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(Message started by: chronic_chic on Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:48pm)

Title: Prayers for a Friend
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:48pm
Hi everyone,
This isn't headache related, although I guess indirectly it is since my figure skating teacher, Dena, has been a tremendous help to me throughout all I've gone through with my headache and my life since I've known her.
I just found out this morning that on Sunday night, Dena's daughter and her daughter's father passed away from Carbon Monoxide poisoning from a faulty gas tank in the father's apartment.  This news came as a total shock to all of us.  Dena's daughter, Abby, was only 10 years old.  She was a terrific girl with a beautiful spirit and a great love for ice skating!  Our only peace comes from the fact that she passed away in her sleep and never knew what was happening to her.
Dena's father passed away a month ago from battling a year long battle with a very agressive cancer.  Dena is a wonderfully strong woman, but I am asking everyone I know to please pray for her and her family.  This is an awful lot for anyone to go through, and she really needs all of the support she can get right now.
If you wouldn't mind saying a prayer for someone you don't know, that would be very much appreciated by me and by Dena and her family!  Take care!

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by Callico_Kid on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:31pm
I'll gladly pray for her.  That is a terrible burden for anyone to bear.  Please pass on my condolences and let her know she will be in my prayers for some time to come.


Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by Charlie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:42pm
Terrible news and They're in my thoughts.

10 years old..... :(


Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:43pm
condolences vibes bein sent your sorry to hear about the losses......very sad too !! Pam that worries about everything

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 3rd, 2003, 12:57am
Prayers and Vibes going up Lizzie2,
Sorry to hear the sad news.

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by Ree on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:46am
God Bless your friend and his daughter... I am so sorry for this devistating news.  Life is so hard and lately the news is horrendous... I don't have words for your friend.  No mother should have to see their child go first... I will pray that your fried find some consolation... This is a wake up call to all of us.  Get a Carbon Monoxide Detector... end this senseless silent death!

Love and Peace to you Ree

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 3rd, 2003, 6:59pm
Thanks so much everyone for the prayers and thoughts.  I know Dena will appreciate it when I tell her.  Here is an article from today's local paper on what happened and it also offers info about carbon monoxide poisoning and getting a detector.  I urge everyone to check out the safety of their homes!  Life is too precious!

No word yet on the services yet, but several of my friends and I plan on going.
Love, Lizz

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:40pm
There is always a prayer in the wings.  Take care and God's healing hand on those that have lost.  

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by ShariRae on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:45pm
Tears..and sad :(

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by sandie99 on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:40am
That is very sad news... :'(
Prayers and good vibes are on the way. I wish you strength, too.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 4th, 2003, 12:38pm
Thanks again everyone.  Abby's obituary was in the paper today.  It is very nice.. Here's the link.
I skated my figure skating program today as a practice for the conclusion of the semester.  The final is next Thursday.  It's hard not having Dena there as we skate.  I put some of Abby's favorite jumps in my program in honor of her.  :)  They are called Bunny Hops...fitting for a kid, huh? :)  God, I miss her.  She's there though.  She will always be with us.  Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by thomas on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:03pm
So tragic, I'm absoluteley crushed.  My thoughts are with her.

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:04pm

Oh...... so sad :'(.... Positive vibes (like prayers) going your way..... Zaira :'(

Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by Tiannia on Dec 4th, 2003, 4:10pm
As a mother of two small children, news like that just kills me to see.  :'( And I know that I will hug my own children even tighter tonight when I pick them up form day care.  Please give her mother a hug and I wish there was anything that I could do to make it not hurt so much.


Title: Re: Prayers for a Friend
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 14th, 2003, 7:54pm
Abby's memorial service was today...I think I cried from the moment I hugged Dena until the very end.  :'(  They had pictures of Abby out in the lobby and throughout the service, children and adults shared memories of her.  Her cousins read letters that students and teachers at her elementary school had sent her "Dear Abby" since she has died.  They also read two mother's day cards that Abby sent her mom when she was 7 and then just last year.  That was ROUGH.  The little children's choir sang several songs, including "Somewhere Out There," which my brother and I have been singing together since that song first came out in the mid-80s when we were very little kids ourselves.  (Yes, I'm a child of the 80s!)  One little girl in the choir cried every time they sang, and it just broke my heart....  I just felt so sad, but the words of the service were comforting.  It was a comfort even though it brought great pain.

Here are the words to a song by Celine Dion when she lost her niece to Cystic Fibrosis, which my two cousins have.  I find a lot of comfort in these words:

"Fly fly little wing.  Fly beyond imagining.  The softest cloud, the whitest dove.  Upon the wing of Heaven's love.  Past the planets and the stars, leave this lonely world of ours.  Escape the sorrow and the pain and fly again.

Fly, fly precious one.  Your endless journey has begun.  Take your gentle happiness, far too beautiful for this.  Cross over to the other shore.  There is peace forevermore, but hold this mem'ry bittersweet until we meet.

Fly, fly do not fear.  Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear.  Your heart is pure, your soul is free.  Be on your way, don't wait for me.  Above the universe you'll climb.  On beyond the hands of time.  The moon will rise, the sun will set, but I won't forget.

Fly, fly little wing.  Fly where only angels sing.  Fly away, the time is right.  Go now, find the light."

No child should ever have to die, but they are God's little angels when they do.  And they are not gone from us as long as we remember...

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