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(Message started by: bean on Dec 7th, 2003, 4:57pm)

Title: length of headache
Post by bean on Dec 7th, 2003, 4:57pm
Ok , one more.

diagnosed clusterers,

what is the length of your headache? anybody who has them last for multiple hours?

also is there anyone who only gets one long headache?

I dont have much doubt I get clusters from the amount of pain reported by everyone here, the testamonials on the front page sound like music to my ears, but I still am stymied by the whole cluster thing. mine are (were) just one big increasing thing, like a balloon being blown up. every 20 min, up another notch, or something like that. but they come on so quick, I just cant figure it. I didnt look at the link to the other headaches steve put in the last post on cluster/ migranes, though.

and i still challenge anyone to give up the following list for a year, and see if your headaches dont just go away like mine did.(hopefully+fingers crossed)

1. Soy sauce--(miso, tamari, shoyu, fish sauce, etc.)

2. MSG-- monosodium glutamate--the only other name I have seen it listed under is L-glutamic acid one time on a pizza.

3.tobacco- this even includes smokey rooms and bars, clubs, etc.


6.soda pop with caffiene and/or brown coloring, just to be safe- only orange soda and sprite and the like- YUM!



9. sharp cheddar cheese, gorgonzola, bleu, etc. --the gorg and bleu can be eaten every once in a while, and parmigon is just to prevalent and not even the real stuff to worry about.

10.stress--! Just let it go.

so take two of these, and call me in a year. I swear to bob, its worth it. SEE YA.

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by pubgirl on Dec 7th, 2003, 5:08pm

How odd. These are known migraine triggers.

Trouble is, if you are a migraine sufferer you can equate having no headaches to behaviour/diet etc. as most migraines sufferers have regular attacks.
This is most definitely not so easy for us ECH sufferers as the headaches go away on their own for long periods of time.

To be clearer, I can often block migraines via diet and hormone control, but I can neither predict, nor block an ECH cycle


Title: Re: length of headache
Post by don on Dec 7th, 2003, 5:14pm
The intensity of pain alone doen not a cluster make.

Give em up?


Aborts for me

stress--! Just let it go.

Its the letting it go part that triggers.

Sounds to me like you got MEEEEEGRAINES.

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by eyes_afire on Dec 7th, 2003, 5:35pm
Hi Bean,

I have just a quick word about MSG.  It's been mentioned alot in the past.  A while back I posted some info for those who were interested in avoiding MSG.  I'm just gonna copy and paste it here:


It seems that for a few people, MSG aggravates CH.

If your goal is to avoid MSG you're going to have to be diligent.  MSG occurs naturally in some foods and is produced commercially by the bacterial fermentation of starchy vegetables.  
Read food labels.  All of the following either are MSG or are composed of MSG:  
any protein that is hydrolyzed, autolyzed yeast, calcium caseinate, glutamate, glutamic acid, gelatin, hydrolyzed soy protein, monosodium glutamate, monopotassium glutamate, sodium caseinate, textured protein, yeast nutrient, yeast extract, and yeast food.  
You would also have to avoid any kind of broth or boullion since they are not required to list MSG as components.  Also soy protein or whey protein may be sources of MSG.  
--- Steve

BTW, I wouldn't have much to lose from that list since I don't consume most of those anyway.  CH persists.

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by Prense on Dec 7th, 2003, 6:30pm

on 12/07/03 at 16:57:00, bean wrote:
what is the length of your headache? anybody who has them last for multiple hours?  

About 3 hours max...normal ones are 1.5 to 2 hours for me without abortives.

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by Mac on Dec 7th, 2003, 6:57pm
Soy sauce - love Chinese food
MSG - read above
Tobacco - quit six months ago. Gained weight. Still get clusters.
Chocolate - how do I love thee...
Coffee - just finished my 6th cup
Brown Soda pop - buuuuurrrp!
Alcohol - bourbon, one scotch,one beer...
Tea - don't drink it
O.K. who cut the cheese?I want some.  

Not one  of these migraine triggers has ever triggered a cluster attack in me. I can't speak for everybody of course but I have yet to pinpoint a cause and effect.

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by Ann on Dec 7th, 2003, 7:16pm
The only thing that triggers mine are heat... I drink lots of coffee, have quit smokng and like Mac have gained weight and still get clusters.  How long do they last?

with imitrex or oxygen they last 10 minutes max..without they last anywhere between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours.  Not hours and hours like you.  I've tried quitting a whole lot of what's on your list one at a time in the hopes of solving my problem.  Unfortunately it never worked.  

sorry to burst your bubble!


