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(Message started by: jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:55pm)

Title: Non CH poll....
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:55pm
This is just for those that have seen the video (which is probably 95% of you) of the Cincy police taking down the 350-400 pound druggie (if you havent seen the video then I dont know how you could have an opinion on this)

From what you have seen, heard and read on this so far do you think the police were justified taking this dude down the way they did?

Ill hold my opinion till later...yes, I have a strong one.

What say you?


(Would like to hear from you Jimi)

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by thomas on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:05pm
Do you have a link to it?

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by JDH on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:17pm
Sad story but the dude should've been cooperating with the officers in the first place and it probably never would've gone that far.
If he was high on pcp, crack, coke or whatever then those cops had every right to use whatever force was neccessary to subdue him.
A stoned 350/400 pound man who doesn't want to be arrested  has got to be a cops worst nightmare.

just my  [smiley=twocents.gif]


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by JDH on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:19pm

on 12/04/03 at 17:05:06, thomas wrote:
Do you have a link to it?

just turn on the news


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by thomas on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:27pm
I'm at work all day and unpacking at night no time for news right now.  I'm such a degenerate.  I did have time for bowling and cards last night though.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by don on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:34pm
I dont believe a police authority have the right to brutalize an African American who is obviously suffering from the disease of addiction. He is probably unemployed with a family of 15 and is only selling crack because of our government's oppressive economic policies.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:34pm

Third video down (in blue) "in cruser altercation"


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by 9erfan on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:42pm
Don- you crack me up!

From the looks of the video, they were justified.  The guy was out of control.  But that's what PCP will do to you I guess.

The guy had TOO many strikes against him...his weight, the drugs, his enlarged heart, and then the beating...there's no way he was going to make it.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by fubar on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:56pm
People looking at videos like these have no idea what really happened.  All they see is cops wildly beating some poor victim.

Innocent or guilty, a person who doesn't want to be forced to comply should just comply with the demands of law enforcement.  When they don't comply, the officers are compelled to use force until the person does comply.

Any reasonable person knows that if a cop says "Freeze!", you better freeze or you might get shot.  Being innocent or guilty has nothing at all to do with the intelligent decision to freeze when commanded to do so.

This guy was obviously oblivious to the commands being shouted at him, and the cops had no option but to force him to comply, and they had to use overwhelming force in order to control the situation.  It is the right and proper thing to do.

This guy is dead because he was overweight, drugged out, and in no condition to wage war with a whole group of officers (his choice).

The coroner says the struggle with the cops ultimately caused the death, but this guy is the one who created the situation in the first place.

It's kind of like blaming the concrete for killing you when you jump out of a building.  The concrete is there doing it's job, and unfortunately you chose a path that forced the concrete to be your instrument of death.


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by echo on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:01pm
Those criminals in blue were waaaayyyyyy out of line.  There come a time when, regardless of other circumstances, the brain will activate the flight or flight mode to try and survive.  He, at the end, was fighting to stay alive.

1st off.  A 400 lb person usually cannot get their hands behind their back to get hand cuffs applied.  Two or three sets would have been needed to get his hands behind his back.  Done correctly this would not have gotten out of hand.  These officers made a managable situation much worse.  They lost control of themselves and should never be allowed the honor and priviledge of wearing another badge.

my .02 and then some.

Ex-Officer Echo.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by pubgirl on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:02pm
How can we have a valid opinion when we don't know the facts.

e.g I would want to know what they already knew about the guy before this incident as when I was a cop sometimes we went in mob handed to a simple situation because a bloke had previous for trying to kill police officers.

Videos don't tell the whole story


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by thomas on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:03pm

on 12/04/03 at 17:56:36, fubar wrote:
It's kind of like blaming the concrete for killing you when you jump out of a building.  The concrete is there doing it's job, and unfortunately you chose a path that forced the concrete to be your instrument of death.


Wow.  You nailed it.  I did notice a couple of Black police officers there also.  So I don't think people can try to play the race card with this.  Hrrrmmph...don.  I am sorry the guy had to die.  It was his own doing, however I wish that I could see what the perp/victim was doing when they finally stopped flogging him.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:06pm
Don - waaaaaaaaay too funny!

