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(Message started by: BlueMeanie on Dec 5th, 2003, 9:30am)

Title: Limbaugh Question
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 5th, 2003, 9:30am
With all the hoopla over internet drug sales; and now with Limbaugh's addiction and possible arrest for buying all those drugs, do you think it is going to make it even harder for us Clusterheads to get legitimate drugs that we actually NEED to fight this Beast ?

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 9:33am
No, because we don't need narcotics for the most part.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by BobG on Dec 5th, 2003, 9:41am
IMHO, I very much doubt that Rushie ever had a "legitimate" prescription for his drugs. Probably used the same 'doctor' that helped Elvis.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:57pm
Rush Limbaugh had an medical necessity for his drug of choice. Just used it to feel good. (Although...I've heard he had an ear problem).  Addicts do not care who, why, when, or where they hurt someone. Just as long as they can get their next dose. Whether it be alcohol, or Pain Meds.

Most Doctors today can see and/or judge the signs of a true addiction & will only prescribe meds to legitimate patients. Although some Doctors are very hesitant to prescribe pain-killing drugs... their hesitancy is more of a fear of DEA Reprisal & not addiction.

Even though Narcotics don't do much for Clusters...there are plenty of good people sufferering needlessly from chronic pain & not getting the meds they need, due to close-minded thinking & a small minority of addicts. Hopefully everyone will begin to see the lives of a few addicts are not worth the lives of millions of honest, hard-working people who are looking for relief from their unrelenting chronic pain.


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:03pm
Rush had chronic pain and became addicted to pain killers.  Happens all the time.  BTW, the "problem" was not the ear, but the back.  

Pain killers are not effective treatment for clusters.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:51pm

on 12/05/03 at 12:57:14, Jimmy_B wrote:
(Although...I've heard he had an ear problem

Which was caused by his abuse of painkillers.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by vig on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:58pm
His biggest problem is arrogance.
That's why it's so easy to throw him under the bus.

We're going to let you destroy your life. We're going to make it easy and then all of us who accept the responsibilities of life and don't destroy our lives on drugs, we'll pay for whatever messes you get into."
-- Rush Limbaugh show, Dec. 9, 1993

And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up....
The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."
-- Rush Limbaugh show, Oct. 5, 1995
I think it's pretty clear where Rush believes he belongs... behind bars.  Does he have the integrity to live by his words?  I doubt it.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by floridian on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:08pm

With all the hoopla over internet drug sales; and now with Limbaugh's addiction and possible arrest for buying all those drugs, do you think it is going to make it even harder for us Clusterheads to get legitimate drugs that we actually NEED to fight this Beast ?

The war on drugs has already made it illegal for people to get some medicines that may help their condition (cannabis for MS and cancer chemo patients; shrooms for cluster headaches). It also makes it near impossible to get approval and funding for research on legitimate uses for these drugs.  Over the past decade, many doctors in the US have cut back on prescribing pain killers due to the stigma attached to them.  

If anything, the public humiliation of anti-drug crusaders like Limbaugh ought to trigger a rethink of current policies in the US.   Not that it will.  

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:27pm
Drug abuse.  Integrety.  Dignity.  Chronic Illness.  Debilitating pain.  Human Suffering.  The line can get pretty blurry.

Most folks who know me, know that I have strong feelings about drug use be it recreational or to treat pain.  Those close to me also know that when i first began suffering from clusters, the pain pills were my PAL.  I HAD to have a bottle of pain pills near me because nothing else worked and I was in agony.  Because I was in agony I took the pills.  LOTS OF EM.  Eventually I found a better way.  .................

INTEGRETY?  Integrety involves things like empathy, dignity and understanding the big picture.

You might not like Rush Limbaugh - that's ok.  Making assumptions on his personal health issues based on that dislike....hmmm......Tabloid mentality.

As far as our government policies regarding drugs ..........WTF does that have to do with Mr. Limbaugh [smiley=huh.gif]


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by vig on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:34pm
"The line can get pretty blurry. "

That's why most of us keep our mouths shut.
He chose a different route and must suffer the consequences... or every word he has ever uttered loses its weight.

