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(Message started by: nancyc on Dec 3rd, 2003, 12:38am)

Title: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 3rd, 2003, 12:38am
Can you imagine what our kids are going to feel like this year in Iraq  being without their loved ones at Christmas time? I have found a way to adopt a soldier and send him/her packages directly to Iraq ...This site was started by a mother who has a son in Iraq...her son was telling her how hot it was over there so she started a program to donate air conditioners to the soldiers in Iraq that had access to generators...Then she started an adoption program so people could adopt soldiers and send gifts to them....You click on the link at the top and request to adopt a soldier and in a few days, they send you your soldier's name and address so you can contact him...What a great way to send some holiday cheer to our guys and gals in Iraq...If you dont have a family member in Iraq already or one that has not been sent yet, you may want to reach out in this way.....The link is WWW.OPERATIONAC.COM...Merry Christmas.  :)nancyc  PS...they ask that you please not give out your soldier's name or address to anyone else for safety reasons...thanks.

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 3rd, 2003, 1:12am
VERY cool Nancy,

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 3rd, 2003, 2:56am
Read this news article on the net....saw it is not what you send to our soldiers but just that you remember them in some way...Also, any package mailed Priority Mail by Dec. 11th will get to Iraq by Christmas!

Mail Serves as Lasting Therapy

One of the best ways to battle the boredom and the frustration is mail. Supply lines to this unit are running well, so mail deliveries have become a regular part of the routine. Letters and packages from home can be the best therapy.

"You [are] down all during the day doing details, doing what you got to do and then at the end of the day when you get mail call you just get a big smile on your face," said Spc. David Vaugn as he unloaded a package filled with snacks and an audiotape from his wife and daughter.

The mail arrives as much as a month late and often battered and ripped from the arduous trip. But its condition, no matter how bad, makes little difference. Spc. David Bedore received a box that had been so mangled, it arrived in a plastic bag shredded to pieces. "You're happy. You're excited. It's real good to get a package, real good," he said, salvaging what he could.

Most of what family and friends send are items you would expect: food, books, cigarettes. Others are less obvious. Almost every box, for instance, includes baby wipes. Clearly not being used for their intended purpose, it turns out they are the best way to stay clean without the luxury of showers. Shouts of joy can be heard all around camp as soldiers pull out the light blue and pink bags. The same goes for packages of lip balm and foot powder, which are often more exciting than Tootsie Rolls and Cheetos.

In the end however, just getting something is more important that what it is. "I was feeling a little down this morning," said Corporal Daniels after reading a letter from his girlfriend, "so now I am back up. I could go a couple more weeks."

In a war, a quick connection with life at home can bring lasting benefits.  






Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by BobG on Dec 3rd, 2003, 4:50am
Thanks Nancy.

I can remember being in a war zone 10,000 miles from home. Mail in any form was about the most important thing there was to a soldier. Letters and packages were always shared. A home town newspaper was one of the best things we could get. Didn't matter who's hometown, everyone read it.

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by ShariRae on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:18pm
I filled out the form nancyc...I just adopted a soldier!! Anything to try & make it a little more bearable over there :)

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Little Deb on Dec 4th, 2003, 12:14am
Great  Nancy!

I just filled out the form too!

What a great way to say thanks to our military.

I will now send a note with the website to everyone in my address book to spread the word.

I love care packages!!!!! ;;D

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 4th, 2003, 12:35am
God bless you gals..Our soldiers will be really happy to get these Christmas gifts from us and know that we are thinking about them.....I am so excited about this...I told some of the nurses about it at work  and next thing I know , they are bringing stuff in and telling me to send it to my soldier LMAO. They weren't interested in adopting a soldier by themselves unfortunately due to their work schedule, etc...So my soldier is going to get a BIG Christmas...SO, if you tell anyone about this and they dont have the time to adopt their own soldier, let them donate to yours.(Just dont give out his address to them ..Just put a card from whoever donates in the box so he can write them if he wants to)......My son who is still at Ft. Bragg wants to send his "brother" a Christmas present....Hopefully, I may adopt one or two more soon....this thing is snowballing...and i love it...Merry Christmas and again, thanks for visiting this site...I think it is really a wonderful thing they are doing there.... I got some great gift ideas that you may be interested in...things like skull caps, socks, hand held games, a list of them from other military moms ...if you want the list, email me...will be glad to send them to you...If you have any good ones, let me know OK? ;;Dnancyc  PS great idea Deb about sending the info out via email...and Shari, so good to see you posting, sis!

