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(Message started by: KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:21am)

Title: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:21am
UTALA, Afghanistan, Dec. 7 — Their embroidered caps, shredded with shrapnel, lay beside a half-dozen small rubber galoshes and caked pools of blood. Seven boys and two girls died here on Saturday morning in an American airstrike, and their bodies were still lying in the dust when American soldiers arrived by helicopter to assess the results of the attack three hours later, villagers and American soldiers at the scene said Sunday.    :(

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:06am
ok, Whats the point?

Innocent people die in wars. It sux but is true!
2700+ died at the World Trade Centers!

Patrick  :'(

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:27am
Hmmm....I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to connect this to 9/11 - but I didn't expect it to be the first post!  What kind of bubble are you living in?  :-/

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:40am

You might want to check the title of your thread and the location of the air-strike.

It appears that you haven't done your homework.

Afghanistan has a LOT to do with 9/11.

grant        ::)

EDITED:     don't get me wrong!   i think its a tragedy that innocent children were killed.

BUT...   I do think that KenB shouldn't be so quick to point the finger.

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by thomas on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:40am
HHmmmmmmmmm.... How many children have been killed in Ireland by the IRA?  Whose living in a bubble?  More European anti-Americanism at it's finest.

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:15am

on 12/08/03 at 08:40:29, thomas wrote:
HHmmmmmmmmm.... How many children have been killed in Ireland by the IRA?  Whose living in a bubble?  More European anti-Americanism at it's finest.

Thomas - did you actually think before you posted that or was it just some kind of involuntary reaction?  What exactly has the IRA got to do with this?  You seem to be implying that because I'm Irish I automatically support them??

Anyway - since you brought up the subject - did you know that a massive amount of funding for the IRA comes from 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Irish American idiots (they call themselves Irish American - but most of them haven't even been over here).

And also on the subject of the IRA - are they going to be on the list of Bush's targets?  He is trying to rid the world or terrorism is he not?  On second thoughts - maybe not - sure we don't have any oil and you've no need for our potatoes or our Lucky Charms.

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by thomas on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:23am

on 12/08/03 at 09:15:30, KenB wrote:
Thomas - did you actually think before you posted that or was it just some kind of involuntary reaction?

Anyway - since you brought up the subject - did you know that a massive amount of funding for the IRA comes from 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Irish American idiots

And also on the subject of the IRA - are they going to be on the list of Bush's targets?

Yes.  (I have Irish heritage - however I am not a hyphenated American.)
I sure hope so.

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:27am

on 12/08/03 at 08:40:05, brain_cramps wrote:

You might want to check the title of your thread and the location of the air-strike.

BUT...   I do think that KenB shouldn't be so quick to point the finger.

1 - Modified the title - apologies for the confusion.

2 - I didn't point the finger - I simply made a point

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:39am

on 12/08/03 at 09:27:21, KenB wrote:
2 - I didn't point the finger - I simply made a point

on 12/08/03 at 08:27:53, KenB wrote:
Hmmm....I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to connect this to 9/11 - but I didn't expect it to be the first post!

pretty deep --- i must have missed it.

Afghanistan has EVERYTHING to do with 9/11!!!

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:42am
Why do you constantly try to fire up the board with stuff like this... Ive been staying away from threads like this... What do you think we should do to protect our country from these EVIL Terrorists.... say hold up your hand so that we know who to shoot.  We are talking about terrorists that ask young men to blow themselves up... Do you think the powers that be over there care about a few kids dying... don't waste your breath.  They take advantage of our American hearts and put women and children in harms way... Ken B.  when you read an article like this be sure you balance it out by reading an obituary about a young soldier that died in Afghanistan.  This is a volunteer Army, Navy and Marines... these boys like my sons are educated, and brave... people like you that constantly drum up arguments in the name of whatever you profess make me sick.  Why not take up a cause here in our country.  Why not write of the constant, everyday, pedophiles that steal our children here and mangle their bodies all up................ ree

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:54am
How many victims have been identified?

The New York City medical examiner has been able to identify the remains of about 54 percent of the victims. The office hopes to make 1,700 to 1,800 identifications in all -- 60 percent to 65 percent -- although future advances in DNA technology may enable additional identifications. Toward that end, the medical examiner is storing more than 12,000 unidentified body parts collected from the trade center site. Those remains will be kept at a memorial at the site.

The families of those whose remains have not been identified were able to obtain death certificates from the courts after submitting proof their loved ones were in the trade center.

Not as grisley as your account but there is plenty more where this came from... and not even the jist of what happened on that day...

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:55am
I'm not sure where to start in response to Ree's little rant - but whatever I say I'm sure I'll be accused of being anti American, pro terrorist, liberal, socialist, IRA supporting potato munching shit stirrer - so here goes........

1 - If you can give me one a good reason/justification why the US haven't expended the same energy, resource and manpower to remove either Robert Mugabe or Ariel Sharon from power then I'll stop "drumming up" arguments.

2 - You think that the death of a soldier compares to the death of a young child?  Last time I checked the children were born and raised there whereas the soldiers made a decision to enlist and at the end of the day are actually being paid to be there.

3 - Take off your blinkers - I have respect for your sons who obviously have in belief in defending their country - but it doesn't mean that the orders they have been given are morally sound and justifiable.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:58am

on 12/08/03 at 09:54:11, Ree wrote:
How many victims have been identified?


The families of those whose remains have not been identified were able to obtain death certificates from the courts after submitting proof their loved ones were in the trade center.

Not as grisley as your account but there is plenty more where this came from... and not even the jist of what happened on that day...

Here we go again - correct me if I'm wrong, but your sons served in Iraq?  And the proven connection between that conflict and your comments are???

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:22am

on 12/08/03 at 09:58:50, KenB wrote:
Here we go again - correct me if I'm wrong, but your sons served in Iraq?  And the proven connection between that conflict and your comments are???

YOU are the one that brought up Iraq and how quickly people would draw a link to 9-11.

You didn't even take the time to read the paragraph that you cut-and-pasted.   Just posted it to stir up shit!

STFU already!!!!!


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:33am

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:40am
Dear Mr. Potato Head,

You obviously want an argument here.  You obviously do not know how many people here on this MB have sons, daughters, husbands, wives, neices, nephews, etc. that PROUDLY SERVE in the US military.  We are a fiercly loyal bunch of Americans.  Your comments are only meant to cause pain.  

My suggestion to everyone who reads this is to just stop!!  Do not feed any fuel to this fire.  Let it die.
Don't post.

Ken this is a place for love, healing and support.  Yes, we have our occasional heated political/religious/current event discussions.  Your continued efforts to INTENTIONALLY cause these disagreements is wrong.

If you need compassion for a headache...if you need a prayer or a vibe...if you need a friend to lean on I am here.  But cut this crap out!!  You said in your post that

You think that the death of a soldier compares to the death of a young child?


You obviously don't know how many mother's here have son's over there--I honestly don't think you really care!

So, in closing, you need to stop.  If you don't, we will send Jonny over there to kick you right in your Lucky Charms!!  Write what you want in reply.  I don't care to read any more of your posts in this thread.  You need support, fine.  If not STFU!!!!

Donna D.

To the members of this message board I apologize.  I rarely get this upset.  Someone intentionally posting messages that may hurt my family here PISSES ME OFF!!

I am a proud American.  I support our troops and our government.  I come to this message board to check on my family.  If I want to hear about dead children I will turn on the news.  Not here folks, NOT HERE!

Don't give this guy the satisfaction of a response.  Shut this thread down.  Nothing good can come from this.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Bob P on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:00am
It is sad that innocents die in war.  Wish it weren't so, but it is.  Shame that Al Quida forced us into this conflict.  I'm sure every sane person wishes it hadn't happened.

Shame that ignorants perpetuate this way of life.

Misguided blame.

Ireland - I think they should get the nuts to deal with their own civilian bombing terrorists rather than wait on the US or Uk to take of it for them.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:20am
Good Lord - just when I think we've reached the bottom of ignorance it just gets deeper - I'm happy enough to put a end to this post - but I was under the impression that the "General" posting board was, as it's name suggests, general.  Is it just because these postings are controversial and against your loyalities (and please remember, the IRA activists - evil and idiotic as they are - feel that they are doing good by fighting for a united Ireland) that you want these posts to stop?  

