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(Message started by: Madame_DeFarge on Dec 2nd, 2003, 9:43am)

Title: Introduce Myself
Post by Madame_DeFarge on Dec 2nd, 2003, 9:43am
Okay as my usual pre-emptive self--I never formally introduced myself--Jane Austen would have me flogged.
I couldn't tell you really when I didn't have headaches.  Everyone though it was just from a fall I suffered as a small child and I would outgrow it.  I'm 42--haven't grown in awhile.  So about five years ago I had these "migraines" that would last for three days.  My GP tried everything, so I just ended up taking sumatriptan drugs like crazy.  I would get two or three of these "migraines" per month, but I could deal with it and kept working as a pre-school teacher.  We moved to the mountains three years ago and I worked as a Spanish missionary on the tree farms etc.  That lasted about a year and a half.  By then the "migraines" were lasting four to five days and hitting me two or three times per month.  My chiro said he didn't think they were migraines.  I quit going to him thinking "then what are they?"  So as the headaches got stronger and I got weaker I went to neuro who said I had a delayed concusion from the fall as a child.  Ummmmm a 40 year delay, doc?  No one bothered doing an MRI, CAT scan or anything that might cost money.  I had seen a program on Cluster Headaches on the Health channel and I remember saying a prayer for those poor people.  It looked so horrible--said a prayer of thanksgiving that at least I didn't have THAT.  Ha ha ha.  A month ago everything stopped working.  No medicine in the world would make this headache go away.  It would retreat for a moment only to arrive again with reinforcements.  I found myself rolling on the bathroom floor crying in agony and having some dry heaves  wondering if I cursed God would he finally strike me dead.  So that was about a month ago.  I changed GPs and found a saint of a fellow who gave me prednisone to help the Maxalt work and gave me instructions to follow in the ER.  I had another bugger of a headache this weekend and went back to the ER after I got to the rolling on the floor saying decidedly unchristian things.  So, I violated the Sabbath and found your site over the weekend.  Still hoping to be smited I guess.  But it was a lifesaver.  I was truly at the end of my  rope--still am, but feel I have a knot to hang on to.
I had applied last Jan. for disablity for the headaches and am fighting that battle.  I would love nothing more than to get back to work, but I cannot teach 30 small children while I'm either "half in the bag" or rolling on the floor screaming.  They said that "while your headaches may be bothersome, we see no reason they should keep you from working"  Bothersome--hahaha.  I am going to have hubby video tape the next one to show them how "bothersome" they are.
Well, that's me.  I also think that we should initiate legislation that would make leaf blowers illegal with in a five mile radius of a CH.  The offenders should be summarliy, but quietly, exicuted.
Thanks for just being
Madame De_Farge

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by thomas on Dec 2nd, 2003, 9:51am
Welcome aboard Madame_LeFarge.  Glad your current doctor isn't an "Idiot".  For the "Crime" of leaf blowing, I think the "Punishment" is a bit excessive. lol.

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by BobG on Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:06am
I have to go along with the Madame on the leaf blower thing. Kill 'em all!

Or at least stick his wiener in the intake side of the blower. Mulch the hell outa him!  ;;D

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by Bob P on Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:08am
What you describe doesn't sound like clusters.  A cluster lasts 30 minutes to 2 hours, hits 1 to 8 times a day.  A 4 or 5 day headche twice a month does sound more like meegraines.

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by TomM on Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:29am

on 12/02/03 at 10:08:43, Bob P wrote:
What you describe doesn't sound like clusters.  A cluster lasts 30 minutes to 2 hours, hits 1 to 8 times a day.  A 4 or 5 day headche twice a month does sound more like meegraines.


Welcome, anyway!

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:40am
Welcome Madame_DeFarge !

Ditto to the last 2 post.

You still have never had the brain scan/MRI ? I wouldn't assume anything until other possibilities are checked and confirmed. Everyone with CH are slightly different.  MOST Clusterheads have the usual 2hr. x 5 attacks a day. Less if the meds kick in and catch the Beast before it tears you apart.

I'm not saying you don't have them. Just making sure it might not be something else that is not being diagnosed.

Sending PFDAN to you !

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by echo on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:01am

on 12/02/03 at 10:06:57, BobG wrote:
I have to go along with the Madame on the leaf blower thing. Kill 'em all!

Or at least stick his wiener in the intake side of the blower. Mulch the hell outa him!  ;;D

I think that would violate some OSHA law.

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by Madame_DeFarge on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:47am
Thanks for the input.  I see the nuero on the 18th and hope that he can shed more light on what's going on--or do some tests.  I don't know if not being a CH is good news or bad news.


Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 1:14pm
Hi Madame De_Farge .....did you try the cluster quiz on here or did sumone else already mention it ? Mite even wanna print suma the info out on here....I dunno......whatever ya have sounds painful. I say we toss in weed wacker abusers that run them dam things for hours on end at off hours to be also condemm'd. Pam that wacks weeds with a broken golf club

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by floridian on Dec 2nd, 2003, 1:27pm

So, I violated the Sabbath and found your site over the weekend.  Still hoping to be smited I guess.  But it was a lifesaver.

I think there are exceptions for medical emergencies and other urgent situations. As long as you didn't have fun.  ::)  Welcome, hope the doc can get you a specific (and correct) diagnosis.

Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by pubgirl on Dec 2nd, 2003, 6:02pm
Welcome to Clusterland Madame de Farge.

You will find great info, great support, great people and great personalities here.

Nosy old bag that I am,why do you call yourself Madame de Farge?
Can think of nicer French women to be associated with ;;D


Title: Re: Introduce Myself
Post by Prense on Dec 2nd, 2003, 7:07pm

on 12/02/03 at 11:47:10, Madame_DeFarge wrote:
I don't know if not being a CH is good news or bad news.

Without a doubt a non-CH diagnosis would be great news! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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