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(Message started by: chkster2 on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:27pm)

Title: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by chkster2 on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:27pm
Hello everyone, I'm new here but not to the headaches.  But something different has occured the other night.  My pain is (was) always on my left side.  The other night I woke up with pain on my right side.  It reminded me of the first one I ever got.  I'm used to having the pain on the left side.  I know what to expect and when to expect it.  All of a sudden it's my right side.  the intensity seems higher and the characteristics seem a little different.  These start at the top of my head on my right side.  The pain moves down into my temple and just when it seems like it's leaving, it moves back up to the top again.  I feel like I'm starting all over again.  When's it gonna end?????????

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by echo on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:33pm
Tricky little bastard isn't he.  I remember all to well the two times he has decided to attack from the other side.  Thankfully he's never hit me in both at the same time.

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by echo on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:33pm
And secondly -- Welcome to the group.  Sorry you had to search us out.  Glad you did.

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by Little Deb on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:37pm
Just wanted to say welcome.
Mine are always on the left.
Stick around, answers and more questions will come.


Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:40pm
CH can switch sides.  Although you shouldn't make any assumptions.  See your doc again.  Tell him what's up.  It's probably just ch switching - but don't take any chances.  Welcome aboard.

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by Bob_Johnson on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:05pm
Agree with the other responses: changes are not uncommon and, especially, during the first few years of starting to have attacks. I experienced movement to several different sites & patterns of attack before some stability set in.

But the key is to focus on finding treatments which work for you and avoiding the hopeless questions--why?, when will it stop? Fussing with questions which cannot be answered is a formula for increased suffering.

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by vig on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:08pm
I'm a southpaw, never threw righty.

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:13pm

on 12/05/03 at 14:33:16, echo wrote:
Tricky little bastard isn't he.  I remember all to well the two times he has decided to attack from the other side.  Thankfully he's never hit me in both at the same time.

Sure agree with you on that one.

Welcome Sufferer !

Yes it does change sides for some. A couple of my cycles where on the left. Mostly always on the right though.

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by Doug_L on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:40pm
I was right sided only for years!
Then just like you. Next cycle it was on the left and YES! the pain did feel like the first time ever and it seemed to not be so organized as my right. Now that I’m 3 years a lefty I have gotten used to my left side and the pain has become just as organized as my old right.

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by aprilbee on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:44pm
My cycles have always been two sided, they are on one side for about a month and a half then switch sides and I finish out my cycle on the other side for another month and a half...loads of fun ::)

But I agree that you should have it checked out, just need to be safe when it comes to matters of the brain...good luck sweetie, it sucks, but at least you have us now, and you're not alone!!   ;)

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by Paigelle on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:54pm
Welcome to the insanity we call life.  I agree with Thomas, see the Dr. about it switching sides just to be safe.  

Title: Re: all of a sudden it's the other side
Post by dkirin on Dec 5th, 2003, 6:49pm
Welcome from one newby to another  [smiley=wave.gif] All of my CH are on the left.  Migraines hit both sides, sometimes together.  Oh well, I'm sending PF vibes hope they find their way to Ya!
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