It's his choice.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:41pm
Quotes above about Mr. Limbaugh were quoted YEARS B4 his health issues put him in current situation.  6 years ago Mr. Limbaugh suffered painful and debilitating back surgery which began his use of pain pills.  Those quotes were taken from YEARS PRIOR to that.

Also, his physician has already stated that the hearing loss was NOT related to the pain killers.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:42pm

on 12/05/03 at 14:41:29, kim wrote:
Also, his physician has already stated that the hearing loss was NOT related to the pain killers.

Really?  My bad.  Sorry MahaRushie.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by cootie on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:44pm
I'd heard Rush was takein pain meds for chronic back pain or think I heard surgery also ? Sum pain meds like Oxycontin is designed to be takein every day not is time released and lethal when broken up or do a taper to get off it after corrective surgery that will end the chronic pain. I too take pain meds spareinly for chronic back pain that will not ever get better only worse.....but....I do NOT take them daily....nor do I take a full dose normally. I'm no whimp ass to pain but there are times where enuff is enuff......esp when it is there 24/7. I get a bit frustrated at the bum rap sum people get for takein meds that need to and are careful under a docs supervison. But yeah.....abuse is a nuther story which gives the good folks and meds that 'can' work a bad name. I don't take pain meds to get high but jus to get by Pam

PS: They have it now so you can not get refills on level 2 meds which helps a bit control how much is given out...your doc has to approve it and call it in

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:46pm

on 12/05/03 at 14:44:13, cootie wrote:
I'm no whimp ass to pain but there are times where enuff is enuff......

You got that right Pam.  I don't think anybody here can be considered a whimp.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by vig on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:48pm
"6 years ago Mr. Limbaugh suffered painful and debilitating back surgery which began his use of pain pills."

Then he should have realized his 'mistake' then and become humbled.  Did he change his tune in any public way?  Did he become more tolerant and understanding as a person?  I've never seen anything but 'Half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair' or 'Talent on loan from God."

just my $.02.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by floridian on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:49pm

As far as our government policies regarding drugs ..........WTF does that have to do with Mr. Limbaugh

If you read the original post that started this thread, the question was asked if internet pharmacies and the Limbaugh controversy would make it harder for people with cluster headaches to get medicines.  My answer was that hysterical government policies already make it hard for clusterheads to get one treatment.  

Mr. Limbaugh?  Noelle Bush?? The Kennedy kid??  They get medical rehab and hire the best lawyers to minimize the penalties.  An average clusterhead gets caught with shrooms to try and break a cycle??  Jail time, baby.  

That's WTF.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:50pm
Thomas ;;D ;;D ;;D

Maha sumpin, that's for sure ;)

Oh and Floridian?  I read the original post.  I stand by my subsequent responses, kay?   I read and respond to the posts as I see fit and will call you next time i need reading comprehension assistance ;)

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:52pm

on 12/05/03 at 14:49:31, floridian wrote:

Mr. Limbaugh?  Noelle Bush?? The Kennedy kid??  They get medical treatment and hire the best lawyers to minimize the penalties.  An average clusterhead gets caught with shrooms to try and break a cycle??  Jail time, baby.  

That's WTF.

BAM!  That's the sound of a nail being struck dead center on the head by a BFH (big f*ckin' hammer).

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by cootie on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:56pm
Almost forgot........I heard a while ago on a chronic pain MB that they are "cracking down" now on the buyers of interent drugs not just lookin for the sellers. Kinda like how they are bustin the 'john's now not jus the hookers. Pam a tough pain dweller with no john's or pimps and I sure ain't no hooker

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:57pm
Pain does funny things to people.  

I reckon each person has to find their own way back from THEIR OWN hell.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:01pm

on 12/05/03 at 14:57:41, kim wrote:
Pain does funny things to people.  