Title: Re: length of headache
Post by don on Dec 7th, 2003, 8:48pm
Ya know Bean, we've been through this with you before.

This is a quote from another thread;

i only get a couple headaches a year, so far...

If thats the case then you dont have CH and you are in the wrong place.

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by Kirk on Dec 7th, 2003, 9:33pm
Tried all that 15 years ago. No dice.
45 minutes to 1.5 hours.


Title: Re: length of headache
Post by Unsolved on Dec 7th, 2003, 10:33pm
Sounds like you got misdiagnosed to me.
I can be fine one minute and within just a few minutes...screaming in pain. About the length...last night was a real whopper. I got woke up at 3 am and had a "3 hour torture session". (Couldn't use Imitrex cause of all the Methergine and DHE)   :(

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 7th, 2003, 11:40pm
With no meds to abort a CH. (Oh do I hate that !). Usually they last about 1 1/2 to 3 hrs. (My worst nightmare is running out of Imitrex).

With Imitrex: 30 minutes tops.

With O2 and/or Amerge: 45 minutes tops.

When I'm in cycle, it doesn't matter what I eat, drink, smell etc. If a CH wants to come invited or not it'll bust the party.

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by jmorgan52 on Dec 8th, 2003, 4:44am
I agree with Don's comment. If you only get a few HA a year then it probably is not CH.

When I am in an episode I get 100's of them in a cycle. They start off as mild daily headaches or shadows that build up for about a month. Then I get a few months of the extreme CH pain most days at least once a day or more, then they just stop. From my HA diary I seem to get at least 40 odd that are totally unbearable Kip 10's when I have to use the injection. Many others that don't quite get to the headbanging stage I just have to ride out as I can't get or afford more imigran injections.

Without the imigran injection they last 2-4 hours, sometimes much longer, but I also get occasional ones during the cycle that can last for a day or more. These are never quite as intense or painfull, but are still most unpleasant and debilitating, but if I am low on imigran I will try and ride them out if they are just about bearable. They may well be "migraines" but the symptoms are very similar.

Out of cycle I can eat or drink anything without problems. In cycle Alchohol sets me off in 30 mins.

Having said that I do believe that your general diet all year round plays a major part in when and if a cycle starts. For me I try and avoid wheat products, but it is not easy - no bread, cakes, cookies, pasta, pizza, cereals, etc. I fall off the wagon very easily, especially after a many months pain free!

I have been getting some mild headaches and shadows most days for about 2 weeks now and have started a detox today. Fruit, veg, water and my detox "mixture" only for a week or so. I am hoping it stops them. Wish me luck.


Title: Re: length of headache
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:28am
Like Don said, we've been through this before...

on 11/28/03 at 12:35:56, bean wrote:
...And the last couple of majors, I swear, not even CLOSE to the ones I had before I went off the crack...

on 11/28/03 at 14:52:08, bean wrote:
i only get a couple headaches a year, so far...


Do you think there might be a possible link between the headaches and recreational drug use?

just wonderin,

(BTW...    Its good that yer off the pipe.   No success stories to be found down that road.)

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by jadedgazer on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:43am

To contradict your coffee theory...

My doctor prescribed a nice little cocktail...

Naproxen, Metaclopramide(sp? don't feel like walking to the kitchen to read the bottle :) ) and Caffiene pills

Granted this little cocktail is slow to work, but since I cannot use the preferred abortives other than O2...that is what I have to work with at the present.

I think that may blow your coffee theory out of the water.

Oh, without O2 or the cocktail mine last from 45 minutes to 2 hours. With the cocktail alone, about 30 minutes. With O2, about 15 minutes.

Title: Re: length of headache
Post by Paigelle on Dec 8th, 2003, 8:34am
[quote author=bean link=board=general;num=1070836380;start=0#0 date=12/07/03 at 16:57:00]Ok , one more.

diagnosed clusterers,

what is the length of your headache? anybody who has them last for multiple hours?

also is there anyone who only gets one long headache?

When I hit my peak, I will usually have 1-3 that last longer than the usual.  Last night one started at 9:00 and I didn't get to sleep until 3am.  The worst part was over by 11:00, but I still have so much pain that I couldn't sleep. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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