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(Message started by: minnie on Nov 30th, 2003, 5:59pm)

Title: back surgery question :sorry not CH related
Post by minnie on Nov 30th, 2003, 5:59pm
    I hope you don't mind me writing this question here.
I know some of you have had back surgery and everyone has been so nice to Billy and me I know you'll help me now.
    I could really use some help from people who have had back surgery.On June 16th of this year I had a disc
removed  at L5-S1  It was pressing on the sciatic nerve
down my right leg.My question is I have so much pressure in my back and I'm not sure it  should be there.
I am taking aquatic therapy trying to work my way up to land physical therapy.unfortanately this last week I am getting more pain in my back and down my leg.Anything you can tell me from personal experince would be greatly appreciated.
                    Thanks in advance,

Title: Re: back surgery question :sorry not CH related
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 30th, 2003, 6:34pm
Minnie, the biggest pain in your ass is Billy, after that, it should all be a piece of cake!  haha!

So sorry you are in such pain.  Unfortunately, I have no experience with back surgery.  I can only hope you can get some pain free time real soon.  I'm sending PF vibes and prayers towards you.

Now, get Billy to get off his lard butt, and take over all the household work so you can lounge around, and HE can wait on you!

Luv ya,

Title: Re: back surgery question :sorry not CH related
Post by cootie on Nov 30th, 2003, 6:59pm
Oh so sorry Minni your havein pain again......mine is screw'd and become chronic... but......'enuff' about me. Anyhow......I have read up alot on surgery and the good and the bad with it. Have read that sumtimes when they remove a disk they upset the balance of all the others and how everything is in place after all these years for all this time....and the least little change as in with surgery in the lineup as things have set can throw off discs below or above and begin a new regime of pain or problems. I would imagine alot also depends on your life style after srugery and condition of the rest of your back. Sum return to high impact or heavy duty jobs.Hopein sumone will step in here and help ya out that's HAD surgery.......2late had back surgery !! Love ya......Pam with the infamous bad spine also

Title: Re: back surgery question :sorry not CH related
Post by mikeyd on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:12am
Hi Minnie. I had a spondylolysthesis (sp?) at L5-S1 and I know exactly what you are going through. I  had spinal surgery in May and had L4-S1 fused with 6 screws and 2 pins. I'm still healing from the surgery and recouping. They told me 18-24 months to recover from it if everything goes well with no injuries.

Here are some important things to note:
1. Don't bend over or lift ANYTHING!!! Be very careful when you sneeze even!
2.If you are on pain medz, make sure that you are not active while you do them, meds mask the pain which is the MAIN indicator that you are overdoing it! Don't overdo it.
3.Physio,physio,physio. every time you get a chance, do you Physio. You really need to focus of repairing the injured site and the best way to do that is physio. But again...take it easy and don't over do it.
4.Sitting, try not to sit for too long at the computer desk or anywhere really for too causes too much pressure right there at L5-S1 from the wieght of the torso in the lumbar curve.
5.Your bed! If you are waking up with back pain your bed may be too soft...try putting a piece of plywood (or something else firm) between the matress and boxspring and firm it  up a little bit. If the matress is too soft you might consider another more firm matress.

I am also doing the aquasize physio and it works wonders. I stay totally away from muscle relaxants and pain killers...the mask too much of the light pain and might end up causing more problems than they are alleviating.

All done my little bit of [smiley=laugh.gif]
Hope it helps you Minnie!

Title: Re: back surgery question :sorry not CH related
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 1st, 2003, 5:40am
Had three of them (docs kept doing it till they got it right) L4 and L5.

Took about 6 months to get back after the last one. I'm really down on narcs so I took 3 bufferin when the pain got bad. Did that for years and it seemed to get rid of the pain pretty well.

WALK WALK  WALK. That limbers you up a lot. The aquatic stuff came later for me. Swimming is great and uses most of your muscles. But walking is the best exercise you can do.

Don't gain weight - every pound you put on puts 10 pounds of pressure on your back (I immediately gained 50 pounds just to test this theory - IT'S RIGHT!)

Don't sit for long periods, get a firm mattress and don't lay in bed for long periods.

It's not a fun time, but I really don't have any problems now. I do about what I want to and don't think about it until the weather changes - then I get some reminders that I had it done.

Try the 3 bufferin instead of pain killers. They worked well for me and you don't have the side effects that you do with pain killers.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: back surgery question :sorry not CH related
Post by Karla on Dec 1st, 2003, 7:20am
I had disk surgery on L5 - S1 last Dec. 6.  It pressed against the nerve root and caused my left leg/foot to go numb and droop.  After the surgery the intense pain was gone but a pressure remained for about 6 months after surgery.  I even had a second MRI done after the surgery to make sure nothing else was going on.  I still have numbness on my left side (lower back down) and leg/foot area.  Dr. said it will probably stay there for life.  I would talk to your dr and make sure you are on schedule for healing but it sounds normal to me.

Title: Re: back surgery question :sorry not CH related
Post by minnie on Dec 1st, 2003, 9:41am
      Thank you for you responses  :)   :)
          Chuck and Cootie Thank you for the vibes they are appreciated!Cootie everytime my backand neck hurts I think of you and Know I'm not alone.I am constantly sending pain free vibes to you.I think we all know how life altering chronic pain can be(God bless our clusterheads).
          Mikey d, Barbara D and Karla thank you for the advice and sharing your expriences.It really helps to hear that it seems to be "normal ?" healing.I only take
bextra for swelling and will get another shot in my trigger point (this will be my second).I prefer to not use narcotics myself (personal preferance not judging).I will continue my aqua therapy and hope this pressure and new pain will subside (fingers crossed).
                  once again THANK YOU ALL,
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