Far from trying to hurt anyone's feelings (and I unreservedly apologise if I have) I am simply trying to highlight some of the things that make me mad and sad  >:( :'(

Most of you are of the opinion that hiding your head in the sand will not solve the problem - that does not automatically mean that the current course of action is the "right" thing to do - open your minds.  I support freedom of speech and opinion as much as you do so please show some respect for that at least.

P.S. - Donna - please have some decorum and don't resort to petty name calling - Mr. Potato Head indeed (although it did make me smile)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:24am

on 12/08/03 at 11:00:49, Bob P wrote:
Ireland - I think they should get the nuts to deal with their own civilian bombing terrorists rather than wait on the US or Uk to take of it for them.

Bob - I don't even know where to start in response to this one - we're not actually "waiting" for anyone.  But - it does highlight an interesting point - 30 years of conflict has effectively been put on hold by opening up dialogue between the parties involved - not by trying to bomb the sh*t out of them.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:28am
Hey Ken

Are you a member of OUCH UK? We were looking for people in southern Ireland the other day.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:29am

on 12/08/03 at 09:42:47, Ree wrote:
Why do you constantly try to fire up the board with stuff like this... Ive been staying away from threads like this... What do you think we should do to protect our country from these EVIL Terrorists.... say hold up your hand so that we know who to shoot.  We are talking about terrorists that ask young men to blow themselves up... Do you think the powers that be over there care about a few kids dying... don't waste your breath.  They take advantage of our American hearts and put women and children in harms way... Ken B.  when you read an article like this be sure you balance it out by reading an obituary about a young soldier that died in Afghanistan.  This is a volunteer Army, Navy and Marines... these boys like my sons are educated, and brave... people like you that constantly drum up arguments in the name of whatever you profess make me sick.  Why not take up a cause here in our country.  Why not write of the constant, everyday, pedophiles that steal our children here and mangle their bodies all up................ ree

This has been the most intelligent thing written in this thread.  Ree, you have written this perfectly and I don't disagree with a thing in it.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 8th, 2003, 12:25pm
Thankyou Paigelle....

Mr Ken B.  My sons are in a war against terrorism.  They have served their country against Afghanistan... Iraq... Korea... Liberia...Kosovo...I am not allowed to divulge the exact jobs they have done.  I like to think they are peace keepers, patriots.  My son will serve in Iraq but I am sure before this is through in Afghanistan he will be there too as some of his friends are serving there right now.  To say that I have no right to this argument is ludicrous.  You have no right to this argument sir, what has it got to do with you?     Ken B... I am from Boston where those hijackers stole two planes and killed the relatives of my friends... I live 5 minutes from a company that lost 7 employees, MOMs and DADs that went on a business trip to Cali that dreadful morning in Sept 2001.
One of my daycare moms lost a sister on that morning, she worked in NY in the twin towers... That is who I compare their loss to.  Go to Hell sir!   ree

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 12:34pm
Can't wait to see the yee-haw, gung ho, lemming like cries of support for that emotionally charged outburst Ree.  

Unlike you, I can detatch myself from the emotion and see the bigger picture.  Tell me Ree, in your opinion, what is the endgame in this "war on terrorism"?  Where does it all end?  What defines a terrorist?  These are tough questions to answer but my feeling is that the answers will be dictated by a US driven political agenda and not some mystical "fight for freedom" that your misguided President has been trying to sell to you.

As I pleaded before - open your mind.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 8th, 2003, 12:37pm

on 12/08/03 at 12:34:24, KenB wrote:
Can't wait to see the yee-haw, gung ho, lemming like cries of support for that emotionally charged outburst Ree.  

Unlike you, I can detatch myself from the emotion and see the bigger picture.  Tell me Ree, in your opinion, what is the endgame in this "war on terrorism"?  Where does it all end?  What defines a terrorist?  These are tough questions to answer but my feeling is that the answers will be dictated by a US driven political agenda and not some mystical "fight for freedom" that your misguided President has been trying to sell to you.

As I pleaded before - open your mind.

1) First of all sorry that I have so many friends that support the work of my already brave sons... that everyday try to make our world a better place to live in.
And yes they do believe in freedom.
2)How can you expect a mother that LIVES this war everyday to detatch herself emotionally that statement doesnt deserve any attention.
3)a-The definition of a terrorist to me is anyone that comes into our country unprovoked... only because of the way we live and kills and frightens un armed, people. b- Someone that straps bombs on young people and kills others that don't want to die.c-Some one that flies planes into buildings again unprovoked... etc etc... i could go on...........d-Someone that tries to change our way of life simply because of imposing terror and fear........  
4)End game to me is to get rid of them...however that happens........ I believe in the afterlife sir... let God take care of them when they approach the Pearly Gates of Heaven
5) I have great respect for the office of the President of the United States...Here, I have the right to vote out of office  in this~ free~ country of mine, anyone that I do not agree with.  
6)Your opinions do not matter to me, you have not walked in my shoes.  How you can shead tears for children you do not know and begrudge a person that has lived the nightmare.  

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 8th, 2003, 12:39pm

on 12/08/03 at 11:24:22, KenB wrote:
Bob - I don't even know where to start in response to this one - we're not actually "waiting" for anyone.  But - it does highlight an interesting point - 30 years of conflict has effectively been put on hold by opening up dialogue between the parties involved - not by trying to bomb the sh*t out of them.

Wow, Looks like we got 29 more years till we catch up with you!
Truth is, I hate war, i hate politics, and i hate people like you who never think outside of the bubble.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by jminmilwaukee on Dec 8th, 2003, 1:00pm
War is hell no matter where the collateral damage occurs. Ireland, US, Afgan, Iraq, Kosavo, Congo.....does not matter where or why it is still hell.

We all have are opinions regarding this issue but that does not mean we need to go to war against one another does it?

Nough said.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 8th, 2003, 1:01pm

on 12/08/03 at 12:37:51, Ree wrote:
 How you can shead tears for children you do not know   

Quite a cold, callous and eye opening remark Ree.  Implies that one should only care for those one knows.  And there was me thinking you were compassionate -   God help us if everyone had that selfish attitude.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Kirk on Dec 8th, 2003, 1:05pm
Ah the frustration of it all. Back in my salad days as a young Marine, a guy in my fire team had a slogan on the back of his flak jacket. "What if they gave a war and nobody came".

Never happen, oh well.

In the mean time      DUCK SUCKER!


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 8th, 2003, 1:41pm
What is your point?  Is to enlighten all of the unfairness of this world?  

If so, thanks for the scoop.

Now I think I will go kill myself.

Steve G

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 8th, 2003, 1:52pm
Ree has made some the best points ever in her threads.  

We do shed tears for ones we don't know.  There were many tears shed on 9/11 for people none of us knew.  But did the Afghans or Iraqis shed tears for the people who were killed, the children left as orphans, the wives left as widows?  No, they cheered!  Don't expect people whose family members are on the frontlines of this war to be sympathetic.  They live in fear everyday that their loved ones my be killed because of this.  

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 8th, 2003, 2:05pm
Said I wasn't going to do this....But just cannot resist!

Posted by: KenB Posted on: Today at 8:27am

What kind of bubble are you living in?

Posted by: KenB Posted on: Today at 9:15am

Thomas - did you actually think before you posted that or was it just some kind of involuntary reaction?

Irish American idiots

Posted by: KenB Posted on: Today at 9:55am

Ree's little rant

Take off your blinkers

I'm sure I'll be accused of being anti American, pro terrorist, liberal, socialist, IRA supporting potato munching shit stirrer

Posted by: KenB Posted on: Today at 11:20am

just when I think we've reached the bottom of ignorance it just gets deeper

hiding your head in the sand

P.S. - Donna - please have some decorum and don't resort to petty name calling - Mr. Potato Head indeed (although it did make me smile)

Posted by: KenB Posted on: Today at 12:34pm

yee-haw, gung ho, lemming like cries of support for that emotionally charged outburst Ree.

Posted by: Donna_D. Posted on: Today at 10:40am

Dear Mr. Potato Head

considering the alternatives listed sir, I was exercising an extreme level of decorum.  You, sir are no gentleman.

I have said it before and I will say it again--and I quote...

Someone intentionally posting messages that may hurt my family here PISSES ME OFF!!

Stop harassing these nice ladies.  They have enough worries without you sticking dead kids in thier faces.  Just Stop!

Donna D.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Bob P on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:00pm

on 12/08/03 at 13:05:56, Kirk wrote:
"What if they gave a war and nobody came".

