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(Message started by: mikeyd on Nov 30th, 2003, 11:44pm)

Title: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by mikeyd on Nov 30th, 2003, 11:44pm
What do you think of this? A friend was telling me that he knows someone who knows someone [smiley=laugh.gif]. I know I know...the quack theories always start out like this one and it might be tuff to prove or disprove unless there is some personal experience here. bud was telling me that a girl he knew was having bad migranes, she went skydiving and got that all to familiar(pop) inside her head....(I get that too with my kip 8-10's) After she went skydiving it went away...for good...she has had no more since then...WASSSAAAAPPPPP?????

So I've been brewing it over in my own teeny tiny mind and realized that my clusters usually go away after I have had 5 or 6 really bad ones every day for a few days after several of the pops.

My question is....could it be a small bubble of air that is wreaking havoc on our heads? A small bubble maybe trapped near the trigeminal nerve? the area maybe getting a bit ...demoisturized (or something like that) and we get a CH to"remoisturize the area thru the excrutiating pain we all get.

A small bubble of gas in the brain might explain why they are in the same area but affecting different sides, in different people? maybe that bubble gets there from an airplane ride in a cockpit without cabin pressure regulation, diving, or some other medium of decompression or pressurization.

These are all things that we have done...swimming and diving, flying in airplanes, skiing(rapid ascent in a chairlift), that kind of thing. I can't really say it for sure...but when he said she felt that pop a few seconds after she jumped out of that perfectly good airplane...something clicked... I get that same feeling like someone is sqeezing a bubble around in some krinkly-paper but have always written it off as bones cracking in my neck from the severe muscle spasms I get in my neck during the really bad ones...

Looking for input....what do yall think?

I'll just wait [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 30th, 2003, 11:56pm
Maybe, Don't Know, Possibly, Not Sure.
I've been in planes during a CH and had that pop you get. Never stopped a CH for me. I know what you're saying about the crackling on the neck though. Always have that during a cycle.
Sorry I can't help. Curious what others have to say about your theory.

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by mikeyd on Nov 30th, 2003, 11:59pm
You didn't jump out of the plane either tho...did U? hehehe [smiley=laugh.gif]
I'm curious if there are any takers on a skydiving excursion to test the theory...I would, but not allowed to do that yet...just had back surgery in May.
and NO it's not a cop out...I've always wanted to jump out of a completely operational aircraft...or a broken one if I'm in it for that matter...lmaoooo [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by cootie on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:08am
Hey Mikey.....I'm totally off topic here and I appologize but you mentiond back surgery.......maybe you can help Minni out in her thread askin if anyone has had back's a few threads on down. Be aweful nice of ya !!! Pam that has known people she'd LIKE to PUSH out of a plane

Thanks !!

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:10am
Interesting theory.  My first question is, if this is true, wouldn't it show up in an MRA? Or would it?

Certainly more believable, or at least interesting, than, a bump on the head, smoking, drinking, aliens, or some of the other whacko ideas that have been thrown at us!


Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by mikeyd on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:15am
already did it cootie..thanks tho ;)
Wooohoooo!!! I'm a junior!!! [smiley=me&mb.gif]

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by mikeyd on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:17am
Lmao Chuckster

Maybe that is just one of those things that doesn't show up on an MRI?

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by Pinkfloyd on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:18am

on 11/30/03 at 23:44:08, mikeyd wrote:
What do you think of this? A friend was telling me that he knows someone who knows someone [smiley=laugh.gif]. I know I know...the quack theories always start out like this one and it might be tuff to prove or

Your first inclination is usually the correct one Mike.
People (like me) have had clusters alternate sides, even during the same cycle. I don't think the bubble traveled through my brain and just happened to sit below the trigeminal nerve on the opposite side.
People have also had what is called microvascular decompression surgery where they drill a hole in your skull and play around with the nerves and blood vessels in the area of the pain. This is not always successful and would have surely released the bubble.

We all search for that one thing that causes our pain. I used to think that that best and worst thing that could happen would be that after 20 years of clusters, "they" would find an ingrown hair in my scalp, pluck it out and say, 'looky here....WOW...we just cured your cluster problem." I couldn't make up my mind if I would be happy or swallow the barrel of a gun if that ever happened.  :-/

Good luck Mike. Keep on tryin to figure them out because some day, someone will, and it might as well be you!!


Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by nancyc on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:27am
Damn, Pink, and I thought I was the only one that thought chs were caused by an ingrown hair... Guess I was wrong ::)nancyc

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by Mikey on Dec 1st, 2003, 1:11am
LMAO Nancy!!!!!!!!

Mikey,  ;;D

PS, Pink, he might have something therre with the bubble thing.....maybe drinking causes that bubble, because when i drink i fall down and get a CH!!....LMAO.. [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by mikeyd on Dec 1st, 2003, 1:45am
Shouldn't laff...achohol impairs the ability of the medulla oblongata to do it's function(which it is responsible of many of the bodys regulatory systems if bio 202 memory serves correctly). One of those gases regulated by the M.O. is CO2. And alcohol just makes everything more permeable dont yah think? ;)
heh heh

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by Charlie on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:16am
I don't know what this may mean but 7 years before my first cluster attack I was flying into Newark airport and the pilot suddenly took very steep bank. The same area where my clusters appeared was hit with the same level of pain I experienced with my clusters. I assumed it was pressure. It lasted about 10 seconds.

Hurt like hell.


Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by BobG on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:26am
Clusterhead Bubblehead ;)

I like that theory better than some we've seen here......

like the moldy-shower-curtain theory

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by HannahFroukje on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:53am

Itīs funny thatīs you mention it.
See, EVERYTIME Jos has an attack, he says when itīs going to the end “I wish it would pop”. In his case, he doesnīt mean a pop in his head, but a pop in his nose, or behind his nose. He says, that whenever he feels it pop, the pain drains instantly.

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 1st, 2003, 5:10am
My ear just gets a "cramp" in it, but have never felt a pop. Think sometimes if they'd just drain my eardrum it would go away.

Now about the moldy shower curtain - do you mean that's NOT the cause. And I've been bleaching my shower curtain for years to stop these things!!!!! What a waste of time.

The wild hair theory - never thought of that one. Will bring it up with my neuro the next time I see him. See if he has some tweezers.

I always thought a broken nose would work. If someone would just punch me in the nose - the HA would bleed out. No takers yet, but I keep aggitating people when I get hit. Someday........

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by don on Dec 1st, 2003, 7:19am

We all search for that one thing that causes our pain

No we don't.

Over the years I have learned to simply accept the fact that I've got em and I leave the searching to the professionals.

I have found that my time and energy is better spent finding affective treatment.

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by jadedgazer on Dec 1st, 2003, 7:37am

on 12/01/03 at 05:10:23, BarbaraD wrote:
I always thought a broken nose would work. If someone would just punch me in the nose - the HA would bleed out. No takers yet, but I keep aggitating people when I get hit. Someday........

I have always thought a good smack to the head while in the throes would knock the pain right out of there too. No takers yet either.

I don't have any popping, just the ear cramps like BarbaraD.

And there is no way I am jumping out of a perfectly good plane just to see if it might fix my screwy head. You guys go first and let me know how it goes, k?

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by nancyc on Dec 1st, 2003, 3:47pm
Barb D, you want someone to break your nose for you...realllllly?  LMAO....seriously, i had my nose broken  and the very next day, my chs started..coincidence, who the hell knows?  :onancyc PS, Barb, dont bleach your damn shower curtains, just take them down and go to Walmart and buy new is much easier.. ;;D

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by thomas on Dec 1st, 2003, 3:52pm
I'm an ex-paratrooper with ch, so I think for me the theory doesn't hold water.

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by miCHel on Dec 1st, 2003, 5:30pm

my bud was telling me that a girl he knew was having bad migranes, she went skydiving and got that all to familiar(pop) inside her head....(I get that too with my kip 8-10's) After she went skydiving it went away...for good...she has had no more since then...WASSSAAAAPPPPP?????

Hey Mikeyd,

Here's my theory: Maybe that "pop" happened when she hit the ground after finding out she had no parachute.  That could also explain why she never had a headache after that...

Just pulling your leg bro  ;).  Good theory.

miCHel, who has no theory and no clue on lots of things

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by Jayne on Dec 1st, 2003, 5:44pm
Hey if that's all it took....give me the shoot, strap it on, and off we go....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by jonny on Dec 1st, 2003, 6:03pm
Did someone say "Strap on"? ;;D


Title: Re: Tell me if this makes sense
Post by Jayne on Dec 1st, 2003, 6:11pm
Well if that works too.......... :-X Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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