Yeah just watch me when the demon comes in the dark of night. ;)  Ever seen a big fat guy act like a little baby?

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by floridian on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:10pm

Oh and Floridian?  I read the original post.  I stand by my subsequent responses, kay?   I read and respond to the posts as I see fit and will call you next time i need reading comprehension assistance

Your entitled to your opinion, Kim. I'm not a fan of recreational drug use, and I am cautious about side effects of approved meds.  But I don't understand your "WTF" remark.

And I don't understand why Limbaugh wasn't working with his doctors if he had a medically induced dependency.  How did he confuse his housekeeper with a pharmacist? Didn't he know he was breaking the law?

Making assumptions on his personal health issues based on that dislike....hmmm......Tabloid mentality.

Gimme a break. Rush Limbaugh is the father of tabloid political radio. No asumption or insinuation was too flimsy, and no logic was too simplistic when Limbaugh was targeting people he didn't like.  No, we don't know all the medical details of Limbaugh's life, but what we do know doesn't match very well with what Limbaugh is saying.  Questioning his discrepancies isn't tabloid journalism. It's more like having an enquiring mind. For instance, why did his doctors diagnose autoimmune induced hearing loss, then add that he didn't have most of the symptoms or indications of that disease?  They also mentioned that many radio broadcasters have hearing loss associated with loud noise, but later said that his hearing didn't seem to fit that model, either.   But consuming lots of vicodin and oxycontin can cause hearing loss consistent with the symptoms reported by Limbaugh.

And now that the real Limbaugh has fallen short of the Great-Oz image, we see elaborate lawyering that might give Clinton a run for his money. Like todays news:  

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Rush Limbaugh's attorney accused a prosecutor Friday of having political motives for investigating whether the conservative radio commentator bought painkillers illegally.

Obviously had nothing to do with the public statements made by Limbaugh's former housekeeper, who said she sold him thousands of prescription pills - without a prescription.  Must be a vast left wing conspiracy.  Looks like Rush can play the victim as well as all the people he criticizes.  

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by vig on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:13pm
a friend of mine summed him up in one word.


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Paigelle on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:25pm

It is my opinion that he is a piece of crap and if he is addicted it is his own damn fault.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:25pm

Why are you so insensed about the personal tradegy of one man?  Because he had strong opinions?  Gi-MEEE a break.

The guy spoke his mind - and lotsa folks hated it.  Now he shows his soft white underbelly.  BIG Deal.  I for one have no desire to poke it with a knife.

Enquiring mind?  Give ME a break.  I'm not buying it.  Period.  Answer this simple question?  "What is my motivation in this discussion"?............I'm sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with government policy or current drug use.  It has to do with your dislike of someone who spoke his mind and had the AUDACITY to be human after all.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Paigelle on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:31pm
Rush had a choice be an addict or not, he chose to be one.  Yes addiction is a disease, but it is a self induced disease.  No sympathy.  I am stern as hell on the subject of drug/alcohol addiction.  I have seen both of them first hand and I don't get the slightest case of sympathy for addicts.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:37pm
Define Addict.

I was one too. I abused pain pills years ago when first diagnosed with clusters.  Pain pills were my lifeline.  But i'm unethical, yes?  I should be in jail, NO?????  I have no right to personal views, right?

Nothing is surprising or enlightening from this discussion.  I could be any place, at any time -- and this same pulp is what i would be forced to gaze upon.

YUCK >:(

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by fubar on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:41pm
I just figured Rush was in all that pain from having "half his brain tied behind his back just to make it fair..."

Instead of calling him names like hypocrite, we should all realize that everybody in every walk of life can easily find themselves in this kind of mess.  Addicts don't wake up one day and say 'Gee, I think I'll become an addict today'.

I'd bet every last nickel I have (all 3 of them) that Rush started taking these meds under doctor supervision.  What happened after that, I cannot know, but I do know that presecription meds can seize hold of a person easily, especially when they are in a position like Rush is (I'll explain that if I have to...).  He has a disease or condition that affects all walks of life and all levels of our society.