Gee, the back of mine said "Sat Cong!"  I'd read it every time I fired up a doob.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by cathy on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:22pm
[smiley=referee.gif].....Life's too short if we have to fight let it be for a cure to CH's any war is a tragedy any loss of a life brings tears somewhere for someone.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 8th, 2003, 4:40pm

on 12/08/03 at 12:37:51, Ree wrote:
6)Your opinions do not matter to me, you have not walked in my shoes.  How you can shead tears for children you do not know and begrudge a person that has lived the nightmare.  

that is reaching to the bottom of the septic system dont you think sir???  Its just like a guy like you to go for the jugular vein.  If anyone else said that I didnt have any compassion or to quote you "Quite a cold, callous and eye opening remark Ree.  Implies that one should only care for those one knows.  And there was me thinking you were compassionate -   God help us if everyone had that selfish attitude."  

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 8th, 2003, 5:12pm
I've posted this before when the war first started to another 'gentleman' but here I go again.

This is NOT the subject, nor the place for intellectual masturbation via scoring points in a political argument.
Here you tread on the raw feelings of people personally affected by this.

Suggest you go have this discussion in a pub over a pint.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Jackie on Dec 8th, 2003, 5:23pm
Hey Ken....
I equate your comments with the prick who is welcomed into the home of a lovely giving family (this CH family)....takes what he wants and needs, has a wonderful meal with them and then shits in their living room floor.  You, sir, have just shown your ass.

Oh, by the really do owe Ree an apology.  You have been very insulting to one of the kindest most giving ladies around.

Most Sincerely,
Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 8th, 2003, 5:55pm
I'd have to say that I never *want* to see innocent people die as a byproduct of war, but in 9/11, I saw all the innocent lives lost I could take.  My family is from NYC, and fortunately, they survived the towers.  However, my aunt's two best friends did not.  And what did they leave behind?  They each left behind their wives and several small children.  They were brothers.  They worked for Cantor Fitzgerald who lost all of their 700 employees on the day the towers were hit.  Cantor Fitzgerald was located on the 101st through 105th floors of Tower 1 I believe.  The older brother, Joe, called his wife shortly after the plane hit, and he told her that he would be home soon as he went down one floor and got Danny.  He wouldn't leave without Danny.  Neither brother was ever heard from again.  And their funerals were held without their bodies ever being found or identified.  Between them, 7 small innocent children were left behind and two grieving wives, as well as many close family and friends.

Do I want to see innocent people die in Afghanistan as a result of the War on Terrorism?  Absolutely not.  However, do I find the war necessary and defend our military's fight for it?  Absolutely I do!  I've seen the lives of families torn completely apart by 9/11, and things are never the same.  It wasn't just one day.  It is a lifetime of tragedy that will not heal.

Just some insights.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 8th, 2003, 6:44pm
HEY LIZZIE 2, JACKS. EVERYONE~~~ THANKYOU FOR THE SUPPORT YOU HAVE ALWAYS SHOWN towards me... my boys and my family in and out of cycle... this is a spent thread... Im done with it... sorry I even let him get to me.  Lizzie sorry about your friends When I hear stories like this one it makes me even prouder that my boys are in it for the long haul and God protect them... I dont know where this war will be going and it may take another decade.  Not my idea though... this war I mean... Nor is this one on the board.  So unless he pisses me off again... this is my last post... to this thread of course, ya cant get rid of me that easy... love to you all Ree
one last thought Dear Lord, bless and welcome the little souls of those children lost today and yesterday in that conflict in Afghanistan...I rest knowing  they are in a better place~~~ alleluia!  Amen

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by nancyc on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:41pm
Ken B, I will not acknowledge any of the cold and callous words that you have written in this thread..Nor, will I try to defend Ree or our son's rights to fight for our country..Doing so, only seems to fuel your fire.....Instead, I will pray for you tonite, my friend....Because sometimes that is the best thing we can do for someone that enjoys hurting others the way you seem to do.  :)nancyc

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)

Title: Re: Not good (Iraq Related)
Post by goaway on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:12pm

on 12/08/03 at 09:15:30, KenB wrote:
Thomas . . .  What exactly has the IRA got to do with this?  You seem to be implying that because I'm Irish I automatically support them??

Not in the habit of conversing with terrorists myself.  After reading two pages of this thread, I can't help but notice that KenB


Just an observation from someone barely smarter than dumb.

P.S.  REE:  Love you girl!

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by cootie on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:47pm
Disresect Ken is not gonna get you anywhere ! winners no loosers Pam

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Cerberus on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:51pm
I WAS going to sit this one out...............really, but, as usual something got stirred in me and I now fell that I HAVE to say my piece.
(My apologies to Ree and Donna for even giving this air time)

Interesting how opinions get distorted during a hot debate Ken as a human being I respect your right to feel as you do about whatever you want, the only point I have on this is you must do the same if you expect to recieve the respect you seek.

Ree has/had several family members in harms way on more than one occasion and she is right (be they volunteers or not) ALL of our troops are someones children and if one of the dead HAPPENS to be one of yours then YES ABSOLUTELY it is more painfull than the death of a child/children we do not know. It is crass, to say otherwise.

I find it TOTALLY ironic that those with the strongest "anti-american" opinions are seemingly from countries that were equally guilty of being willing to let Saddam and Bin Ladden do whatever they please, without so much as raising a question to their activities. Please sir............answer this, What the fuck is/has or will Ireland do about these very same problems? Don't point fingers unless you are a participant.

On the IRA......( even though it IS a totally different subject), let us not forget that Ireland as well as Scotland have historically NEVER been politically stable. They began with clan wars before the middle ages and went to religous warring between protestants and catholics, to pretending that Britan is the cause of all the problems.......please, gimme a break.  

I really do not want to appear to be "bashing" any particular group of people, I was raised on as much world culture my parents could muster, and I appreciate every country's contribution to the founding of modern day America.................its all good. But face it, the Celtic countries of Ireland and Scotland are traditioanly of the most violent and brutal in all of history.

Now finally to answer a couple of questions raised earlier in this thread. I believe the question was regarding the U.S. policy regarding mugabe, and sharon. The answer is not pretty and comes in two parts and tagged with another question.............

First, there is nothing in that part of Africa that the U.S. sees as strategically important.

Second, Mugabe and Sharon, are not specifically targeting the U.S. or americans, they are miscreants to say the least, but not a threat to national security at this point ( they are being watched closely, you can bet safely on that)

Lastly, LOGISTICS, it would be a logistical nightmare politically as well as mathematically. i.e. Vietnam, the Sudan, Korea. The U.S (so very not innocent of hatred and violence) has only ONCE engaged in war that was not in defense of another or our own, and technically even if the "evidence" has not been shown to "justify" our latest military action this one wasn't either. The 9-11 issue is partially moot in this particular case, the reactionary stance of the U.S.  in its wake is more than justified ans should have very well been expected. The world should be thankfull that nukes didn't fly after the FIRST plane hit. The rest (Iraq) was a distraction to avert the American peoples attention. (example) Do you really believe that oil was the main focus of our invasion of Iraq? OR do you believe that it is just an attempt to finish a job Bush Sr. failed to complete? Or maybe it was a vain attempt to stimulate what WAS a growing economy? GET REAL. The government KNEW that the countries surrounding Iraq were in the terrorism business and they also knew that the best way to get to those countries and hopfully slow the influx of new terrorists or fleeing ones, was to control the very central country of Iraq. It was coincidence that Saddam was a colossal Pain in the ass and sheer genius to realize the strategic importance of Iraq itself. Its good battle tactics................get control of an easily defended central location and move outward. Napoleon and Hannibal, had the best military plans of all time and the basics still hold true today.

1. No food, no water, no success (Hannibal ,the father of modern logistics)
2. "Divide and Conquer"...........(Napoleon, he just had bad timing)

The answers are there folks, sad but true. Truth is stranger than fiction and can hurt real bad if its not what you wanna hear. apologies for even getting into this one. its tough being the King , just ask Jonny  ;)

Peace and Love to ALL of my family,

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:16pm
Donna, also my apologies.  And Ree, love ya girl.

GOaway, good point, I noticed that myself.  Maybe we should add him to our list of people to off"....

One other point.. isn't freedom of speech an AMERICAN thing??

So KenB, if you are not AMERICAN, and you are not supporting Americans, then no one here cares to hear ANYTHING you have to say.

In case you didn't understand what the letters stood for, let me say it to you in plain ole' American english...

SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!   (sorry everybody else)

GOD BLESS AMERICA, our troops, their families, and ALL who have lost their lives ever as a result of any war.

Proud to be an AMERICAN.....Little Deb

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 9th, 2003, 1:57am
Reading stuff like

"So KenB, if you are not AMERICAN, and you are not supporting Americans, then no one here cares to hear ANYTHING you have to say" :-X

Now that's telling all the non-Americans who visit this board!


"But face it, the Celtic countries of Ireland and Scotland are traditioanly of the most violent and brutal in all of history" [smiley=laugh.gif]

Southern Ireland is actually quite a comparatively peaceful country and MOST countries were pretty warlike in the centuries you are referring to! i.e. ancient history.
America's history is hardly peaceful! None of our country's are!



Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 9th, 2003, 4:57am
Firstly - thanks to those who sent me private messages of support (I can see where you were coming from!)

Secondly - Apologies to anyone who feels I have offended them

Thirdly - If you want me to leave the board then I'm happy to do so

Fourthly (is there such a word?) -   The main reason I started this post was to highlight some of the attitudes that have turned a lot of people against the current actions of the US and also (almost by default) those who support those actions (predominately  Americans).  There is a mob mentality currently prevelant in the US and it is reflected in the postings on this subject.  Please try to be a little bit objective about this situation (ob·jec·tive "Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: an objective critic.  
Based on observable phenomena; presented factually: an objective appraisal." )

And finally - just in case there is any doubt - I DO NOT SUPPORT TERRORISTS.  The actions of the IRA make me sick - they always have and always will.

Thank you for your time.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 9th, 2003, 5:45am
Ken B,

1)  You are not the only one who received private
     messages of support yesterday.

2)  I can only hope and pray that your apologies are    

3)  I do not think that one incident should cause  
    someone to be ousted from this message board.
    Fortunately, for you, the people who you offended  
    the most yesterday are also some of the most  
    loving, caring and forgiving individuals on the face
    of this earth.  I am sure that since you asked nicely  
    (and hopefully will promise not to continue this  
    thread) that all will be forgiven.

4)  Freedom of Speech is one of they many things we
    value as Americans.  Asking for an objective
    opinion is not unheard of around here.  Some of us  
    thrive on controversy and enjoy the deep, analytical
    discussions that take place on this message board.  
    Feel free to join in anytime.  However, in the future,
    if it becomes apparant to you that your post(s) are  
    causing pain, anguish or suffering to another
    human being, please stop.  That is what happened  
    here yesterday.  I won't rehash all this with you, I
    would just ask that you show some courtesy when
    dealing with obviously sensitve issues.  This is a  
    family...and yes, sometimes we do have a mob  
    mentality...but that is only because we already go  
    through so much suffering in our everyday lives.  
    When we see someone injured by the remarks of  
    another we rush to their defense.  That is what
    families do.   We take care of each other.


Please, Please, Please let's let this post fade into the archives.  

Now, that being said.

I am glad that my calling you Mr. Potato Head made you smile. Because, if it made you smile, then it accomplished exactly what I wanted it to.  We really are nice folks around here.  Oh, and I am glad that you do not support terrorists.  If you look around you will find you are in the majority.

By the way, my name is Donna, and I am here because I have these really bad headaches.... :)

Donna D.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Charlie on Dec 9th, 2003, 7:15am
It really is a horror that any kids are victims of war. They pay the biggest price. Sadly nothing changes but our ability to learn of instances like this. That‘s good you know.

Like other perceived crises, governments are delighted to have an excuse for some sloppy actions. It uses events like 9-11 as an excuse to do despicable things which are harder on its own citizens than what we call the enemy. Fear is handy and it's made room for some nasty behavior on our part, mostly towards you and me. It's not the first time and it's going to take a long time to repair.

One of our biggest mistakes is to put the emphasis on religion in Irish terrorism. It’s a political conflict now and London probably would be delighted to get rid of the Belfast bunch. They are the ones wanting to stay in the UK and England is stuck with them.

This whole thread is an excellent example of way we should hate war. Look what it stirs up here.

Be nicer kids.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Mark C on Dec 9th, 2003, 7:33am

U.S. & Coalition/Casualties

There have been 520 confirmed coalition deaths, 446 Americans, 53 Britons, one Dane, 17 Italians, one Pole, one Spaniard and one Ukrainian, in the war as of December 8, 2003. The casualty list below reflects the names of the soldiers, Marines, airmen and sailors whose families have been notified. (


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 9th, 2003, 10:24am
To look at those faces mere babies themselves... fighting because they believe in their home and country...and respect the powers that be here.   Heroes every last one of them... a tribute to them is a sad but great ending to a controversial thread...

ps Ken B.  I have no animosity towards you and I know you mean no harm to my children.  To each his own.  

I pray for you as well as everyone on the board and wish for peace everyday, for everyone!  ree

Title: children killing children
Post by rumplestiltskin on Dec 9th, 2003, 11:34am
My opinion about this is a matter of record since before "this war". The archives at this site reflect who supported what. My opinion remains the same.

My money is being spent to send our children to kill children for politics, power and oil. I do not support that.

George Bush ,the front man for earth's power brokers is the most dangerous man on earth.

Our reign of terror is creating new retaliatory terrorists everyday.

The names of the most recent 9 children, killed by American children , presented to those that support this conflict, are causing some to rethink their positions. Our rationizations, our propaganda is wearing thin. It really wasn't that good to begin with other than a desire for revenge. It's becoming very uncomfortable. It should. There are forces of good and evil at work here. There is no grey. You pick your side.

We have killed 4 times the number of civilians in Iraq alone than the number that died with my cousin on 9-11. If you want it to have to say so. It's OK to change your mind. Your life depends on it.

Wage Peace

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 9th, 2003, 1:39pm
So we should sit back and do nothing... Let them regroup and possibly take down the Golden gate bridge or the Empire State Bldg...How bout Disney world.  They already made us petrified to fly, take a cruise and even shop in a shopping mall.   Maybe we should all play cards and eat caviar while they just go into our schools and slaughter our children like those videos portray of terrorists shooting into the backs of desks of American children... Then will you say oh why didnt we do anything... Were you one of the people to say we did nothing to help the Holocaust victims... here we go again Den... you know how I feel...  Terrorists are cowards.  We at least come bearing our flag in uniform fore warned.  We did not ask them to come into our homeland and take away our freedoms but they did.  It is alright for them to kill OUR children... These are people that don't value human life... and treat women like they are pets.  You will never ever change my mind.
You think this is about oil... where is the oil in Afghanistan???  We are building hybred(sp?) cars in this country... we have our own oil suplus'... thats an excuse.    Its about time you face what is happening, because it is happening.  Unless we change hands in congress we are in Iraq, Afghanistan and God knows where for the long run... until we finish the job... otherwise those boys have all died in vain and those sweet children that those cowardly terrorists hid behind also... ree

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 9th, 2003, 1:44pm
did we forget about this one...

216 marines killed in Beirut bombing
(OCT 25, 1983)
General Paul X. Kelley, the United States Marine commandant, has arrived in Beirut to investigate the terrorist assault on Marine headquarters. Rescuers have pulled 216 bodies from the charred metal and collapsed cement of the airport complex. As many as 30 more bodies may still be buried in the rubble. New questions were raised about security at the headquarters and about the Reagan administration's involvement in the fragile, volatile politics of Lebanon.


One single-minded terrorist is responsible for all the devastation. On Sunday, he drove a Mercedes truck filled with at least 2,500 pounds of explosives past sentries and through barricades at the headquarters. The truck crashed into the building, exploded in a large fireball, and turned four stories of the structure into burning rubble. "I haven't seen carnage like that since Vietnam," a Marine spokesman said. High-rise buildings all over Beirut shuddered with the force of the blast. Two minutes after the attack, another truck filled with explosives slammed into the compound used by French peacekeeping forces. Fifty-eight people were killed.

Atelephone caller to Agence France Presse said that a group called the Free Islamic Revolution Movement was responsible for the explosion. White House officials said terrorists with links to Iran are to blame. The two suicide missions were similar to the attack on the United States Embassy which killed 63 people in April. A Marine spokesman said no special precautions were taken at the headquarters after the embassy attack. President Reagan's congressional critics said the role of the Marines in Beirut was ill-defined, and Senator Robert Byrd, the minority leader, blamed Reagan for "a fundamental miscalculation in foreign policy." The President has dispatched 300 Marines to Beirut to replace the fallen peacekeepers. Reagan said keeping the Marines in Beirut is "central to our credibility on a global scale."  


