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(Message started by: markaz on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:57am)

Title: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by markaz on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:57am
I joined this group shortly after it started in the 90's but my username, etc. disappeared. Anyway, I'm a chronic sufferer who had a 20 month break from Jan 2002 until Oct 2003. After 10 straight years of CH's I figured I was due for a vacation and I got it. It was great! No fear of going to bed, no fear of eating (always got one exactly 2 hrs. and 15 minutes after eating), no fear of flying or going to the mountains (high altitude trigger) and no fear going out with my wife, family or friends and getting a "twinge" and having to excuse myself. Best 20 months anyone could imagine. But now they're back and once again they're chronic (2-6 EVERY DAY). What's really sad is that I've accepted the fact that it's a part of my life that I can't escape. I just get the twinges and then the headaches and suffer 10-30 minutes with each episode. Can't say I don't mind the pain, but the episodes are shorter and less intense now that I really don't fight it. I just head off to another room so that my wife and daughter don't have to witness me rocking and moaning. I concentrate and pray for the pounding to move to my upper right back teeth as I know that the headache has only got another 3-5 minutes until it's over. Same pattern from 1991-2001. What great memories I will have of those 20 headache-free months. Good luck to all of us. BRING ON THE IMITREX COCKTAILS!!!!! Adios from Phoenix.

Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by kahnh on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:28am
Sorry to hear that they are back Markaz..

This is actually my first post even though I have been a sufferer since 1993 (only found the site this year though).  I have eposidic type clusters with 3-4 year remission periods in between so I guess I can't complain entirely except that this time (now my third time) the usual treatment is not working and they don't seem to want to go away (now week 8..but who's counting??).  I found it interesting that you feel pounding on your teeth as this is one of the symptoms that I always have with each attack and it is not one of the common cluster traits.  My attacks last anywhere from 15- 1hour recurring sometimes 4-6 times a day (if I'm having a good day I may have one).  Aside from the usual sharp pain in the eye, tearing of the eye and nasal congestion I also feel pressure in my upper teeth (it feels like someone is pulling them out)-this occurs during the attack usually the entire time.  Anyway it's reassuring to know that I am not the only one with such a symptom (the teeth).

Good Luck with yours and wishing you many PF days.

PS- I would be interested in knowing of any others who feel the Teeth pain.

Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by Charlie on Dec 6th, 2003, 5:21am
Welcome aboard Kahnh. I’m glad you posted and welcome.
Welcome back Markaz and sorry to hear your remission has ended. Here’s hoping your next one will be for 150 years.  I’m in a 12 year remission which Amazes me no end. Your turn folks.

I never had tooth pain. My upper face warmed up, I began to get a little stuffy. It was always the same.  Here is my link to a technique that I learned. It worked very well for me:

Good luck and let us know how you're doing.


Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by Kirk on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:02am
Yep. My teeth hurt like hell during an attack.


Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:06am
Welcome !!
Sorry to hear that you're back. The teeth do hurt for lots of CH sufferers. Some more than others. Hope you get another big break when this cycle ends. Sending vibes your way.

Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by thomas on Dec 6th, 2003, 11:43am
Welcome aboard and welcome back.  If there's strength in numbers we're gettin' stronger every day.  Stick around and learn and help out and together we're all gonna kick the beast's ass someday.

Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by dkirin on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:28pm
Sorry you had to return under these conditions Markas  :( but welcome back.  My CH's started in 93 and the molars top left feel like I'm having a bad toothache when its heading for a 10.  Welcome Kahnh, from one newby to another.  Many PFDAN to all.

Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by mikeyd on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:43pm
mine also started in '93 (DEC, just before Christmas). glad you found the site(again) and welcome aboard!
Hope you get better soon....all of us get better soon.
PF wishes

Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:20pm

on 12/06/03 at 01:57:49, markaz wrote:
But now they're back and once again they're chronic (2-6 EVERY DAY).  

Damn!  Sorry you have to come back, but WELCOME BACK!  

But, you are NOT chronic (yet!)  The number of hits a day, have nothing to do with being chronic.  You have to have it for over 12 months with less than 2 weeks of PF time, to be chronic.  Therefore, maybe this cycle will only last a few weeks, and then you can go back to some PF time!

Hope this is a SHORT cycle, and then you have a LONG break between ... About 168 years between!

Good luck, and welcome back!


Title: Re: Unfortunately.....I'm back!!!
Post by Edna on Dec 6th, 2003, 2:43pm
Sorry bout the pain, but not that you're here with us now.

Hoping that you are indeed NOT chronic. You sound as though you have a good attitude about your fighting time with the beast......and that's what it'll take to continue to get you through.

We're here for you when you need.

Let us know what treatment besides the imitrex you use and keep us posted.....WE CARE

pf wishes,
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