I don't listen to his show, but there are many reports of Rush's attempt to take full responsibility and not be portrayed as some conquering hero because of his (hopefully) victorious battle with addiction.

I'm sure there are plenty of folks frothing at the mouth to tear him down now, regardless of the facts.  I guess Rush should expect that because of his vocal condemnation of drug users in the past.  However, for someone to think there is no political motivation to discredit him as much as possible, especially in an election year is simply NAIVE.  Rush is a driving force for the right wing, and as such is a valuable and legitimate target for this kind of tearing down, right or wrong.

I'm sure that no left-winger would shed a tear if Rush were unable to effectively deliver his message on a daily basis.  Maybe they should start shipping him anonymous packages to fuel his addiction.  In the end, that would do the most damage anyway.


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by cathy on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:47pm

Rush had a choice be an addict or not, he chose to be one.  Yes addiction is a disease, but it is a self induced disease.  No sympathy.  I am stern as hell on the subject of drug/alcohol addiction.  I have seen both of them first hand and I don't get the slightest case of sympathy for addicts. you honestly think people choose to become you honestly believe that addiction is a disease that is self are wrong IMHO


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Paigelle on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:49pm
The whole thing is, addiction is a choice.  People know when they are taking something that is addictive, they know what could happen.  Wise up already!  My dad is an alcoholic and addicted to Xanax.  Guess what?  That is his own fault.  Yes, the Dr gave him Xanax, but he is the one who abuses them.  I am so unsympathetic with this.  We are adults and make our own choices when it comes to medication and everything.  Take some damn responsibility and don't blame other people.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:03pm
Define Blame and where exactly you see it in this thread. ::)

I'm sorry you dad has problems.  And no one said anything about BLAME except YOU.

We are not talking about your father.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by cathy on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:12pm

on 12/05/03 at 16:49:17, Paigelle wrote:
The whole thing is, addiction is a choice.  

You have obviously had a bad time on a personal level, please don't let that leave you with the impression that we are ALL the same....we are all so different what a breath of fresh air that is....


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Charlie on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:27pm
I don't think Rush's addiction will have an effect on our ability to get our drugs. I'm just  hoping it won't inspire more idiotic legislation on the insipid war on drugs. It also looks like he has an addictive personality. It's true that he has some serious hearing loss but that's all I know of his medical woes.  Maybe it helped him lose weight.

For guys like me, Rush's addiction is poetic justice. I have no doubt that he'll continue to appeal to the lowest common denominator. William Buckley, George Will, Bob Novak, and William Safire are conservatives. Limbaugh is a guy who knows how to get a $30 million radio contract by pushing the buttons of people who look at the world as black and white. He will continue his harangues. No one is better at his peculiar brand of tabloid journalism.


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:37pm
Thank you Charlie.   :)

You just made the most sense I've read all day. :D

There are gentlemen in the world after all. ;;D

GHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!  I had to argue all freakin DAY.  Where the hell were ya? :D

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Paigelle on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:44pm
You are acting like we should all have sympathy for Rush.  I don't!  He chose to take the drugs and to abuse them.

Yes addiction is a choice.  You have the choice to take the drugs and abuse them or not.  That is a choice.  It is totally self induced.  Alcoholism runs in my family, so guess what?  I know that I could be one if I CHOSE to.  It is all a choice thing.  No one forced pills or booze down anyones throat.  Choices, choices, choices...

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by cathy on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:56pm
Hey no disrespect but I hope you never apply for a counceling job  ::)

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 5th, 2003, 6:16pm
The biggest problem I have with these addicted that after they are finally treated, they will get on their own soap-box and proclaim the evils of a pill.

"Yes, ladies & gentleman...thankfully I was able to pull myself away from this evil drug...yada, yada, yada."