Fu - once again, the voice of reason.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:13pm
If you watch the beginning of the video, I think the cops where right for what they started by trying to subdue that huge wacko guy.
The problem I saw was after the first few beatings, the guy was on the ground, it didn't look like the cops needed to continue their efforts in stopping him.
Looked like a bunch more beatings that where not necessary at the end.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by pubgirl on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:14pm
Mr Cramping of the Brain

When is your week up? Have £20 burning a hole in my pocket!

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:44pm

on 12/04/03 at 18:14:59, pubgirl wrote:
Mr Cramping of the Brain

When is your week up? Have £20 burning a hole in my pocket!

I got 40 in mine ;;D


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:56pm
Had I based my opinion solely on watching the video my opinion would be similar to those already posted.  Up until today I had only seen snippets of this on the evening news.  After reading the accompanying articles I am rather inclined to believe that the real issue is what happened AFTER the struggle.

The coroner's report lists cause of death as homicide.  But, to paraphrase,  states as a fact that had the man not already had an enlarged heart and have xxx quantities of drugs (cocaine, pcp) in his system, he probably would have survived the struggle.  

This man probably has had his own "death wish" much longer than he knew those officers.  You have to live in a hole to not know that someone that large is going to have serious cardiac problems.  Add drugs to that and it is slow suicide.  He was obviously resisting arrest.  I cannot help but keep hearing the single officer who throughout and toward the end of the struggle sounded as if he were pleading, almost begging, the man with "Put your hands behind your back".  Listen close to that one.  

Where I see the real problem is the negligence of the police officers and medics who failed to revive this man after he stopped breathing.  Someone else thinks this as well, because the Fire Chief (accused of ordering the medics away from the scene) is currently on administrative leave.  I don't think enough effort was made initially to save this man's life.

Just one opinion.

Donna D

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 7:03pm

on 12/04/03 at 18:56:42, Donna_D. wrote:
Just one opinion.

Thats all im asking for Donna.

............................................jonny ;;D

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 4th, 2003, 7:10pm
Don't know where I side on this one Jonny.  Points on both sides well stated.

I think they "took him down" okay but I think one of the officers jabbed the poor slob too many times (17 or more) to state that he was in control.

But I'm not out on the front line everyday.  I don't know.

The last time I "misunderstood" the directions of a cop, he simply grabbed my balls and brought clarity to my confusion.

Steve G

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by kim on Dec 4th, 2003, 7:58pm
My initial thoughts about this story were that the man caused his own death - NOT the police.  It was his choice.  When you break the law YOU are responsible for your own actions.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Prense on Dec 4th, 2003, 8:08pm
There are many ways to take a big guy like that down.  From putting a bullet through his head to taking his legs out from under him.  Personally, I do not see a baton to the head, or across the back (over and over again) as an effective way to bring the dude down.  These guys are trained to handle situations exactly like this.  I saw no life threatening gestures towards the cops in the video(s)...assault, threatening, no.  To me, a baton repeatedly delivered to the head is life threatening.  It appeared to me that when Jones resisted and then didn't go down very easily, the cops paniced.  The way they were swinging...looked more like flailing wildly to me.  Of course, when they all ducked under the view of the dash cam, who knows what happened.

Based on what I saw, the cops were wrong...even before CPR became an issue.


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 4th, 2003, 8:30pm
High, drunk or 400 lbs doesn't make a difference, if a cop tells you to do somthing you better do it. You might end up dead if you don't.  ;)

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 8:32pm

on 12/04/03 at 20:08:04, Prense wrote:
 To me, a baton repeatedly delivered to the head is life threatening.  It appeared to me that when Jones resisted and then didn't go down very easily, the cops paniced.  The way they were swinging...looked more like flailing wildly to me.  Of course, when they all ducked under the view of the dash cam, who knows what happened.

The reports say there were no head blows....even I didnt even see that and I watched the video hundreds of times.

They were swinging cause this punk was trying to get dont see that?

"When they all ducked down"?.....since when do you get to decide to duck down when you are in battle with a drugged out 400 pound rhino thats trying to kill you??

me?.....I would have put a bullet in his fucking forhead after the third time I told him to step back.....but hey, thats just my wanting to live rather than letting some scumbag drug addict rob my family of the years I have left.

Incase anyone missed this fact.......HE WAS A DRUG ADDICT OUT OF CONTROL......those cops have families, mothers, children.......Fat dude gets the gun its all gone.....duh!!



Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by CathiP on Dec 4th, 2003, 8:39pm
This will only be understood by West Coasters, I'm certain....but, here goes, anyway:
DOES ANYONE REMEMBER RODNEY KING, formerly of Sylmar, CA....a few moments of fame after he coined a popular phrase..."can't we ALL jes get alawwwnng?".....oh, well, that was after he evaded arrest, then caused a riot...oh, oh....and, let us not forget, he has been "in the news" 3-4, maybe more times since for various and sundry items, as well as resorting to petty theft, after going through the very handsome settlement he received.....actually had his home in Valencia, CA reposessed.
It's not racial, it's not even size, it is attitude..or drugs, or, or......well, would YOU evade police or resist arrest?
Just my opinion...

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by 5-string on Dec 4th, 2003, 9:12pm
He came at them without a gun, they took him down without a gun. I agree with Jonny,if a 400lb crazy dude was coming at me like that and I had a loaded gun at my side, he'd be dead from bullet wounds. I think judging by the size of the officers and the size and state of mind of the "bad guy" my hat goes of to the cops.
My only question is : Where the fuck were the medics?
Once a person is taken down with billy clubs and surounded by cops, and NOT MOVING ANYMORE!! it's a pretty good fucking time to see how he's doing.  Does anyone disagree with that?

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 9:19pm
Not sure if your locked into my link 5-string but it clearly shows (if you look) CPR being preformed within two mins of this dude being cuffed.


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Ree on Dec 4th, 2003, 9:39pm
I wish we could see what happened when the guy attacked the cop to the left of the screen... I come from a huge police family and I know how these altercations can go... (have heard stories) Seems to me if a cop died it would have been "OH WELL" people expect that...
I feel sorry for the police in this situation... clearly this man was huge and intimidating... clearly it took 6 of them to hold him down... clearly he was under the influence of some drug... It is too bad they cant sedate someone in a case like that... I think this will be another dragged out "Race vs the Police"... It was a very unfortunate incident all together............ but remember folks............ he started it all, his quality of life was poor, with an enlarged heart and under the influence of drugs as it be.  This guy had no respect for his own life and probably had a death wish... After one smack to my body with a billy club......... I'd give up. He didnt deserve to die... and he fought to the finish...  just my opinion ree

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by don on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:12pm
I'd appreciate the opinions of the wives children and families of the cops whose lives were in peril from an over weight drugged out maniac.

Someones hard working daddy may not have come home that night. Or ever.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Prense on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:12pm

on 12/04/03 at 20:32:14, jonny wrote:
"When they all ducked down"?.....since when do you get to decide to duck down when you are in battle with a drugged out 400 pound rhino thats trying to kill you??

I didn't use the word duck in the literal sense, just meant they were out of view...

The video is blurry as hell on my screen, but I looked at it again, and no..I don't see the head shots I thought I saw the first time.

Yes, they did appear to do at least chest compressions, but it was a bit late getting started.

Don't get me wrong...I think the guy deserved to get his ass kicked in a huge way, but that doesn't make it right.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by cootie on Dec 4th, 2003, 11:00pm
Ya swing at a cop ya get swungle'd. Ya fall down and die from it they try and save's jus a job like any good turn deserves anuther or one bad action deserves anuther. Pam that wouldn't wanna haveta deal with that shit on a daily bases

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Jimi on Dec 4th, 2003, 11:48pm
 Sorry Jonny.......just got in.....yes I saw the video. The police officer was physically attacked to start this series of events. The man though huge, did not appear to have a weapon, so deadly physical force could not be used. He went down after getting knocked down put the police could not keep him down. What I saw was the one officer hitting him repeatedly on the back and shoulders. If the guy was lying there not moving or unconcious, he was using too much force and was wrong.
     But when you can finally see him, you see that he is fighting and still trying to get up. The blows should have stopped him, but it didn't. Later he was found to have, I think, pcp and other drugs in his system. He would not have stopped until they stopped him.  In a 20 year career, it only takes one loss in a fight to end your own life. You are carrying a gun, and the bad guy can take it away from you if he gets you down. I had a wife and 2 children waiting for me and if I got in a fight, I was gonna win. You fight force with force and deadly force with deadly force. Unfortunetely this man died and investigations will start. Every split second decision that you make, when things go bad quickly will be gone over
with a fine tune comb and who knows what will happen to the police. It will be a mess, it always is. Had I been there, and he came at me. I would keep hitting him until the threat was over.
   But hey, what do I know?

