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(Message started by: brain_cramps on Nov 30th, 2003, 8:32pm)

Title: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 30th, 2003, 8:32pm
IE users

If your scrollbar is not working right anymore (ie. scrolling waaaay to far down the page), this is due to an "unexpected enhancement" (read: bug) in M$'s recent security upgrade Q824145.

Apparently M$ is looking for a "fix for the fix".

Obviously M$ says it is unsafe to remove the patch as it was released to prevent "remote code execution".

A lot of people have been temporarily uninstalling the patch with no problems.

*****  Its up to you! *****    (I won't say that it IS or ISN'T safe to uninstall, only that if you find it VERY annoying, the problem can be remedied.)

If you haven't been keeping up with Windows Updates, this shouldn't be a problem for you.

To uninstall, go to "Add/Remove Programs" in Control Program and uninstall the Microsoft patch named Q824145.  (I'm not sure of the exact name of the patch since I have already uninstalled it because the scrollbar problem was driving me NUTS!!!!!!)

Non-IE users ----- FLAME AWAY!!!!!!      (I'm not surprised at all by the "quality control" shown repeatedly by M$.)


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by don on Nov 30th, 2003, 9:05pm
Now this is weird.

I've been having the scroll problem for awhile now and it ceased when I opened this post. HMMMMMMMM ?

Also I had lavasoft Ad Aware installed to detect spyware. Guess what ?  Ad Aware IS spyware.

My new earthlink spy ware detector came up with over 40 spy cookies.

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Ree on Nov 30th, 2003, 9:35pm
Hey Cootie woman I got rid of that spy ware and my computer is flying... the spy ware is spyware LOL... and how do i get rid of the scrolling problem i have only started having that problem today... weird love  ree

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 30th, 2003, 9:56pm

on 11/30/03 at 21:05:31, don wrote:
Also I had lavasoft Ad Aware installed to detect spyware. Guess what ?  Ad Aware IS spyware.

My new earthlink spy ware detector came up with over 40 spy cookies.

Quite often one 'detection program' will think another one is a problem.   Adaware saves the spyware it finds in an archive.   Earthlink must have recognized the contents.

happens quite often

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Opus on Nov 30th, 2003, 10:21pm
Adaware is spyware, edit I just checked and the statements have been pulled, it seems that this was a rumour too. I believe only the free version. There is a lot of angry peaple on the web when this was found out, Spybot is not spyware as has been said and there is no paid for version, it is 100% free. Of course donations are gladly accepted, and no I don't work for them LOL

Spybot (

If you have IE6 never get the updates, they are full of bugs. IE should never be allowed web access becouse it is very unsecure. Use another browser such as Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, and others.


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 30th, 2003, 10:43pm

on 11/30/03 at 22:21:15, Opus wrote:
...Use another browser such as Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, and others...

The only reason we haven't heard about them not being secure is hackers, etc... don't write for products that only have a sliver of the market.

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by mikeyd on Nov 30th, 2003, 11:02pm
Just go to add/remove internet exploder 6 [smiley=laugh.gif], then click will take you to a screen that will give you an option to repair the internet exploder [smiley=bomb.gif]...try running that and see if it cures your woes!
Just a suggestion but before attempting ANY repairs...always create a  restore point...this can be done by going to Start button>all programs>accessories>system tools>system restore and select to creat a restore point...
Hope it helps!
Good luck

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Mark C on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:16am
Not to over simplify, but I had this problem a couple of weeks ago. Turned out to be a bad mouse, took a week to figure it out.... go figure.
Good Luck,
M$ Mark

PS-All patches are applied (XP Pro)

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Opus on Dec 1st, 2003, 6:36am
I have to omit that IE6 is the best one so far and the most stable, but the slowness of page loading and the fact that is doesn't have tabbed browsing, form fill in, or popup blocking ( I heard that it does but I haven't figured out how to turn it on) makes it useless to me as a browser. I was even using it for a while when I couldn't get bit torrent integrated with Netscape. I was suffering there for a while until I upgraded netscape and the bittorrent client, they seem to have worked out there problems.

Mozilla is an open source program written by hackers, the latest release can be downloaded with the source code and tested by many to find all the bugs and security issues. These are then fixed and a stable version is released. This is what makes open source more secure then most closed source programs. If Micro$oft would do the same thing I am sure their products would be much better.