Give me a break. What they are basically saying is "it wasn't my fault, it was the drug." & that is BULLS__T. They made a conscious decision to abuse a drug, or continue taking it without a Doctor's approval. (or find a Doctor Feelgood)

I just don't want to see innocent Chronic pain patients being under-medicated, because some people cannot control their urges. If you don't need it anymore...stop the drug. Yeah, maybe you'll get a little sick for a week or two, poor baby. Have some respect for yourself.

Off my soapbox, Jim

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 6:19pm
Well, Jim, i certainly look forward to pain consultation with ya  You'll tell me "when" now, wontcha 8)

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Charlie on Dec 5th, 2003, 6:56pm
The worst thing about Rush is that he opened the door for all the others.


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:01pm
the "Others" ;;D..........Hope they got good backs :D

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by fubar on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:11pm

Addiction is not a choice.  To call it that shows an EXTREME level of ignorance regarding addiction.

Yes, it's a choice to take an illegal drug, or a legal drug.  However, not everybody will become an addict, and 100% of the people who make that initial choice are not, in any way, making a choice to be an addict.  They are making a choice to take the RISK of being an addict, but that's wholly different that choosing to be an addict.  It's a significant but subtle difference.

It's not a disease that deserves sympathy.  But it's not a CHOICE either.


BTW, Rush has already been quoted saying he wants NO PART of being one of those self-proclaimed examples of victory over addiction.  I think he already knows he'll be an addict for life and there is no victory.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by floridian on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:12pm

Answer this simple question?  "What is my motivation in this discussion"?


my original motivation was point out that drug policy is already unfair, and that some clusterheads face potential jail time for trying to stop their pain.  

You criticized my first post for reasons that are still beyond me.  I tried to explain my thinking in the second post, which you also criticized.  My third post was directed against the people that won't let go of their cherished notions, even when their heroes are shown to be frauds.

50% of Catholic priests are gay. Thousands of children are molested by pedophile priests and the church covers it up.  WAKE-UP CALL!!  Maybe the Catholic church doesn't have a monopoly on contact with God, and the doctrine of sacerdotalism should be discarded.
TV preachers visit prostitutes, buggers little boys, and embezle millions. WAKE-UP CALL!! Maybe their shows should be cancelled and people should stop sending them money.
Mr. Personal Responsibility/Get Tough on Crime was found to have a drug problem and broke the law.  His high priced attorney tries to fend off criminal charges by portraying him as a victim of leftists. WAKE-UP CALL!!  Lots of people seem to have hit the snooze button and don't want to wake up.

My attitude is not schadenfreude, its just that I have zero sympathy for intolerant or dangerous frauds.  I'd rather talk about  how drug policy affects clusterheads, or the addiction/dependency/habituation issue, which I don't claim to fully understand.  I'd have no problem if this was a politics-free board, but I am not going to unilaterally disarm.

Anyway, its the weekend, and I am headed to the dog track. (What are the odds that I bump into Bill Bennet tonight?) Catch you on the flip side.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:23pm
Fu, you always have a way of bringing that element of 'clarity', - it's a gift ya got :)  Thanks for helping me deliver this message say things in "Plain English"  - thank GAWD.  I try -- but i talk in 3d -- and more often than not folks get lost inside the words and never get the message.

I hope this thread has made folks tink a bit.  I hope the message here is to think before you kick with your pointed boot and collectively seek in a mindless spot of gray to put out the lights that shine in others.  

I can hope cain't i.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Charlie on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:24pm
You'd think with his kind of money he'd have found a safer procurment deal. Dumb

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Little Deb on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:41pm
Dog track.....hhmmmm.....gambling is an addiction to some.  Don't people gamble at dog tracks??  When they make their first bet they don't plan on becoming an addict I bet.

On another note...I think the little doggies should just snuggle up on a blanket and get a bone, not run their tales off for peoples entertainment.

