mention of "one NATION UNDER GOD  indivisable, with empathis with the under GOD   makes it what?.....political or religious?  I assume it's just as religious as it is political and I stand with him.


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by fubar on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:28pm

KoP specifically called this out as a stand for patriotism, not religion.

I'd understand it more if he were to make his stand on religious grounds, but he didn't.  In fact, when I asked if he was serious he said

Yes. I take my patriotism deadly serious.

So, all I'm saying is, if patriotism is the issue, then 'under God' missing is, well, not relevant.  At least call it what it is.

KoP, you're a good guy.  I am patriotic too, more than most.  I just can't understand boycotting a company 'as long as you live' just because they printed a can without the words "under God" on it.  It's a tad extreme, and it's not a patriotic stance.  It's a religious viewpoint.

It's ironic because they printed that can specifically to BE patriotic, and now you're so insulted by their (obviously) evil and hedonistic patriotism you'll never buy their products again.  Wow.

There are so many fine things to get mad about... this just seems contrived.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:43pm
Well I just have to say......

LMAO at the cartoons!!!!!!!!! [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Thanks for the laughs people!!

Love y'all!

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by fubar on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:16pm
It's all good.  We all like each other as far as I can tell.  This isn't nearly as bad as some of the political or religious rants get, and this thread has both!

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:41pm
So where is Charlie and Ted when we need them?

Not geting into politics at all here, but I stand where I see em.   KOP (in my mind)   where is it?  I lost it somewhere .............was JUST as much for "nation under GOD,"  as we was for the rest of it.



Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by BobG on Dec 9th, 2003, 12:08pm
I can't imagine a life so boring that someone actually reads a soda can and gets pissed about the words.

And for what it's worth.......I like Dr. Pepper and I do not give a flyin' f**k what the can said.

And for what it's worth part two.....That can was probably made in China, printed in Japan and shipped to the USA on a ship from Bolivia and sold at WalMart.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by KenB on Dec 9th, 2003, 12:32pm
Hmmmmm - come over to Ireland and see the fun that religion has created  :o

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Kirk on Dec 9th, 2003, 4:06pm
Don't think anyone has brought this up yet.
Which God KOP?
Mine has never indicated one way or the other about what is printed on soda cans.

Being a Flexible Existentalist that could change at anytime ofcourse.

In the begining was the command line.


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 9th, 2003, 4:30pm

on 12/09/03 at 16:06:44, Kirk wrote:
In the begining was the command line.

don't be gettin nostalgic on me       :'(



Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by floridian on Dec 9th, 2003, 4:34pm
The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a Christian socialist.  But it was recited for 60 years with no religious references. The pledge was ammended by congress to include the phrase "under God" in 1954, long after the author of the pledge died.  

Is the purpose of the pledge to unite all Americans, or to promote a particular religion or group of religions?  There are over a million Hindus in the US, 2.5 million native Americans, etc. etc.  Many of these people are polytheists.  If the phrase "under God" isn't religious, would you have a problem in changing the pledge to read "under Gods" ?? Or should the American citizens that have different religious beliefs go stuff themselves??  Is the purpose of the pledge to unite all Americans, or to promote a particular religion or group of religions?

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Karla on Dec 9th, 2003, 5:46pm
Thanks for setting the record straight.  I have been getting emails from lots of friends telling me to boycott Pepsi.  Now I can forward these links you provided to set the facts straight with all of them.  I would hate to boycott the wrong company for the wrong reasons.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Charlie on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:00pm
Okey dokey. I'll get silly too.  ::)

I'm about as religious as a socket wrench but it doesn't bother me much it if god stuff is around so long as it doesn't get in my way or waste my time. I never went nuts over it and didn't keep track of the times I made the "mistake" one way or another.  :-X

For those who cringe at reading or seeing it, the more time you waste suing over it or ranting about it, the more press it gets. Calm down and contribute all this energy and money to help others.

Who the hell drinks Dr. Pepper or even sees it in a can?
Bleaugh.  ::)


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by BobG on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:03pm

Or should the American citizens that have different religious beliefs go stuff themselves??

When they put more value in the words printed on a soda than they do in the Holy Bible then I say "Go stuff yourself".

Is the purpose of the pledge to unite all Americans


or to promote a particular religion or group of religions?


Questions........why does this topic come up so often? What are the non-believers afraid of? And why can't they come up with better arguments for their side of the arguments. Same old stale shit over and over.

If you don't like any mention of God then turn your fucking computer off and go back in to your cave!

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by fubar on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:16pm
Bob, I'm surprised at you.  This thread isn't about people being offended by the inclusion of the word 'God' at all.

KOP is offended they left it out... not speaking for him but I assume that's the point of his post.  He's advocating boycotting Dr. Pepper (for life) because they didn't put the words 'under God' on the can.

I couldn't care less about the can, but I do think it's a bit over zealous to call for a boycott over this non-issue.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by BobG on Dec 10th, 2003, 11:53am
Thanks furbar,

Guess maybe I misunderstood the what KOP was saying. Sorry KOP, and I have to agree with you. I think the soda jerks are trying (too hard) to be "politically correct" and failed in their attempt.

I happen to like Dr. Pepper. The cans will be gone after Christmas and the whole thing will be forgotten.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by TomM on Dec 10th, 2003, 12:48pm
This is America and KoP is welcome to boycott whomever or whatever he wishes.

None the less, I agree with BobG and Fu.

I like Dr Pepper,7 UP, A&W, Canada Dry, Schweppes, Sunkist, Welch's, Hires, Crush, Squirt, Vernors, Sundrop, Hawaiian Punch, Country Time and the RC Cola and Slush Puppie Brands.
That is my opinion and KoP is welcome to voice his too.


Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by fubar on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:13pm
No doubt... KoP is free to boycott anybody he likes for any reason, real or imagined.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by fubar on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:31pm

I completely agree with you on at least one point.  Companies that use events like this to push product are just pathetic.

However, I'm not about to let some marketing weenie dictate what I will or will not consume.  In other words, even if I considered that can to be incredibly offensive (it's somewhat offensive, IMHO), I not going to let it affect my decision to buy or not buy anything.  In fact, I hate Pepsi and most Pepsi products (too sweet for my tastes) so I won't be buying anyway.

I do respect *your* opinion, but I was questioning whether an organized boycott was in order.  Boycott away.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by thomas on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:13pm
All I can say is there is no Neman's Own pasta sauce or Budweiser products in my house.

Title: Re: Pepsi Can Clarification (Dr Pepper Sucks)
Post by Prense on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:24pm

on 12/08/03 at 17:48:57, KingOfPain wrote:

**Boycott(with extreme prejudice):

Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc.

Products/Brand Names:

Dr Pepper,7 UP, A&W, Canada Dry, Schweppes, Sunkist, Welch's, Hires, Crush, Squirt, Vernors, Sundrop, Hawaiian Punch, Country Time and the RC Cola and Slush Puppie Brands.

I won't buy/use/consume any of these brands/products as long as I live.

One Nation, UNDER GOD, Indivisible......  

God Bless America

If you don't like that I said God Bless America,
I don't give a flying f u c k!!

Twas because of this that I was under the impression you were pissed that they omitted the word "God".

Sorry if my interpretation was incorrect... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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