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(Message started by: lbw on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:37pm)

Title: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by lbw on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:37pm
I've been waking up at 5 am every morning for the past week with all the symptoms I've been reading about.
Are there any other women out there with this condition.

I am very new to all this..I have been a moograine sufferer for years...but this is something unbearable.

HELP!  I am afraid to go to sleep tonight.  Any advise?

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:45pm
"are there any women out there with this condition?"

    uh..........yeah hon.   (according to one person here who shall remain nameless)  women don't get these HA's....lmao

If you've been reading the links to the left of where you're reading this now, your questions should all be answered.  Take the cluster quiz.   I don't get moograines, but then I'm  weird.  

Welcome,   and please familiarize yourself with all the info available.  We are a family here, so it helps if you also read between the lines, take things with a grain of salt and grab an oar and start rowing....LindaH

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by ckelly181 on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:52pm
Yep - another dame here...welcome to our special hell...

Get some 02, curl up and read all about it.


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by lbw on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:57pm
I've been reading this site for a couple hours...and maybe it was impulsive of me to just jump in to the chat boards...but I am honestly scared to go to sleep tonight.
My husband doesn't know what to do with me when I wake up practically screaming from the pain I've been suffering.

Is it common to have dilated eyes all day??
What is O2?  I'm sorry...I've read everything..but I am trying to familiarize myself with all the acronyms.

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by ShariRae on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:58pm
another female hand up!  Read all you can here.. there is so much help & information...first & most important...GET THEE TO A DOCTOR & tell him/her whats going on..take a printout of symptoms as well as treatments from here if they arent familiar with ch...good luck & welcome aboard..

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Charlie on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:59pm
Welcome aboard and I hope you do not have clusters but if you do, there is more information here than anywhere.

Women do indeed get clusters. In fact many do. Even doctors seem to be behind the door when it comes to this diagnosis. In fact all the attacks I've seen have been with women.  

One key for me when one isn't sure if they have this horror or not is: Do they wake you out of a sound sleep? So far as I know, only cluster attacks do this.

Do some reading here and let us know what you find. If so, there are some very good ideas here.


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by lbw on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:15pm
Thank you so much!!!
Those of you who answered.
Thanks for welcoming me.
I called my doctor as soon as I discovered this (very new to me) type of headache.  She told me that it is more prevalent in men.  This did not make me too happy.  I thought I was the lone woman in agony.  She told me to keep my Imitrex by the bed so when I wake up at ( seems) 5 am...I don't have to walk to the medicine cabinet.
Everything she mentioned was very discouraging.  I must say...I am going to do all I can to NOT fall asleep tonight.  I just want to die when (as it's called apparently) THE DEMON strikes at 5am.
When will this end????
If the water therapy works...then I will try that starting right now!.

Thanks all of you.
I will keep in touch!

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by FrankF on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:16pm

on 12/03/03 at 21:57:59, lbw wrote:
I've been reading this site for a couple hours...and maybe it was impulsive of me to just jump in to the chat boards...but I am honestly scared to go to sleep tonight.
My husband doesn't know what to do with me when I wake up practically screaming from the pain I've been suffering.

Is it common to have dilated eyes all day??
What is O2?  I'm sorry...I've read everything..but I am trying to familiarize myself with all the acronyms.

O2 is compressed oxygen. In the US you usually need a prescription for it from your doctor for 6-10 litres per minute breathed through a "non rebreather" mask (mask type is very important) for 10 or so minutes per episode. For many people, O2 is very effective in aborting a CH attack... nearly as effective as Imitrex which is much more expensive.

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:18pm
Darn I hate to do this, but WELCOME ABOARD!  I hate to do it because it means there is another one suffering this hell!  If you do have Cluster Headaches, this is the place to be.  You are most welcome aboard!

O2 is Oxygen.  It is one of the most successful and safest medication available for cluster headaches.

You need to go see a doctor, and get an MRI and CAT scan to rule out anything else.  There are deadly problems that can cause the same symptoms.  Get those ruled out!

Other than that, read, read, read ... The more you know, the better you are equipted to fight this demon!

How about telling us about your headaches?  Where, specifically,  is the pain? How long do they last? How fast do they start, or finish?  Any other symptoms noticed? With eyes, nose, ears, neck or anything?

Welcome aboard, and remember, as much as it hurts, cluster headaches do NOT kill!  You CAN make it thru this!


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by ckelly181 on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:20pm

If you are suffering from clusters, oxygen (02) can be a very effective abortive (shortens the attack) for many folks. Some people have a hard time getting doctors to agree to write a script for it, but INSIST, or find a more knowledgable doc.

