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(Message started by: AlienSpaceBabe on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:17pm)

Title: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:17pm
My 19 y/o son was in a car accident yesterday morning. At 40 MPH or more, he hit a car that was pulled/pulling across the road.
His seatbelt saved his life, as I was told repeatedly by firemen, policemen and doctors. With only a severe concussion requiring hospitalization (and calling in the trauma team including neurosurgeons), he is very VERY blessed/watched-over/etc.

So, if you don't wear a seatbelt, STOP AND PUT IT ON!


ps - he's home and coherent but still in pain.

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by Little Deb on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:19pm
Thanks for the reminder.  I am very lax on seatbelts.

Taking your post as a sign....Lil' Deb

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by thomas on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:20pm
Preaching to the choir Lizzie, same thing happened to me at 18.  I hope he gets to feeling better soon.

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by JDH on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:20pm
Broke a windshield with me head in '82 and have worn seat belts ever since.


Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by Jayne on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:23pm
That's wonderful to hear that he wasn't badly hurt. PHEW!

I have a little saying in my car if someone gets in and doesn't even attempt to put on thier seat belt.
I get right in thier face and in a really annoying voice I say.
"Buckle up for Jesus" and I stare at them with an inane smile until they every time!

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by Paigelle on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:24pm

on 12/04/03 at 17:19:21, Little Deb wrote:
Thanks for the reminder.  I am very lax on seatbelts.

Taking your post as a sign....Lil' Deb

Debbie - you live in the same state I do and if you get got without your seatbelt you are going to get a big fat ticket.  Now buckle up girl!  

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by kim on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:56pm

Your son is a lucky kid, i'm glad he will be ok.  Years ago we never wore seatbelts.  There were no car seats.  My mother drove like a maniac in more than one beat up ole jalopy.  Miracle we survived. ::)  Plus she always had one hand on the wheel while twisting her arm back to smack one of us hooligans.  We resembled bowling balls every time she turned a corner.

Nowadays, we buckle up without a thought -- and good thing!

Well wishes to your son :)

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by CathiP on Dec 4th, 2003, 8:46pm
ummmm....thank you, Liz.....uhhh, NAAANNNN?? (One-eye-Blind).....whaddaya think? Makes sense huh??
Sign me,, no, make that Louise...or Thelma...who do you wanna be, Nan? :-*

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 8:51pm
If you dont wear a belt you deserve to die cause you are not doing anything about it.

Die you gravy sucking pig ;;D

..........................................jonny who wears belt

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 4th, 2003, 9:10pm
My car doesn't start until ALL belts are clicked.

Glad he's ok Lizzie,

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by Ree on Dec 4th, 2003, 9:44pm
Amen sister in law was killed in an accident that clearly wouldnt have been fatal had she been wearing her seat belt... she didnt want to wrinkle her clothes............ Wear your seat belt!!!

in Massachusetts "Click it or Ticket... its the Law" is the motto....

Buckle up for me in memory of Patty T... love ree

Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by Charlie on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:27pm
Glad he's all right Liz. Never go anywhere without them and they're just as or more important in short hops.

People are amazing. There used to be a car that wouldn't start so long as the belts weren't pulled to a certain length. I saw people stretch the belts and sit on them so the car would start. Unreal.  

I keep track of people who rarely if ever wear them. In my town, it's cab drivers. They never use them.  Not the most safety conscious bunch. My smoker friends are right up there too.

Good to hear from you but sorry for the reason.


Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by Not4Hire on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:44pm
..waiting to hear from ....STFUD....who never fastens his seatbelt... has no insurance.... runs with scissors... talks on his cellphone in traffic.... RIDES A  MOTORCYCLE!!!...  uses a *CANNULA*...(bwahahahaha)... and hogs the whole damn 6mg of 'trex in ONE shot.......



Title: Re: Wear your damn seatbelt!
Post by cootie on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:51pm
Liz you don't look old enuff to have a 19 year old !! I am sooooo glad he is ok !!!! Pam that rides a motorcycle while holding scissors with no seatbelt aiming them at people talkin on cell phones Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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