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Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 9th, 2003, 1:46pm
I am so HAPPY!  I got my adopted soldier's name and I am packing my Christmas box RIGHT NOW!!! ;;D

I hope it gets there by Christmas!!

Wish I could send them a snowman!  Does it snow there???????????????

changing to a happy subject.....little Deb ;)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 9th, 2003, 2:01pm
Good for you Deb... all this thread is doing is drumming up more sadness... Im not adopting because I have alot of close friends and relatives I am currently supporting there....... Sean told me that they dropped a whole pallet of mail off the ship when he was in Iraq too... I'll bet no one thinks that happens either but it does... Imagine waiting to hear from home and watching your packages and mail drop into the sea........ ree

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 9th, 2003, 2:12pm
oh, bummer, Ree.  I am going to wrap this package so good, that is if falls off a ship, it will float to shore.  I am attaching a water activated propellar, and a parachute, and an little homing pigeon just in case!  LOL


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Charlie on Dec 9th, 2003, 5:02pm

So we should sit back and do nothing... Let them regroup and possibly take down the Golden gate bridge or the Empire State Bldg...How bout Disney world.  They already made us petrified to fly, take a cruise and even shop in a shopping mall

No. It’s Washington that has done its level best to keep us running scared. Too many Americans like overkill for its simplicity. Paranoia is handy for them. We cannot be what we profess  by living this way. The sad thing is that we’re putting up with it.  Historically, this works and it's being used to perpetuate atrocious judicial behavior towards our own citizens, and I don‘t mean just Arab-Americans.

We need all the Hyde Park soapbox speakers we can muster. This is a dangerous time and it should scare the shit out of us. I will never trust anyone who inserts a John Ashcroft anywhere. These are horrible human beings. Like George pretty much said: Go to the mall and by lots of things. Don’t worry, let us take care of you.

Like it or not, we’re more than ever involved with the rest of the world which is just the opposite of George Bush’s America firster platform.

Horrors like what happened to these children are not unique or new. Armies everywhere are very efficient with scatterguns.  


Title: Re: children killing children
Post by goaway on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:06pm

on 12/09/03 at 11:34:23, rumplestiltskin wrote:
.........We have killed 4 times the number of civilians in Iraq alone than the number that died with my cousin on 9-11.

Hi Den.  Not looking for an argument with you, but maybe you could clarify something for me.  Are you saying that we have killed more than 12,000 civilians?

If so, during what time period?  This info sure has avoided my radar screen.

I truly am sorry to hear about your cousin.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by jonny on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:50pm

on 12/09/03 at 13:39:29, Ree wrote:
So we should sit back and do nothing... Let them regroup and possibly take down the Golden gate bridge or the Empire State Bldg...How bout Disney world.  They already made us petrified to fly, take a cruise and even shop in a shopping mall.   Maybe we should all play cards and eat caviar while they just go into our schools and slaughter our children like those videos portray of terrorists shooting into the backs of desks of American children... Then will you say oh why didnt we do anything... Were you one of the people to say we did nothing to help the Holocaust victims... here we go again Den... you know how I feel...  Terrorists are cowards.  We at least come bearing our flag in uniform fore warned.  We did not ask them to come into our homeland and take away our freedoms but they did.  It is alright for them to kill OUR children... These are people that don't value human life... and treat women like they are pets.  You will never ever change my mind.
You think this is about oil... where is the oil in Afghanistan???  We are building hybred(sp?) cars in this country... we have our own oil suplus'... thats an excuse.    Its about time you face what is happening, because it is happening.  Unless we change hands in congress we are in Iraq, Afghanistan and God knows where for the long run... until we finish the job... otherwise those boys have all died in vain and those sweet children that those cowardly terrorists hid behind also... ree

I didnt plan on getting in on this and havent, but when I just read the above I had to say something.

Ree, if I could type and express myself as well as you I would have typed the exact same thing.....thank you for typing it for me.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:56pm
I just sent my goodie box to my soldier! ;;D

I hope I sent something he likes, and I hope he gets it for Christmas!!!!!

That was TOO COOL!!  I want to adopt more!! ;;D ;;D

In the spirit of giving.....little deb

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by jonny on Dec 9th, 2003, 7:11pm
Im sending my box tommorrow

I took down my flag and it will be in the box  [smiley=bigguns.gif]


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 9th, 2003, 9:18pm

I'm not about to try to convince you otherwise.  A person needs to stand by their convictions and that is truely an admirable trate.  I have always, in my brief time at this great place, considered you a extreemly insiteful person.

But what is to be done?

These thugs play by a completely different set of rules.  You cannot negotiate with them because they have no concern for the value of life.  They do not give a shit and I sometimes I think that is their advantage.  They set the rules.

What would you do?

Would they cut your throat the very second they saw a weakness in you?  I don't know.?  I'm no longer willing to test or tempt them.  

It sometimes seems as if these folks are just looking for something to be pissed about. Just what do they expect to accomplish by killing the inocent?

Have they ever thought of another way to elevate and help their people?  

I disagree that's it's somehow our fault.

Steve G

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 9th, 2003, 9:56pm

[smiley=huh.gif] ::) >:( :( :P :-X :-/ [smiley=frown.gif] [smiley=ugh.gif] [smiley=gocrazy.gif]

givin' up.......................little deb (sigh...)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 9th, 2003, 10:19pm
awwwww  Deb!     and you were doing so good!!!!!

cmon back!     i was just starting to have a good laugh!

hmmmmm    what could i send?  what could i send?  hmmmmmmmmm

wonder if they'd want any empty pop cans?

(who'd really like to help but is "financially embarrassed" ---- but still having fun watching Deb having fun!)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 9th, 2003, 10:37pm
Well, Grant........

Do you have any unused condoms you could send????

Postage would be cheap on that size box, too!!

tryin' to help a brother out......little deb ;;D

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 9th, 2003, 10:42pm
Here ya go, Deb     ;;D

Title: Not good (War Related)
Post by grumpett on Dec 9th, 2003, 10:53pm






















































































This poem was written by a peace keeping soldier stationed


The following is his request. I think it is reasonable.

PLEASE. Would you do me the kind favor of sending this to as

many people as you can?

Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our

AMERICAN service men and women for our being able to celebrate these


Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe.

Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who


themselves for us.

Please, do your small part to plant this small seed.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 9th, 2003, 11:27pm
Awwwww. .....That is so nice.

I will pass is on..

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ted on Dec 10th, 2003, 12:50am
A few things, Ken. Israel is bombarded by terrorist organizations that have as their charter "Destroy Israel. Kill Jews." So your little BS about the fact that Israel reacts to the terrorism that progresses that idealogy is pretty telling of you and how you feel about those under attack. Now, you bring up those poor children that everyone feels bad about. And trust me, no one feels good about that happening. But you bring them up as a method of saying our war in Afghanistan is bad? And call Ree cold? You propogandized their deaths for your own purpose. These kids meant nothing to you but a way to talk shit about America. You didn't care, you cold mother fucker. You've been, as I read, using them as a means to an end. And your end is what? To pull America out of Afghanistan? What's your motive for that? Why would you like to see America... the UN fail there? Only one reason I can see. You are Taliban. You loved it when the Budhist temples and statues were desrtoyed. Because it sure a fuck has nothing to do with Iraq. That was a war I've been completely against and protesting against. So all this bullshit of "peace at any cost" that Europe gave Hitler is crap. And the exploitation of Children's deaths is beyond that. It's using it to attempt to defeat those who are out to defeat the terrorists.
One more thing. Ree's family has been in the midst of these wars. I watched you talk shit about them before finding out their opinions. You were attacking our soldiers who are there to protect us, before asking their opinion on policies. All you did was attack them. Now, to take it further, let's assume they agree with Iraq. Who the fuck are you to condemn them personally for agreeing with this war if they believe they are protecting this country? Have you talked to them? I have. I interviewed Sean and know where he's coming from. He is in the service NOT waiting to get a free college eduacation but to protect us. He's not in for the net profit he can get. So don't show disrespect to those willing to die for what they believe in.
The biggest liberal you'll ever meet who fought against many wars America started
My Email is
I was told of this thread so I came back but now I'm leaving again. Arguments can be directed to that e-mail. If you give a shit you won't care that you'll argue in private.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:15am

Nice to see ya, bud

too bad ya couldn't stick around longer --- always makes for interesting conversation.

next time...