Regarding drugs or anything else...
people are fallible.  We all make mistakes.  No one should judge anyone else.  We all need to accept each other for who they are.  I work in a prison.  Drugs to me are no big deal, unless they are in the hands of children.  If an adult wants to take drugs I don't care.  Granted, it bothers me that it could affect those who really need the drugs and can't get them.  But otherwise, I don't care if Rush wants to take Vicodin everyday for the rest of his life.  And I don't care how he gets them or how much he pays.  I don't think he should go to prison for it.  People like him do not belong in the same category, the same lock up institution , as the guy who raped and murdered 9 women.  Or the grandfather that repeatedly molested his 3 grandchildren.

We are all fallible.  We all make mistakes.  Only one person needs to judge us.  You may not want to give sympathy to an addict.  And no one says you have to.  So don't.  Just sit back and think your thoughts, and try to put yourself in their shoes.  Or just toss it aside with all the other stories about all the other people who have screwed up in their lives, and give thanks that it wasn't you.  Cause one day it could be.

LD who can forgive anyone except someone who deliberately hurts a child, old person, helpless person, or animal.  

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Prense on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:43pm
As with any public figure, many hate him...many love him.  Therefore, there will always be people defending both sides of an issue concerning someone like this.

To the original question in this thread...I think this may aid advocates against internet drug sales in continuing their quest.  From what I have read recently, internet drug sales have been targeted mainly for "across the border" sales.  If I am not mistaken, it is not legal to purchase drugs in Canada for use in the US.  That is not what this is really about, but I think the opportunity to put another feather in the cap will definately be exploited.

As for the addiction comments...there is a huge difference between consumption of illegal drugs for recreational use and consuming prescribed drugs for chronic pain.  Both of which can lead to addiction.  I am not familiar with those quotes, but based on the type of person that Rush is, I'd imagine that the target was recreational drug abusers.  Lord knows he coulda been talking about darvocet abusers...I'm just guessing.

Addiction....yeah, he had the choice to take a pain pill...take a pill or be in pain.  Imagine for a moment that the miracle drug for CH is addictive and prevents all attacks while being tell me you have a choice.

Suppose I am addicted to trex...   ;;D

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Charlie on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:51pm
Puts a new meaning on "dittohead"   8)


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by cootie on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:05pm
Frankly I don't give a rats ass about Rush Bimball's problems. To me an adict is sumone that goes above and beyond the means of a med. Pain is in the eye of the beholder Pam

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:19pm

on 12/05/03 at 18:19:50, kim wrote:
Well, Jim, i certainly look forward to pain consultation with ya  You'll tell me "when" now, wontcha 8)

No problem...How's the second Tuesday of January...& Don't forget to clean those feet. ;;D


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:20pm

on 12/05/03 at 23:05:17, cootie wrote:
Frankly I don't give a rats ass about Rush Bimball's problems. To me an adict is sumone that goes above and beyond the means of a med. Pain is in the eye of the beholder Pam

Well said Coots...


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 5th, 2003, 11:38pm
To admit addiction is a personal choice. I have never met someone who was claiming addiction that didnt have some kind of over-riding problem with it. Ya know, Like maybe they have spent all their savings, borrowed all they can borrow, Stole all they can steal. Lost all their friends, Looking at jail time. Lost their sanity, Lost their good names or integrity. Whatever!
People only admit their addictions when they have lost something that is worth more than their life.
Rush didnt admit his addiction till he was caught. He saw the writing on the wall. Now he had to start on the "Damage Control"
Addictions to Drugs or Alcohol is a lifetime addiction!
Do ya remember Darryl Strawberry ( The baseball player)
He is a prime example of a lifetime addict.
I am a lifetime addict, but i have been able to stay clean now for 14 years.
Hopefully Rush will also be able to keep hisself clean. If not, then more then likely, he will hit the bottom again!


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Mikey on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:14am
Ditto Patrick,

I've seen this exact same problem with a family member, and it ain't pretty at all.  I try to help all i can, because i love him so much, but sometimes their problem is so bad that you can't help them much no matter what you do for them.  So you just keep trying.

