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(Message started by: Astrid on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:58pm)

Title: Run, run, run
Post by Astrid on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:58pm
Hi to all out there! I hope that it was a pain free day today.

I want to say THANK YOU for the support regarding my post (another cluster).

I read in a posting (I don't remember which one) that running will help when IT occurs.

I tryed it and sure enough: I was faster than the beast!!! CH just lasted a few minutes and gave up!!

Thanks, I just hope it works all the time, well, I'm afraid I will find out tonight at about 2am or 2 hours after going to sleep, whatever comes first ...

What helps me a lot is drinking as much ice water during the attack!

Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by Prense on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:02pm
I think it's gonna be about 18 degrees here tonight/this morning...drink lick all the ice water ya want...   ;;D

G/L runnin with the devil!


Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:09am
18 degrees ? 2AM ? Running ?

That's alot of pain to get rid of pain.

I hope you're not like Jonny and are wearing clothes. LOL

Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by Charlie on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:30am
Glad running worked for you. If weather becomes a factor, a treadmill or I suppose even snow shoveling  :D
Actually, that can really be violent.  

Here's hoping it never fails.


Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by ShariRae on Dec 6th, 2003, 9:13am
 I did the snow shoveling thing last winter during an attack! There I was.. outside, not feeling the cold, eyes tearing up, snot running down my face(gross) & shoveling like a mad woman...between the cold & the shoveling..the headache was gone in less than 10 minutes & my driveway had never gotten done as fast!!LOL gotta do what we gotta do :)
warm winter hugs to all

Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 6th, 2003, 9:48am
LOL.  Glad the ambitious snow shoveling is working for yas, cause that means the East Coast should be relativly free of pain.  Lots of snow to get rid of.  Shovel fast clusterbuds, it's the lastest in home remedies !!!!!!!!  

Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by Astrid on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:50pm
Hmmm, snow sheveling, no cloth?  :o [smiley=yikes.gif]
Thank god it's not 18 degrees here either!
But the cold feels actually good during CH, because I start sweating and I feel like being in hell's kitchen! It helps to be outside or even lay on the tile floor! When CH is over I get the chills. Does anyone experience that too [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by ShariRae on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:53pm
Thats how I know my c/h is letting up...I start to get the chills even before the pain starts to such a welcoming feeling..but during the attack I sweat like a hooker in church (pardon the expression).

Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by Astrid on Dec 6th, 2003, 2:12pm
Thanx for your good description Shari!!! (since I'm absolutely new to message boards I'm not so sure about what and what not to say!), high ten!
Even so I have this pain since over 4 years, I did not know what it was!!! And I still hope it's not CH (dream on).
I explained the pain pattern, frequency etc. saw specialist (nose, ear, throat docs), got cat scans, blah, blah, they told me nothing is wrong with me. I got physical therapy which helped a bit and lots of meds, which did not help. When I saw my doc again 2 weeks ago he asked about my headache. I explained the pattern: sometimes 3 times a night, nothing for a week or 2 or only a day, 3 month in a row only one per night..., always at night, only left side .....
He said "CH". He still did not tell me anything about it. I still did not have a clue. And since I had migraines for years, I did not pay attention to "cluster" only to "headache" and that could not be as bad as a migraine.
I started investigation and found! When I started reading the homepage, I started crying. I felt the pain w/out having a CH. I was not allone! It was not imaginary! There were people that do understand and don't smile or say "ya right" when you describe the pain, or when you bang the other side of the head into the wall because it does ease the pain, people that know what it is like going from enjoying live to living hell within minutes!

I guess I'm just desperately looking for something that says that I'm wrong, it's not CH.
Sorry for the long message.

Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 6th, 2003, 2:26pm

on 12/06/03 at 14:12:15, Astrid wrote:
I guess I'm just desperately looking for something that says that I'm wrong, it's not CH.

Ok, I'll say it: "You are wrong, it's not CH ..."

Does it make you feel better?  It sure didn't when I have been told that either!  Haha!

In all seriousness, NONE of us have choosen this curse, but we all have, or are learning to deal with it in some way or another.

I am so glad you have found the loony bin here, and use us as you need us.  Questions, comments, rants, vents, crying, or what ever you need.  Some of us have been accused (falsely, in my case) of being crusty old curmudgeons, but we still care.  You will not find a more caring group.  We KNOW what you are feeling.  Not even the wonderfull supporters here, truely know what a CH feels like.  Only a fellow CH'er can truely know.  But the supporters here are a God send to all of us.  Without external support and support from up above, not many of us would be able to deal with it.  Just wait till you meet a fellow sufferer!  That is true BLISS!

Rest assured, we care, and we want to help.


Title: Re: Run, run, run
Post by Astrid on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:15pm
I's not CH! Chuck said so and he must know, cause he is an old fart, ahem, timer, board member!?
Others don't understand, does not mean they don't care. But it's like talking in a foreign language to them: Ich werde wahnsinnig vor Schmerzen!, I'm going insaned bcause of the pain! This site helped so much already especially when CH hits K-10 ... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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