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(Message started by: Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 2:12pm)

Title: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 2:12pm
I had an "Idear"

why don't we give the writers of ER a story line of a rare disease called Clusterheadaches..where a patient comes into the hospital in "suicidal pain" and they have no idea what to do with him...blah blah blah...the main point gets our malady some air time on a very popular show....

Get emailing cluster peeps...

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by jonny on Dec 6th, 2003, 2:30pm
Brilliant idea Jayne, I wonder if they have a website where we can get the e-mail addy for the writers and go directly to them.


Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by fubar on Dec 6th, 2003, 2:57pm
Excellent idea.  Jeez, just a few of the posts from the archives would be great starter material for the writers!

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Astrid on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:22pm
Wow, Frankie, CH goes to Hollywood! Relax, ...

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by taraann on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:28pm
I think it's a cool idea BUT they did an episode a while back where the nurses where turning a person away that had a "fake" headache so they could get a shot of Demeral for their "habit"  As we all too often find out that alot of ER's think that way.  I have been many time's made to feel like a drug seeker when at the end of my rope ended up at the ER cause I just "couldn't take it anymore" and I didn't want narcotics, just anything to take my pain away so I could get some peaceful sleep.  Just thought I'd throw that out there....anyone remember the episode I'm referring to?  It's an old one and my memory is fried!

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:54pm
well what about an episode where someone actually commits suicide in the ER because of a HA...only to find out it was "cluster headaches and all they needed was an imitrex know how the writers are.... they show the good the bad and and the ugly of being a ER doctor. They don't just show the doctors as being angels, they show them lying to cover themselves etc.

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:55pm
P.S and I am sure the writes are always looking for "new" avenues" and ilnesses to head down..just think how many years they have been on the air.

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:56pm
Hands Up who has emailed them yet???????

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by jonny on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:58pm

on 12/06/03 at 15:55:40, Jayne wrote:
P.S and I am sure the writes are always looking for "new" avenues" and ilnesses to head down..just think how many years they have been on the air.

Thats the sole reason I wanted to go directly to the writers Jayne...we dont need no intern deleting our e-mails....a writer just might see a story in our mails.


Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:04pm
I am at work , so I don't have the time right now to research finding out who the writers of ER I will do it later..unless someone else beats me to it.
I see what you mean though Jonny you are correct.
I bet you our CarlD could write them a short little Scene with a bit of drama

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Astrid on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:17pm
By all means, shouldn't we keep in mind that ER is just a show? How about addressing CH to the Discovery Health Channel?

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by jonny on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:22pm

on 12/06/03 at 16:17:09, Astrid wrote:
By all means, shouldn't we keep in mind that ER is just a show? How about addressing CH to the Discovery Health Channel?

When it comes to CH we take what we can get....we have e-mailed every show thats on TV and we wont stop.

Jayne, no contact numbers or addys on their site but I registered on their message board and started a new thread asking for addys, ill check it couple times a day.


Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:24pm
This is Just ONE way of getting the name "Cluster headaches" out there to the masses, and by all means if you want to start a link about the Discovery Health network sweetheart..knock yourself out! Everything we do here helps.

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:25pm
You rock Jonny I am going to do some Google research tomorrow. I love that show and I want to see a clusterheadache episode *od Damn it

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Astrid on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:44pm
Okay, I got it Jayne

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Renee on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:12pm
the episode that I recall involving a demerol shot is where a guy complains of back pain and demands a shot of demerol, is told to wait his turn...lots of trauma patients keep coming before him...finally he pulls out a gun and holds it up to one of the actor's head demanding a shot of demerol.  Abby gets him the shot and he leaves.  He passes out just outside the E.R. as Abby gave him triple the standard dose.  They brought him back into the e.r. to treat for overdose so they can send him to jail!

is that the episode y'all are talking about?

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:18pm
Renne Sweetie..I love ya

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Charlie on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:26pm
By all means, shouldn't we keep in mind that ER is just a show? How about addressing CH to the Discovery Health Channel

Audience is why. Huge for ER.

Interesting idea kids  8)


Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Renee on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:27pm
i wasn't sure if that is the episode y'all were referring to or not but i'm a very avid E.R. watcher.

I think having a true CH'er come into the E.R. during a high kip and having the staff try and diagnose and treat would be wonderful exposure for our cause.

happy holidays and stay warm and pf,

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Charlie on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:30pm

By all means, shouldn't we keep in mind that ER is just a show? How about addressing CH to the Discovery Health Channel

Audience is why. Huge for ER

Nice idea kids.


Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:32pm
well I am sure they would hire an actor Renee [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Renee on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:36pm
uh...i guess i didn't make myself very clear.  not pf here today.  i meant an actor posing with a ch.

i know you wouldn't catch me being filmed during a high kip.

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:39pm
LOL....I can Imagine me in the studio...

Director  "Jayne..ACTION"

Jayne  "#%ck off"

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Renee on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:43pm
ok....ya got me laughing during a CH.


Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by nancyc on Dec 6th, 2003, 7:42pm
Found out this info, sis...still researching to see if i can find an email address, etc...

(Executive Producer/Writer)

(Executive Producer/Creator)

(Executive Producer

I am attempting to contact one of them and will let you know if i am successful in doing so....keep your fingers crossed.... :)nancyc

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Opus on Dec 6th, 2003, 8:18pm
I found a little on a nursing site

John Wells
"ER" Executive Producer

Please fax your letter to 818.954.3657
Also please phone in your concerns to 818.954.5682

Then please mail your letter to him at:
John Wells
"ER" Executive Producer
c/o Warner Bros. Studios
4000 Warner Blvd. Building 1
Burbank, CA 91522

R. Scott Gemmill, "ER" Co-Executive Producer,

Dee Johnson, "ER" Co-Executive Producer,

R. Scott Gemmill
"ER" Co-Executive Producer
4000 Warner Blvd. Bldg. 133, Rm. 201
Burbank, CA 91522
Email in c/o his assistant:
Phone: 818-954-7614; Fax: 818-954-3647

Dee Johnson
"ER" Co-Executive Producer
c/o Warner Brothers Studios
4000 Warner Blvd. Bldg. 133, Rm. 107
Burbank, CA 91522
Email in c/o her assistant:
Phone: 818-954-3900; Fax 818-954-3670

Mark Morocco
"ER" Medical Supervisor
c/o Warner Bros. Studios
4000 Warner Blvd. Bldg. 133 Rm. 101
Burbank, CA 91522
Phone: 818-954-6336


Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Jayne on Dec 6th, 2003, 8:25pm
I'm so proud....ya know....
My ex fiancee used to call us lot.. "the Cluster Mafia"
He didn't mean it in a negative way either, just meaning if you wanted something done.....we know how to "take care of de family" Capish(did I spell that right?)
Well I know what I'm going to be doing for the cause this week after my "beg" tomorrow!!

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Carl_D on Dec 7th, 2003, 3:46am

on 12/06/03 at 16:04:12, Jayne wrote:
I bet you our CarlD could write them a short little Scene with a bit of drama

Damn right I could, and would be more than happy to do it too. Just get me the email addy to the writers and I'll write the scene out and send it to them for consideration.

By all means, shouldn't we keep in mind that ER is just a show? How about addressing CH to the Discovery Health Channel?

It is a show that millions of people watch, and it would heighten the publics awareness of CH, and how different it is from normal headaches. What a fabulous Idear Jayne! In fact, I'll write the scene sometime this week and post it here. I've already got a few cool idears meself for it. I'll get back to ya on that - just get me that email address. Way too cool!!!

Carl D

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by Carl_D on Dec 7th, 2003, 3:49am
Ahhh. Didn't read the whole thread before responding. Got the email addy - so here comes the fun! I love to write. I live to create.

Carl D

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 9th, 2003, 1:58am
How many of us have done this yet???  I'm going to try to call tomorrow.

Title: Re: The show ER and Cluster headaches
Post by athos12 on Dec 9th, 2003, 10:13pm
There may be a few people I still know in the hollywood crowd that I could call and see what the best avenues are.

I will check and get back with you....  A few years ago I could have at least had a script/idea read by the producers of startrek...  but that was while Deep Space 9 was on.  I had a good friend as key makeup on that shoot.....  she and a few others still have really good contacts..  if Not ER we cn try for others as well.

Some insights for scriptwriting...  Keep in mind that an ER episode is a serier of vignettes...  small litle stories with a outer story that ties it all together....  what needs to be said needs to be done consicely and too the point..  i would suggest searching for past scripts for ER, especially ones that were very good...  You can find screenplays online if you look in the right places.

I would also suggest multiple options for the story, different characters...  Could you imagine Johhny as the character in question?  Who would they get to play him???  I shudder to think....

Also they dig the stuff that makes people think and tugs at their moral and emotional strings.

Read as many screenplays as you can get your hands on to see the style/feel of how they are put together... Understand the use of narative or first person, also scene descriptions and scene setup....  ie..  

"camera POV(point of view) over the should of DR. X pans left to view incoming patient ariving via gurny."

You will be taken more serious if you look like you know what you are doing, even if it is just to give ideas to the writers/producers.

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