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by pubgirl on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:02am
Jimi makes sense

Prense is right that in normal circumstances there are other ways of 'taking a big guy down' but anyone who has dealt with desperate people off their faces on drugs knows that they don't feel pain. Certain mental illnesses have the same effect, you can use the 'normal' methods of restraint and they have no effect whatever, and I include ball crushing in that!

I have seen people ostensibly being 'beaten up' by colleagues in the Police Force, but have stood back and allowed it to happen without intervention because it was apparent that the person was going to do themselves and other people serious damage, even to death, if the officers didn't act very strongly. In all these cases either the person was doped up or seriously mentally ill, or both, and nothing else would have stopped them.

Just my experience, though I don't know this case of course


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 5th, 2003, 3:26am
Well ...hell................jonny

I was gonna pass on this thread.  However, being retired from this "field" of work, I will say.....that not knowing what transpired before this attack took place, really kinda makes it a bit "sticky" to form a definite concensus on what should or should not have been done.  Clearly, the perp attacked the Officer.  Given the physical size of the perp, and the mental condition (drug induced), I am of the opinion that.......he's damn lucky that a bullet was not introduced to his head.  Clearly the end result of the confrontation was death for the perp.  Now, it is always unfortunate when anyone loses his/her life, no matter how that comes about.

I have attended funeral services for "fallen brothers" too many times.  It is a heart wrenching loss.  Not to say that it is only heart wrenching for cops.....anyone who loses a loved one suffers.

However.........I would have taken a bullet myself, before I would have allowed some turd to hurt my partner.  

In this situation......I may have done the same thing these cops did.  Clearly, this perp wasn't gonna heed the words of anyone.  His drug induced state was his power and force.  Any "normal" person would have succumbed to the orders of the cops after 1 strike of that stick.  Actually....a "normal" person, in my opinion, would not have had to been struck at all.  This turd was not "normal".  He had the ability (considering his drug induced state) to overtake some of those cops, given the chance.  It's their not give him the chance.

I have to agree with Jimi.......he was a threat.  His weapon was his size and mental state.  One wrong move by just 1 of those cops could have resulted in this turd getting his hands on that cops weapon.  They used whatever forcible means they could, to prevent that.

It's an occupation that is very much suceptible to public scrutiny.  There's good cops.....and bad cops.  I've worked with both.   Under the right circumstances, whether good or bad......they can become a statistic.

The investigation will be scrutinized by the public, no matter what the results are.  Very possibly, due to that scrutiny, someone's career may be over.  This is a tough world......and lots of "induced" substances make it difficult for cops to act and react to situations such as this.  

But hey,.......this is just my opinion...and we all know what they say about opinions.


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:16am
Definitely a scary situation...and the guy brought it upon himself...but looking at the video:

1) Training tells you to use your PR-24 on Bone, to bring a subject down. Preferably the shin, kneecap, or ankle. Hitting a 400lb. guy in the stomach or back doesn't do much to bring him down. Maybe vents some anger, but usually won't bring an intoxicated subject down.

2) This municipality should invest in a Taser or Stun Gun. More then shot & he'd be down....

So basically...I don't like to Monday Morning Quarter-back, situations like these, but Cops lacked sufficient training & equipment, & with all that said, were not liable for the guy dying. The guy's on Herb, Methanol, & he's eating White Castle burgers...he was gonna die in a few weeks anyway....


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by BobG on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:25am
The police should have just tipped the fat guy over. He'd be harmless, he couldn't get up.  ::)

Been down and couldn't get up.
Bob- at 288 lbs and growing- G

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Charlie on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:59am
Just spotted this.

First thing that comes to mind is that at least they didn't put a bullet or two in him. In dealing with someone as screwed up as he is supposed to have been and that big, once it gets started, it's not gonna be pretty. There is nothing new here about the amount of force.

Pretty hard for someone like that to be rational enough to know how to behave when dealing with cops. I don't see where the cops killed him. It certainly contributed but from what I see....well a lot of buts.......

Too bad they didn't have some other technique available but they didn't. A mess but I don't see where they had much choice.

Just awful.


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 5th, 2003, 8:24am
If you watch this, it is quite obvious that a VERY big man, has been knocked down, and keeps getting back up.  How scarey can that be?

Excessive force?  Not a chance of it!  They tried to keep him down, yet he refused!  Sorry he died, but it was NOT the officers' fault!

I am sorry to say, that most likely Jean is right: Someone's career will be forfitted.  In my mind they were totally justified. NO ONE should loose their job over this!