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by fubar on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:20am
egads... dare I say it?  I miss Ted.   :o

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Charlie on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:26am
Remember.....Ted is a liberal :o

You ain't gonna find him eatin' bean sprouts and sitting in a redwood.

Liberals come in all shapes and sizes. Conservatives need to stay that way too. They have the neo-cons like we have Noam Chomsky.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Kirk on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:54am
Damn. You won't believe this, but I agree with Ted.
Wish I was that articulate.


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:27am

on 12/10/03 at 00:50:02, Ted wrote:
Why would you like to see America... the UN fail there? Only one reason I can see. You are Taliban.

Hee hee - thanks for that one Ted.  I was having a bad morning but that little gem of observation has certainly cheered me up.   A Taliban?  What the......????  How the.....????  Better take this Black towel off my head - it's a real giveaway!   :D ;;D :D ;;D :D ;;D :D ;;D

Title: the acid test
Post by rumplestiltskin on Dec 10th, 2003, 11:09am
My intent is only to state my beliefs.

As a Clusterhead I feel free to do this here at this site. In this forum.

I won't be drawn into a fight with anyone about this. I don't fuck for virginity. I have been called every vile thing one can think of over the years for my beliefs. I remain in good company there.

We are all on the internet. Each of us has before them access to all the information to support, defend and contribute to whatever belief system we have. We each can get all the ammunition we need to rationalize anything we want.

We can then, and usually do, hang out with folks that share that belief system.

When I say things like "freedom is free" it comes from a place deep within me. A spiritual place that I don't expect everyone to understand. ...Although it has that effect, I don't say that to iritate the crap out of those that believe my "freedom" has been bought and defended by people killing other people. Granted....if I lived in certain countries on this globe that statement would be dangerous to make. That doesn't make it any less true for me.....or those that have died believing that.

I have to have a foundation, a core belief system to work from...and then rationlize that. So do you.

wage peace

Title: Re: children killing children
Post by TomM on Dec 10th, 2003, 11:43am

on 12/09/03 at 11:34:23, rumplestiltskin wrote:
We have killed 4 times the number of civilians in Iraq alone than the number that died with my cousin on 9-11. If you want it to have to say so. It's OK to change your mind. Your life depends on it.
Wage Peace

Den--, Know that I have a lot of respect for you. Let us not forget that most of these "civilians" are paid by Sodom’s multitudes of Billions of of  U.S. $$$ he stole. Yes billions with a "B".
Do you remember that his men took off their uniforms and posed as civilians and then murdered our troops?
These clowns are attacking our boys and girls. I'll be God Dammed if I can sit still and let some one beat on me with out fighting back.
What about the car bombs that has killed other nationals? Where they civilians or Sodom followers?
Civilians my ass.


Title: Re: children killing children
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 10th, 2003, 1:59pm

on 12/10/03 at 11:43:39, TomM wrote:
Den--, Know that I have a lot of respect for you. Let us not forget that most of these "civilians" are paid by Sodom’s multitudes of Billions of of  U.S. $$$ he stole. Yes billions with a "B".
Do you remember that his men took off their uniforms and posed as civilians and then murdered our troops?
These clowns are attacking our boys and girls. I'll be God Dammed if I can sit still and let some one beat on me with out fighting back.
What about the car bombs that has killed other nationals? Where they civilians or Sodom followers?
Civilians my ass.


This is absurd.  Do you know ANYthing about geopolitics?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 10th, 2003, 2:15pm
Thank you for the compliment.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by cootie on Dec 10th, 2003, 2:25pm
Is it jus me or does poiltics bring the worst out in what's that say about polititians.Pam that is politically incorrect when it comes to spellin polititian


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 10th, 2003, 2:53pm

on 12/10/03 at 14:25:40, cootie wrote:
Is it jus me or does poiltics bring the worst out in what's that say about polititians.Pam that is politically incorrect when it comes to spellin polititian


Pam, I am always like this.  Misanthropic, yet...well dressed.

So I guess it MAY be just you, but more likely I am just a prick.

Sorry, Tom.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Melissa on Dec 10th, 2003, 2:53pm
Coots, not only politics, but also sex and religion.   These are normally the taboo of general group discussion, because there are humans involved in the speaking.  Know what I mean Vern?

Mel, who stays out of these discussions.......unless it's about sex ;;D :o

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 10th, 2003, 2:58pm
I agree with Mel, lets forget this politics thread and talk about sex.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Mac on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:14pm

on 12/10/03 at 14:58:44, Paigelle wrote:
I agree with Mel, lets forget this politics thread and talk about sex.

I thought you'd never ask. :o  :) :D ;;D [smiley=smug.gif] [smiley=mellow.gif] [smiley=smokin.gif]

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by thomas on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:20pm
LMMFAO [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Melissa on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:21pm
OMG :o, do frogs really screw like that?


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:21pm
Hmmmm, well, I at least thought we would start a new thread, not toss Kermit and his, um, friend into the war thread.  lmao

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Mac on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:31pm

on 12/10/03 at 15:21:07, Melissa wrote:
OMG :o, do frogs really screw like that?


It's  called froggy style baby! ;;D ribbet

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:38pm
Holy shit!!!    did i need a laugh like that!!!!!

[smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:40pm
Does Ms. Piggy know about this?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Mac on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:50pm

on 12/10/03 at 15:40:06, Paigelle wrote:
Does Ms. Piggy know about this?

That would be known as makin' bacon...mmmmmmmbacon.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 10th, 2003, 3:55pm
I feel like we are being bad since we have Kermit and his love bunny in the war thread.  

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 10th, 2003, 4:04pm
>:( >:(Can someone give me some damn lessons on how to put pictures and funnies on the damn post???? >:( >:( >:(

damn frustrated!.......little deb

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 10th, 2003, 4:05pm
I agree Deb!  I can't post a pic or funny or anything.  I thought I was the only one who had this problem.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Mac on Dec 10th, 2003, 4:07pm

on 12/10/03 at 15:55:13, Paigelle wrote:
I feel like we are being bad since we have Kermit and his love bunny in the war thread.  

I know we hijacked the thread. I thought a respite from the children killing children and the animosity that seems to be building would be nice. It reminds me of a big family having a huge argument at Christmas Time. I'll shut up now.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 10th, 2003, 4:09pm
No Mac!  It has broken up the sadness here.  The pic is hysterical!  I am actually kinda glad you posted it.  I don't want anyone to think we are being disrespectful.  But now maybe we can get everyone to laugh again.

We are one helluva dysfunctional family here!

Title: body count and puppet sex
Post by rumplestiltskin on Dec 10th, 2003, 5:58pm
you people are sick perverted bastards! You disgust me.

How dare you interupt a serious thread with some degrading, sleazy, obviously hidden camera video.

Just because someone is famous does not give you license to secretly film and then display to the public what was probably a very private intimate beautiful moment.

What if Kermit's tadpoles stumble upon this site and see this filth? Their permanent emotional life scars are on your conscience just because you wanted a laugh.

Yes....I too masturbated to that video....but now I feel

Visualize whirled peas

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:10pm
What will be next...?? I am mortified about the exploiting of my favorite celebrity... and in a personal moment...
looks like Kermy is gettin him some action... is that a bunny or a puppy?  Not that I am predjudice... lets not go THERE either!!!!

glad we're smiling

Ted you are missed here, you are so smart... ree

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by thomas on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:15pm
OMG I can't stop laughing den, that is one of the funniest things I've read all day.  Thanks for the larf. [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Little Deb on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:24pm

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Kirk on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:34pm
That is really. Well I don't know actually.
Love you guys keep it up ;;D

TTFN [smiley=wave.gif]

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:34pm

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:01pm
Well, I am still worried about what Miss Piggy is going to think.  What if she comes in here and sees her frog with that tramp?  Then what will we tell her?  

Then again, maybe she should she Kermit.  Maybe she will see his true colors or color, whatever.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by kim on Dec 10th, 2003, 9:07pm
Kermit the "Kat".... 8)

Missing Ted, too....  Thanks ree, i been tinkin that same ting for a lawng time. :)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Mac on Dec 10th, 2003, 9:24pm
Let's face it the frog  got caught green handed Kermitting adultery. ::)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Charlie on Dec 10th, 2003, 9:59pm End SIGN.png

You win Den.........You’re killin’ me. [smiley=laugh.gif]


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 10th, 2003, 10:04pm
Mac...  Mac.