 Better yet go  HERE ( and get some freeware that lets you remove IE completely. And then if you still want it you can reinstall it cleanly instead of over it self. Warning, back up you favorites before doing this as they may be deleted. And no this isn't open source but very few win32 programs are.


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 1st, 2003, 6:59am

on 12/01/03 at 04:16:38, Mark C wrote:
...Turned out to be a bad mouse, took a week to figure it out.... go figure.

Funny Mark!    I looked all over for a mouse-wheel on the touch-pad of my laptop.  Guess what?  Hate to oversimplify...  There wasn't one!  LOL


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 1st, 2003, 7:13am

on 11/30/03 at 22:21:15, Opus wrote:
...IE should never be allowed web access becouse it is very unsecure...

When I woke up this morning, I thought about the absurdity of the statement and am still smiling.

Think of it this way...   Do you remember what the Internet even looked like prior to IE?  For the most part, it was a text-based medium.  Yes, there was a Netscape back then, but by putting IE on "every desktop" the average person started to use the internet.  It was no longer the realm of the UNIX-geeks of the early 90s.

Simply put:  Without the exposure to the Internet that Microsoft generated with IE, 99% of the people at this site wouldn't even know what the Internet is!!!!!

"IE should never be allowed web-access" is like saying "Cars shouldn't be allowed on the road (because they're so unsafe)"


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Opus on Dec 1st, 2003, 7:42am
 Actually I believe IE predated Netscape, and Mozilla came even later. I have a old Linux slackware 3.3 that includes IE. Actually when I got my first computer it came with Netscape 4.* and once I used it I never went back to IE. My wife hates netscape and loves IE. It is choice that makes both IE and netscape better year after year but for me Netscape has been ahead for awhile.

on 11/30/03 at 22:21:15, Opus wrote:
IE should never be allowed web access because it is very unsecure.

Ok, you got me, I should have said unhacked Windows should never have internet access LOL, The windows controller should not have web integration, I have the same issue with KDE, but since spyware and viruses don't have my root password it should be safe.

Actually I think Win98 is a pretty good OS, as soon as we get the source code it can be made even better LOL


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 1st, 2003, 8:26am

on 12/01/03 at 07:42:14, Opus wrote:
Actually I believe IE predated Netscape, and Mozilla came even later.


You might find the following interesting.  It may not be from the most reliable source (a message board  LOL), but I think it is a pretty fair account of the history behind Netscape and Mozilla.

Netscape was codenamed Mozilla originally (in 1994), because it was supposed to be the NCSA Mosaic killer. Mosaic was the number one browser before Netscape, and Mozilla is supposedly a contraction of Mosaic and Godzilla -- or maybe Mosaic and Killa. Then Mozilla changed to "Netscape Navigator" (the product name and no longer a codename) and then to Netscape Communicator. But it always had "Mozilla" as the agent name that showed up in server logs.

Microsoft decided to use the "Mozilla" name in server logs also. I guess it's to show level of compatibility. If I recall correctly (I've looked at one or two server logs), the compatibility should be like so:

Mozilla/1.22 = MSIE 2.0
Mozilla/2.0 = MSIE 3.0x
Mozilla/4.0 = MSIE 4.0 to MSIE 6.0

In 1998, Netscape released source code to Netscape Communicator (5.0 I think). Soon after, a group of people decided to take the code and start the "Mozilla Organization" for an open source web browser project called Mozilla.

When you see "Mozilla" in server logs or user agent, it's referring to Netscape compatibility, not the open source Mozilla web browser. There isn't even a version 4.0 of Mozilla yet (1.4 alpha was released a few days ago). However, Netscape 4.0 is old news. I think Netscape is up to version 7.0 now.

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Opus on Dec 1st, 2003, 8:46am
  Thanks for the info, it fits what I have seen. I use Netscape 7.2 and mozilla firebird .7 for my default browser, that's so if I click on a html link in explorer or a program I don't have to wait for IE or netscape to load.

 Did you know that AOL owned netscape and didn't even bother to use it in their browser. I am going to try mozilla 1.5 GNU/Linux but I will probably stick with Netscape, I like lots of control.

