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New Message Board Archives >> Oct-Dec 2003 >> Please pray with me... just this once
(Message started by: Peppermint on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:13am)

Title: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Peppermint on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:13am
I hate to ask this, but I"ve seen the miracles your prayers have done time and again.

I mentioned this in chat the other night..

Please pray/send vibes for Paquita and Theo, my brother's former in-laws... they are very well loved in our family, as is my ex-sister in-law.  
Paquita had gone into the hospital with 9 weeks ago - she was moved to a rehab place yesterday and has had a heart attack with kidney shut down now and lung collapse.   Her husband Theo had an emergency bypass two days ago.  They are in 2 different hospitals...

If this goes the way it will my godson/nephew will be so devastated... he basically grew up with them for the better part of his 14 years.  

I'm sorry to ask, I just can't believe this is happening all at once.


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:16am
Oh Pep,  sending thoughts and prayers for Paquita and Theo.  Thinking of you.

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:23am
[size=2][/size]HUGE PRAYERS AND VIBES  I hope things turn around for them both.

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Tiannia on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:29am
You and they will be in my thoughts...

Remember to take some time for your self as well... You can not take care of everyone else without a little self time.


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by pubgirl on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:29am
Pep, sent the prayers winging before I posted this


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Svenn on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:31am
sending thoughts and prayers for Paquita and Theo


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Jimi on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:32am
I did too Patty.   Prayer has went up in their behalf.

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by ShariRae on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:48am
aww..I am so sorry to hear this..prayers & vibes on the way.

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by nancyc on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:13pm
Prayers going up...anytime you need them too!  :)nancyc

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by catlind on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:34pm
Vibes goin out, no one deserves that kind of tragedy in their lives, let alone all at once.


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by hootchdom on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:52pm
candles lit, prayers sent.


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:54pm

Lots of prayers and vibes.............. :'(

Keep us posted on how they are.


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:12pm
Prayers going up for you and your family !  Hang tough, Pep, sometimes it's darkest before the dawn !

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Peppermint on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:22pm
Thank you so much....

I waited to fucking long to ask....I guess it's the Lord's choice..

Paquita has passed on.   :'(


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:29pm
Peppermint, i am sending you a big hug and condolences from the Hurleys.  You are all in our prayers darlin.  

Much love,

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Karla on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:38pm
We will continue to pray for your loved one and your family during this difficult time.  

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:42pm

on 12/05/03 at 13:22:48, Peppermint wrote:
Paquita has passed on.   :'(

:'( :'( [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by echo on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:02pm
Sorry to read that Paquita has passed away.   Prayers to you and your  loved one and family.

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by BruceD on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:16pm

I'm so sorry about Paquita. I'll be in prayer for Theo & your nephew (for you too)

Take care

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:16pm

I am so sorry for your loss and the pain you are feeling right now.  There are no words I can say to take the anguish from your heart.  If you need a friend I am here.

I am praying for you and your family in this time of grief.  Be strong for your nephew as he is young and will need someone to lean on...

If there is ANYTHING I can do.  Please let me know.

Big Hugs and a Shoulder to Cry On,

Donna D.

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:19pm

Dang it, girl! Call me!  You are in my prayers and I am here if ya need me... (You know that!)

Hugs and hugs and more hugs...


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:31pm
I'm so sorry for your loss P....   :-/

... I will continue to send out prayers for Theo... If I knew of something more comforting to say, I'd do it... but nothing has come to mind...  :-[

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Little Deb on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:43pm
Sending prayers and hugs your way. :)  So sorry Paquita passed.  She is watching over you and your nephew now, and Theo.

Little Deb

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by suzy617 on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:18pm
Dear Patty,
So sorry about all thats happening.  Your family and you are in my thoughts and prayers girlfriend.
If ya need a shoulder to cry on or just to talk, you know where I am.

Hugs to you,

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by aprilbee on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:41pm
many prayers to you and your family...

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by cootie on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:17pm
Big snowy Ohio'n vibes goin out to you and the family sorry bout Paquita......BIG VIBES still comein tho !!!! Snow'd in vib-ray-tor-sender Pam

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by cathy on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:15pm sorry your having to go through this my thoughts hugs and prayers are with you miracles do happen! You know how to reach me...


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Charlie on Dec 5th, 2003, 6:12pm
Sorry I got here so late but I'm with you anyway. :'(

Come here when you need some support.


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by dkirin on Dec 5th, 2003, 6:38pm
My prayers are with you and your family Patty  [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Ree on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:01pm
Sorry Pep... I will say prayers that her transition into the next world be Heavenly... love to you Ree

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:53pm
Thoughts and vibes are with ya,
so sorry :(

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Jayne on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:57pm


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Lori on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:44pm
:'( It can't be easy for you all right now and I'm sorry for the pain you feel. I pray for peace and God's love to be with you and the family at this time.

Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Mikey on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:57pm
Oh Pat, that is awful!!

I hope that they get well very soon!!

All the prayers that they can stand is headed their way!!


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Callico_Kid on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:05am
I'm happy to pray for them, and not just this once.  Please never apologize for asking.  That is why we are here.  Please keep us posted.


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Edna on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:38am
Pepp...........sorry about Paquita....but honey it's NEVER too late for praying.

Be strong, and use us when you need.

Prayers for both Paquita and Theo and your nephew also.


Title: Re: Please pray with me... just this once
Post by Peppermint on Dec 6th, 2003, 3:04pm
I realize this is not a prayer board, but I felt yesterday anything was possible....I would have  never posted this, just for that reason, but I did in spite of myself.  I thank you all for your kind emails and words, prayers and vibes.  The family sure could use them right now.

Francisca (Paquita) Carrasquillo was a dear dear sweet lady who gave whatever she could of herself to her family and anyone she came in contact with... never heard a bad word from her for or about anyone.  She had a little nickname for me, Too-tee (2T) since that's what I called my nephew when he was a baby, and that was the first thing I'd hear her exclaiming as she opened the door to welcome me in.  It was really sad walking up to her door yesterday and seeing a sad face :'( instead of her wonderful smile.  

Funny and sad how it takes a tragedy for people to forget about the stupid reservations and grudges they hold towards eachother.  Yesterday was sad but lovely like that, and reminiscent of how Paquita treated everyone.  The fear now is telling the news to her husband of 40+ years who is convalescing from double by-pass surgery since day before yesterday.  

Thank you again for all the responses - I am not spending a lot of time on the computer right now for obvious reasons, but I want you all to know how much I appreciate   all the support you give, in spite of your own pain!!

PFDAN's to you all.
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