Check out the other meds, but do consider giving oxygen a try. This is the first year I used it (clusters for 20+ years) and it was a total godsend.

Good luck,


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by lbw on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:34pm answer the question about telling you about the headaches...The pain has been so unbearable that I didn't notice what side it was on..or if it was just in the center.  The pain starts (what seems to be) instantly.  My eyes feel very very puffy...and I just noticed husband was trying to give me a massage to ease the pain...but it didn't work.  My neck and spinal cord felt very inflamed...I  didn't let him touch my neck or shoulders.

All I know felt like someone put a balloon in my had..and started trying to inflate head wanted to burst.  I kept waiting to just die...any second.  My heart was racing...I thought I was going to have a heart attack...Are these the right symptoms or do I have something else?

I had an MRI last year because of my migraines...but for some reason my migraines have subsided...These are so much worse...even though they last from 30 minutes to an hour.

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Lori on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:56pm
I think you need to see a doctor. Anytime you experience a new headache as severe as you desribe, it should be checked out. You need to be sure it's not something else. You need to be on the safe side.

Check out
Read and print.

Take to the doctor so if it's ruled clusters, you have info with you. Insist on a  MRI to r/o anything else.
Keep in touch and let us know how you make out.

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by cootie on Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:15pm
Hello lbw.......I'm a supporter here but would like to say hi anyhow.......and hope you can find out sumthin that works for you soon.....keep us posted here !!! Pam the hey sayer

PS: By supporter I mean that my husband has CH and has had them about 20 fun a-tall  !!!!

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 4th, 2003, 1:50am
Welcome to the board,

My visits from the beast were always around 230 or 3 in the a.m.  My hubby tried everything in his power to help, with not so good results.  During an attack, I am a "DO NOT TOUCH ME"....."DO NOT TALK TO ME" kinda gal.  While I was rockin back and forth, and holding my head, he was holding his tears.  

Ice cold wash cloths on my eye and temple area and my neck seemed to ease the pain somewhat.  Some here use heat for their relief.  Just all depends on what works for you.

I, too, was afraid to go to sleep.  However, sleep deprivation seemed to make it worse for me.  I would stay up way past the normal time for the "visit".....but he just came later!!  I did start sleeping on the sofa.  I propped pillows up so I wouldn't be lying flat, and that helped me alot.  But I don't think not going to sleep is the answer.  CH takes a real toll on your body...and your family.  

Hope you get what ya need for the pain.

Keep posting....let us know how you are doing.


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:38am
I'm a woman and, as Linda said, some docs will tell you that "women don't get CH" - BUT we disproved that theory a long time ago.

I'm chronic (daily visits from the demon) and get woke up in the middle of the night WAY too often. If they wake you up out of a sound sleep - it sounds like CH, but get a doctor to check you out and rule out other things.

I also have migraines, but they hit during the day usually and are not really like CH. Guess my pain threshole has gone up to the point that the migraines are aggriavating, but I can live with them.

Oxygen, ice packs, headbands, hot showers, and other home remedies HELP to a certain extent, but when you're in cycle it doesn't seem that much helps too much. You might try taking Dramamine before you go to bed. Some have had help with this. Water Water Water helps to hydrate you and this has helped a lot of folks.

Read everything you can on this site (look to the left) and go see your doc and talk to her about them.

Welcome to Clusterville. Sorry you're here, but this is the place with the information and support. We get a little rowdy at times, but are a good bunch of people most of the time. REad everything you can and ask questions. Someone is up 24/7 around here.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by sandie99 on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:18am
welcome aboard! :)
Having a headache is annoying, but having a cluster headache is hellish. As a woman having ch HAs, I do hope that what you're dealing with would be something else... But chances are that they are indeed CH headaches.

My advice to you is to learn as much as you can, from this site, other sites, books, journals, whatever you can get. And do share all the info with your husband! I have lived with this beast over a year, but still my close ones don't understand that my headaches just don't go away with some asperin... >:(

I wish you the best of luck! And stregth. After you get a proper dignosis from your doctor or neurologist, it can still take some time before you find the medication that works for you. But you'll find it, I'm sure of that.
Keep on writing us how you're coping!

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by victoriafb on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:56am

I just came aboard yesterday to this site. I have been having CH for 9 years. I get them about every 3 years for a series. I am in a series now. It has been going on for two weeks.

Everything that I have read here on your replies are so true. You must make sure that you are dealing with CH and then find out what works for you.