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Little Deb on Dec 4th, 2003, 12:44am
send me the list please.....

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 4th, 2003, 1:12am
I adopted one yesterday!!!            8)

Send me the list also, pretty please?


Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 4th, 2003, 1:50am
You ladies are very Special..the lists have been sent, check your emails..If I can help you in any way, Please let me know...Love you, smiles, nancyc

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Little Deb on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:45pm
Bumpin' for a good cause.....

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by jonny on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:07pm
Ok!, I would look like a big jackass running around here for months screaming support our troops and not getting in on this.

Im in!!!, form is filled out and I read the list of what they need...who knows I might be able to parlay this into being King of Iraq.....LMMFYBO ;;D

on 12/03/03 at 04:50:06, BobG wrote:
 A home town newspaper was one of the best things we could get. Didn't matter who's hometown, everyone read it.


Do ya think with all the negative shit in the papers it would be wise to send a few from Boston or should I just send them?

...................King of Iraq  [smiley=guyflash.gif]

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:12pm
Hurray, Jonny, THey need a  new King in Iraq...and I can't think of anyone with a bigger heart than you, bro.... ;;Dnancyc  Ps dont forget to send some tobaggan hats...we call them skull caps here in SC...LOL...and lots of warm socks too.

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Renee on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:17pm
I signed up to adopt a soldier yesterday but have yet to get an email of which soldier?  Have y'all already got your email of which soldier you adopted?

Happy Holidays,

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by BobG on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:47am hometown I meant small, local papers from where a soldier is from. Doesn't matter though, the paper will be passed from soldier to soldier. When you're isolated that far from home you get 'hungry' for news, ANY news, from home.

Nationwide papers like USA Today would be very welcome to the troops. Same with magazines like Time, US News & World Report, People. Those mags will be read and passed on until the covers fall off. Magazines of special interest such as Car & Driver or PC Monthly or Sports Illustrated will be welcome.

There's got to be some more veterans here that can think back and remember what was important during their time away.........any care to share?

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by ShariRae on Dec 5th, 2003, 8:35am
I still havent heard who my "adoptee" is, but I have the package almost all done! I sent skull caps, socks, baby wipes, candy (not chocolate) magazines, stationary & envelopes (so they can write home when they get a chance), Christmas cards so they can send cards back home to their loved ones (even though they will arrive late) as well as personal toiletries. Still not done, but will know when I see it what else to send :)

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:04pm
I know they are alittle behind in getting out the soldier's names and addresses but you should get them in four to five days...there is a phone number on the site that you can call too...Sounds like some soldiers are going to have a good Christmas thanks to a bunch of loving Clusterheads....Way to go Gang!  ;;Dnancyc PS Shari, may want to put some stamps on those envelopes if you havent done so already...dont know if they have alot of access to them or what...

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by ShariRae on Dec 5th, 2003, 12:51pm
nancy..already did!!!

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 5th, 2003, 1:28pm

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by jonny on Dec 5th, 2003, 8:39pm
Can anyone tell me if I can put a couple Playboys in the box?

I have every issue for the last ten years, I will throw in the last 3-4 months issues if thats cool (would hate to have my package stopped for that)



Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:01am
Thanks NancyC, I am looking forward to making someones Christmas happier!

Patrick  ;;D

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 6th, 2003, 12:38am
jonny, they said any porno, alcohol products or pork would not be mailed over...So, if the Post Office does not remove the articles, it could stop it from getting there...would not take a chance even though I am sure the soldiers would love to get their hands on a Playboy about now... :)nancyc  PS thanks to you Patrick A!

