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(Message started by: AlienSpaceBabe on Nov 30th, 2003, 9:50pm)

Title: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Nov 30th, 2003, 9:50pm
Hiya folks,

I'm hard at work on my masters paper (my personal deadline was Dec 1 - tomorrow). Seems the beast / my head have a different agenda here.... I still have five books to read and twenty articles to reread, plus a twenty page masters-level paper to write. Absolute deadline is Dec 8.

Positive, fastworking, fastreading, highconcentration vibes are needed. I simply can't give up now.


Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by LasVegas on Nov 30th, 2003, 9:56pm
Keep your o2 and Trex handy, keep your diet healthy, do some cardio for at least 30 minutes everyday (walk/run/bike/etc) and stay focused on your priority (studying), don't get sidetracked, you can do it!
Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by Charlie on Nov 30th, 2003, 10:05pm

Yer doin' the right thing coming here. You now have vibes from everyone...even me.

Sucks that this horror has to get in the way of yer academic pursuits. Rats.

Take Gregg's advice. Sounds good to me. Good luck kid.


Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 30th, 2003, 10:06pm
PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes

Stay focused. You can do it. Focus on the CH 1st. until it's gone after your O2/Imitrex. Give yourself a little meditation time, then go back to work. It's NOT easy, but I know YOU CAN DO IT !!!!

PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes PF Vibes

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 30th, 2003, 10:27pm
Lots of pf vibes to you, Liz

Hope things get much better for you.


Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by mikeyd on Nov 30th, 2003, 11:08pm
PF vibes and prayers comin down the pipe directly from the big-guy! meditatin for yah babe! Think positive, you can do it!!!!
Go's a nice place

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by cootie on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:14am
Super duper speed readin super speed writein and concentration PF vibes "ta git it all done and git it all done on time" VIBES comein yer way Lizzy.........ZAP........are ya done yet Pam

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:23am

Positive, fastworking, fastreading, highconcentration vibes are needed. I simply can't give up now.

I'm sending em up strong and hard Liz!!
Good luck and don't GIVE UP!!!

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 1st, 2003, 1:45am

on 11/30/03 at 21:50:48, AlienSpaceBabe wrote:
Positive, fastworking, fastreading, highconcentration vibes are needed. I simply can't give up now.

on 12/01/03 at 00:14:37, cootie wrote:
Super duper speed readin super speed writein and concentration PF vibes "ta git it all done and git it all done on time" VIBES comein yer way Lizzy.........ZAP........are ya done yet Pam

Pammie said it best!   Git to work, Hon!  My vibes are on their way!


Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by ave on Dec 1st, 2003, 7:01am
Hi lizzie,

Look haaaaarrrrd at that hippo I sent you. Can you feel the vibes? I stored a reserve of them in there.

And in case you run out - here is another bunch. (Vrrrrooooommmmm).

Just keep at it, room mate and if nothing else helps, go into panic overdrive. That has chased the beast away from me every time. (It comes back later - so what?)

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by Karla on Dec 1st, 2003, 7:14am
I will be praying for you Liz.  Keep up the hard work and plug away.  You can do it!  The beast will not win!

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by Paigelle on Dec 1st, 2003, 9:42am
Been there, done that in college!  Right during finals one fall!  You can do it!  Keep your mind focused and we are all cheering for  you!

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by Rick_K on Dec 1st, 2003, 1:39pm
Congrats on going for your masters !!!

Extra good vibes are on their way


Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by thomas on Dec 1st, 2003, 3:57pm
Very huge, efficient, and belated VIBES coming your way.

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by Edna on Dec 1st, 2003, 9:02pm
Awwwww Liz.....sorry it's rough for you now dear. Hoping it ends real soon.

And check your mail dear, lots of words and vibes there for you.

I just KNOW you can do it!!!!!!!!   And know that I'm here for you.

hugs and love,

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by ShariRae on Dec 1st, 2003, 9:18pm


Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by 5-string on Dec 1st, 2003, 11:17pm
You'll get it Lizzie, I know it. And you know it too. Be strong, let your body relax. Whenever I'm working on something and time is a factor I inevetably look at the clock often. What I try to do is whenever I find myself looking at a clock,watch,(the sun :) ) to see what time it is, I stop what I'm doing, close my eyes and breath deeply for 10 seconds. It's kinda scary when I glance at the clock in my car.(not for me but the passengers) but habits are habits.
vibes to you :)  :D  ;;D

Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by Callico_Kid on Dec 2nd, 2003, 12:35am
We'll pray that you are able to get it done, and to be able to concentrate.  Stay strong!


Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by Roxy on Dec 2nd, 2003, 2:05am
Hey Liz....kick ass vibes sent to you!!  Sounds like you've got your hands full.  

Good luck on your paper....hope it's brilliant.  My Master's thesis had to be 60 about killed me :P, so I know what you're dealing with.  At least I didn't have clusters at that time, so I had it much easier than you.


Title: Re: Positive, fastworking vibes needed
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 2nd, 2003, 6:54am
Go Lizzie Go !!!!!!!!  :D  

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