Imitrex nasal spray works for me to cover the pain, however I am also on steroids for 6 days and then I am going to start Topomax, a siezure medication that my neurologist has recomended. I will start that on Sunday.
I haven't had it before, so I am really hoping that it will help. Icepacks on the temple help me also.

Good luck, it seems that we both have a lot of support.


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by lbw on Dec 4th, 2003, 1:25pm
I'm back...
I wanted to let you all know that your replies jelped SO MUCH!!!

Yes, I was afraid to go to sleep...but after reading all of your responses...and the website..
I started to drink water every half hour (about 6oz.)

I was so afraid to go to sleep that I woke up every hour and drank about 3 oz. of water.

I probably deprived myself of sleep...which I heard aggrevates THE DEMON more...but for some reason..last night I didn't get a CH.

I am really happy about this.
I am going to try the water therapy approach for a while and see what happens.

I had an MRI 6 mos. ago...but that was before I had these horrible episodes.  I will go and have this checked out.
But until then, I really want to thank all of you who responded!!!

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Tiannia on Dec 4th, 2003, 1:35pm
Another female here.  Mine started this year as well. Get to a doc ASAP and have the tests done to make sure that  there is not something else very wrong.  Try what works and let your doc know the whens and what when it hits. Wehn does it hit and what works. Also keep track of what you did on days that you did not get hit as that can mayb help you see a pattern of what you might be doing as a prevenative and can continue.


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Paigelle on Dec 4th, 2003, 1:41pm
I am female and there are quite a few of us here.  We know we are not suppose to have these demons; however, for some reason we do.  Get your tests done and let us know how it turns out.

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Jayne on Dec 4th, 2003, 2:05pm
Yes another female here and I am chronic.
Get your self to a doctor and don't let them tell you it's not possible for you to have them. Just make sure the doctor Understands he can correctly diagnose you.
I hate to welcome you to the family

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by aprilbee on Dec 4th, 2003, 2:24pm
Yet another female here, suffered for 17 years!  I need to reiterate what others have said and I hope you listen, get yourself checked out and try to keep a diary of the headaches, they can help you when you go to the doc..

Oh yeah! Welcome, this is a great place for understanding, friendship and caring!!

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by thomas on Dec 4th, 2003, 3:24pm
Welcom aboard, sorry you had to find us.  If you are getting hit while asleep - try melatonin 45min before bed - see if it helps.  It's cheap and easy to get, and has helped quite a few people here.  Tell your husband that there is not much he can do while your getting hit, but being supportive and understanding means a lot. [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by amen on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:06pm
And another and another and another [smiley=laugh.gif]
yep i am a female too.  My doctor was lucky, I took him in a HA diary that I had been keeping.  He looked at it and said "well it looks like what you are experiencing are Cluster headaches, they are MORE COMMON in men, and I am sending you for an MRI to  rule anything else out.  You see I probably would have hit him if he said "women DON'T get them" ::) But that's just me.  MRI came out fine and he has been working with me and we have been trying different meds.  I don't think he is real familar with them but he is learning with me. ;)

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 7:55pm

I got your back, Boob ;;D


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Renee on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:39pm

hang in there and we will be there with you during the hard times.  I have had ha for over 7 years but just recently was diagnosed as CH and I'm female also.  

I just found this CH site a few weeks ago and the support here is wonderful with lots of very compassionate and understanding fellow CH'ers and their supporters.

keep in touch with us,

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by thomas on Dec 5th, 2003, 2:47pm

on 12/04/03 at 22:39:41, Renee wrote:
lots of very compassionate and understanding fellow CH'ers

You sure about that? JK. lol.

Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Kirk on Dec 6th, 2003, 5:30am
Verapamil, Imitrex and O2 help me keep CH under some semblance of control.
Another thing that seems to help. I keep a couple of bags of frozen peas. When an attack is hitting  me, I slap one upside my head and massage it with te bag of peas. The cold seems to help and the massaging action of all those cold peas help. I know it sounds silly, but for me it works a bit.
I also avoid Michelle as she is all too willing to slap me upside the head.
I hope this turns out to something besides CH. If it is, Welcome to hell. Grab an oar. We'll get through this somehow.


Title: Re: Woman Clusterhead needs help!!
Post by Ann on Dec 6th, 2003, 9:12am
Hello and I'm sorry to say..welcome!  To ease your mind, my neurologist told me not more than 2 weeks ago, that women now make up 40 % of the clusterhead population!  So tell your Doc she's full of .....

I hope you find relief real soon and stick around.  The people here are very very helpful...and don't let Jonny scare you off...his bark is worse than his bite! hehe ;;D

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