I WANT my law enforcement officials to do what is needed to keep the public safe.  From what I saw, they were doing what was required.


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by 5-string on Dec 5th, 2003, 8:40am
One more thought from me please.
 If this was turned around and the dude killed an officer, I believe that at least half of the people who think the cops"murdered"him
would defend him saying"He did'nt murder a cop,he was out of his mind. He needs rehab."
Do you think I could run for office with that attitude?
.And Jonny, I did see the cpr guy, I was wondering about the ambulance and oxygen, you know,all that stuff??.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:52am

My opinion:

     When you choose the behavior.  
      You choose the consequences.


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 5th, 2003, 10:55am
I had to search the archives for this one.  Thanks for the excellent link Jonny..........

This information offers a "bigger picture" on the situation, and also answers a few questions I have seen posted here. Be sure to read the last paragraph.

From the archives at www.wcpo.com12/02/2003

"Police released the White Castle restaurant security tapes Tuesday night. Those tapes may answer some of the many questions surrounding the deadly incident.

The tapes show some unusual behavior by Jones and it may answer the question concerning what happened before police got involved.

People want to know what took place in that one minute and 30 seconds before the officer's cruiser camera was turned on.

At exactly 5:43 a.m. Sunday, Jones arrived at the shop and hugged a female employee he had met a few days earlier.

Jones immediately walks out of the shop and to the back parking lot for seven minutes, where the female worker told police he fell down and she became concerned when his eyes appeared to roll to the back of his head.

That's when medics were called to help but that friend of Jones' was upset and began to hyperventilate.

As medics helped her Jones came back inside White Castle, at first ignoring what was going on behind him and then he started a dance routine.

He then left the store again.

On the tapes Homicide Commander Kim Frey said there is something new, that Jones allegedly screams at the paramedics.

Jones then stood in the parking lot for a few minutes and continued to dance.

Paramedics remained inside and watched and called police, telling them that Jones was a nuisance.

Police were not called to an emergency, so they arrived with their lights off, which also meant the cruiser camera was off.

That is when the officers approached Jones, who appeared to continue dancing and then lunge at the officer which appeared to be when the outburst took place.

Did police provoke Jones? Or was Jones in a drug induced state and attacked the officers?

Many have asked what went on during a minute and 37 second time frame, from when police arrived to when the cruiser camera was turned on.

Police told 9News reporter Shawn Ley Tuesday night, since the officers were not responding to any type of an emergency, their lights and camera were turned off.

When an officer believed Jones was becoming confrontational, that's when an officer turned the camera on.

One more clue revealed Tuesday night was that whatever Jones was saying or however he was acting to those officers, one officer became so concerned that he appeared to go to his trunk for his beanbag or pepperball gun to subdue Jones before the confrontation began."

Donna D

PS.  I still want to know where the medics went.  Even though this guy was obviously in the wrong, I do not feel that due dilligence was used once he stopped breathing.  If it were a child,  innocent bystander or a police officer laying on the ground after this altercation, I do not think that CPR or other lifesaving measures would have been abandoned so quickly.  I am not in any way defending this man's actions.  I just think that being left in the street to die is wrong.  I have seen ambulances arrive at the hospital in emergency situations and the medics are exhausted from performing CPR for extended periods of time....and a lot of those patients lived.  

Thanks for the food for thought Jonny!  It has been a very interesting journey!

Donna D.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:50pm
Yep are probably right.  Had this turd killed one of these cops, and had he made it thru the "system", more than likely an insanity plea would be the case.

I am sure the 1st unit on the scene was not running "hot".  But you can bet that the back-up units were running "hot", with lights, sirens, and cameras. A cop doesn't tell a turd......"hold on ....let me go turn on my camera".  Those tapes came from a responding unit, and since an assault on an officer had taken place, you can bet that it was radioed as an "officer assist".  

Alot of factors will determine the end result of this situation.  


P.S. I am of the opinion....that addressing this situation, is like getting involved in conversations about religion or politics..........and I try to avoid those.  An argumentative person, I am not.   So.........I promise this is my last input on this thread.  An interesting thread,.......jonny.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by fubar on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:54pm
I think one of the upsetting things for a lot of people is watching the 'beating' take place.  When officers are faced with, well..., death, they kick it into a higher gear not unlike soldiers in battle.  No doubt, there may have been a couple extra blows delivered, but I'm pretty damn sure I'd be doing the exact same thing in that situation...