I spend part of last night reading about the man who invented the mouse, helped invent the windows style GUI and helped start the internet, there is a picture of the first mouse, a wood box with wheels underneath.


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 1st, 2003, 9:37am

on 12/01/03 at 08:46:02, Opus wrote:
...Did you know that AOL owned netscape and didn't even bother to use it in their browser...

I moved away from Netscape around the same time that AOL bought Netscape.

It was also around the time of the first wave of IE-only sites.    (I still remember the first time I went to a M$ Technet site using Netscape --- what a mess!)  Since then, sites in general have become more or less standardized.  (I can't remember the last time I went to a site that wouldn't run with IE.)

Until then, I truly thought Netscape was the better product.  Since the, I've only used newer versions of Netscape occasionally.   AOL is one of a few companies  that I hate more than M$.

I don't think that IE is the better product.  I realize there are security holes big enough to drive a Mack truck through.  Hopefully, most of them are being or will be fixed sometime soon    LMAO!    

While Microsoft has changed the size of the market in personal computing in exponential leaps (not usually by superior technology), users are getting pretty pissed off at the generally poor quality of a lot of M$ products.

Those leaps include:
early 80s               - MS-DOS (and GW-BASIC)...  
late 80s/early 90s - Windows 3.1 (and Word, Excel)...  
mid 90s                 - Windows 95 (and IE)...

Each time, PC sales went through the roof.

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by don on Dec 1st, 2003, 7:13pm

To uninstall, go to "Add/Remove Programs" in Control Program and uninstall the Microsoft patch named Q824145.  (I'm not sure of the exact name of the patch since I have already uninstalled it because the scrollbar problem was driving me NUTS!!!!!!)

Couldn't find it listed.

Just go to add/remove internet exploder 6 , then click will take you to a screen that will give you an option to repair the internet exploder

Said it couldn't be repaired.

If I drop the puter out of the car at 90 MPH will that fix the scroll bar thing?

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Not4Hire on Dec 1st, 2003, 9:22pm


.....isn't *...annoying IE...* an "oxymoron"...?

...ya get to the USofA, spigga da inglisch....


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 1st, 2003, 9:38pm

on 12/01/03 at 19:13:57, don wrote:
If I drop the puter out of the car at 90 MPH will that fix the scroll bar thing?


Check your IMs


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by don on Dec 1st, 2003, 11:09pm
I just checked. Nothing there.

I also just downloaded opera.

So far I'm loving it.

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Opus on Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:14pm
  Looks like Bill just lost another Drone, 1 down 5 billion to go.


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 2nd, 2003, 5:40pm

on 12/01/03 at 23:09:47, don wrote:
I just checked. Nothing there.

oops --- shoulda said email.

on 12/01/03 at 23:09:47, don wrote:
So far I'm loving it.

judging by your email the honeymoon didn't last long.

did you find out anything about the JRE?


apparently he needs to install the jre to view certain sites.  I've been busy all day and haven't had a chance to look at it.

know anything about it?   i've used Opera for a total of about 10 minutes myself.  got pissed off and shit-canned it.


see my comment above about IE running every site.     LOL

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Opus on Dec 2nd, 2003, 6:55pm
JRE is java runtime engine, this can get corrupted every so often, I think it corrupts rather than be used by malware, and will need to reinstalled, it is constantly being updated. It is barely supported by M$ and I think XP may have an alternate version but I am not sure. Get it free    HERE (

With a browser other than IE you may have to do a little work but it is worth it.


Oh Grant try this ONE ( It makes my wifes IE go into spasms.

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 2nd, 2003, 7:08pm

on 12/02/03 at 18:55:05, Opus wrote:
With a browser other than IE you may have to do a little work but it is worth it.


Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 2nd, 2003, 7:10pm

on 12/02/03 at 18:55:05, Opus wrote:
Oh Grant try this ONE ( It makes my wifes IE go into spasms.

Works fine here!

Title: Re: Annoying IE Scrollbar problems
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:51am
I've used Opera and Proxomitron (a local HTTP web-filtering proxy ( for years and missed out on all the freakiness of "mainstream" browsers and never knew why people complained about "pop-ups"...  (What the heck is a pop-up???) :)

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