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(Message started by: cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 2:14am)

Title: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 2:14am
How do you duck a snipper !?? Were supposed to go with the neighbors a couplela days to a casino resort deal on a river for a lill mini vacation git away. Problem is we gotta drive thru the 5 mile stretch sniper area in Columbus...........YEEKS ! Heard he's gotten 8 others rescenlty but cops are tyin ta keep it quiet so there's no panic. So this guy has supposidly gotten 11 by now.........creeps me out !! How do I get thru there and not be sniper bait.......would you go and not worry bout it ???? Would duckin low in the vehicle help while driveing...........geeze........whadya do !!!!! It's makein me real neverous ! Pam that doesn't want to be bullet bait. Thanks.....jus wonderin what all yer advice would be and thoughts about it !? Pam the lousey victom planner

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Mr.Happy on Dec 2nd, 2003, 2:21am

on 12/02/03 at 02:14:42, cootie wrote:
How do you duck a snipper !??

Stay home and shave Brad's gut.

Bull's Guy,

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Mikey on Dec 2nd, 2003, 2:34am
LMAO Hap!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by CathiP on Dec 2nd, 2003, 3:12am
Coots...I'm certain my opinion is not shared by all, but Pammie, my lord lady...if you live your life in abject fear, ya might as well ccurl up & die right now. Again, it's my opinion, but you do not get to pick when it's your turn, and, when it IS your turn, it is unavoidable....this one's in hands much bigger than yours.....
I know this sniper thing is horrendous....but how many people have passed that way daily, unscathed?
I vote you go....use yer friends as human shields.....(that is a joke...just a joke...I want NO hate it?)
Cathi who wants Pammie to fly and live without fear.... :-*

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Carl_D on Dec 2nd, 2003, 3:46am
Huh? Me primate! Me living with the animals in thee insane, er uh - bands crashpadstudiomahjig....I'm out of the loop on what's up with the world of the living....
Sniper? Another one? Are you kidding me?

Hell, I wouldn't worry about the traveling odds of being shot at. It'd prolly be safe to say that you have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting shot at. Hell, I'd go out even further on a limb to say you'd have better odds of having some obscure fucked up thing like cluster headaches...

Oh wait...nevahmind!

The Artist currently known as Idiot,
Carl D

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:36am
My theory -- I've got CH - what the hell can they do to me? :-*

Look at the bright side -- maybe you'll be the one to spot him and collect the reward...

Hugs BD

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by TomM on Dec 2nd, 2003, 8:32am

on 12/02/03 at 03:12:27, CathiP wrote:
...if you live your life in abject fear, ya might as well ccurl up & die right now. Again, it's my opinion, but you do not get to pick when it's your turn, and, when it IS your turn, it is unavoidable....this one's in hands much bigger than yours.....

I lived through the DC sniper thing and it was not fun, to say the least. You just don't have any idea how terrifying it is until it hits your neighborhood. It's like trying to explain CH to some one who thinks they are "just headaches".
My humble opinion.

Coots--I'm hearing you and want you to stay safe. I give you permission to drink heavily.  ;)


Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Madame_DeFarge on Dec 2nd, 2003, 8:51am
I also lived through the DC sniper episode and while it was scary, I chose to be fatalistic about it.  Look at it this way:  You have CH--what could be worse.  I figured that I personally would never get shot in the head because then my suffering would be over and so far I've never been that lucky.  I would gladly volunteer to be a human shield.

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by aprilbee on Dec 2nd, 2003, 8:58am
uh, fly????  goo 120 mph through the five mile stretch??  at least if you get pulled over there will be a police man there with a radio... ;)

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Paigelle on Dec 2nd, 2003, 8:59am
Go, but don't stop anywhere in that area.  It is harder to hit a moving target.  Be safe!

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by thomas on Dec 2nd, 2003, 9:22am
Salute everybody that you pass, that way the sniper will think everyone else is higher ranking than you and he will gun for the big brass .....doh!! That only works in the military oops.  :)

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 1:30pm
You guys are too funny ! But tell ya what.......that sniper shit is sum serious stuff goin on.......movein targets are what there after......scares the CRAP out of me. I know the DC sniper deal was terrifiying and kept up with it while it was goin on. Guess ya don't always think as much about stuff till it effects YOU. I mean is the person shootin from a vehicle comein up along side of ya....from the road or a house or the woods.........yipes.......I'm brinin on a panic attack here !! I realize the chances ta git hit are slim but tell that to the ones that got it ! I'm not to thrilled about this trip cuz of it ! No bullseye Pam

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by thomas on Dec 2nd, 2003, 2:18pm
He's probably in an elevated position pretty far from the road, that way he has good vision and can leave without being seen by other motorists on the highway.  At least if I was a crazy sick bastard, that's how I would do it.

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 2:21pm I take slouchin down in my seat isn't gonna work ? Maybe I'll ride under the truck.......Pam that will hug the chassey

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by thomas on Dec 2nd, 2003, 2:23pm
Rent a U-haul and ride in the back.  Does this guy shoot passengers or drivers?  Maybe try going through there at night.

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by TomM on Dec 2nd, 2003, 3:24pm
He/she killed a passenger.

Drive 90 MPH then 50 Mph then 75 MPH. Harder to lead a target if the velocity changes....

on 12/02/03 at 14:21:21, cootie wrote:
Pam that will hug the chassey

If you need someone to help hug your chassis call me! ;)


Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by pubgirl on Dec 2nd, 2003, 5:40pm
Park your car further away, get a taxi to your car, put cardboard cutout people in the seats of the taxi and lie down .

