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(Message started by: jadedgazer on Nov 30th, 2003, 10:37am)

Title: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 30th, 2003, 10:37am
I have a pattern I follow and wondered if it is common...

I will get hammered for two or three days, 8-10 ha's at the 8-9 range on the kip scale and then I will have one day when I will get about 4-5 ha's that reach about 6 on the kip scale. Then two or three more days where I get hammered and one lighter day. It is like this all the time.

Anyone else go thru a pattern like this? Don't get me wrong, that light day is what keeps me sane most of the time.

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 30th, 2003, 11:33am
I run through "cycles" in my chronicness.  I have one or two "cycles" a year.  During my "normal" time, I get one or two hits a day, with an occaisional zero day (live for those!)  During one of my "cycles" I get 6 or more hits a day for about a month or so.  I am presently in the worst "cycle" I have ever had.  It has been going on since July, with 8 to 12 hits a day.  Hopefully it is starting to go away, as I am now down to 5 or 6 hits a day.

That is the way it has been for me for the last six years that I have been chronic.

Good question, as I have often wondered if other chronics have "cycles" within their "chronicness".

Why do I put quotes around the word "CYCLE"?  It is because I am not sure if that is the right term for a chronic to use.  Is it?


Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by Roxy on Nov 30th, 2003, 11:57am
Mine runs about the same as Chuck's.  Low and high cycles.  When my treatment is working.....I can have some PF days.....when it's not, it's a killer.  PF, to me, is only one or two ch's a day, high cycle is 5 ch's and up... [smiley=nono.gif].  I love only one or two hits a day.....I would never complain about that.

Just tried to go off of my verap......bad, bad thing to do....  [smiley=ohjez.gif], knocked me back into a massive, heavy cycle.  [smiley=mad.gif]

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 30th, 2003, 12:01pm
Mine do about the same. Cycles within chronicness - love that term.....

The days when I only hit a 4-5 are great. But spring and fall I have "regular" cycles of 8-12 hits a day. Weird but have gotten used to it.

We're not crazy - just in pain.....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 30th, 2003, 12:05pm

on 11/30/03 at 11:57:23, Roxy wrote:
Just tried to go off of my verap......bad, bad thing to do....  [smiley=ohjez.gif], knocked me back into a massive, heavy cycle.  [smiley=mad.gif]

Not too smucken fart, girl!  How do I know?  I did the same thing!  You would think we would be smart enough not to do that ... Oh welll ...  I have never been accused of being a rocket scientist!

I agree, one or two hits a day, is heaven!


PS:  Sorry to hear you are still fighting the beastly cycle, Tracy.  Hope you get it back under control soon!  Luv ya ...

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by Karla on Nov 30th, 2003, 1:02pm
I have not found any cycle within being chronic.  I get hit 8x everyday no matter what and almost all the times they are 10's.  Don't know what is up with that.  hmmm.

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by Prense on Nov 30th, 2003, 3:58pm
For me, attacks seem random...maybe on a much larger scale than annual, there may be a pattern of sorts.  ie, I may have 8 really bad days, then PF for up to a week.  I am not saying that's how it is always, just that I get occurances like that all year long.  The longest PF time I can remember is 10 days...which was fairly recent and medicated.  I'm gonna see if Lithium is the "numb"er of the beast starting next week.   ;;D


Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 30th, 2003, 8:04pm
I have to agree with Roxy.

PF to me is 2 or 3 per day.

The rest is not considered living.


Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 30th, 2003, 8:30pm
I'm not a chronic so far. Thank God. But the last 12 weeks have been more or less a roller coaster ride. 10's to 8's back to 10's to 5's to 9's to 7's to 10's etc. etc. Only a couple days off during this whole time. Usually average about 3-4 hits a day.

Sending you vibes for PFD's. Wishing you all the best !!!

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by Jayne on Nov 30th, 2003, 9:35pm
Yup..I have cycles within my chronicness...I had a lovely bout in July  and now I am getting hammered again.

I think I just need to take a couple of asprin and go lay down and destress a little and it might go away.

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by jadedgazer on Dec 1st, 2003, 8:12am
Thanks for the input. I did notice that June & July were rather peaceful. 2-3 hits per day and if I can remember correctly only 4s and 5s. It seems that I start ramping up in late August real good and run hard thru the middle of May every year.

Life is an adventure, ain't it?

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by 9erfan on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:21pm
Yep, I have cycles within my chronicness.  About every 3 months. About 70% of the time my chronicness is tolerable with 3 or 4 ha's a day at a KIP 6 or so.  The other 30% of the time they hit around 6 times a day at a KIP 9 or 10.

Title: Re: Question for the Chronics (or everyone)
Post by Tiannia on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:38pm
For me (and granted I am new to this considering) They started in July was getting hit about 3-4 times a day, (at that point I thoguht that was really bad) and about half were K8 or higher.  This went on for about 4 weeks gradually getting hit more times a day, then about 6 weeks into it I was getting hit about 7-8 times a day and mostly K7 and above.  Early Sept I hit consecutive K9-10 for about 3 days and ended up in the er. Then they gradually went back down to 12 PF days and then it started all over again. I am at my peek again (at least I think it is, God I hope it is) and I am praying that it wil cycle back down again.  

I hope that makes sence, I am at work, but still really wiped form yestaerday.

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