Steve G

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 11th, 2003, 12:33am
OMG.........Mac, that pic is hilarious!!!! crack me up.....LMAO


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:38am
Sorry if others had said this before but I couldn’t read all 5 pages of mr. potato heads rant (by the way I am part Irish).  You are a fool instead of blaming al-kida, he blames the u.s. DUH!  A terrorist hides where there are children and some get killed that is terrible that the children got killed, but blame the A-hole that hid among them.  These people have no regard for life and fools blame us.  No wonder most of the world is a 3rd world shit hole.  With people who think like tatter here it is a certainty that there will be problems.  What do you propose we do all of you fools?  The only other way we could stop the terrorists is to kill ourselves before they have a chance to kill us.  Then they would be happy and stop tiring to kill us if we are all dead already.  Yea that’s a great idea tater.  The difference in us and them is that we do not intentionally kill innocent civilians and they do if you can not see that difference you are a sad sad soul.  Your whining and pissing and moaning rivals the French and you have about as many solutions as they do ZERO.  Sad bitter and jealous.  Mugaby Did anyone think he was working on WMD or was helping anti US forces?  I don’t think so.  Was he a national security threat (to the US F the rest of the  world)?  You are a mental midget tiring to run out of your league.  I get so sick of going over the same points with the same midgets over and over.  You will never win these debates because you are wrong, history proves you wrong and the future will prove you wrong.  

    :-* my butt.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 11th, 2003, 6:43am

on 12/11/03 at 02:38:19, 12gagueblast wrote:
5 pages of mr. potato heads rant............With people who think like tatter here it is a certainty that there will be problems...........Yea that’s a great idea tater.    

I suppose I should reveal my true identity.........

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 11th, 2003, 11:10am
This thread started about Afganistan. KenB, ya need to keep ur politics seperate on each country.
We are in Afganistan because the Powers that were there supported terrorism. The Taliban supported Oksama Bin Ladens organization of Terror. Until Al-Queda is eliminated, we will be there! I support that!
Iraq is a whole different ball of wax. IT IS NOT about 9-11. We are not in Iraq because of terrorism. And whether we should or should not be there is a subject i prefer to not discuss here. I DO support my president though, and i DON'T care if he is Republican or Democrat!

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 11th, 2003, 11:40am

I'm happy enough with the argument that the US is in Afghanistan to take out the Taliban because of their support for terrorists.  However, I do object to the argument that is regularly used that justifies the action in Afghanistan on some kind of humanitarian basis (i.e. - we are liberating the people from the oppression of the Taliban).  I can only imagine how insulting this argument must be to the people of Afghanistan.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 11:44am
STOP IT!!!!!! Stop the arguing now!  We have all put our opinions on this thread and that is all that needs to be said right now.  We tried to lighten it up a little and someone has to start the fussing all over again.  Enough is enough.  Now chill out! >:(

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 11th, 2003, 12:21pm
insulting to afgahanies????   WHAT are you talking about????  are those people better off now??  you must be one of those cultural relitivists.  whatever a person wants to do or a country wants to so you think its ok???   if someone was kicking your ass in your own home and the police came and liberated you from your ass kickin would that be a bad thing?  would you be greatful that they helped or would you say i am offended that you relieved me from this beating.  the police may also have the motive of keeping the person beating you from going to their house and beating them but would that make you any less grateful???  i dont think so unless you are a total ingrate which i will admit isnt totally out of the question.  "go away i want this beating to continue you have your own reason for being here you pig"  i can here you saying that now.  total lack of connection to reality!!    

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 11th, 2003, 12:24pm
If someone said to me "Sorry we turned a blind eye to your pain for years, but now that it effects us we've come riding in on our white horse to save you" I'd certainly be a wee bit peeved.  Get it?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)bad you feel  when
Post by Kirk on Dec 11th, 2003, 12:39pm
Damn Ken you're bald dude?
Actually the majority of the Afghanies seem to be pretty happy we showed up. What your average Afghan on the ground seems to want is water wells, roads and help withcrops and food.  Funny thing the most commonly smuggled item into the country is goats.
The average Joe there would'nt mind if we offed his warlord for him either, but we won't touch the status quo without a damn good reason. Thats what  "his" government is for.
Having been a mud Marine I can assure you that the US personnel are not happy with what happened. Even though the rules of engagement are pretty clear about doing your damndest not to involve noncombatents, and to give aid and surcease to the best of your ability. Sometimes no matter what you do, the best intelligence and recon you can manage. You end up hurting the wrong people. I can not explain to you just how  shitty and depressed you feel when looking down at a young life or a mother whose future you just took away. Still bothers me and Vietnam was a fairly long time ago. Irreguler warfare  sucks big time and that is a Marines stock in trade.
I believe it is a good deed our being in Afghanistan. The Afghanies for the most part seem to thinks so also. There is a good possibility that something positive will come of it.
Iraq is a whole different discusion. I would like to keep it that way. If you don't mind.
If you have any questions about how the military operates in that sort of enviroment over there. Feel free to email me.
By the way those US troops are explaning why they shouldn't be Court Martialed. Hell of a way to end your day.



Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 12:57pm

on 12/10/03 at 14:53:17, Brian_Y wrote:
Pam, I am always like this.  Misanthropic, yet...well dressed.

So I guess it MAY be just you, but more likely I am just a prick.

Sorry, Tom.

The answer to your question is Both. I can be a prick, too. I know, I know! Many of you are shocked. Relax. The world will continue to spin.
Brian you are welcome to your opinion as much as I.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:08pm

on 12/11/03 at 11:40:04, KenB wrote:

I'm happy enough with the argument that the US is in Afghanistan to take out the Taliban because of their support for terrorists.  However, I do object to the argument that is regularly used that justifies the action in Afghanistan on some kind of humanitarian basis (i.e. - we are liberating the people from the oppression of the Taliban).  I can only imagine how insulting this argument must be to the people of Afghanistan.

Sorry KenB, But i didnt make that argument. I personally could care less about Afghanistans people. As far as that goes, i dont care about Irelands or Africas people either. My original statement stands true. But, you are the one who took my statement and changed it to apply to your political beliefs as far as US troops in Iraq.
So KenB, Why dont you just say it, I was right! You were wrong!

Patrick  ;;D

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:17pm
Sorry Kirk, but there is no consistancy in that argument.  If you expand it out you will realise that there is injustice being perpetrated on a good deal of the worlds population.  Unfortunately for them, the perpetrators have not got on the wrong side of the US so they'll just have to continue suffering.  Please, someone, tell me you can see the hypocrisy in all of this???

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:23pm

on 12/11/03 at 11:40:04, KenB wrote:
.However, I do object to the argument that is regularly used.......

That was a general observation Patrick - not an interpretation of your point.   :)

I personally could care less about Afghanistans people. As far as that goes, i dont care about Irelands or Africas people either.

Hmmmm.......methinks that Patrick is not the only American who holds the above view.   :-/  Anyone concerned?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:23pm
What's Green and smells like Miss Piggy?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:23pm
Ohhhh ok, Now i see your problem!

You are Anti-American aren't you! Just because we are the #1 World power! You're jealous huh? Anything and everything we do as a country will be scrutinized by you and your like.
Get over it dude, You and your country will always only be a 2nd tier player!
Now go somewhere else and ruffle somebody elses feathers! We aren't interested in your causes!


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:24pm
It's Christmas, will you lot just

SHUT THE FUCK UP[smiley=hammer.gif]

Happy Christmas BTW

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:26pm
Christmas is December 25th! So kiss my ass!

Patrick  ;;D

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:29pm

on 12/11/03 at 13:24:16, pubgirl wrote:
It's Christmas, will you lot just

SHUT THE FUCK UP[smiley=hammer.gif]

Happy Christmas BTW

I agree with the above, give a rest it is Christmas.  Shut up already!

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:30pm
How about dem TERPS  knocking off #1 ranked Florida in O.T.?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by thomas on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:30pm

on 12/11/03 at 13:23:25, TomM wrote:
What's Green and smells like Miss Piggy?

