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(Message started by: kytruker on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:28pm)

Title: New to
Post by kytruker on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:28pm
Dont really know what to say here been dealing with the pain for about a year and a half My driving career is down the toilet now because of it and my family has a hard time dealing with the sudden attacks just kinda lost in life at the moment.

Title: Re: New to
Post by jonny on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:33pm
Find a prevenitve med combo that works, find an abortive med that works...throw an 02 tank in the cab and roll baby roll.

Welcome aboard


Title: Re: New to
Post by Jimi on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:03pm
[smiley=JAW_DROP.gif] Wow! Someone else with clusters from my tiny town. Check your pm/s dude.

Title: Re: New to
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:14pm
Welcome to the board, Ky

Lots of great information here and support.

Hope you find and get what you need for some pf time.

Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.


Title: Re: New to
Post by Charlie on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:48pm
Welcome and what you said was just fine. Sadly, it's a big club but it's also sad to admit others who are afflicted with this horror.  

Stick around and look us over. You'll find some good ideas and tons of support.


Title: Re: New to
Post by Ree on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:53pm
Hey Trucker my hubby is a trucker too and there is no need to say that your job is lost... are you chronic or eposodic... I think the hours you keep on your jobs also contributes to the attacks...  keep in touch... welcome... ree

Title: Re: New to
Post by Little Deb on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:59pm
Welcome to clusterville KyT,

Direct your family to "supporters corner" too.

We are here to help, say what you want, you are not alone anymore, you have a new family who cares.

North Carolina

Title: Re: New to
Post by Mac on Dec 6th, 2003, 8:04pm
Welcome aboard Kytucker.We're all going to tell you that your driving career isn't over.You WILL find drugs that will make your clusters more manageble. Browse the site, your bound to find some useful info. There are lots of good people to talk to as well. :)

Title: Re: New to
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 6th, 2003, 8:16pm

  KY  trucker you are so very welcome here.

             Now fill us in.  We are a family here are are so willing to help you won't believe it.   Tell us what you've tried.  Why it has or hasn't worked for you.  


Title: Re: New to
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 6th, 2003, 8:30pm
Welcome aboard!  Sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us!

on 12/06/03 at 20:16:50, Linda_Howell wrote:
Now fill us in.  We are a family here are are so willing to help you won't believe it.   Tell us what you've tried.  Why it has or hasn't worked for you.

Bullshit, Linda!  Don't start in with a newbie, by lying to him!  Tell him the truth, we are a bunch of nosey bastards!  heehee!!

Seriously, Kytrucker, let us know how your hits develope and the drugs or methods you use to deal with them.  We might have some other suggestions, or you may have one that we have not tried.

This is how this site works.  We share information and offer support whenever it is needed.

We also have fun harrassing each other, and there are sometimes some knock down drag out fights here too.  All typical in a caring family, and that is what we are.  Like it or not, Bro, you are now family!  And family CARES!


Title: Re: New to
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 6th, 2003, 8:36pm
O.k. we are bunch of nosy Bastards.  How am I doing Chuck?   sheesh....

You're still welcome here, Ky Trucker regardless of Chucks drivel.  (see what I mean?)

We want to help.  Honest we do.   LindaH

Title: Re: New to
Post by Gayle on Dec 6th, 2003, 11:31pm
Hi there kytruker - welcome aboard!

Gotta tell you there's no way your driving career has to be over.  I've been driving 40 years (mostly on than off) and a ch'er for 23 years.
Was on long haul till my hearing got bad and then went to line haul.  Then the past 4 years did an old lady's candy ass run with extended length 2 hours each way at night.

The only thing ch has stopped me from doing is getting my pilot's license back - there's just is no place up there to pull over till it's finished.

So keep your chin up there guy and don't let the beast win.  Try the different meds till you get something that works for you.  No load is ever so hot that it doesn't cool down pretty quick lying on it's side, and good drivers are few and far between.

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