CALM...  <<WHACK!>> THE <<WHACK!>> F%$K <<WHACK!>> DOWN!!! <<WHACK!>>

Again, I don't think it's fair to say that the medical people screwed up... they didn't have a clue what was making this guy crazy and I'm positive the officers would have prevented, at least for a minute or two, the medical personal from attending to him because of the chance of him starting up again and then being blamed for injury to one of the EMTs.  Everything was pretty much textbook, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:56am
Echo 300 lb man needs more than one pair of handcuffs?  sure ok if he stood there they could have put 8 or 10 pairs on him, 3 pair or 6 pair could have been put on if he would have let them nicely.   how would anyone feel if cops didnt stop this guy and the drugged up waco hurt or killed one of your family members.  who the hell cares what color this guy was.  i forget who said they saw no life threatining instance he but a bug HUH???? to you.  this guy could easily have taken an officers gun from them and injured police or civilians.  for all the cops knew this guy could have had a gun or a knife himself.  what the hell, we know he didnt know but those cops didnt then and they have families.  thats why i could never be a cop my self preservation instinct is way too strong.  i would have shot him many many many times.  and i wouldnt have felt bad about it because at the end of the day i would have gone home to my family.  what would you do if you were in a similar situation as a civilian?  let the guy beat the crap out of you and possibly kill you. the police are there to do what they did get this guy off the streets.  that being said i wish this guy didnt die, and feel bad that he did.  but he caused his own death by taking drugs and fighting with the cops.  i feel bad for his family and wish this never happened but would feel worse if this guy hurt or killed someone i loved.  do you think the cops feel good about this?  

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Prense on Dec 6th, 2003, 10:45am

on 12/06/03 at 01:56:39, 12gagueblast wrote:
i would have shot him many many many times.  and i wouldnt have felt bad about it because at the end of the day i would have gone home to my family.

You would probably end up in jail yourself...

Don't think for a moment that one has to be extremely large or on drugs to be violent...

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 6th, 2003, 11:23am
prense you are exactly right i would go to jail.  that is why i said i could never be a cop and i know that. i wouldnt be proud of the fact that i would shoot someone in that kind of instance,but i  wouldnt feel bad either. i would still be alive.  i am not a huge fan of the police but they have a very hard job that i could never do because i would be to inclined to protect myself, that is why i said just before i would shoot him that i couldnt be a cop. are police perfect no who was wrong here the guy fighting them i think that is very obvious. the nuts that stick up for this guy are just that nuts.

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by jimbo on Dec 6th, 2003, 7:25pm

Ditto to what you said, word for word.

Nuff said.



Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 7th, 2003, 8:18am
Guy shot a cop in my hometown this year. They found him in the woods with a gunshot wound to the head. He had committed suicide. Yea right! He had committed suicide when he shot the cop!
Excessive force is common among cops. Mf'ers will handcuff ya then beat the shit outta ya. They always blame it on PCP, why the fuck is that? Cops have a tough job, But killing someone is never a good excuse for anything!


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by Woobie on Dec 7th, 2003, 8:58am

on 12/04/03 at 20:30:49, forgetfulnot wrote:
High, drunk or 400 lbs doesn't make a difference, if a cop tells you to do somthing you better do it. You might end up dead if you don't.  ;)

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.


LOL Lee........

I heard he was high on embalming fluid....  

HOW does one get high on embalming fluid?  Do you drink it.. ?  Smoke it??  .... inject it??  snort it?   WOW.  



Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2003, 10:15am

on 12/07/03 at 08:58:55, Woobie wrote:
HOW does one get high on embalming fluid?  Do you drink it.. ?  Smoke it??  .... inject it??  snort it?   WOW.  

You dip joints in it, let them dry and smoke them....turns you into superman when it comes to feeling pain.

Patrick, did you see the video?...if so how would you have handled that situation?


Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 7th, 2003, 10:24am

on 12/06/03 at 01:56:39, 12gagueblast wrote:
...i forget who said they saw no life threatining instance he but a bug HUH???? to you...


Hey Kim!!!   I need a translator over here!

Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by jimbo on Dec 7th, 2003, 7:22pm
As of now, he's got all of the embalming fluid in him he'll ever use again.



Title: Re: Non CH poll....
Post by 12gagueblast on Dec 7th, 2003, 7:41pm
sorry that was supposed to say "a big HUH??"  as in what the fuck.  sorry fat fingers :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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