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(Message started by: aquarius28 on Dec 8th, 2003, 2:50pm)

Title: Newbe begs for help
Post by aquarius28 on Dec 8th, 2003, 2:50pm
Hi everyone,
I have a terrible problem.5 years ago I had an accident.I hit icy slope with my head while skiing.The next day I had terrible headache on one side of head and was vomiting for 2 days of course with some breaks but everything I had eaten I know what.I spent some time in hospital.After lots of meeting with my neurologist I recovered.I was 17 at that time.I didn’t have any problems with my head for 2 years.At the age of 19 I started to study and when my first exam session began I had again terrible pain on one side of the head.The same situation took place when I had session in summer.But after about a month the pain disappeared as fast as it appeared.The second year of my study was much worse because I had a pain for 2 months.It started in December and disappeared during winter holidays.I and my neurologist didn’t have doubts that it was a tension headache.I didn;t know anything about kinds of headaches at that time.My neurologist gave me medicines which are used in depression and when you have some fears ,antidread(sorry for my English I come from Poland).But this year the pain appeared in November.
Now I would like to describe the pain.
It always appears on the left side of my head.For most of a day I have headache level 3 to 4 on the Kip’s scale.But from time to time I have an attacks of unbelievably sharp pain at the back of my head,I feel pain behind left eye, tears come from my eye,and I have nausea(only on the left side).I  also feel pain at the crown of the head on the left side.(I don’t know if I am using a right word)When the pain has its maximum I can’t lie steady,I would kick the wall,punch it or anything or anyone.I can’t stand it.The maximum of the pain doesn’t last long about 10 minutes.After that time I feel a huge relief.But after an hour or so the pain appears again but not so sharp and notso heavy.But  I am not able to do homework,not to mention learning.Generally pain is all the time until  March or the end of February.But only from time to time it is extremly sharp.
Headache pills from prescription helps for some time.But I have to take at least 2 per day.I have been taking them for 4 weeks now.And my neurologist still claims that it it tension headache.Please help.I am not sure whether it is really CH but it seems  to me very,very possible.Thanks a lot.

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by thomas on Dec 8th, 2003, 2:57pm
I'm no doctor so I can't diagnose you.  Take the cluster quiz and read about some other peoples ch and compare them.  Welcome aboard. :)

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by ave on Dec 8th, 2003, 2:59pm
Have you taken the cluster quiz? Some parts of what you describe sound like cluster but a lot does not.
And there's always the dreaded combination of migraines, tension headache and painkiller-related headache. Some of us get them all...

If I were you, I would press for some scans (Cat scan and MRI) if they haven't been made yet. And try and find another neuro.
Do you read German? There is a good german cluster site where they may possibly direct you to a knowledgeable neurologist nearer to you... If you are IN Poland at the moment, that is.

For the moment, you might try drinking a great deal of water (look to the left under water x 3) and try to battle your pain with relaxation and meditation techniques.

Good luck

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by Mac on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:06pm
Welcome Aquarius28. Your English is a lot better than my Polish. Do what Thomas said and take the Cluster Survey. Some of your symptoms sound familiar but some of your circumstances don't.  

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:07pm

I don't think there are any Doctors on the site. What you are describing sounds alot like a CH. I would recommed letting your Doctor know that you think it is Ch's and have them do test on you to be sure. ie, CAT scan, eye test & such. That way it will rule out any other possiblities.

Regular pain meds such as Aspirin, depression pills & such do not abort a CH. You would have to use O2 and Imitrex and others that are listed on this site. You should read all you can about the different meds that may help you. It may take some visits to the Neuro before you find something that works for you.

The accident could be the cause, but it just may be coincidence that you started geting CH's. Everyone is different and gets CH's at different ages and lengths of time.

Good luck to you and may you have PF days to come.