I DON'T want to know.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:36pm
Patrick you are quite generous Ireland as a 2nd teir nation, come on they cant even rule themselves they have to rely on the brits.  Patrick it wouldnt matter if you were peved or not at the timeing of the rescue.  it would happen because we will use whatever means we have to protect ourselves, even if that means saving an ungreatfull dumbass.  you and your kind is why the US is the power it is.  you refuse to take care of yourselves or offer soloutions.  someone has to do it and we have the will and the power to do so.  get used to it chump.  cry and whine all you want, untill you come up with a better soloution, your whining wont count or matter.  you are typical of your kind sit on your ass and complain when anyone does anything but you refuse to do anything yourself.  boo hoo twit.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:37pm

on 12/11/03 at 13:30:39, thomas wrote:
I DON'T want to know.

You know you do...

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by thomas on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:38pm
Sorry to start two posts in a row, I know, bad form.  However, America will always be criticized by Europe - we used to be a colony of Great Britian - now we are the world super power.  In some peoples eyes - mostly socialist's, we will never be ok until we give everyone all of our money.  No amount of bickering(exchanging of ideas) is ever going to change that.  I know, I know if I don't like it I don't have to read it, but we may be chasing newbies away.  With that said Merry Christmas to all, even Ken B, because, no matter how much we may disagree with him - he is a clusterhead, and belongs here just as much as the rest of us.  So let's all do a gut check and remember why we're here in the first place.  Step, step (the sound of me getting of the soap box). :)

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:45pm

on 12/11/03 at 13:30:12, TomM wrote:
How about dem TERPS  knocking off #1 ranked Florida in O.T.?

I like the Terps!  That is my favorite college b-ball team!  Football, I am just okay with them.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:47pm

on 12/11/03 at 13:23:25, TomM wrote:
What's Green and smells like Miss Piggy?

Kermit's finger!  Sorry Thomas, I had to tell you!

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Kirk on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:49pm
Nope we don't have the resources. We're stretched pretty thin now. Hell some of our people bought their own body armor and other pieces of gear.
The world has been unjust for many tens of thousands of years.
It is marginally better now. Maybe we'll get around to it. One step at a time. Whats your all fired rush.
Are you aware for instance the Africans still have a flourishing slave trade? They capture them in central Africa and walk then North and sell them. There are over 75,000 officially registered slaves in Monrovia alone. A fine state of affairs.
Allways been slightly curious why our people of African descent that are members of civil rights organizations seem to be so unconcerned about it. Go figure.
Decide what you can reasonably do and try to do it in such a manner that it reflects well on you. If you cannot respect and be satisfied in your worth. It is very difficult  to bring it to what you do in the world.
I hope all this rambling means something.
Take a deep beath Ken. You have plenty of time to conquer the world and make everyone do it your way.
That or do something constructive. Going off half cocked usually isn't

Be well please


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:51pm

on 12/11/03 at 13:45:58, Paigelle wrote:
I like the Terps!  That is my favorite college b-ball team!  Football, I am just okay with them.

I go bonkers over TERP B-Ball and Football. My sister was over last night and asked me if I was having a heart attack. Then again, I'm Alum. When it comes to lacrosse, I'm torn because JHU is my Alma matter, too...
Wait a minute. What's a girl from Wilmington, NC doing liking the TERPS? That's Tobacco Road territory.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:54pm
Tom, I am from WV, so you know how I am about Mountaineer football.  But, I lived in Maryland for about 1 yr.  I have family who lives in Waldorf.  

Last year for Christmas, I told them to send my son (who is 3 now) a Terp sweatsuit.  He has outgrown the outfit now and needs a new one.  I keep telling him that if he is going to play basketball, that he is going to Maryland.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:55pm

on 12/11/03 at 13:36:13, 12gagueblast wrote:
Patrick you are quite generous Ireland as a 2nd teir nation, come on they cant even rule themselves they have to rely on the brits.  

I'm confused with that one.  Can you explain please?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 1:59pm
The 'Dorf? Waldorf, MD??? Are you shitting me? I taught HS there for 3 years...
You want TERP stuff for your boy you just hollar at me.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Ree on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:13pm

on 12/11/03 at 12:24:34, KenB wrote:
If someone said to me "Sorry we turned a blind eye to your pain for years, but now that it effects us we've come riding in on our white horse to save you" I'd certainly be a wee bit peeved.  Get it?
 Ok?  Do you want us there or not... Now it seems like you don't think we got there soon enough...? Ken B... dear, make up your mind.  ree

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:17pm

Some of tried to get them to stop this bickering, but obviously they won't.  It must be a man thing.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:20pm

on 12/11/03 at 14:17:47, Paigelle wrote:

Some of tried to get them to stop this bickering, but obviously they won't.  It must be a man thing.

Hey, hey, hey, now. I tired my best to derail this train...

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:29pm
I am sorry Tom!  You have been helping in this mess!  You are one of the good ones.   We have discussed sex, frog sex, basketball, etc... and nothing changes.  

Thank you Tom for helping in this crusade to stop the son of bitch arguing!

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:31pm
OK - enough said - I'm done   8)'s_law.jpg

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:35pm
Glad to hear it Ken.  By the way, I like your Mr. Potato Head pictures!

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by TomM on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:37pm
We passed by pig sex, too! or was that frog sex? Geez, so much sex so little time.

So, the BCS thinks that LSU and OK should play for the national title and not #1 ranked USC??? WTF, over?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:41pm
OK = yuck!  Why are they screwing USC?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by KenB on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:44pm
Although....I would still like an answer to this please:

on 12/11/03 at 13:36:13, 12gagueblast wrote:
Patrick you are quite generous Ireland as a 2nd teir nation, come on they cant even rule themselves they have to rely on the brits.  

Can you explain how you came up with this 12gauge?

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by thomas on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:45pm

on 12/11/03 at 14:41:47, Paigelle wrote:
OK = yuck!  Why are they screwing USC?

Because they will not sell as much tv time as OU and LSU.  Sad but true.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:48pm
Sometimes I hate the politics in sports.  But yep, it is so true.  

WVU's football sucks this year and has for the last few years; however, they usually get a bowl bid because they draw a huge crowd.  Mountaineer fans will pay extraordinary amounts of money to go to a bowl game.  So it really doesn't matter how good or bad they are.

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Kirk on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:54pm
I would have thought  USC  a bigger market. The LA area has just shed loads of people. I know I 've been there.
No rain though. Only two seasons. Night and day. No place for a civilized person. Avoid it if you can.

Tell me that won't start another flame war. 8)


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Paigelle on Dec 11th, 2003, 2:57pm
Of course this will start some sort of war, but at least it is not political and one where people aren't being killed.  

It all comes from the fact that the midwest is football central and their fans are diehard.  

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Boots on Dec 11th, 2003, 3:06pm
after reading this for 3 days I thought I would add my words also.........
this is a joke
How many times has Ireland been invaded ?
Why don't you hear of Ireland invading other lands?
War council.......Belfast
ok lads,we all get our pitchforks and attack!!!!
O'Mally,I got a question
Yes O'Rilley out with it....
When we get there do we have to bring our own beer,or will we be drink'n what they got ?
Sorry O'Rilley you will have to bring your own beer.
Well you won't be seeing the likes of me there........


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 11th, 2003, 6:17pm
Many have tried to end this string in many ways, and many have failed.

Bill, that post might just about do it! [smiley=arg.gif]

Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by jonny on Dec 11th, 2003, 6:34pm

on 12/11/03 at 15:06:32, Boots wrote:
after reading this for 3 days I thought I would add my words also.........
this is a joke
How many times has Ireland been invaded ?
Why don't you hear of Ireland invading other lands?
War council.......Belfast
ok lads,we all get our pitchforks and attack!!!!
O'Mally,I got a question
Yes O'Rilley out with it....
When we get there do we have to bring our own beer,or will we be drink'n what they got ?
Sorry O'Rilley you will have to bring your own beer.
Well you won't be seeing the likes of me there........


BWAAAHAHAHAHA....Thats way too funny....LMMFYBO!!!! ;;D


Title: Re: Not good (War Related)
Post by Cerberus on Dec 11th, 2003, 7:55pm
Ok I have not read a thing else on this post since I replied a coupla days ago, and the only reason I am writing now is this..............I screwed up.

The Father of modern logistics was NOT Hannibal as I stated before. it is Alexander the Great. (NOT really so great.......but real smart)

I am also sickened by war, it sucks! AGREED!

I also agree with pubgirl, the U.S. is NOT without violence and hatred and or blame. (yes the entire medival world was brutal) AGREED! I would be the first to admit that NO nation is without its skeletons in their closets. I don't believe I said otherwise............did I? NO. ill will meant towards you, I wuz just TRYING to be historically accurate (as best I could) .

I'm done now

My bad,
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