His addiction started with back problems that lead to 3 surgeries on his back, and they are talking about doing more on him.  So, that means he needs the drugs for his pain, but what the Docs allow him is not enough as far as he is concerned, so he has stolen drugs from other family members and bought from other people, not to just get rid of the pain, but to achive that high that he used to get at a lower dosage.  He has became TOLERENT, which is a lot of peoples problem after being on them for so long.  So, what does a man do that needs pain relief, but is tolerent to the pills that the doc gives him?......It's a real problem a lot of us might have to face one day our self.  What if we were to get tolerent to Verap or happens all the time........

Mikey, :-/

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Renee on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:15am
Addiction....yeah, he had the choice to take a pain pill...take a pill or be in pain.  Imagine for a moment that the miracle drug for CH is addictive and prevents all attacks while being tell me you have a choice.

I have to agree with the above statement.

It is my understanding that Rush was addicted to Oxycontin that was prescribed to him after having discs fused together in his spine.  Oxycontin is supposedly a very addictable drug but one that a patient can take as an outpatient rather than staying inpatient with a morphine drip.

Many articles have been written about Oxycontin and it's high addiction rate.  If Oxycontin stopped my CH I don't know that I wouldn't fallen into the same shoes as Rush did...

just my opinion and we all have one but in the throes of pain one can become desperate for relief and overlook where the consequences that might appear down the road.

Title: Limbaugher Cheese
Post by Mr.Happy on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:24am
Y'all sure are persnickity with your arguments!
Can't decide ......Fuck Rush........or Rush to Fuck.

Only Users Lose Drugs,

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by cootie on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:37am
oxycontin is designed to be taken daily like I stated goes up to 160 mg's......and it is highly addictable but if a doc prescribes it daily......then.......guess what. It intercepts pain transmissons to the brain replaceing them with a more uhphoric feeling which after a while of long term useage the brain gets used to and craves. (for sum people no pain is uphoric) But there is a morphine drip now that can be applied to a person......sum sort of's a portable deal designed for chronic pain suffer's that can't function it's so bad like with cancer or spine and nerve damage. I know people on oxycontin daily....they never seem high at all. They do a taper to git you off if it slowly after surgery if suregery is an option. If Rush was in extreme pain daily then I don't know what to say......sounds like he was out for the high...."then is when I call it abuse"....doin it daily in mega doses non stop......."then I call em an addict" !! Public figures get more publicity Pam

Yea I spelled uphoric wrong........strange word

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:43am

on 12/05/03 at 19:11:43, fubar wrote:
Addiction is not a choice.  To call it that shows an EXTREME level of ignorance regarding addiction.

Yes, it's a choice to take an illegal drug, or a legal drug.  However, not everybody will become an addict, and 100% of the people who make that initial choice are not, in any way, making a choice to be an addict.  They are making a choice to take the RISK of being an addict, but that's wholly different that choosing to be an addict.  It's a significant but subtle difference.

on 12/05/03 at 19:41:30, Little Deb wrote:
Dog track.....hhmmmm.....gambling is an addiction to some.  Don't people gamble at dog tracks??  When they make their first bet they don't plan on becoming an addict I bet...

...Regarding drugs or anything else...
people are fallible.  We all make mistakes...

Thank-you very much, both of you.

I was getting VERY pissed off trying to put those exact thoughts into words.

While in rehab, we got conflicting messages from different counsellers.  On one hand, some of the counsellers would call it a disease.  On the other hand, others would call it a series of mistakes or errors in judgement.

I truly believe it can fall into both categories.

Off the start, it is a bad judgement call.  My "substance of choice" is alcohol.  I never made a conscious decision to become an alcoholic.  The thought never crossed my mind.  I simply thought that    a) it was harmless fun   and    b) alcoholic was a term that would never apply to me.  

It was at that point (if ever) that the disease had made its way into my life.

While I realize that the term "alcoholic" may apply to me, I still don't think that my problem was THAT bad.  Simply put, I don't want it to get THAT bad.

There are a LOT of people that would be considered alcoholics (by definition) that have no discernable problem, lead productive lives, and DON'T fall into the following category: "Addicts do not care who, why, when, or where they hurt someone. Just as long as they can get their next dose. Whether it be alcohol, or Pain Meds."