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by jonny on Dec 6th, 2003, 5:33am

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by ShariRae on Dec 6th, 2003, 9:20am
Jonny...maybe you could hide them inside a "good housekeeping" mag or summin?!! LOL

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:15pm
Well, i think i finished my shopping nurse buddies are bringing theirs in on monday so i can mail our  packages out by tuesday...Jonny , maybe you could paste some of the centerfolds inside of a local, that would definetly be one paper all the guys would be begging to read ;;D.....Merry Christmas Everyone!   :)nancyc

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Little Deb on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:35pm
Haven't got my soldier's name yet either. :(

I have started my pile, but it just won't really get going until I have a name to put with it, ya know???

I hope I get one soon!!  I am excited to help brighten someone's day.


Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:43pm
L.D. , I know they were behind in getting out the soldier's names and addresses but if for some reason you dont have it by monday, here is the hotline them as it has to be mailed priority mail by the 11th in order to get there by Christmas...If you need me to call, let me know..i will do anything to help....
Hotline number is : 302-836-1008
I know you can mail it to them and they will send the stuff out but i had rather have my very own soldier to send it to...that way, i feel like i have another son, i guess LOL...I am sure they will be getting the info out before the mailing deadline would think so anyway....It took me about 4 days, i think it was to get mine.

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Little Deb on Dec 6th, 2003, 7:35pm
well, I signed up for mine as soon as I read your post...
and I called the # already, a gazillion beeps to leave a message, so I didn't leave one.  They are obviously busy enough, so I will just wait.

Thanks, Nancy.

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 8th, 2003, 1:41am
YEEHAW, Nancy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got the name of my soldier tonight.

Already had all the stuff bought....and was just waiting for the name.

Thanks for the info on this....This is gonna be soooooo great!!!!!!

Love ya,


Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:00am
I called and left a message at their number ...dont know if they even got it though...told them they had folks waiting for their soldier's names and addresses...but i know they have been swamped Glad you got it, sis....I am out of work today the same thing my grandson had the other day...going to the Post Office and then the Doctor's office LOL...Have fun mailing your stuff off!  :)nancyc

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Leesa on Dec 8th, 2003, 1:21pm
Nancy once again ya did it!!!! Ya made me proud to be an American!! My cousin "Bink" is over there and her whole unit has been adoped by ME of course! They have a BIG care package going on on Friday full of goodies. Do ya think maybe we could ship Jonny over there as the NEW and IMPROVED KING??  ;;D
LOL   ;)
Wishin our troops safe passage, Leesa  ;;D

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by ShariRae on Dec 8th, 2003, 2:43pm
I got my soldiers name today..yayyyyyyyy!!

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by jonny on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:26pm
Got my name today too ;;D

I will now start the building of the jonny box!

..................................jonny santa  [smiley=headbanger.gif]

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:24pm
Tee hee hee...this is the best new I have had my package mailed out today on the way to the some kind of virus and the grandson....Leesa, you got a whole troop...LOL..way to go, girl! As far as sending Jonny...I think that may be considered pornography...look at that body of his, sis! It belongs in Playgirl! ;;Dnancyc

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Ree on Dec 8th, 2003, 7:26pm
Nancy you be sure to take care of yourselves.  That new strain of flu is deadly...snuggle up with a nice toddy (alcoholic remedy) and a great movie......... get better soon Love Ree whose frozen in Massachusetts!!!  

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Renee on Dec 8th, 2003, 9:15pm
i got my soldier's name and address also today!


hey, do all of your addresses go to a support command hospital with an apo address or to different locations with an apo address?


Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by ShariRae on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:16pm

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by Little Deb on Dec 8th, 2003, 11:18pm
Got my soldier today!!!!!  YEA!!!

Title: Re: Adopt a Soldier In Iraq for Christmas...
Post by nancyc on Dec 9th, 2003, 12:08am
My address is different than yours....My understanding is that you are given each soldier's address... ;;Dnancyc Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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