Seriously thought, isn't it possible just to detour?


Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cathy on Dec 2nd, 2003, 6:20pm

on 12/02/03 at 02:14:42, cootie wrote:
How do you duck a snipper !??

Hey Pam you could put curtains up at the windows and just peek now and again...  [smiley=curtain.gif] or you could become a crackshot yourself to catch him out..have a practice Jonny's got the link...

Cathy  ;;D

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Paigelle on Dec 2nd, 2003, 6:22pm
There has to be away to avoid that stretch of road.  Or you can lie down in the backseat.  Of course, if you are driving then that is not an option. ;;D

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by jonny on Dec 2nd, 2003, 6:23pm


Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 8:10pm
Cool link.......I only got shot about 8 biggie......OUCH ! Hey ony way to re route is drive thru Columbus downtown.........but then maybe that's the sniper's idea behind get more business in town ? Sniper griper Pam

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by don on Dec 2nd, 2003, 8:11pm

Slap an NRA sticker on the car, tie Brad down on the hood with some branches stickin out of his ears, and keep yellin "Got me a Big Buck".

Scare the shit outta any sniper.

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 8:24pm
Oh good idea don.........I'm gonna go tell Brad yer idea rite now....blahhhhhhh-ha-ha ! Brad will be drivein thru Columbus yellin he has a big don on his hood Pam  ;)

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by don on Dec 2nd, 2003, 9:07pm
That mean I get to go to the casino to?

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Lori on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:06pm
I think your odds of having a car accident are higher than being shot by the sniper. It's like anything else. I swim in the Gulf of Mexico with sharks not far away. We can see them! The odds are they are not going to come and eat me. So, my kids, husband and I swim in the water knowing they are around. Otherwise we would miss out and the water is too beautiful not to go in and snorkel and swim and body surf!

Try not to let it bother you. Take an alternate route if you can.  

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Ree on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:07pm
Hey Coots your supposed to walk in a zig zag fashion... so I guess you have to drive in a zig zag fashion... problem being you could get killed doin that too.... One good way to avoid a sniper................ stay home... ree the chicken

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cootie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:19pm
Yeah 'stay home' is a good option I agree ! I jus heard on the news tanight that sniper shot up a school now but it was late at nite. They've mentiond blame on that one video game's gettin kinda scarey'r ! Pam that is gonna go toss cards at cars on the highway cuz that's what kinda video crap I do Pam

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Charlie on Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:34pm
Can't stay out of the loop? Rats.

I'm with Don  :D 8)


Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 3rd, 2003, 6:08am
Serpentine, Cootie...Serpentine.

Steve G

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by BruceD on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:42am
Hey Coots,

Before you get to that stretch of road, lean out the window and paint a big bullseye on the vehicle next to yours. A sniper couldn't resist such tempting.

Seriously, changing speed/lanes is probably the best thing to do. The sniper has already gotten the range to his "kill zone" so the only other variables are wind & car speed.

Hitting a moving target with accuracy (especially one moving at 60+ mph) is not an easy task ... at least at any serious distance. This guy is probably within a hundred yards of the highway and shooting as the cars are headed towards him. That makes it easier for him to account for speed and determine how far he must lead his "target".

I really wouldn't worry too much about it. Like somebody else said, it's probably easier to get into an accident than be shot. Besides, there's another 50-100 cars driving that same 5-mi stretch of highway when you'd be doing it. I'd prefer to watch out for idiot drivers than worry about some psycho with a gun.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a safe trip.

Take care

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cootie on Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:34am
Thanks guys...I gotta let the freinds know in the next day if I am goin on this trip 'r not......sooooooo ! Course if the sniper shoots a car in fronta us I suppose that could up the chance of a wreck and make more targets........maybe I should jus set a rockin chair on top the truck with a sign around my neck sayin JUS SHOOT ME.......maybe phycology will work ? Watch the weather go ta hell and we can't go anyhow Pam

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:42am
I thought this thread was "How to avoid a stripper......." and was anxious to read what NOT to do...

You could always come and visit the casinos here in New Mexico...  No one is sober enough to shot at ya here! ;)


Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by BobG on Dec 4th, 2003, 5:49am

This guy is probably within a hundred yards of the highway and shooting as the cars are headed towards him.

Turn around and go backwards. The crazy snipper will get confused and shoot somebody else.  ::)

Course if the sniper shoots a car in fronta us I suppose that could up the chance of a wreck and make more targets

Go faster than everybody else. Don't let anybody in front of you. Drive like it's a rented car!  :o

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by BILL_L on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:11am

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by sandie99 on Dec 4th, 2003, 6:18am
Hmmm... should I feel lucky about the fact that I live in London?
We don't have a sniper in our hands, just general warning that this is the most dangerous city in that sense that terrorist are likely to target London any day now.

But what comes to the avoiding a sniper problem, I have to agree, that nothing is worse than having CH.

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: How to avoid a sniper.............
Post by cootie on Dec 4th, 2003, 12:03pm
Ok Bill........we HAVE a big red truck.....I could always take my yellow car and risk sumone gettin pissed off at me and kickin nuther dent in the side....wonder what a bullet hole would cost bein it's a lease ?? Now we have sum sorta sniper deal up north near Sundusky.....they drove up to the car on the highway and shot int the vehicle 7 times shootin the driver in the head but passenger luckily managed ta stop the vehicle without a big wreck. Hmmmmm new Mexico is soundin better all the time but can't get there and back in two days so that's out. Does Iraq have casino's......Pam that lives in terrorist Ohio Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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