While my drinking was not out of control, there were financial problems that were partially due to my drinking.

I'm currently dealing with my own "problem".  I'm not in any way asking for sympathy.  I DO, however, find it extremely frustrating to hear comments like "Addicts do not care who, why, when, or where they hurt someone. Just as long as they can get their next dose. Whether it be alcohol, or Pain Meds." and "The whole thing is, addiction is a choice."

I'm proud that I'm taking the initiative to deal this problem.  If it is, in fact, a series of bad judgement-calls, I'm glad that I have been somewhat educated on this unlike some others.  I only hope that my judgement will be better in the future.

If I sound like I am unsure of the existance of my problem, I understand any confusion.  I am still confused by the whole ordeal.  Such is the nature of the disease.

Sorry if this was a little long-winded, but I consider some of the statements earlier in this thread to be very ignorant.

118 days and counting,

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by fubar on Dec 6th, 2003, 4:48am

You know what it's all about.

I can understand completely the lack of sympathy in people with addicts in their life.  I stuck by my wife of 15 years through about 10 years of hardcore addiction and I finally gave up.  I have no sympathy for the addict who makes the CHOICE after they know this is a behavior that will end in death, not to mention the permenant damage to the family.  My wife never made the right choice after acknowledging that it was a problem that was killing all of us in many ways.  She went into rehab 3 times and each time left the program well before completion, and the results are obvious (not that I think rehab places work in general anyway).  This kind of behavior deserves no sympathy, it deserves correction.

The thing is, I don't think people realize that the transition from "I think I'll give this a try" to "Addict" is not obvious to anybody when they are going through it.  That mistake, in my opinion, is forgivable.  The failure to address the problem head on and with continuing effort, that's not forgivable.  That's pathetic.

Just one man's uneducated opinon.   ;;D (the fact is I never even graduated high school... school was boring)

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 6th, 2003, 5:26am

on 12/06/03 at 01:43:36, brain_cramps wrote:
118 days and counting,

Addiction is not a choice.

Recovery is!

Way to go Grant!

Donna D.

Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by Kirk on Dec 6th, 2003, 5:43am
I hope that if pain did bring the guy to addiction. That his king sized igo drives him into recovery for the rest of his life and they find some way to manage his pain.
I would'nt wish either condition on anyone.
Well almost anyone.


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 6th, 2003, 5:57am
WOW. Sorry to cause soooo much animocity umungst all of us Clusterheads.

If O2 & Imitrex did not work to rid the Beast, but the drugs Limbaugh was using did, than 95% of us would take them. That means at least 50% would continue to take them even if it miracuously cured the CH.

Limbaugh did not decide to take presciptions as a recreational drug. He took them to stop his pain.

Unfortunately when the human brain gets something it likes, it wants to continue having it. It is very hard to overcome the power of our minds. There are tons of addictions: Coffee, cigerettes, heroin, gambling, marijuana, sex, presription drugs, alcohol, eating, & more.

For some it is a big problem, for some it's not. Everyone has their own reason for starting up. Depression, pain, peer pressure, nervousness, adrenalin rush, loneliness, etc.


Title: Re: Limbaugh Question
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 6th, 2003, 7:17am
Not as well said as you guys but here goes.

I enjoy a drink or two when I get home from work.  On Sundays, I drink my beer while watching the football game.  

Many times in my life I drank too much and will likely do so again.  I also smoke.  I have an addictive personality.  I know this.  However, I still have unused pain meds in the cabinet that I chose not to take.

Many times, on my walk to the office, I see my fellow addict curled up in a pathetic ball in an alcove, bagged bottle in his dirty hand, sleeping it off in his own vomit.

It scares me very much and I wonder what it is that makes me any different than this fellow?  He chooses, like me, to drink.  He needs it...I need it.  What's the difference?  Is it will power that keeps some of us from falling completely off the edge?

Is it will power?

There but for the grace of God, go I....?

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