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by aquarius28 on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:12pm
I had MRI and tomography of brain and everything is ok.I also had X-ray examination of my neck.Every Dr. said he didn't see anything wrong.I 'd taken CH test it seems I have CH.I have been reading everything I can on this site for couple of weeks because here is a lot of knowledge.I drink lots of water but this is because I am thirsty all the time.Unfortunatelly my German is much poorer.You know here in Poland a problem with a good neurologist is extremly big.Because each of them have his own theory and give the same medications under some other name :( I will try to find some other by it;s hard to.
Thanks a lot  for such a fast reply.                

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by Jimi on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:17pm
One easy way to find out. Call the doc and ask if he has any imitrex free samples he will give you. If they work, you probably got it. If they Do work, then read all about oxygen. I am sorry if it turns out to be clusters, but it isn't a death sentence. Good luck and take charge.

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by cathy on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:28pm
Aquarius Welcome to the board......I hope it's not Clusters but until you see your neurologist and have it correctly diagnosed read as much about it as you can so that you can educate him!.... try some of the suggestions see how it for what Jimi said.....

One easy way to find out. Call the doc and ask if he has any imitrex free samples  If they work, you probably got it.

No disrespect but if he's got migraines they will work too..??

Either way I hope you get the help you need and a diagnosis that you agree with......sorry you are in pain...PF vibes to you.


Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by totka on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:59pm
Hi Aquarius,

Welcome here. I agree with Jimi - try the Imigran (Imitrex is the american name)
Where do you live in Poland? I try to find a good neuro for you - I'm about a fellow-countryman (Hungary) - maybe my neuro knows Pole neuro.



Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by don on Dec 8th, 2003, 4:34pm

Does that make you a hungry Pole?

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 9th, 2003, 2:06am
Welcome to the board, Aquarius.

Can't add much to what has been said.  Just read all the info and if need be, print it out and take it to your doctor.

Hope you find the right answers......

PF vibes to you......


Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by HannahFroukje on Dec 9th, 2003, 3:30am

Ive been reading your post and your complaints sound very much the same as my husbands complaints. He's had clusterheadache due to a heavy carcrash 15 years ago.

Now I don't know if you are into this stuff but when you have had a bad accident with head injury it's always a VERY good idea to take Arnica. You can take the herb itsself, but even better is it to take it in some kind of homeopathic form, like C30.

I've heard of some CH-heads in the Netherlands that use a light form of Arnica to abort their attack. We used it ourselves too and it stopped the headaches right away for several days. Now don't start cheering, we did cheer at first ... and were very disappointed when the headaches came back after 3 days, but these 3 days were like heaven to us. I remember clearly because this was around Christmas.

Like I said I don't know if you are into this kind of thing, but since herbs and homeopathics CURE and don't SUPRESS, since ARnica is very much related to injuries of the head and brain, it would be a good remedy to try. There is a chance it will do you much good in a very positive way. Perhaps (most likely) it will not cure your CH, but you could expect some kind of positive effect from it. I'm being careful here, since homeopathics work in different ways on different people, you can not always predict the effect. But by the way, it's cheap and it's very safe, so why not try it.

There are other homeopathic remedies that fit head-injury. Ofcourse we tried all of them, sometimes with good effects, sometimes with none. Honesty abides me to say that the effects of homeopathics for US were always temporary, but it has granted us a good night of sleep more then once.

If you want to ask questions about it, PM or email me. If your customs allow it, I could send you a bit of Arnica by post if you want to try it once or twice. (no cost ofcourse, I always have this at home, Jos uses it on his normal headaches, also caused by his accident, it does help for that).

Also for other CH-heads that are having it because of head-injury, trying Arnica is really a good idea.

As for other things: I know that especially head-injury people benefit from melatonine tablets, it has been used on whiplash patients too. Melatonine is described in other links on this forum. You can take melatonine and arnica together, if you must (wouldn't prefer to do so).

At the moment we are trying the psilocybin stuff (other link).

Good luck and PM me if you want more info.

Title: Re: Newbe begs for help
Post by aquarius28 on Dec 9th, 2003, 2:47pm
To all of you  great thanx for your advice
Totka--I live in Warsaw

I will search,search and search ,hope that finally and quite fast I find something what will help me,I will try with imitrex if my neuro let me do this,
Wish you PF days...forever
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