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(Message started by: ClusterChuck on Nov 28th, 2003, 6:59pm)

Title: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 28th, 2003, 6:59pm
Most of you remember Nancy's (OneEyeBlind) nephew, Christopher?  Remember, he had lost his leg to cancer, years ago, and the cancer has recently returned?  Well, he is going through a VERY rough time right now.  He and his family need your prayers and vibes.  Times have not been very good for him, of late.  Let's show him we are all still here for him.

For those of you who do not still have his address, here it is:

Christopher Smith
1003 Dellville Rd.
Duncannon, PA 17020

Let him and his family know we still care!


PS: OneEyeBlind's computer is down right now ... trojan horse ...

Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 28th, 2003, 8:18pm
My very best to Christopher through this tough time and throughout the year.

Steve G

Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by OneEyeBlind on Nov 28th, 2003, 9:05pm
I'm still on and off sporadically.  So if I dissapear ... don't worry.  

Christopher is now going to have to have stem cell replacement done.  It's a procedure much like a bone marrow transplant although his will be done with blood.  The process will take 2 - 3 months (most of the time hospitalized).  They will give him some massive doses of chem/radiation to kill off all the cancer cells they can.  They will then drain his blood and harvest the stem cells from it, and transfuse it back in.  This "harvesting" will then be followed by massive doses of chemo and radiation.  At this point he will have no imune system and will be in isolation.  The harvested stem cells will then be placed back into his body for regeneration and hopefully the imune system will begin to regenerate.  

He is having this done because the chemo is not working the way they had hoped and he is now suffering from bleeding/hemoraging due to the low blood counts and massive chemotherapy.  

They are hoping to be able to wait until after Christmas to do this procedure ... we'll see.  We take it one day at a time.  And all the while the boy still doesn't complain.  His smile isn't quite as bright as it used to be, but we are working on that ! We had a lovely Thanksgiving with all the family rallying together.  

Prayers and cards are appreciated.  Thanks Chuck for posting for me.  

Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by Little Deb on Nov 28th, 2003, 9:15pm
Big hugs and smiles for Christopher!
Praying for God to send a miracle.

Little Deb

Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by Elaine on Nov 28th, 2003, 9:16pm
We can all send Chrisopher something for Christmas! Isn't he about 17???

Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by jonny on Nov 28th, 2003, 9:22pm
25 people have viewed this thread and only two people have posted?

I dont care if you post to it or not....what I do care about is that you copy that damn address down and send this kid a card. dont forget to write "Clusterbud" somewhere on it, this kid did not ask for this shit just like you did not ask for CH so show him you have his back when he really needs it!!!!

Chris is now an honorary DO IT!!!


Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by ShariRae on Nov 28th, 2003, 9:52pm
I like Elaine's idea...I  know money is tight for a lot of people..especially with the holidays coming..but if we all pitched in..just what ya can...together we could sure make this a little easier for him if we bought him something.. i dunno...a game system...dvd player...anything to help pass the time...whattaya think?

Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 28th, 2003, 11:26pm
Vibes and Cards going up.

What can Christopher HAVE in isolation?  Does it have to be sterile?  He's probably got all the game systems and a laptop, right?  What else can we send?  Music cd's?  What kind of music is he into?


Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 28th, 2003, 11:55pm
Prayers and vibes off to Christopher          8)

Card will be in the mail tomorrow.


Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by Charlie on Nov 29th, 2003, 4:55am
It never ends I guess.

You have my wishes and vibes.

I like Elaine's idea. I'm in if it that's the plan. With a lot of us, it can be something really nice.


Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 29th, 2003, 6:31am
I will be more than happy to send a card out to this young lad. Do you have a separate address for a donation ?

Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by pubgirl on Nov 29th, 2003, 6:38am
Card will take a while to get there but is on its way.

Would also be happy to help get Christopher something to make his Christmas better.


Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by thomas on Nov 29th, 2003, 5:23pm

on 11/28/03 at 21:22:03, jonny wrote:
....what I do care about is that you copy that damn address down and send this kid a card. dont forget to write "Clusterbud" somewhere on it, DO IT!!!

All Hail the King.

Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by cathy on Dec 1st, 2003, 2:31am
Vibes and prayers still for Christopher....card on it's way......also happy to contribute towards a present...


Title: Re: Vibes and Cards needed - Christopher
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 1st, 2003, 3:41am
Prayers are on the way, Christopher....

... You've got alot of powerful people in the prayer and vibe departments pulling for you...

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